LOOKING BACKWARD From the Filet of The Rurallte of 16 yeare ago . The Sylva High basketeers broke loose Friday night with a barrage of shots that took the S.C.I, cagers under by the decisive score of 35-20. Following this game the Sylva High tossers put in their claim for the county champion ship, having defeated all teams in the county. The Methodist Woman's Mis sionary Society will meet with Mrs. A. S. Nichols Wednesday, Febru- ! ary 17. Mrs. S. L. Campbell will be leader. C. G< Queen of Kentucky is here H. R. Queen. Conrad Nichols of Atlanta spent the week-end with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Nichols. He had two friends, Messrs. McNeill and Teague, as guests. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. R. P. Potts was given a surprise birth- j day party by her sisters, Mrs. M. Buchanan, Mrs. M. D. Cowan and Mrs. S. W. Bryson. Fruit and cake were served by Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilburn and little Mary Alma and Margaret Wilkes, daughter of Dr. Grow Wilkes, were here last week, be ing called here by the death of Mrs. Wilburn's father, S. P. Wilkes. On last Thursday Mrs. C. C. Bu chanan was hostess to the mem bers of the Twentieth century club at Moore Dormitory at Cullowhee. Mrs. D. M. Hall presided. Mrs. Charles Gulley and Miss Lona Bill Braswell, members of the faculty, gave a program of songs and piano ielections. C The children's chapter of the U. D. C. had its February meeting at the home of Marjorie Grindstaff with Maude and Gay Battle as joint hostesses. The members pre sented a Washington program. The hostesses served ice oream, cake and delicious candies. Mrs. Fred McKee and little daughter, Patricia Ann, are visit ing her mother, Mrs. Lona Green, at Balsam. Baptist W.M.U. Conference To Be Held In Asheville The annual meeting of the North Carolina Woman's Missionary Un ion will beJaeld at the First .^Bap tist church in Asheville on March 11-13. An unusually strong array of guest speakers have been se- ' cured for the three-day meeting, i Three delegates are allowed, from each society and one from' Young Woman's Auxiliaries. Dele- i gates will arrange for their own expenses, and hotel reservations are made directly with hotels in Asheville. Delegate cards will be issued to those who desire to attend, and representatives to this meeting will be announced at a later date. Southeastern farmers who ex pect to plant Tift Sudan grass in 1947, should place orders^ith their seed dealers as early as possible, Dr. Glenn W. Burton, USDA plant scientist advises. He says there will not be enough seed to go around. 1 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Life Insurance Society Fraternity Protection Service BRITTON M. MOORE Sylva Representative Sylva, N. C. That Na^im? Backache May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action ^ Modern life with its hurry and worry, irregular habit*, improper eating and drinking?its risk of exposure and infec tion?throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, -swelling?feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent I urination. Try Doan'n PiU$. Doon'? help the kidneyt to pass off harmful excess bo'iy waste. They have had mora than half * century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. A$k your neighbor! doans Pills INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTOR WILL ASSIST TAXPAYERS A representative of the Internal Revenue Service will be available to assist taxpayers in filing their Federal Income Tax returns for 1946 during February and March in Jackson county as follows: February 19, 20, 21, and 24, Post Office Sylva. February 25 at Cullowhee. February 26 at Cashiers. ?Taxpayers are urged to have all records of income received and all income tax withheld or paid on estimate for 1946 with them. Taxpayers who are in business must have records of total income | received from all sources during I year and of all expenses and mer ijjhaindioe purohaeod^fftrinCiilfli during 1946 as well as inventory of mer chandise on hand as of January 1, 1946 and December 1946. Records should be written and amounts totaled as the represen tative of the Revenue Service can not in fairness to all taxpayers, total up the items of business re ceipts and expenditures or other wise keep books for the taxpayer. Every citizen or resident of the United States, including a minor, who had $500 or more gross income in 1946 must file a return. Every STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION: How can I rid my home of cockroaches? ANSWER: The most practical material for combatting this pest is either a five or ten percent DDT dust, according to Dr. Clyde F. Smith, entomologist with the N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station. The cockroach is killed by coming in contact with the dust, so every I possible hiding place of the roach must be thoroughly treated, Dr. Smith says. Make sure that all food and cooking utensils have been covered belore you apply the tKiM. yiwn Aunt rt mlTrtirF uaih'Br" behinds cupboards, wallboards, under sinks, and throughout cab inets. QUESTION: I have some apple trees that need pruning. When and how should this be done? ANSWER; According to