Weekly Legislative Summary When the Senate and House ad- 1 journed on Friday the total number of bills introduced in this session had reached 1052, 754 of them in the House, 298 in the Senate. On the same legislative day in 1945 the total had reached 1287. Thus this session continues to lag be hind its immediate predecessor so far as the bulk of legislation is concerned. Of the 1052 bills in troduced this year, 584, or some thing more than 50 per cent of them have been local in nature. This sit uation will be up for study if the General Assembly passes HB 751 introduced on Friday calling for a would be to consider the whole problem of local legislation and to make recommendations as to the passage of general laws on sub jects most often embraced in local bill*. The tenth-legislative week wag marked by the reappearance of theh big "money" bills on the floor of the General Assembly. The Fi nance and Appropriations commit tees of both housec have reported out their recommendations on the Revenue, Appropriations and Post War Reserve Fund bills. No sooner h&fi the Revenue Billjpeen released ior debate in the House than some members began to assault it with amendments: there were efforts to insure that Confederate widows end veterans get a $9-a-month pension raise, to restore theatre taxes to their 1939 schedule, and to restore the 25c reduction in the corporate franchise tax rate made by the original bill. All of them failed although the introduction of SB 275 on Thursday, to give total ly blind and helpless confederate widows a pension increase, indi cates that the friends of Confed erate wid^Ws are not yet ready to concede defeat. Representative Mull was more successful than his colleagues: by a close vote he sue Be QuickTo Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop If four cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous memBranes. Creomulsion blends beech wood creosote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to pell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like tne way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Life Insurance Society I Fraternity Protection ' * Service BRITTON M. MOORE 0 Sylva Representative Sylva, N. C. ceeded in amending the Revenue Bill so as to prohibit the sale of wine and to closely regulate the sale of beer in his home county of Cleveland. The following day, stat ing that he had secured assurance from Finance Committee leaders that they would give favorable ear to his local bill to the same effect, Mr. Mull withdrew his amendment lpaving the committee's bill un scathed. And so it left the House to be considered in the Senate early next week. The ' Appropriations Bill left committee with a net increase in appropriations of $8,013,794. Of this figure, $6,155,000 is accounted for by the raise in teachers' sal aries. The milk of the remaining $1,858,794 would go to the State Boar dof Health, the Department of Conservation and Development (this despite its loss of the Division of Game and Inland Fisheries), to the Board of Charities and Pub lic Welfare for old age assistance and aid to dependent children, to the Retirement ^System to take care of contributions for State em ployees, to increase State aid to public libraries, to the Department of Agriculture and to the Coop erative Agricultural Extension di vision at State College. The De parmetnt of Labor, the Industrial Commission, the - Commission for the Blind, four State-supported colleges, four State hospitals, two orphanages, and State vocational education work absorb most of the rest. The only new item added in | committee is a $48,000 appropria I tion for Pure Food Control work in the Department of Agriculture in the next two years. Appropriations for indigent care work of the Med ical Care Commission and the vet eran's records project of the De partment of Archives and History were the only items in the original bill to suffer reduction (a total of I $389,740) at the hands of the com mittee. Both the House and Sen ate defeated efforts to amend the bill to increase the $102,418,430 earmarked for instructional sal j aries despite strong efforts to con vince the representatives and sen ators that this sum might fall short of the 30 per cent increase desired. Thus, amended only to delete a requirement allocating 50 per cent of the library aid appropriation on the basis of population, and to give law-bracket State employees pref erence in the 20 per cent raise,*the Appropriations Bill passed both houses. The bill bringing the Post War Reserve Fund to an approximate $30,000,Q00 by adding $9,300,000 thereto passed both the Senate and House without amendment. The | Permanent Improvements Appro priation Bill remains in committee where the problems incident to *he Medical Care Program, especially the four-year medical school and teaching hospital at Chapel Hill, may bring on prolonged discussion. Indeed this bill offers the principal controversy remaining before the legislature. Several new bills of general in terest have been introduced this week: SB 250 (HB 604) would es tablish a vocational training school for veterans at Camp Butner; HR 703 would establish a commission to investigate State-created exam ining boards with licensing power; HB 630 would authorize the estab lishment of a two-year medical school at the North Carolina Col lege at Durham for the training of negroes; SB. 265 (HB 726) would appropriate $1,000,000 for Im provements to North Carolina 5^ \H6 GOOP/yEAP ^^fTIRES Superior in both body and tread* Goody ears just naturally give you more of those features you want in a tire ? extra safety, because of an extra-strong tire body ex tra saving, because Goodyear's lough treads deliver thousands of extra miles. Stop in 7C day ? go Goodyear ^ I I il y this year! Tsx Incl. ?00 x 11 CANNON BNOTHENS Goodyear Store 8YLVA, N. C. ?"N| Two Veterans In Marathon hhm ? 