SOCIETY (Continued from page 5) Mrs. Leon Sutton Entertains Bridge Club On e\emng M.s. Leon Sutton was hostess : r tae nightly meeting o; her or.age club. After ser\ mg a de -ert cou:<e two tables were,made up tor piay.' When the games were ended Mrs. John W. McDevitt Wv>n the award lor high score and Mrs. Ralph Sutton was given the pr./e J for second high. Those playing be- ; sides the winners and hostess were I Mrs. T. N. Massie, Mrs. Grover i Wilkes, Mrs. Kei;h Hind.-, Mrs. E. ! E. Bain, and Mrs. Philip Stovall. # ^ sfc Miss ^sjswsbwsss Card Party Miss Rebecca Sue Cannon en tertained with a card party at her home in DTllsboro Monday eve ning. Tables were arranged and cards were played until late in the evening when the hostess served a salad course. Those playing were Miss Lela Moore Hall, Miss Agnes Wilson, Miss Nancy Allison, Jimmy Keen er, Lewis Wilson, Boyd Sossamon, Wade Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poteet. * * * Mr. And Mrs. Olson Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Clair Olson cele brated their third wedding anni versary at their apartment in Boodleville, Cullowhee, at an in formal but lovely reception Tues day evening. Receiving with Mr. and, Mrs. Olson was their charm ing two year old daughter, Marcia Kay. Gladioli, sweet peas,- and i ferns were arranged in the room 1 recorations. Cake, coffee, and mints were served the guests which included members of W. C. I T. C. faculty and friends of Mr.] and Mrs. Olson. PERSONALS W. C. Hennessee r e t u r n e d Wednesday from a business trip to i Blue Ridge. Ga. , Dr. and Mrs. C. ~T). Killian and nephew, Mark Reed, spent the week-end in Franklin with Dr. and Mrs. Frank Killian. Dr. J. R. Bell of Murphy spent a few days last week with his moth er, Mrs. P. W. Kincaid, and at tended the lune: al of his aunt, Mrs. C. A. Snyder. R. L. Garrett, Jr., and J. L. Hair, both employed at Elizabethton, Tenn., spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCanless and two daughters, Sherrill and' Patricia, left Friday, March 14. to return to their home in Hamilton, Wash., alter spending a week with Mrs. McCanless' aunt. Mrs. C. A. Snyder, and Mr. Snyder. Mrs. McCanless is the former Miss Elizabeth Sherrill. Coming from Canton for the Snyder tuneral last Thursday were Mrs. Guy Hipps, sister of Mrs. Snyder, and son, Gojv. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Luther Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Randall .Mrs. Bill Allen, Mr. Lone Snyder, Misses Betty Ann and Jackie Snyder, and Mrs. J. V. Hipps. Mrs. Forest Blankenship spent | the week-end in Franklin with her I mother, Mrs. D. C.McCoy. I Mrs. J. W. Buchanan, who has ! been ill at her home in Dilisboro, j is slowly improving. Mrs. Buch- ' anan was recently moved tn the home of her dau^hter^Mrs. John : Leather wood. ATLANTA PASTOR TO BRING LAST SERMON ON METHODIST HOUR Dr. Pierce Harris, pastor of First Methodist Church in Atlanta, col l'or a chain of daily news papers. and outstanding lecturer, will be the last speaker on the; U'47 series of Methodist Hour pro- i gr; ins ox er the network of the i Southern Religious U. d.o Confer- j ence at 8:30 a. m. KST, Sunday, . March 30. Dr. Harris will >?pcak on "The [ Little White Church and the Great W n.te Way." This wiil be a special sermon on the relationship of the | city church to the rural churche the largest Sunday evening con gregation of any Methodist preach er in the South, and his church -each?year- raises a laige?sum^ol money to be invested in support of certain rural churches in Georgia. **"One of the featured solo voices of The Methodist Hour chorus choir is that of Mrs. Alice .Tomlin son noted concert artist, who sings the theme song "Amazing Grace." This chorus choir of 16 voices is under the direction of John Hoff man, with George Hamrick at the organ. ? The 52 radio stations which are ' members of the southern Religious Radio Conference network will during the months of April, May and June carry the prografns of The Baptist Hour under the di rection of Dr. S. F. Lowe. The I'rotestapt Episcopal Church has the privilege of being on these same stations during the months of July, August and September, and the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. will present the series for the months of October, November and December. i HOSPITAL NEWS i . Miss Jewel Davis of Whitticr is in for treatment. Mrs.