Classified Ads and Legals RATES: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 350. Cards of Thanks, one cent per word, 500 minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams, obituaries, one cent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE 40,000 GOOD JOBS A MONTH NO PREVIOUS TRAINING NECESSARY Postal Clerks Crane Operators Draftsmen Meat Technicians Motor Inspectors Investigators Demolition Technicians Stenographers Accountants Shop Clerks Glider Mechanics Traffic Analysts Your new Regular Army needs ap : proximately 40,000 men a month in order to fill important peace time posts. It is offering 40,000 good jobs a month to the men who can measure up. Starting pay is $75 a month, in addition to food, clothing, quarters, medical and dental care. The chance is excellent, and you learn valuable skills and trades while .serving. Three-year enlistments allow choice of branch of service from those with vacancies, and_ choice of overseas theaters which still have openings. Get your start with the Army. Inquire at your U. S. Army Re cruiting Station, Post Office, Ashe ville, N. C. or Bank ?ldg., Franklin, N. C. LOST?Between Sylva and Web ster billfold with identification card, social security card and other valuable papers, name William P. Constance. Return to Herald office. 37* MRS. E. O. MASHBURN, agent for Avon products?-cosmetics* lo tion, perfume, men's shaving sels, etc. 37-40* FOR SALE?International 1941 1 ton pick-up truck. G. Frank Sauter, Highway No. 107 near Shoal Creek school house. WhiU tier, N. C. 37-38* FOR SALE?New brick house, steam heat Mrs. O. L. Cope, Sylva, N.cC. 36-37* BABY CHICKS?Get new price list and save money. WORTH WHILE CHICKS, 101 W. North Avenue, Baltimore 1, Md. 36-51* FOR SALE?Nice level lots in Love Field. Approximately 160 ft. on Cullowhee road. Edgar Tur pin, Love Field. 36-37* FOR SALE?Tree ripened oranges, - grapefruit or tangerines, per bushel No. $1.25; No. 2 $1.00 with bushel No. 1 $1.25; No. 2 $1.00 with Fla. Fruit not run through pack ing house. Express 97 cents. J. S. Higdon, Eustis, Fla. 35-37* WANTED?Single man for eve- | ning hotel desk work. Will not interfere with present employment. Room furnished. Call at Hotel Carolina, Sylva, N. C. 34tfn CONCRETE BLOCKS for build ing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hays, below bridge In Franklin. Pnone 903, Highlands, N. C. 6-21tf FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf FOR SALE?Twenty acres land, five room house. Eight acres level. Plenty of water. Hamburg section. Ample barn room and out buildings. See A. J. Dills. 35-36 TIRED OF BEING BOSSED? Are you earning what you're really worth? Satisfied with your hours. Ever consider a Watkins route serving farm families with daily used necessities, known and liked for more than 78 years. See B. E. Blanton, Dillsboro, N. C. 36-39* MUGGS AND SKEETER Wf' T" M SKEETER. GIVE /WE > , pf TWO PRONOUNS'' ft*?, A <*LASS BLOWSR WHCA| MET SHOULO HAVfiT KX KALCO T t MRS O.O.MCAFFflTW# WHg?L(N4 W. VA ? OBAtertOAH* ooes A PO"rre^*>L.Ai4T even HAVS HICCUPS'? jom oo^sgr gi-Tv ^L?ST*K IS> i / QUALLA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cody of Bryson City were the guest* ol Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gibson last Sun day. Mrs. Sallie Parris and Mrs. Pierce Elders and daughter, Wilma, are spending a few days with rela tives in South Carolina. Frank Cooper visited his sister, Mrs. Lee Brooks, at Enka Sunday afternoon. Mrs. O. C. Roehm called on Mr. and Mrs. Dock Snyder and family, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sitton spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carnes and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brooks and family. Zell Stillwell spent a few days last week with his daughter in Georgia. Miss Hester Owens spent Sun day night with Mr. and Mrs. Caro Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gunter were guests of Mr .and Mrs. Estes Tolbert and family, Sunday night. District NCEA, Meet To Be In Asheville Saturday Officers and leaders of the Jackson County unit of the North Carolina ^Education association have been invited to attend a meeting of leaders of the western district to be held in the ballroom of the George Vanderbilt Hotel in' Asheville, Saturday afternoon, February 15, at 2 o'clock. This meeting is for the officers, com mittee chairmerr'of local units, su perintendents, and principals of the western district. Matters of interest to members of the association will be discussed. Arrangements for the meeting have been made by Miss Thomasine Un derwood, president of the district. Joseph Thad Robinson Passes At Home Feb. 8 Funeral services for Joseph Thad Robinson, 80, who died at his home on Long Branch, near Dillsboro, February 8, were held at the home of the deceased Monday, February 10. The Rev. W. N. Cook conducted the rites, assisted by