1 jw*"yy 1 *v* ?<* .-? >-* . - - WORLD WAR II VETERANS Bob Fecht (right) of Highland, Wise., and Andy Bied of Burlington, Iowa, are shown at a Davenport, Iowa, res taurant fulfilling a pledge "to eat everything on the menu"?a pledge made when they were prisoners In a Nazi camp. Serving them is Ted Driskell, proprietor ofrthe restaurant. Mayor Arthur R. Kroppach (left) a^ted as official referee. Although the vets consumed a great deal of fond they failed to eat "everything on the menu." (International) 'GENTLE' BULL SAFE LIKE 'UNLOADED' GUN You can never trust a bull! The "gentle bull" is too often the one which acts at unexpected moments, gores someone to death or inflicts serious injury says Da vid S. Weaver, head of the Agri cultural Engineering department, State College. One of the principal safety rules with bulls is to handle them as lit tle as possible, according to Weav er. With a well-constructed bull pen, any bull can be handled safe ly. The gates and doors, as well as facilities for feeding, watering, and breeding, can be arranged so there is no need for the caretaker to ex pose himself to attack. The complete layout consists of an oblong exercise pen connected to a shelter and breeding chiMe. As an additional safety feature, the bottom fence rail should clear the ground by at least twelve inches so that a man can escape if he should get trapped in the pen. Up right safety escape openings are sometimes provided at the chute artd at the corners. Always ring bulls at an early age and replace worn or weakened rings. A bull is less dangerous when dehorned. When ringing and de horning, always have the animal securely fastened, Weaver says. When it is necessary to lead a bull, always use a staff so you can keep him at a safe distance. Never let a bull run with the herd. Besides being hazardous for people, it is injurious to the bull. Interest Of Citizens In Library Appreciated The Fontana Regional Library wishes to express thanks to the many custodians and patrons who by word of mouth, letter, note, or telegram to our Legislators, took part in the effort to obtain an in creased appropriation for State Aid to Public Libraries. Word has been received that an appropriation of $275,000 for each of the next two years has been approved. This means a total of $2600 per county for each year will be available to help improve all public library service. The interest shown in this effort proves that libraries are really meaning something in the lives of our people. Wilson Infant Dies Funeral services were held Sun day, March 9, at the Zion Hill Bap tist church for John Ray Wilson, infant son cf Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Wilson. The baby died Saturday the 8th after a short illness. BUfiai was in me zidn hhi em etery. ports; SB 285 (HB 744) dealing with the licensing and regulation of hospitals and the general medi cal care program; and SB 286 (HB 748) regulating the sale of insecti cides. By affixing their signatures the presiding officers of the two houses turned 56 bills into laws this week. At least one bill of major interest was finally laid to rest SB 200, the second Senate bill call ing for a statewide liquor refer endum, was reported unfavorably by the Senate FinancefrCommittee. The House liquor referendum bill still rests in committee. Legislative leaders now speak with some confidence of adjourn ment on or before April 5th. It may be done, but if so it will probably be because the presiding officers have more success with turning the clocks back than Canute haci with the sea. Sprindtime On the Farm Hurry, there, you winter blizzards, Pack yer duds and be about, Don't you see the trees are buddin* And the grass is creepin' out? For the frogs, they are a croakin' In the marshes by the mill, And the bees, they are a hummin' Round the blossoms on the hill. In the yards, the birds are quar'lin' About where they'll build their nest. In the meadow lambs are friskin' In their spring suits, newly dressed. Now the farm boy of a mornin' Hitches up his old gray mare And whittles off to his plowin', - Because spring-time's in the air. The days now are gettin' longer, And the sun is shinin' warm, And a feller feels like livin' When its spring-time on the farm. Author unknown. Enjoy Spring Driving # Let us give your car a thor ough check-up for the smooth est, safest spring driving ever! PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR 1947 HUDSONS # Now that nicc weather Ik right around the corner, don't neglect your car. Drive in to day?we'll put it in tip-top driving condition. M*honi> S3 BUCHANAN AUTO & ELECTRIC CO. SYLVA, N. C. Spring Is Almost Here! # Now is the time to get those Spring Medicines and get new life, vim and vigor?We have a complete stock at minimum Fair Trade prices. # We carry a complete line of PARKER FOUNTAIN PENS, including the famous 51. NOTICE TO ALL COW OWNERS # Your cow has her on and off days, the same as humans. When she has an off day, we have the remedy for her. This is a special formula prescribed by Dr. Ramer, one of the most outstanding veterinarians of the South. See us for Dr. Earner's Cow Salts. Guaranteed. TMS MONTH'S SPECUL BIOLAC BABY MILK OOg BIOLAC BABY MILK , Per can ?"* , Per case of 12 $3.24 A FULL STOCK OF Pahnolive. Woodbury. Lux, and Stork Castile Soap # 'When you are ailing and need to see your doctor, bring us the prescription. Having served^Jackson county people for thirty-five years we feel that we can give you the best for less money. Caster Gantries Nunnally's ? Holtingsworth's ? Gales ? Old Dominion Russell McPhail SYLVA PHARMACY "Tho REX A LI. Store99 PHONE 27 SYLVA, N.G.