SOCIETY (Continued from page 5) Mrs. J. R. Dills, Recent Bride Feted At Party Mrs. O. E. Brookhyser and Mrs. D an B. Hooper were joint hostesses Tuesday night at the home of the former at a reception honoring Mrs. John Robert Dills, recent bride and sister-in-law of Mrs. Brookhyser. About fifty guests called during ! the evening. They were greeted at the door by Mr?. Hooper and pre sented to the receiving line which was made up of Mrs. Brookhyser; Mrs, Pillshe ^bride, Mrs. Phil Holderman, mother of the bricle, Mrs. Dan Bryson, and Mrs. Ralph Dills, mother of the groom. Mrs. Hooper wore a black dress with fringe trim while Mrs. Brook hyser was attired in black with sequin trim. The honoree wore a pink wool dress with accents of brown and brown accessories. Miss Rachel Sutton was in charge of the bride's register and guests were directed to the dining room by Mrs. Porter Scroggs. The house was thrown ensuite for the occasion and pastel colors ? used throughout for the appoint ments. The table was covered with a lace cloth and the center fea tured an arrangoiffent of pink roses, baby's breath and fern in $ crystal bowl placed on a reflector. Lighted white tapers in crystal holders on the table and buffet completed the decorations. Mrs. John A. Parris presided at the sil ver tea service and Mrs. R. U. Sutton poured coffee. Molded ice cream with heart centers and wed ding cakes were served. Assisting in serving were Mrs. V. V. Hooper, Mrs. James Bennett, and Miss Leah Sutton. Brides books on "Advice to the Bride," and "Favorite recipes were given the guests who completed them during the evening. A shower of gifts followed the reception and Mrs. Dills received many lovely presents during the evening. Mrs. Clyde Rector assist ed Mrs. Bryson at the gift book. * * * Inez Cathey Class Has Meeting Mrs. F. M. Williams entertained the Inez Cathey Sunday School class members Monday evening in the regular monhly meeting. In the absence of the president, Mrs. R. U. Sutton, the business hour was in charge of the vice-president, Mrs. F. M. Williams, who also led the devotional. Preparatory to the program for the meeting, Mrs. Wil liams read texts of scripture re lating to Rebecca. Continuing their study of "Wom en Characters of the Bible," Mrs. J. F. Freeze reviewed the life of Rebecca, the topic of study for this month. Instead of the usual social hour a period of general conversation was enjoyed. Many subjects of vi tal interest to the community were discussed. The hostess served a delicious sweet course. * * * Bridge Club Meets With Miss Cannon Miss Rebecca Sue Cannon was hostess last Thursday evening for the regular bi-weekly meeting of the Thursday Evening Bridge club at her home in Dillsboro. Miss Lela Moore Hall held high score and Miss Lou Elsie Parker made low score. Both were given prizes. Those playing at the two tables were Misses Hall, Parker, Dorothy Mae McKee, and Betty Zachary, Mrs. Clyde Rector, Mrs. Dan B. Hooper, and Mrs. Charles Poteet. Dr. W. Kermit Chapman D?ntl?t Offloet In BOYD BUILDING Waynetvlllt, N. C. Phon? 363 Calendar of Events THURSDAY, MARCH 13 ? The Twentieth Century club will meet with Mrs. J. C. Allison at 3 p. m. Mrs. E. L. McKee, presi dent. THURSDAY, MARCH 13 ? The Wild Life club will meet in the City Hall at 7:30 p. m. SATURDAY, MARCH 15 ? The Halcyon club will entertain the Twentieth Century Club, The Sylva Woman's club, and the Cullowhee Woman's club in Al lison building at 7 p. m. Mrs. Claude Campbell is president of MONDAY, MARCH 17?The Sylva Home Demonstration club will meet with Mrs. .Joe Deitz at 2 zp/ m. Mrs. R. U. Sutton, presi ' dent. TUESDAY, MARCH 18?The Ro tary club will have its dinner meeting in Allison building at 6:30 p. m. W. E. Ensor, president. THURSDAY, MARCH 20? Dills boro Masonic Lodge No. 459 will meet in the Masonic Hall, Dills boro, at 7:30 p. m. THURSDAY, MARCH 20 ? The Ruby Daniel circle of the W.M.U. of .the baptist church will meet with Mrs. Tilgham Bass at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Porter Scroggs, presi dent. Local School And Health Problems Are Discussed In All-Day Meeting Of P. T. A (Continued from page one) Mrs. McCracken cited a number of health laws of the State which are not enforced in the various schools. Unless these laws are en At Sosnamun"h Easter Parade Songs of Songs ?Perry Como Open the Door Richard When Am I Going to Kiss You Goodmorning? ?Pied Pipers Mother's Not Dead, She's Only Sleeping There's No Depression in Heaven ?Charley Monroe ALBUMS All Time Hits ?Tommy Dorsey King Cole Trio ?Volumn II. Household Hint Suede, when not badly soiled, may b? cleaned with a rubber sponge, art gum or a cloth damp ened slightly with cleaning lolvent such as carbon tetrachloride. To remove shiny spots use a stiff brush or extra-fine sandpaper. CONSTIPATION Risky in BAD COLDS Retained undigested food becomes putrefactive, causes toxins, which overload the liver and other vital or gans of the body, lessening your re sistance to colds and other winter ills and interfering with their treatment. Why take this chance when you can take Calotabs? Calotabs thoroughly yet pleasantly act on every foot of your intestines, sweeping out toxin laden putrefactive foods and virus laden mucus, enabling you to more effectively avoid or fight a cold. Noth ing good old Calotabs. Use as directed. 