Rev. T. F. Blankenship. Burial "followed In" the Rojbinson cemetery. fT Hbb inson was an active member of the Dicks Creek Bap tist church. On Dec. 30, 1894 he married the. former Miss Nancy Elizabeth Brown, who survives. In addition he is survived by two children, Otelia and Russel; one sister, Donie Robinson; one brother, Jeff Robinson; four grandchildren and one great grandchild. Total capacity of the pulp and paper plants of North Carolina in 1941 was 1,055 tons of pulp in 24 hours. Household Hint To raise the pile on worn velvets hole* the wrong side of the fabric nemr the spout of a steaming kettle, or dang over a tub of steaming water. Do not touch the garment while it is damp, but hang in an airy place and brush up the pile when completely dry. Mr. Ashe states that he will be available for service to veterans regarding their applications aft approvals at the City Hall. CULLOWHEE NEWS Mrs. R. D. White, Jr., and daugh ter, Olivia Anne, of Charlotte are spending two weeks with Mrs. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Battle of Cullowhee. Friends of Harley Shelton will be glad to know he is improving in the C. J. Harris hospital, after 'having undergone an operation. Miss Edythe Walker has been called to her home in Greenville, South Carolina due to the illness of her mother. Mrs. Robert Cotter has returned to her home in Cullowhee after having been called to Jacksonville, Fla. on account of the illness of her brother-in-law. Miss Nelle Bond has been called to her home in Tennessee due to the illness of her father. a Savannah-Webster PTA To Hear Mrs. McKee The Savannah and Webster Parent Teacher Associations will hold a joint meeting of their or ganizations on Tuesday afternoon, February 18, at 2:30 o'clock at the Savannah school. The Webster group will furnish the program with Mrs. E. L. McKee, of Sylva, as the principal speaker. The Sa vannah group will serve refresh ments. Members of both associa-* tions and patrons of the schools are urged to attend.*. Read for profit?Use for results. HERALD WANT ADS TOO TIRED Triena restores pep to youngsters un* der 12 who ore "too tired to play" because of faulty elimination. Prompt relief for upset stomach and gas du* to constipation. Contains senna. Ef fective,gentle. Delicious prune-juice flavor. Caution: use only os directed. 30c, large size, 50c. HTL * ALLIED DRUG I | 1 PRODUCTS CO. Ch.i 11 jnooi;j. Tonn UNUSUAL DESIGN We are noted for the in dividuality which dis tinguishes our monu ments. SYLVA GRANITE and MARBLE WORKS At SaHttamon'tt Ain't Nobody here But Us Chickens Let the Good Times Roll ? Louis Jordan Tippin' In Remember ? Erskine Hawkins The More I Go Out With Somebody Else .. You Are Everything To Me ?Andy Russell Save Me A Dream There's No Holding Me ?Freddy Martin The Coffee Song The Things We Did Last Summer ? Frank Sinatra Pig Foot Pete Your Conscience Tells You So ?Freddie Slack Sweet Georgia Brown It Is Better To Be By Yourself ? King Cole Trio You Was Right Baby What More Can A Woman Do ?Peggy Lee You Can't See The Sun Whe* You're Crying And So To Bed ?Vaughn Monroe Huggin' and Chalkin' I Think You're Wonderful ?Hoagy Carmichael September Song Temptation ? Blng Crosby Cherokee To Each His Own ?Opie Cates There's Nothing The Matter With Me I Guess I'll Get The Papers ?Herbie Fields The Moment 1 Met-You That Went Out With Button 8hoes ?Tommy Dorsey After Hours It's Full Or It Ain't No Good ?-Erskine Hawkins I Got A Gal Named Nettie Hey Now, Hey Now ?Cab Calloway Live and Learn I Talk To Myself About You ?Eddy Arnold Long Gone Baby One Little Teardrop Too Late ?Bob Atcher The forests of North Carolina help to protect the watersheds of over 100 -hydroelectric -develop ments and many municipal water supply systems. In 1938, 406,000 cords of pulp wood were used in North Carolina. William It. Oillard ?Building Contractor Houses Built UnderT. H. A. Plan CONCRETE WORK SYLVA, N. C. lumber and building materials Coal and Wood Heaters Magazine Type wood saws ? hammer mills Gates Tires and Tubes SYLVA COAL AND LUMBER COMPANY Phone 71 Sylva, N. C. OLIVINE PRODUCTS Corporation GENERAL STORE AND OFFICE LOCATED ON CULLOWHEE-SYLVA HIGHWAY (N. C. 107) 3 MILES FROM 8YLVA. Crushed Rock, Sand Gravel, Building Stone EXPLOSIVES GASOLINE AND OIL P. O. Address Sylva, N. C. The Professional Drug Store ? Cole Building Basement * Two Licensed Pharmacists To Serve You 60c Bottle ALKA SELTZER 49c 11.25 Bottle ANACIN 98c $1.00 Bottle CARDUI 89c $1.26 Bottle PETROGALAR 89c $1.50 Bottle PINKHAM'S COMPOUND 89c 1 and 2 lb. Assorted CHOCOLATES, lb $1.75 $1.20 Can S M A . 98c Handy Boxes CLEANING TISSUES 15c & 30c Five Blades and GILLETTE RAZOR 49c Ronson LIGHTERS $5.50 T? $7 Schick ELECTRIC RAZORS $15.00 75c Household RUBBER GLOVES 59c Bottle 100 25c SACCHARIN TABLETS .. FILMS ? Nos. 127-120-620-616-116 130-118 PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORE "The Best For Less"