Society and Personal Methodist Circles Have Joint Meeting Mrs. Harry Hastings presided when the Annie Cowan circle, the Carrie Rhodes circle, and the Wes lejan Service Guild met in Joint session on Friday evening, Febru ary 21, in Allison building. The meeting was opened by the reading by all of the Stewardship Covenant. It was voted to make the pledge for the year $210. It was reported that the money lor the Caroline Rhodes special mis sionary memorial had been raised. The president called especial at tention to the goals for the year. lu iWHiyaatc?LmC? iitOT gupply work for Home Mission ob jectives it was voted to send do nations to the Brevard Scholar ship fund and to the Scarritt fund. Following the business session the meeting was turned over to Mrs. C. Z. Candler, program chair man. At this time Mrs. Candler presented a program on World Day of Prayer and Stewardship. A number of scripture readings with remarks and explanations were given by Mrs. A. C. Reynolds, Mrs. Gudger Fortner, Mrs. Raymon Stovall, Mrs. Leonard Holden, Mrs. W. Q. Grigg and Mrs. E. L. Mc Kee. Mr. A. C. Reynolds spoke on the Touchstone of Stewardship. During the social hour Mrs. Hastings served Russian tea and cookies. Miss Wilma Hughes Is Bride Of Carl Boyer Miss Wilma Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hughes of Whittier, was married to Carl Boyer of Miami, Fla. on Monday afternoon, February 10, at Clay ton, Ga. The bride wore a suit of winter white with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Vivian Ropes of Miami was the only attendant. Following the ceremony the couple left for a short wedding trip to Atlanta, Ga. The bride is a graduate of Sylva high school and attended Western Carolina Teachers College. The bridegroom is a graduate of Miami high school and attended the Uni versity. The couple is residing in Ashe ville at the present time but will later make their home in Chapel Hill where Mr. Boyer will attend the University of North Carolina. * * * Mrs. Moore Hostess To Bridge Club Members Mrs. Jeanelle Moore entertained members of her bridge club at her home on Courtland Heights Friday night; Following a desert course two tables were made for play. Guests playing were Daisy Wilkes, Helen Stovall, Margaret Wise, Edith Sut ton, Ruth Hinds, Edith Hall, Ed die Marie Sutton and Billie Mas sie. At the conclusion of the games Mrs. Wilkes was awarded high score prize and Mrs. Stovall; sec ond high. * * * Barbara Jean Bryson Has Second Birthday Mrs. H. C. Bryson entertained for her small daughter, Barbara Jean, in observance of her second birthday with a party, February 14, at 3 o'clock. The Valentine appointment was carried out and favors were given to the fourteen guests. Those present to help Barbara Jean celebrate were Janis and Bil ly Monteith, Nellie Ruth Ensley, ? Mac Bryson, Jean Etta Cannon, David Elliott, Jennie Lee Fulmer, Sue Anne and Sherry Bryson, "Butch" Gray, Buddy, Ruth, Ellen and Grace Buchanan. MOST MOTHIRS DO THIS If Bob IT IMTUt rob Vttft Fftt MMS threat chest, back whH? child sleeps wtth Vapoftuo. Ha* to relieve coughs, litf-brtnffng action muscular toranass ?tartsinstantly. ?.|and tightness. ? p est-known home remedy D you can use to relievo distress of children's colds Is comforting Vicks VapoRub. Even while you rub it on, VapoRub starts to *ork to ease distress... and it keeps on working during the night. No wonder most mothers always do* ^ this when aiflCKS coldrtrlket. . Mrs. Herschel Ashe Hostess To W.M.S. Business Circle Mrs. Herschel Ashe was hostess for the February meeting of the Business Woman's Circle of the W.M.S. of Scotts Creek Baptist church. Fifteen members were present for the meeting, which was presided over by the president, Mrs. Dennis Fisher. Mrs. Ashe, also program leader | for the meeting, presented an in- I teresting program, using as her < theme, -"A Christian America."] Those taking part were Mrs. Ed Erwin, Mrs. Joe Davis, Mrs,. Albert Robinson, Mrs. Hoy Heed, Mrs. Bill Wilson, Mrs. Vernon Cope, ^ and Mrs. Don Fisher. The members of the organization also studied two new chapters in the Mission Study