10c and 25c at all druggists. Take CALOTABS Save On Batteries NEW BATTERIES $18.95 ?-GUARANTEED ? B. F. GOODRICH TIRES CI ft CA p,us ? ?00-1? $10-019 Tax LIFETIME GUARANTEE SPECIAL TRADE IN ON OLD TIRES RECAPPING?$6.50 H. D. Rubber UMd In All Truck Tlrea SYLVA TIRE CO. PHONE 58 ? 8YLVA, N. C. forced they are no good, Mrs. Mc Cracken stated. More children of 5 to 6 years of age die than in any other group. Concerning immunization the following facts were given: Small pox?given at 3 months to 1 year of age. This is the easiest time for both the baby and the mother. For safety, repeat at entrance into school, and again at 12 years'. Whooping cough?at 3 months to 1 year. (Given with diphtheria an titoxin in 3 different doses.) Teta nus?not given widely except in rural areas. Typhoid?it is a State law that all children have typhoid vaccination before entering school. As a challenge to tnose present Mrs. McCracken said, "We will not such circumstances as we allow our children to at school." Immediately after luncheon the group reassembled for the after noun session which was opened by';tn address by Rev. W. Q. Grigg, pastor of the Methodist church. | Continuing with the theme, "Build | irg for Tomorrow," Mr. Grigg used for his subject. "Parent Education ;:nd Family Li!e." He cited that the beginning of impressibility in the child is in the home and without j background the church and school can make little progress. "You cannot expect a school or a church to take over and succeed where failure has been made at home," he said. The second afternoon speaker, Rev. C. M. Warren, pastor of the Sylva Baptist church, spoke on "Spiritual Education of the Child," and used'an effective breakdown of three contributing factors nec essary for the spiritual growth of a child: understanding, love, and togetherness. "You cannot expect a child to grasp the meaning of spiritual life without an under standing," he stated. "Terms must be translated into things he can understand," he added. Mr. War ren concluded that love and to getherness are necessary to bind At the conclusion of the study course the regular monthly meet ing of the Sylva Parent-Teachers Association was held in the Ele mentary school auditorium with the president, Mrs. Walter Jones, presiding. Rev. W. Q. Grigg again addressed the group and spoke on the value of children and the nec essity and responsibility that is ours in developing the growth of children. Howard Crawford, principal of the Sylva High school, spoke brief ly on the "Equipments of Educa tion." He said that often failure in providing (he children with the necessary equipment of facing the world could be traced to lack of guidance, the heavy teacher-load, lack of material equipment neces sary to staff a school, and parental support in the- school. He stated I that the schools have made great progress in overcoming handicaps, and better things are hoped for and expected in the future. | No business was transacted at i the short business session. Read for profit?Use for results. HERALD WANT. ADS | YOUNGSTERS' TRIENA is the pleosant-tasting wnno laxative for children under 12. Flavor ed with pure prune-juice. Acts mildly, thoroughly, to relieve tour stomach, gat duo to constipation. No upset stomach. TRY TRIENA. Sotis: faction guaranteed. Coution: use only as directed 30c, largo size, 50c. ALLIED DRUG I riPT151 PRODUCTS CC\ A JL C h.?t t .jnoo^.i, Tenn. * c. FRESHNESS ? Throw off your winter colors and blossom forth in a gay new spring hair-do . . . calculated to make your heart sing MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY FOR ENDURING HAIR GLAMOER \ Queen's Beauty Shoppe PHONE 34 SYLVA, N. C. FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE HOOPER DRUG ii Fair Trade 99 Items Listed Below Cannot Be Sold For Less According To The Fair Trade Laws of North Carolina 35c Size VICKS VAPORUB $1.25 Size PERUNA $1.50 Size KOLOR BAK 25c Size Phillips MILK OF MAGNESIA 50 Size Phillips MILK OF MAGNESIA 60c Size HALEY'S M-0 $1.00 Size HALEY'S M-0 Regular Size CASTORIA Family Size CASTORIA $1.25 Size SCALF'S INDIAN RIVER 25c Size ANACIN 50c 8ize ANACIN 35c Size FREEZE ZONE 60c Size HEET 50c Size VITALIS $1.25 Size RETONGA $1.20 Size SMA ... 50c Tube IP ANA TOOTH PASTE 75c 8ize DOAN'S PILLS 50c Size UNGUENTINE - >1.25 Size PETROGALAR 27c 98c $1.29 19c 39c 60c Size CREOMULSION 57c 50c Size LISTERINE 39c $1.25 Size CREOMULSION $1.08 75c Size LISTERINE 59c 25c Size PABLUM BABY CEREAL 19c One Pint SQUIBBS MINERAL OIL 59c 50c Size PABLUM BABY CEREAL 39c Box of 12 KOTEX 25c 25c Size BLACK DRAUGHT 21c ALL SIZES KODAK FILMS 47c 79c 31c 59c $1.09 19c 39c 29c 49c $1.25 Size sss 98c 60c Size SAL HEPATICA 49c $2.00 Size sss ..... $1.09 50c Size JERGENS LOTION 39c $1.00 Size CARDUI 89c $1.00 Size JERGENS LOTION LYDIA E. 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