STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION: How can I fcrow fru:t trees on my small garden plot? ANSWER: The development of dwarf apple trees that never grow taller than eight feet may be the solution to your problem, says James T. Francis of the State Col lege Horticultural department. These trees can be trained on a trellis or wall with heavy prun ing, and thus trained, they are both ornamental and useful. The Mailing VIII and Mailing IX root stocks give the dwarfing effect. QUESTION: What are the ad vantages of using radiant heat for brooding chicks? ANSWER: This so-call new brooding system appears to offer much greater efficiency in fuel consumption, labor, disease pre vention, and in growth of chicks, poults, and ducklings, according to T. T. Brown, poultry specialist. More chicks per man can be cared for, floor space is more fully uti lized, larger bunches of chicks can be brooded together without crowding, litter remains drier, and less disease trouble is encountered when radiant heat is used. QUESTION: What is the average number of pigs per litter in North Carolina? ANSWER: Statistics on file at the Extension Service show this figure to be 6.5 pigs per litter. LAST RITES HELD FOR ENLOE INFANT Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon March 4 at the Olivet Methodist church, for Cornel Dean Enloe, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lenoir Enloe. The baby died Sunday following a short ill ness. Pallbearers were Jack fcordell, Tommy Nelson, Carroll Trull, Clyde Harris, Ed Watson and Rus sell Lambert. In addition to the parents, he is survived by one brother, Gerald Kent; his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Enloe and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ferguson, and a number of uncles and aunts. fIke9 Launches Jewish Fund Drive APPEARING BIFORi 450 Jewish leaden gathered Id Washington, U. S. Army Chief of Staff Dwight Eisenhower (center) called upon the" American people to support the record $170,000,000 United Jewish appeal for relief of Europe's 1,500,000 homeless and destitute survivors. Ha is ?hown b-ing greeted by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., former Secretary of the Treasury and general chairman of the drive. Former Gov. Herbert I?ehman, New Yocfc, is looking on. (International Soundphoto) Clarence And ftarry Vance To Be Ordained Sunday An Ordination service will be held at the Lovedale Baptist church, at 2 p. m. Sunday, March I 16, and at which time Harry D. 1 Vance and Clarence O. Vance will , be ordained to the full work of the ministery. Harry Vance, who has been preaching for five years, is a grad uate of the Webster High school and attended Mars Hill college. He has aerved as a teacher and super intendent of the Lovedale Sunday school. At the present time Mr. Vance is residing in Macon county where he is associate director of the B. T. U. of the Association and leader of a weekly prayer group. Clarence Vance has a record of two years preaching and fourteen years service as Sunday school su perintendent of the Lovedale church. He was associational Sun day school superintendent for five years and is now full time asso ciational missionary for the Tucka seeqee Association. Ministers to participate in the service Sunday are Rev. F. P. Blankenship, pastor of the Love dale church; Rev. T. F. Deitz, re tired minister and moderator of the Tuckaseegee Association; Rev. W. A General Line of HARDWARE Insulate and weather strip your home now. See us for the material and insulation. * Enamel or plain tile board * Building Paper * Wall Paper * Wall Rite * Box Guttering * V2 Round Guttering * * Common Brick * Face Brick * Cement Brick * Roll Roofing * Brick Siding / * Bird Asphalt Shingles BUILDING HARDWARE Let Us Repair or Make Your Screens Before The Spring Rush Begins. 4-inch and other size T. C. DRAIN TILE Compartment metal SINKS and CABINETS Kem-Tone and Pee Gee Oil Paints JJath Tubs, Fittings and other plumbing supplies Hot Water Heaters, oil or electric Seeds and Feeds and many other needs for farmers Blacksmiths ? Electricians ? Carpenters We invite you to visit our new store before you buy PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE SYLVA COAL & LUMBER CO Opposite Depot Sylva, N. C. LOOKING J.'JiEAD GEORGE S. BENSON Pt(sid