- YV illis Sneed of Glenville j i> receiving treatment. Mrs. R. H. McLeroy of Sylva, | operative case, is doing nicely. Mrs.--Earl Arvey of 111 y>on City, operative case, is along al j right. Miss Betty Davis, daughter of | Mr. and Mr*. I). D. Davis of Web f'^ier, is doing nicely following an appendectomy Tuesday. Mrs. Allen Ball of Bryson City I > receiving treatment. j Tmy Clark is improving follow - : ing an accident. 1 Malay Moore of Glenville. who ? was burned sometime ago, is im I proving. Mr. and Mrs. Wade W. Rogers announce, the birth of a daughter on Monday, March 17. Mrs, Rogers :s the former Miss Louise Leath erwood of Bryson (Tity. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kxtine of Sylva announce the birth of twins, a daughter and a son. on Tuesday. March 18. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Blankenship of Robbinsville, a daughter on Friday, March 21. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Odell Lovedahl on Sunday, March 23. Shelton Funeral To Be Held Today At Cullowhee Church Funer; 1 services for Love Loncy SaeP.on, (58. who died Tuesday aft e.a at his home at Culiowhee. v..II <. r.eai t : j - afternoon a' Cul 11 i\V: iti' I >; i jit . 1 i'iiUI'v .1. T o (locea-o i i- survived by his vi. ? 1 ?-on. Jule. of Cul i W Y< f. * With one of our new hair-dos your Easter outfit will be complete. Let one of our ex perienced operators help you select a be coming style. Tuckaseegee .... BEAUTY SHOPPE ? ? ? ? MRS, 8AM ALLISON, owner? operator MRS. DIXIE GOINS?MRS. DON ASHE. operators Phone 60 Called Back For Consultation 7 i^Sj^*sas^-3Txamxkvnm ? Jj*.:- AU&*.. . i. THE AMERICAN AMBASSADORS to Greece and Turkey have been ordered to return to Washington to. provide facts for Congressional examination ot President Truman's $400,000,000 military and economic assistance program for those countries. The envoys are Lincoln MacVeagh (left), Ambassador to Greece, and Edwin C. Wilson, Ambassador to Turkey. They will consult with President Truman, soon after the Chief Execu tive returns from his vacation at Key West, Florida. (International) Internal parasites are reducing tre value of market hogs in the Southeast by more than fifty cents a head, according to a recent sur vey by the USDA'S- Bureau of Animal Industry. . , .. Miss Albright Attends National Association, Deans Of Women Miss Anne Albright, Dean of Women and instructor in the social science department of Western Carolina Teachers college, left Wednesday for Columbus, Ohio, where she will attend a meeting of the National Association of Deans of Women. She is chair-1 man of the section "College of Edu- ; cation and Teacher Training," and,) as such, is responsible for two two- j hour programs at the National! meeting. The American College Personnel ' Association ,the National-Vocation al Guidance Associations, and sev eral smaller organizations will hold meetings in Columbus at the the Deans' Association. Important speakers for any of the groups will be shared with the other groups. For . Miss Albright's first pro gram Stewart B. Hamblen, Con sultant in Applied Economics for the Committee on Standards and Surveys, The American Association of Teachers colleges, will give a lec ture with sound film, "Applied Ec onomics Project for the Conserva tion of Human Resources." *? For her second program Dean Albright has secured as speakers1 five Deans of Women, who will talk on various phases of "How Deans of Women May Aid in the Present Period of National Crisis." They are: M. Eunice ^Hilton, Syracuse ;Unversity; Ruth Brett, Tuskegee Institute; Louise Price, Brooklyn College; Florence M. Thompson, Michigan State College; and Beth Porter Garvey, Minnesota State Teachers college. Miss Albright was president of the North Carolina State Asso ciation of Deans of Women, 1944 