book, "To Whom Much Is Given," under the direction of Mrs. B. S. Hensley. The hostess served a sweet course. * 3k * Master David Henry Gives Birthday Party Master David Henry, son of Mrs. Virgil Henry, was host at his home in Hazelwood on Saturday after noon At a party in celebration of his eighth birthday anniversary. Pastel shades were used in all the party appointments. The table was centered with a birthday cake decorated with eight candles and the birthday motif. At either side of the cake were two pronged crystal holders bearing lighted ta pers. The afternoon was featured by games with a number of prizes awarded the guests. Balloons were given as favors to those attending. The young host was assisted by his mother and Mrs. Majri^^^yatt in serving. Present were Glena Wyatt, Ag nes Jane Robinson, Jewell Camp bell, Geraldine Kneeum, and Carolyn Kneeum. * * * Miss Lela Moore Hall Entertains Bridge Club Miss Lela Moore Hall was host ess last week for the meeting of the Thursday evening bridge club. Two tables were made up for play. At the conclusion of the games Miss Anne Warren received the prize for high score and Miss Doro thy Mae McKee was awarded the one for low score. The hostess served a salad course. Those playing were Misses Anne Warren, Dorothy Mae Mc Kee, Agnes Wilson, Nancy Allison, and Lou Elsie Parker and Mrs. Dan B. Hooper, Mrs. Clyde Rector and Mrs. Rudy Hardy. ? * * Mrs. Wes Harris Has T.E.L. Meeting The T.EX. Class of the Scotts Creek Baptist church met with Mrs. Wes" Harris Thursday, Feb ruary 6, with ten members attend ing. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. D. G. Bryson fol lowed by a scripture reading by Mrs. Rufus Deitz. Several new items of business were discussed. The closing prayer was by Mrs. T. F. Deitz. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Harris. The class will meet in March with Mrs. John Buchanan and Mrs. Bill Norton. * * * Miss Agnes Wilson Entertains Club On 4 Saturday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson, Miss Agnes Wilson was hostess for the initial meeting of a newly organized club for a group of the young people. Cards were played until late in the evening when the hostess served a salad course and coffee. Those attending were Misses Nancy Allison, Rebecca Sue Can non, Lela Moore Hall, Betty Zach ary, and Chris Rucker of Shelby, and Jack Allison, Jimmy Keener, Lewis Wilson, Raymond Nicholson, Boyd Sossamon and Wade Wilson. * * * Mrs. Callie Brown Hostess To Johns Creek H. D. Club Mrs. Callie Brown was hostess to the Joftns Creek Home Demon stration club at her home last Wednesday. Following a business session Miss Helen Sossamon, county agent, gave an interesting program on roll making. ? * * Bobbie Allison has returned to State College at Raleigh after spending the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alli son. He had for his guest while here, Homer Tolen and David Lowe, also students at State. -w' . Sweet Dreamstuff & Black rayon Jersey nightgown. By VERA WINSTON THE NIGHTIE that looka for all the world lika an evening frock, seema to be on the way bask. Here's one such nightgown, fash ioned of black rayon jersey which ia a fine example of the handsome kifitwear now being made. Cord inga of blnck band the black net which forma the low round neck and puffed stoves. The bodice flta an ugly to contrast with the skirt which ia gathered, with cording distending the hips. PERSONALS | F. L. Smith spent the week-end in Brevard with Mrs. Smith and son, Mike. Mrs. Gordon Zimmerman of Asheville spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A O Allison. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ariail have returned to their home in Sylva after a two weeks vacation in Florida and other points. Misses Edoleen and Joan Curry of Montreat College spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs., E. M. Lloyd. \ Dexter Hooper made a business trip tp^harlotte this week. Mack Ashe was in Raleigh on business this week. Mr. and Mrs. Berkley Henshaw returned Wednesday to their home in Fort Worth, Texas, after visit ing Mr. Henshaw's sister, Mrs. O. L. Cagle and Mr. Cagle. Mrs. Bailey Whitt and small daughter, Nancy Helen, of Ashe ville arrived Sunday to spend a week with Mrs. Whitt's mother, Mrs. Claude Allison and family. A. H. Carter, who has spent two weeks in Miami and other points m Florida, returned to his home Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. S. W, Enloe and aughter, Anne, have returned from Florida and other Southern points, where they spent two weeks. , E. L. McKee is spendiig a few days in Raleigh on business. Miss Linda Sloan of Waynesville th? wee-end in Sylva, guest of Miss Edith Moore. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. O'Mohundro and Mrs. Chester Harris of Frank lin were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. J. P. stovaU. Mr. and Mrs.?Burch-Allison and children of Newton spent the week-end in Sylva, to attend the Golden Wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W C Allison. Mrs. Frank Crawford has re turned from Asheville where she has been a patient at the Aston Park hospital. Mrs. F. N. McLain and son, Fred, of Sylva, James McLain of Oak Hidge, Tenn., and Miss Mary Mc Lain of Charlotte have returned rom Big Island, Va. where they went last Friday to attend the wedding of their son and brother George P. McLain, to Miss Shirley Virginia Downey on Saturday, February 22. E. E. Tweed is in New York this week attending the Technical As sociation of the Pulp and Paper Industry. Clyde Jarrett of Andrews, Rob ert Jarrett of Atlanta, and Dr. Ralph Jarrett of Charlotte are vis iting their parents, Mr. and Mi's. R F. Jarrett They were called home by the illness of their moth er, who is a patient at Harris Com munity Hospital. of Mrs J- W. Buchanan D*Usboro will regret to learn that she is quite ill at her home. Her son, J. R. Buchanan, of Harri man, Tenn. arrived Sunday to be with his mother. Jo* Ryan of Oak Ridge, Tenn. is visiting his grandmother, Mrs C. Z. Candler. 4 Clara Sue Holderman Weds John Robert Dills Miss Clara Sue Holderman, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Holderman of Highlands, be came the bride of John Robert Dills in a ceremony Saturday, Feb ruary 15, at Clayton, Ga. Tfie bride chose for her marriage a pink dress with accessories' of brown. She is a graduate of Cullo whee high school and for the past two years has been employed at Velt's Cale. Mr. Dills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dills of Beta, is a graduate of Sylva high school, and is a vet eran of World War II, having spent eighteen months in Alaska with the U. S. Army. At the present time he is a student at Western Carolina Teachers College. Mr. and Mrs. Dills will reside in Sylva. * * ? * Young Adult Class Has Bi-Monthly Program Sixteen members of the Young Adult class> of the Methodist church met last Monday night in the Allison building for their bi monthly program. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crawford were in charge of the program and the group enjoyec^ "Truth and Consequences." Mrs. Raymon Stovall, secretary of the class, read a letter to the members from the superintendent of the Children's Home in Wins ton-Salem. The class had previous ly voted to sponsor another child at the Home, and the letter was to inform them that they had been given the sponsorship of a little, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford served I a delicious sweet course. Cullowhee Churches Plan Union Meetings The congregations of the Bap tist and Methodist churches at Cullowhee will unite for union services each Sunday evening dur ing the remainder of the Lenten season with the plan of alternating the meetings between the two churches. The first in this series will be conducted at 7:30 p. m. at the Baptist church. The Rev. R. T. Houts, local Methodist minister, will preach. The following Sunday the service will be held at the Methodist house of worship and the Baptist minister, Rev. Mark R. Osborne, Jr., will be the weaker. The Cullowhee pastors are to be assisted by the choirs of the local churches. r Calendar of Events THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27? The Boy Scouts* Troop 1, will meet at the Mettybdist church at 7 p. m. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2*r The Business Woman's circle and the Ruby Daniel circle of the W. M. S. of the Baptist church will meet, jointly, with Mrs. Ray Cogdill at 6:30 p. m. to study "Shining Like the Stars" in preparation for the March Week of Prayer. This is a required book. All members are urged to be present. Visitors are welcome, i FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28?Ameri can Legion Auxiliary will meet in Allison building at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Posey Cathey and Mrs. Ed Baldridge will be joint hostesses. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 ? The American Legion will meet in the courthouse at 7:30 p. m. L. H. Higdon, commander. MONDAY, March 3?Wesleyan Service Guild will meet with Miss Helen Sossamon at the home of Dr. W. P. McGuire at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Gudger Fortner, president. ? MONDAY, MARCH 3 ? Carrie Rhodes Circle of W.S.C.S. of Methodist church will meet with Mrs. O. E. Brookhyser at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Raymon Stovall, chairman. MONDAY, MARCH 3?The Busi ness Woman's circle of the W.M. S. of the Baptist church will meet for its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Buchanan at 7:30 p. m. TUESDAY. MARCH 4 ? Rotary Club dinner meeting in Allison building at 6:30 p. m. W. E. En sor, president. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 ? The, Halcyon Club will meet at 8 p. m with Mrs. Juanita f)avis with Mrs. Jeanette Bryson as joint, hostess.' Mrs. Cladde Campbell, president. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 ? The Thursday evening bridge club will meet with Miss Rebecca Sue Cannon at her home in Dillsboro at 8 p. m. THURSDAY, MARCH 6?The B. H. Cathey chapter, U.D.C., will meet with Mrs. Mary Cowan at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Jennings Bryson, president. THURSDAY, MARCH 6 ? The Dilisboro lodge No. 459 will meet ^n the Masonic Hall in Dilisboro at 7:30 p. m. \ The North Carolina Division of j Forestry is now operating 14 Crawler tractors and fire plow un- j its in constructing forest fire lines I in the forests of North Carolina. Too Late For Classification FOR SALE?Home, plenty out buildings, 40 acres good land in Cabbage belt of Hamburg. See A. T in I Be QnickTo Treat Bronchitis XShroDic bronchitis may develop Iff four oough, chest cold, or acute bran ehlUe Is not trusted end you cannot afford to takeachance with any medi cine lees polent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat ot the trouble to help loosen and expel gem laden phlegm and aid nature to ?oothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote by special process with other time tested medicines tor coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with, the understanding you must like tha way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to) have your money back. (Adv.) 1 Rl T7 theatre ? I Mm WEEKLY PROGRAM Night Shows: 7:00 & 9:00 P. M.? Mat. Sat.?-Late show Sat. 10:30 Adm.:Adulta 3?c tax incl.?Children under 12 yrs. 12c tax Inc. Thursday-Friday, Iftebruary 27-28 O.S.S. ALAN LADO and GERALOINE FITZGERALD Saturday, March 1 UNDER NEVADA SKIES ROY ROGERS and DALE EVAN8 Late Show 10:30? DANGEROUS MILLIONS KENT TAYLOR and DONA DRAKE Monday-Tuesday, March 3-4 NORODY LIVES FOREVER JOHN GARFIELD Wednesday, March 5 GOD'S COUNTRY (In Color) ROBERT LOWERY Alt Children not In arms will have to purchase a ticket to enter any performance at this Theatre. V sta)m&^.on uowt Rwt WHEN YOU BUY SHOES, BUT .. . Buying them upside down is an cxeell-it idea, today. For, right mow, you're more interested than ever before in intrinsic quality and value. And the famous cross-and-circle which you find on the sole of every Gold Cross Shoe is your assurance of finest craftsmanship and materials, unsurpassed fit, and Yalue that is unchallenged amozy fine footwear, today 1 CROSS SHOES AMERICAN UNC?ftAllM9|9 SHOK VAfcUt Schulmari's Department Store "STYLE CENTER OF SYLVA"