Society and Personal American Legion Auxiliary To Sponsor Tacky Party Members of the American Le gion Auxiliary will sponsor a com munity tacky party for adults on February 17 at the Sylva Com munity house. Proceeds from the party will be used for the building of the Memorial Fountain. Miss Alice Benton anci Miss Helen Hartshorn, members of the physical education department at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege, will be in charge of the recre ation and Rev. Mark Osborne, Jr., ...Will -give several xea.d.i.Ojgs,v, Several interesting features have been planned for the evening and light refreshments will be served. Prizes will be given the tackiest man and woman present. Admis sion to the party will be fifty cents and members of the Legion Auxili ary will be selling tickets this week. Mrs. Stovall Hostess To Members Of Bridge Club Mrs. Philip Stovall was hostess at her home Friday night to mem bers Of her bridge club. Two tables were made up for play, and at the conclusion of the game Mrs. E. L. McKee held high score and Mrs. Keith Hinds, second high. In addition to Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Hinds, others attending were Edith Sutton, Eddie Marie Sutton, Margaret Wise, Daisy Wilkes, Edith Hall, and Wilma Jones. The hostess served a desert course. * * * Prof, And Mrs..Phillips Entertain At Dinner Prof. and-^Mrs. Cyrils. G. Phil lips, teachers in the Training-school: at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege, will entertain a group of as sociate teachers and friends at dinner at the Little Dining Room Sunday, February 16, at 1 o'clock. BATTERIES FOR SALE Willard" and "Auto-Lite" HEAVY DUTY AUTO AND TRUCK BATTERIES 1 7 and 23 Plate LIMITED NUMBER- ONLY Buchanan Auto & Electric Co. "We Service What We Sell" Telephone 53-W Sylva, N. C. C good/viar tires ** -Oltf NEW TIRES DESERVE NEW TUBES Goodyear DeLuxe Heavy Duty Tubes $4.03 Tax Incl. 600 x 16 ?* Goodyears are scarce?? be cause to many motorists pre fer the best to all the rest. But, Mister, it will pay you dividends to hold out. You'll get longer mileage, extra ser vice and greater safety when your size is available in those rugged, wear resistant G?< years. Mean while, see us for mileage stretch ing tire service. $17.75 Tax Incl. 600 x 16 MISS BUCHANAN BECOMES BRIDE OF JAMES SWAGGERTY Miss Nan Louise Buchanan, daughter of Mrs. Florence Buchan an of Webster, was married to James Swaggerty of Cincinatti, Ohio, on Saturday evening, Jan uary _ 25, in the Mount Vernon Baptist church, Arlington, Va. The Rev. Willard Pierce, pastor, per formed the candlelight service, us ing the double ring ceremony. The church was decorated with palms, white gladiolus, and snap dragons with candelabra holding lighted tapers. A program of wedding music was presented by the church or ganist, and the traditional-wed ding marches were used. The bride wore a light blue gab erdine suit with black accessories and a corsage of white rosebyds^ Miss Elizabeth Allman of Web ster served as maid of honor. She* wore a bittersweet suit with matching accessories. Her corsage was of talisman roses. John Odell of Washington, D. C., served as Mr. Swaggerty's best man. Immediately following the cere mony a reception was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. G. Henry, of Arlington, Va., for members of the family, close friends and out of town guests. After the reception the couple left by motor for a wedding trip to Cincinatti and points south. Upon their return they will be at home at 1761 Park Road, N. W., Washington, D. C. The bride is a graduate of Web ster high school, attended Western Carolina Teachers College at Cullowhee, and Temple College in Washington, D. C. For the past five years she has been employed with the Surgeon General's office in Washington. The bridegroom attended Cin cinatti schools and at present is a chief petty officer in the U. S. navy. * * * Mrs. Corbin Hostess To U. D. C. Meeting On Thursday evening Mrs. J. F. Corbin was hostess for the Feb ruary meeting of the B. H. Cathey chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, at her home on Col lege Hill. In the absence of both the president and vice-president, Mrs. J. H. Wilson presided. The meeting was opened by a responsive reading of the chapter ritual. A number of important business matters were discussed and acted upon. Miss Bertha Cunningham re ported on the Lee-Jackson "Day program held at the Sylva elemen tary school. Mrs. W. L. Jones presented H. E. Monteith, guest speaker for the meeting. He spoke on "The Boy and the Girl," pointing out the negligence of the people toward these youth of today and urging' us to rededicate ourselves to this, the most important task of our time. .The hostess served an ice course which carried out the Valentine motif in both the cakes and ices. The March meeting will be with I Mrs. Mary R. Cowan. ! , * * * Young Adult Class Met Monday Evening The Young Adult Class of the I Methodist SUnday school had its regular business meeting and party Monday evening in Allison Chapel. Mrs. Dennis Barkley and Mrs. Jake Bales, the hostesses, had planned for an