Classified Ads and Legals RATES: One .cent per word per insertion, minimum of 350. Cards of Thanks, one cent per word, 500 minimum. Resolutions -of respect, memoriams, obituaries, one cent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE I FOR SALE?1939 Chevrolet four door sedan. Heater, excellent condition throughout. S900. Call 2 291, Madison Hall, W.C.T.C., or contact Hilders Holder. ' 38* 1946 DODGE Pick-up truck for sale. 11,000 miles. See Sam P. Cogdill, Cullowl"vee, N. C. 38-39* FOR SALE?Good baled hay. $1.75 per hundred pounds. Roy Tritt, East LaPorte, N. C. 33-41* LOOKING FOR THAT SILVER LINING? You'll find it for sure with the U. S. Army. At no expense, you'll get the finest medical and dental care, excellent quarters, sports, recreation, and travel opportuni ties. You'll get new higher pay rates (plus 20% for overseas serv ice). Learn a profession and save while you earn. Get full details at your nearest Army Recruiting Station, Post Office, Asheville, N. C. or Bank Bldg., Franklin, N. C. WANTED?Girl 25 to 35 years old to do general office work in small town in Piedmont section. Must have high school education. Write Box 307, Sylva, N. C., or phone 110. -< 38-39* WANTED?Middle aged woman to do light house work and stay with my wife who is 36 years old. No outside work Or laundrying. Write P. O. Box 307, Sylva, N. C. 38-39* FOR SALE?1 1936 Ford coach, new motor, 4 new tires, in A-l condition. The price is right. 1 ma ple bedroom set, like new. 1 cook stove in very good shape. 1 Ford V-8 motor less generator and start er. Can be seen at Cagle's Cash Grocery, Greens Creek, N. C. 38* FOR SALE?Plug mule cheap. J. B. Coates, Hall Farm, Webster, N. C. 38-39* MRS. E. O. MASHBURN, agent for Avon products?cosmetics, lo tion, perfume, men's shaving sets, etc. 37-40* FOR SALE?International 1941 1 ton pick-up truck. G. Frank Sauter, Highway No. 107 near Shoal Creek school house. Whit tier, N. C. 37-38* BABY CHICKS?Get new price list and save money. WORTH WHILE CHICKS, 101 W. North Avenue, Baltimore 1, Md. 36-51* WANTED?Single man for eve ning hotel desk work. Will not interfere with present employment. Room furnished. Call at Hotel Carolina, Sylva, N. C. 34tfn CONCRETE BLOCKS for build ing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. ..Hays, below bridge in Franklin. Phone 90S, Highlands, N. "C. 6-2 ltf FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf TIRED OF BEING BOSSED? Are you earning what you're really worth? Satisfied with your hours. Ever consider a Watkins route serving farm families Vith daily used necessities, known and liked for more than 78 years. See B. E. Blanton, Dillsboro, N. C. 36-39* WANTED?A room by an elderly man. V. Lund, Hotel Carolina. 38* FOR SALE?Home, plenty out buildings, 40 acres good land in Cabbage belt of Hamburg. See A. J. Dills. 38 Odd Fact In Arkansas, a prisoner out on parole during the Christmas h li days, returned to the prison a few minutes before his leave expired, at the wheel of a stolen ear.. RESOLUTIONS of RESPECT IN h?nor OF professor EDGAR HERMAN STILLWELL ?>r,fl'iSt0ry f finishes repeated ex amp]es in the experiences of men wherem their most cherished - hefrtofthp? in?the ^mmon neait Oi their immediate grouns or communities are deeply affected by lo^es or sorrows. Happiness can not go unbroken, and joys ai'eco nf in 8 cr'6^e3--b3'3n?ffeV:t, ol saddening effect. Society is thus constantly reminded of the mut ability of lire and therefore of the rh? t0nS that 8've form and chaiacter to its various human spheres of interest. man This great truth has been e~iw nitvyth?P'^SSeh upon the commu nity, the churches, the college and within t'h6 groups at Cullowhee I * ?se reeent weeks. In the' SUllweH frofefsor, E1gar Herman | otillwell a particular far-reaching sorrow has fallen like a pall on th2 ' hearts of an unusually large num i ber of people. It is, thereforein ' a moment of solemn reminiscence commrf' aS fellow members of one' common group in which the mainr Portion of his life's ener^ils wire spent, now pause to pay this sDe cial tribute, inadequate though it duehimf