instruc person who had less than $500 in come during the year but who had income tax withheld from wages must file a return before such tax can be refunded. tions prepared by the Horticultural Department oi the State College Extension Service, trees should be pruned in late winter, or before growth starts. Remove one-fOurth of the terminal growth of ?"one year-old" whips. Prune two-year old trees, or one-year whips after one seasons growth, by selecting several branches spaced six inches apart, and with the lowest lateral branch two feet above the ground. Prune lightly until the trees reach bearing age. For more detailed pruning information, write for If. C, Agricultural Extension Circular No. 205, Pruning the Apple Tree." QUESTION: How long will the Tobacco Stabilization Program be in operation? ANSWER: A statement from L. -T... ?^?^ry_tr^pg?r*>r the Flue-Cured Tobacco Co-oper ative Stabilization Corporation fol lows: "The length of time this Cor poration will operate depends on the action of the tobacco growers. So long as the producers vote to produce under the quota system, the Stabilization Corporation will operate as it is now." In North Carolina the average annual production of timber has been approximately 1.2 billion bd. ft. during the past 35 years. FUNERAL RITES HELD MONDAY AFTERNOON FOR BEN H. HOOPER Funeral services for Ben H. Hooper, 71, who died at hi* home in Speedwell, February 8, were held Monday, February 10, at. the Speedwell Methodist churgh at 2 p. m. with the Rev. E. A. Fitzger ald in charge of the rites. Burial followed in the Speedwell ceme tery. Mr. Hooper was a well known farmer of the Speedwell section and was a member of the Metho dist church. He is survived by his widow, Mr?. Lavina Polly Williams Hoop er; four sons, E. L. and Hayes of Spartanburg, S. C. and John and Leon of Speedwell; three daugh- j ters. Rose, Faye and Marjone, all i of Canton. Joan Curry Member Montreat May Court Miss Joan Curry, who is a stu dent at Montreat College, Mon treat, has been selected as a mem ber of the college May Day Court. Miss Curry, daughter of Mrs. Claywell Hyde, formerly of Sylva, is 'a tenth grade student at Mon treat. She attended Sylva high school, enrolling at Montreat this year. NONE MORE THANKFUL TO RETONGA. SHE STATES Distress From Nervous In digestion Had Nagged Her For Years, But She Can Eat Plenty Now And Feels Better Than In Years, Says Mrs. Owens. Regains Lost Weight Among the most recent of the many thousands oi well-known in dividuals in every walk ol' like who have voluntarily given Hetonga unstinted praise is Mr?. Sid Owens, ?filO..fibs&elt. St.. Anderson, S. C. "Distress from nervous indiges tion nagged me for years,'' stated Mrs. Owens, "and I got to where I had to live on soft foods. I had no appetite and even- the lightest diet made me feel bloated and like I had swallowed coals of fire. Gas frequently shoved up against my chest until I almost had to gasp to breathe. I felt high-strung and many nights I couldn't sleep as much as an hour. Mornings I hard ly had strength to dress myself, I lost weight and felt so weakened I simply couldn't do my house work. "Hfctorvga brought me grand re lief from all this distress. I now eat anything I want and enjoy It, I hiive regained my lost weight andl I get refreshing sleep. I feel bet ter and stronger than in a long time. No one could be more thank ful fur Ketonga than I." Ketonga is intended to relieve distress due to insufficient flow ol digestive juices in the stomach, lam of appetite, Vitamin B-l deficiency iuid constipation. Accept no sulv stitute. Ketonga may be obtain?# at Sytva Pharmacy^=Adv. The Production and Marketing Administration is now prepared to provide a consulting service fey specialists for improvement of fee nation's sub-standard marketing facilities. ?_ Individual steers entered in the 1947 International Livestock Expo** sition will be classified by rather than by weight, as hereto fore. Remember the old story? Where the teacher said: "Jimmy, how would you divide three apples among four people?" And Jimmy answered: "Make apple sauce!". We wish Jimmy could solve our problem that easily. We've done our best to keep production up and prices down . . . delivering thousands of 1946 Fords. But we still have unfilled orders for over a million more. You know the reason for the lag in filling those orders ... the labor shortages, the material ' > 0 V shortages, and all those other hitches in getting back to normal. That doesn't leave us many apples to divide. And as fair and square as we try to be, we just can't make apple sauce from automobiles. But what we can do is tell you what a great Ford you've got coming up in your future. And while you're waiting, one other thing we can do is urge you to let us keep an eye on your present Ford to protect your safety, comfort and investment., lour Ford Dealer REECE-HAMPTON MTR. CO., Inc. WE RiALIZI... that the present abnormal demand for auto mobiles will not last forever; that the day will come when WE SHALL BE KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR asking for business. Therefore, as in the past, we are endeavoring to so conduct our business that we may always merit your confidence and respect