informal recreational hour, after which they served a salad course to the twenty members present. Following this a short business session was held, presided over by the vice-president, Mrs. Raymon Stovall, in the absence of the presi dent, T. N. Massie. Thp class is al ready supporting a child at the Methodist orphanage and voted to provide funds to care for another one of these children. This class is one of the most active in the Sunday school. It has two evening meetings each month. During the absence of the teacher, Dan Tompkins, various members of the class are being asked to fill the vacancy. * * * . Mrs. Sutton Hostess For S. S. Class Meet Mrs. R. U. Sutton entertained on Monday evening the Inez Cathey Sunday School class of the Metho dist church. Mrs. Sutton is presi dent and presided over the busi ness hour. The members voted to sponsor a movement to secure a full-time worker for the young people. Mrs. Frank Freeze reviewed an Those included in this courtesy will be Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Houts, Mr. Crum and mother, Mrs. Crum, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, all of Cullo whee, and Mr. and Mr? M. L. Snipes of Sylva. PERSONALS Mrs. Kate Grace Warffemius and small daughter, Juanita Leona, left Saturday to return to their home in Brandywine, Va. after "having spent several days here with Mrs. Warffemius' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bisenet, ahd her grandmother, Mrs. Columbus Buchanan at Wil mot. Mrs. Warffemius was called here on account of the death of her grandfather, Mr. Columbus Buchanan. Mrs. Ute Hyatt, who has spent the greater part of the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Reginald Per ry, and family in Knoxville, Ten nessee, is spending some time in Sylva with "her brothers, Mr. Cary Allison and Mr. Charlie Allison, and families and other relatives. Mrs. Joe Sutton-^s spending some time in Buckaroe Beach, Va. jS^SgfF daughter,"""Sirs: **r<5d' Hpape^Aftd family. mi""Miss Elizabeth Dditz^ who is em ployed in San^Tanti^^-C^ -'ar "*4/f ' - ? ? * r" ** ^ rived last week for an etflgrided vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Riyisom Dcitz of greens" Creek. Miss Deitz received.^her discharge from the WACS more than a year ago, but had remained in California where she is employ ed by the government. Miss Jean Barrett, student at Converse college, accompanied by two college friends, Misses Ellen Mae Pead and Barbara Barnard, spent the week-end with Miss Jar rett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barrett, - at their home in Dills boro. Mr. E. M. Lloyd has returned from a month's vacation with rela tives in California. While there he visited his brothers, Jack at San Francisco and Reagan at Engle wood, also his sisters, Mrs. E. L. Vincant at Bell and Mrs. Warner Bryant at Englewood. Mr. Lloyd accompanied his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Lloyd, who had spent the past six months here with relatives, and Mrs. Alice Hall of Bryson City to San Francisco. Mrs. Charles Reed is in New York City this week buying spring and summer merchandise for Hale's Ready-To-Wear. Mrs. Carl Killian and Miss Cath leen Davis of Cullowhee high school accompanied Miss Edith Walker to her home in Greenville, S. C. Friday where she was called on account of the illness of her mother. Miss Walker is also a member of -the Cullowhee high school faculty. Sol Schulman left Sunday for Miami Beach, Fla. where he will spend a two weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. James Clements and daughters, Mary Bob and Car ol Dean, and Evelyn Davis of Web ster recently visited Mr.''and Mrs. S. E. Burns of Spartanburg, S. C. Mrs. Sam Rhea has returned from Fort Myers, Florida, where she spent the past month with her daughter, Mrs. R. T. Hawkins. Miss Elva Rhea, who is employed in Knoxville, Tenn., has returned after spending the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. Sam Rhea. Miss Hixie Ashe, who is em ployed in Washington, D. C. spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. F. M. Ashe, of Greens Creek. Clarence Curtis of Seattle, Washington arrived Sunday and will visit his neice, Mrs. J. E. Buckner, of Sylva and his sister, Mrs. Florence Hampton, of Bry son City. ' Mrs. Chester Harris has returned to Franklin after spending the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Phillip Stovall, and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pettit, Jr., and daughter, Lydia, were called to Asheville Sunday, due to the serious illness of Mr. Pettit's moth er, Mrs. C. C. Pettit, Sr. Dan Tompkins, representative for Jackson county in the General Assembly, spent the week-end at home with Mrs. Tompkins and relatives. Homemakers Class Meets With Mrs. James Harris Mrs. James Harris was hostess at a meeting of the Homemakers Sunday school class of Scott's Creek Baptist church last Tuesday afternoon at her home at Maple Springs. The president, Mrs. Albert Rob inson, presided over the business session and Mrs. Mary Jones had the devotional for the afternoon. During the social hour, Mrs. Hayes Beasl?y and Mrs. Loy Bryson, a guest from Maryville, Tenn., won the prizes in the contests. Mrs. Harris, assisted by Mrs. Robinson,' served a salad course. other chapter of the book, "Women Characters the Bible." Rebecca was the character for this. This is a of studies being presented each month by Mrs. Freeze. Mrs. Sutton, assisted by her daughters, Rachel and Leah, served a sweet course. Twelve members were present. Calendar of Events Thursday] feburary 13? Twentieth Century club will meet with Mrs. C. C. Buchanan at Cullowhee at 1:00 p. m. Mrs. E. L. McKee is president. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13? Wild Lite club will meet at the City Hall at 7:30 p. m. Steadman Mitchell, president. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14?Hal cyon Club will have a Valentine dinner in Allison building at 7:00 p. m. Mrs. Claude Campbell is president. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17?Sylva Home Demonstration club will meet with Mrs. R. U. Sutton at 2 p. m. Mrs. Sutton is president. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1-8?Pro gram meeting of W.M.S.voil Sylva Baptist church will meet at home ~ of Mrs. R. L. Glenn at 3 p. m. Please note change of date and ? place aiimceting. TUESDAY^ FEBRUARY 18?Ro tary (*tCu> dinner meeting at 6:30 p. m. in Allison chapel. W. E. Ensor, president. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18?Camp Fire Girls will m?et immediately after school in Sylva elementary school auditorium. Joyce Nichol son is president. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18?The Woman's club will meet' with Mrs. Harry Ferguson at 7:30 p. m. Miss Hicks Vv liaun is pi esiueiu. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19? W.M.S. of Sylva Baptist church will have all-day meeting at the parsonage to study, "Shining As the Stars." Meeting will begin at 10 a. m. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20? Ruby Daniel Circle of the WMS of the Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Porter Scroggs. Mrs. Scroggs is circle chairman. coco SUFFERERS! G?t famous, pre?crlptlon-typ?" for ?up*r-?pc*dy relief from cold miseries Try Cold Tablet*, or. Liquid Coli itZ/ ? Freparatton today- y J Caution Una only v us dlrwt?>i. ' W.M.U. Meeting Held With Mrs. Monteith The Woman's Missionary Society I of the Sylva Baptist church met last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. H. E. Monteith at her home on College Hill. The new presi dent, Mrs. Crawford Smith, pre sided. Plans were discussed for the all-day meeting to be held Wednesday, February 19, with Mrs. C. M. Warren at which time the mission study book, "Shining Like the Stars" will be studied. A cov ered dish luncheon will be served. The hostess served a Sntad course. * * * Ruby Daniel Circle Meets With Mrs. Campbell The Ruby Daniel Circle of the \ I Woman's Missionary Society of the Svlva Baptist church met last [Thursday evening with Mrs. Char i lie Campbell. The president, Mrs. Porter Scroggs, was in charge of the business hour of the meeting. Mrs. Nelson Tatham gave the de votional and Mrs. Claude Jones presented the program, which dealt with the Jewish situation in the world today. The members brought a shower of magazines to be given to the prisoners at the camp at Whittier. The hostess served a salad course to the ten members present. * * * Dillsboro H. D. Club Meets The Dillsboro Home Demonstra tion club met with Mrs. J. E. Bar rett at her home on Friday after noon, February 7, with 10 mem bers present. Miss Helen Sossamon, home agent, presided, and plans were discussed for cleaning and beautifying the town. All residents and property owners are being urged to keep their premises clean for the benefit of all. Miss Sossa mon gave a demonstration for making rolls. The hostess served a salad course. RT7 theatre I M? WEEKLY PROGRAM Night Shows: 7:00 & 9:00 P. M.? Mat. Sat.? Late show Sat. 10:30 Adm.:Adults 3ic t^x incl.?Children under 12 yrs. 12c tax Inc. Thursday-Friday, February 13-14 TILL THE END OF TIME DOROTHY McGUIRE and GUY MADI80N Saturday, February 15 TRIGGER FINGERS JOHNNY MACK BROWN JKate Show 10:30? THE CHASE ROBERT CUMMINGS and MICHELE MORGAN Monday-Tuesday, February 17-18 THE BIG SLEEP HUMPHREY BOGART and LAURAN BACALL Wednesday, February 19 DOWN MISSOURI WAY MARTHA O'DRISCOLL and JOHN CARRADINE All Children not In arms will have to purchase a ticket to enter any performance at this Theatre. When you need new merchandise, invest your money in the best at the least possible cost. We suggest that you come to BELK'S DE PARTMENT STORE and see our high quality merchandise. And when you need work clothes that will take hard wear, come on down to our basement. Our stock can't be beat. It's made to take the rough est treatment. All standard brands. Men'# Dungarees "HEAD LIGHT" $2.45 "BIG DAD" $2.69 Hoy*9 Overalls "BLUE BUCKLE" $1.89 "POINTER" $2.42 itoffM * Dungarees "STEVENS" $2.48 "BLUE BUCKLE" $1.79 >#pn'm Work Pants "MOLESKIN" $3.95 "DRYBAK" $3.95 KHAKI . $2.66 to $3.95 Men's Overalls 100 Pet. long fibre cotton denim "HEAD LIGHT" .... $3.95 "JACK RABBIT" $3.00 "BLUE BUCKLE" _...$3.45