46, and has also been chairman of the Western North Carolina section of the a>sociation. The convention, Miss Albright said, will open with a board meet ing at 7:00 p. m. Thursday, March 27, and she will attend meetings pretty steadily through 4:00 p. m. Monday. March 31, including all-' day sessions Sunday. There has not been a meeting of the association for several years, Miss Albright said, and a capacity attendance is expected. Six hun dred deans of women have already registered at one hotel, which was filled by the end of January. Following the close of the con vention Monday afternoon, Miss Albright will fly to Pittsburgh? her first flight?for a visit with a friend of long standing, Miss Shade H. Wells Dies At Home In Canton Shade Hamilton Wells, brother of J. W. Wells, highly respected col ored citizen of Sylva, died at his home in Canton Saturday, March 22. Funeral services we,re\ con victed by Rev. J. H. Smith-and burial was in the Parrish ceme tery at Sylva. Wells was a native of Jackson county but had made his home in Canton for the past 30 years. He was 67 at the time of his death. Surviving are the widow, four children, one brother, J. W. Wells of Sylva, and one sister who lives in Philadelphia, also his step mother who makes her home in Sylva. National 4-H Club Camp will be held at the site of the old Arling ?li-in Fnrms nrrnss the riv^f {rom Washington, D. C., June 11-18. The Rural Electrification Ad ministration has approved loans totaling $449,000 to five rural electric co-operatives in Arizona, Virginia, New Mexico, North Caro lina, afji<T~Pennsylvania. Luceba Triplett, who formerly taught school in Murphy. She will arrive back at Cullowhee April 3, returning by air so she can spend more time with her frienfi. FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE FAIR TRADE u a < & H < w a ps H NN 9C DRUG "Fair Trade" Items Listed Below Cannot Be Sold For Less According To The Fair Trade Laws of North Carolina Q < H ft* NN < w Q < cc H ftS < fa w a <1 & H ft* u* w Q < H C? M < fa w Q ft* H M < fa w a < C? H ft* NX < b Ed Q * H s < fa W 35c Size VICKS VAPORUB $1.25 Size PERUNA $1.50 Size KOLOR BAK 25c Size Phillips MILK OF MAGNESIA 50 Size Phillips MILK OF MAGNESIA 60c Size HALEY'S M-0 $1.00 Size haley'S M-0 Regular Size CASTORIA Family Size CASTORIA $1.25 Size SCALF'S INDIAN RIVER 25c Size ANACIN 50c Size ANACIN 35c Size FREEZE zone 60c Size heet 50c Size VITALIS $1.25 Size RETONGA $1.20 Size SMA ... 50c Tube IPANA TOOTH PASTE 75c Size DOAN'S PILLS 50c Size UNGUENTINE $1.25 Size PETROGALAR 27c 98c $1.29 19c 39c 47c 79c 31c 59c $1.09 19c 39c 29c 49c 43c $1.09 98c 39a, 43c 39c 89c < h I 60c Size CTPjfc CREOMULSION V*C ~ $1.08 $1.25 Size CREOMULSION 25c Size PABLUM BABY CEREAL 50c Size PABLUM BABY CEREAL 25c Size BLACK DRAUGHT $1.25 Size sss $2.00 Size SSS $1.00 Srize CARDUI LYDIA E. PINKHAM 60c Size SYRUP OF PEPSIN $1.20 Size SYRUP OF PEPSIN $1.35 Size DR. PIERCE'S G.M.D. $1.35 Size DR. PIERCE S F.P. $1.15 Size SWAMP ROOT 60c Size LYSOL $1.20 Size LYSOL 75c Size BAYER ASPIRIN 100 Size ST. JOSEPH ASPIRIN 19c 39c 21c 98c $1.69 89c 89c 47c 94c $1.09 $1.09 98c 49c 98c 59c 35c Regular 50c DR. WEST TOOTH BKUSTT 25c Size LISTERINE 47 c 19c Agency for NORRIS Exquisite CANDY 50c Size LISTERINE 39c 75c Size LISTERINE 59c One Pint SQUIBBS MINERAL OIL 59c Box of 12 KOTEX 25c ALL SIZES KODAK FILMS 60c Size SAL HEPATICA 49c 50c Size JERGENS LOTION 39c $1.00 Size JERGENS LOTION 79c 35c Size GROVES COLD TABLETS 29c 19c Size FOUR WAY COLD TABLETS 17c 70c Size PINEX 59c 25c Size Carters' Little Liver Pills 19c 25c Size FEENAMINT 19c 25c Size B. C... 19c 25c Size STANBACK 19c 50c Size PEP-TO-BISMOL 47c $1.00 Size PEP-TO-BISMOL 89c 60c Size Sergeants SURE SHOT CAPSULES 60c Size Sergeants CONDITION CAPSULES 57c 57 c 60c Size Sergeants PUPPY CAPSULES 57c 60c Size Sergeants VITAPELTS . 57c OLD SPICE TOILET ARTICLES ir Ed Q < Hooper's Drug Store Pure Drug ft and Prompt Service Always 3QVHX HIV J 3QVHX HIV J 3QVH" HIV J 3CTVHX HIV J 3QVHX HIV J 3QVHX HIV33QVHX HIVJ?3QVHX HIV3 *3 > 3 H pa > a M r )

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