eXPIeSSi0n ?f the ^or WHEREAS, for more than fortv bwoffh ,H/ St,i,llwe11 w*s a mem ber of the faculty of Western Cam the3 h?et erSf College' sharing in y 0 lts 8r?wth through numerous well-marked stages fraught with hardships and dU couragements as well aS with rich and happy moments of success* WHEREAS, during his service as Dlifi^H ln tyte Colle8e exem plified so nearly completely all thp essential qualities of a great teach! eniovment16' schKolarshiP. Profound teaohlSH iA .1t applied art of teaching, love of his subject svm ftanJ and f?r and under m?nH2Hg 0f hls students, broad f?n?te rpiS^nd J^egrity in the in nite relationships within the classroom faithfulness to duty fi! of his nrnf established standards of his profession; and WHEREAS, in the religious life ZLmH commu,nity' he an en! th? e2an}p'e as Chairman of t!lt ru u . Deacons of the Bap tist Church, teacher of the Colleee fhe" Joint CM?tV SlaSS' founder of i5 j 5* Methodist and BaDtist Ni?ht Bible Stu& Sftfu o and hlstorian of the church Sunday School Superin tendent, and liberal benefactor to church endeavors; and WHEREAS, in the intricate rela tionships with his fellow-teachers aufhoritv thh?S8 in adminis*rative authority, his every act was marked with a spirit of unselfish J*ess and a true regard for the WHERFA^1SweS,?f ?ihers; and WHEREAS, he found time to de vote his services to public speak anH in fCiVIC aJ*d reli^OUS groups, and to the arduous task of an au riMiaH fWnter of numerous his m/Sfi* ? concerning his native mountain region; and f W^^?AS, the life and Charac ter of the deceased was such as to command the love and respect as well as to merit the emulation of all who knew him?therefore be RESOLVED, that is the sense of all who knew Professor Edgar Herman Stillwell, not only in all the local organizations of his home community in which he labored, h U??rKUfh0Ut the Wtire State ?i which his services were so ef fectively rendered, that in his J? ? Are?_* loss has been suf inTu y '"dividual friends and by society in general; that, be cause of this peculiar conscious ness of Joss, copies of this resolu tion be committed for permanent preservation, (l) to the Secretary of the Faculty of Western Carolina Teachers College, (2) to the Secre tary of the College Board of Trustees, and (3) to the College Librarian; moreover, that copies be sent to the Sylva Herald for pub! Ijcation and to the immediate fam ily of the deceased, in token of the u?Ve' and esteem toward him held by those who are thus seeking to honor him. Resolutions Committee* W. E. Bird, Chairman Frank H. Brown Russell Byrd Cordelia Camp L. H. Halliburton Harriett Parker H. P. Smith Household Wher you buy a gift f0P ? young clj]' ' stuffed animak ifrni button eyes, or anytaing%ita sharp or rough edges. THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY L*ia MARSHAL OTCVWALKEf? HAD* THOSE 5AFTT CRACKERS ^ESCAPE*" ALL PKSUfSEl? OLJTO/M I \A)>APE-R^ UMT1L. "THElf* <5-e*r-AWAY CA? r%WAS FOUMO- v , owwuirtwnwiUfc??K?? .V. * QUALLA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Bradley and family, Mrs. Julius Hayes, Mrs. J. O. Fisher, Mrs. Will Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kinsland and family of Asheville, and Mrs. Bon nie Gass were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinsland and fam ily and Mrs. G. A. Kinsland Sun day. ? Mrs. Taylor Ward was honored Saturday afternoon with a house keeping shower held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Oxner. Many nice gifts were received and a large number were present. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. Grady Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cordell called on Mrs. Lawrence Cordell and Mrs. America Martin, Sunday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Jess Blanton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Estes Tolbert and family, Sunday. William Crisp has returned to his home near Hayesville after visiting his brother, D. W. Crisp. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sitton, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hoyle, and Miss Hester Owen visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred House, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Howell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradburn, Sunday. Mrs. D. L. Oxner and Miss Mary Emma Ward spent Tuesday with Mrs. Edward Blanton. Alvin Bradburn has returned home, having received an honor able discharge from the U. S. army. For several months he has been with the occupational army in Italy. Mrs. Fannie Turpin is spending I a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Kinsland, of Asheville. GLENVILLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williams and Mr. Williams' mother of Louisville, Ky. are visiting Mrs. Williams par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bently. Mrs. Sallie Watson is visiting in Greenville, S. C. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Bryson left Monday for Winston-Salem where Mr. Bryson will enter the Baptist Hospital as a patient. Mrs. S. B. Hutchinson and chil dren visited Mrs. Hutchinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Mitch ell, of Clayton, Ga. on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Chris Burrell of Tuckaseegee visited Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Fowler on Sunday. Rev. Wilson Weldon To Speak At Cullowhee On Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. the Rev. Wilson Weldon, pastor of The First Methodist Church of High Point will be the guest speak er at the meeting of the Wesley Foundation. Mr. Weldon is widely known in North Carolina as an outstanding speaker, especially to student groups. The Baptist Train ing Union is meeting with the Wes ley Foundation for this meeting, and friends in the community are also invited to hear Mr. Weldon. - i fctfZStftft, X.Mimon ; *** r-^ ? J* nr* a rail -- ?- -fitter. tmj \t? of | ncr 01 tne Extension rxmor, state [College, Raleigh. GAY NEWS J. C. Browning has returned from the C. J. Harris Community Hospital where he received treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams of Webstex are spending a few days with tl\eir daughter, Mrs. Pete Sor#ells and other relatives. Mrs. Etta Fox of Ellijay is spending a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Brown ing and with Mrs. David Lee Fox and Mrs. Charles Rankin. Mrs. Pete Sorrells, Mrs. Frank Hyatt, Mrs. Ingle Cope, Mrs. Linda Buchanan and "Aunt" Sis Collins are all on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Bishop have moved to the home of Rev. and Mrs. George Woodard. Mrs. Nathan Cabe celebrated her 90th birthday, January 27, at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Aimie Cabe of Sylva. Mrs. Griffin Browning of- Zion Hill spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ingle Cope, and other relatives. Mrs. Nan Young spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Browning. Misses Laura Browning and Me lita Woodard spent Saturday in Franklin shopping. John Stiles of Sylva spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Woodard and other relatives. Miss Bonnie Higdon, who is em ployed in Waynesvillel spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. MOTHER If your child Is crou, disogreeoble, with a coated tongue due to constipo* potion, give Trieno. Mod# especially for children under 12. Won't upset digestion. Easy to take, delicious prune* juice flavor. Made with dependable senna. TRY TRIENA. Caution: use only as directed. 30c, large size, 50c. Trfcna ALLIED DRUG PRODUCTS CO. Ch.?tt.inooK.?. Trnn. UNUSUAL DESIGN We are noted for the in dividuality which dis tinguishes our monu ments. SYLVA GRANITE and MARBLE WORKS MUGGS AND SKEETER BY WAttY BISHOP At Sithsum00n'm Five O'clock Shadow You Broke the Only Heart That J i Ever Loved You ? Elliott Lawrence I Huggin' and Chalkin' j I May Be Wrong But I Think ? y J 'j '? v 1 jpj'fei j-r.?T ---- - -H ? Hoagy Charmichael Lies Gotta Gimme What You Got ?Julia Lee They Didn't Believe Me Riffeete ?Johnny Mercer Divorce Me C.O.D. Missouri ? Merle Travis Higdon Tells Where. Grass Seeds Are Sold D. C. Higdon, chairman of the Jat4