Society and Personal Legion Auxiliary Has Party For Children On Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock the American Legion auxiliary sponsored a party and egg hunt for the children, includ ing pre-school children through the third grade. Several features of entertainment had been planned. In the egg hunt John David Stovall found the prize egg in the pre-school group, and Ben Cathey was the lucky finder in the school age group. Both were given baskets uim>i iii"i" wilpiwiii m ? " I" * ruled with bunnies and eggs. A puppet show, "The Three .Wishes," was presented by a group of older children who were Audrey Jane Jones, Gail Webber, Jimmy Stovall, Kenneth Gillis, and Rob ert ^A.llison.-r Kenneth Sutton ma nipulated a monkey which furn ished much ..amusement for the little folk. The children vied for rides on Edward Sumner's pony so that Mrs.-Harry Ferguson and Tommy Ferguson brought out their horses and joined in the fun by letting them ride the horses. ? Other boys helping were Pat Montague, Dicky Wilson, Herrin Cabe, and a number -of the boy scouts. Light refreshments were served the children. A sum of $23.50 was raised to be added to the fountain fund. * * * Dean And Mrs. Bird Entertain ? Dean and Mrs. W. E. Bird enter tained recently at a dinner party the members of the English Semi nar of WCTC as a special courtesy to Miss Laura Jean McAdams. The table was covered with a white ' linen cloth from Aruba, S. A., and centered with a crystal bowl filled with spring flowers. Covers were laid for Miss McAdams, Miss Mabel ?Tyree, Mr. and Mrs. Taff, Mr. E. V. Deans, Jr., Mrs. C. D. Killian, Mr. Clarence Chrisman, and Mr. and Mrs. Bird. Miss McAdams, formerly head of the English department of WCTC, since her return to "the college has been connected with both the English and Foreign Lan guages department. She plans to leave soon for Florehce, Ala., where she has accepted the position as head of the English department of Alabama State Teachers college. * * * Mrs. Hardy Hostess For Bridge Club Mrs. Rudy Hardy was hostess for the meeting of the Thursday Evening bridge club at her home on Thursday evening of last week. When scores were totaled Miss Lela Moore Hall had made high score and Mrs. Clyc^e Rector held low score. Both were given prizes. I Mrs. Hardy served a salad course. The guest list included besides those winning, Mrs. Dan B. Hoop er, Mrs. Charles Poteet, and Misses Rebecca Sue Cannon, Lou Elsie Parker, Anne Warren, Dorothy Mae McKee, Nancy J. Allison, and Agnes Wilson. * * * Halcyon Club Will Have Easter Bazaar The Junior Woman's Halcyon club will hold an Easter bazaar Saturday, April 5, at Massie Furni ture store. Easter baskets, Easter bunnies, aprons, and luncheon cloths will be on sale. Anyone wishing to place an order for dyed Easter eggs may do so by calling 204-J before April 5. Gail Webber Has Birthday Party Mrs. F. L. Webber entertained fifteen young g*rls at a Bingo party Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30, honoring her daughter, Gail, on her eleventh birthday. Following the games of Bingo the guests were invited into the dining room where the table had been arranged with an Easter bunny for the centerpiece, flanked by pink candles in crystal holders. At one end of the table was the i birthday cake and at the other were placed the gifts, which the young hostess opened. She then cut the cake and it was served with ice cream molded in the shape of bunnies. They then found their places, which were marked with little carts drawn by chickens and filled with nuts, at card tables placed in the living room. Dui ing and lollowing the serv ing records were played. Those making up the guest list were Mary Mason, Leah Sutton, Edith Moore, Joyce Nicholson, Audrey Jane Jones, Merita Cannon, Linda Moody, Gloria Ann Williams, Caro lyn Moore, Jean Nicholson, Patsy Buckner, Doris Moody, Bessta^Bry son, and Sarah Leu Cagle. He :Ji Paxton-Ashe Wedding Announced Mr. and .Mrs. W. M. Paxton have announced the marriage of their daughter, Louise, to Mr. James Don Ashe on Saturday, March 8. in Clayton, Georgia. For her wedding Mrs. Ashe wore a brown suit with brown acces sories and carried a bouquet of p:r.k and white carnations. Since completing her training at Pack Square Beauty School, Asheville, Mrs. Paxton has been employed as an operator at Tuckaseegee Beauty Shoppe where she plans to con tinue her work. Mr. Ashe, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ashe of Speedwell, is a vet eran of World War II in which he served _jabout two years in the Army Air Corps. A part of this time was spent overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Ashe will reside in Sylva. * * * Ruby Daniel Circle Meets With Mrs. Bass Tfce Ruby Daniel circle of the W.M.U. of the Sylva Baptist church met last Thursday evening with Mrs. Tilghman Bass. Mrs. Roger Dillard was joint hostess. Mrs. Porter Scroggs presided. The devotional was given by Mrs. J. E. Buckner. A splendid program with "The Russians" as the theme, was in charge of Mrs. Woodrow Cox. Others taking part were Mrs. W. T. Brown, Mrs. Cicero Bryson, and Mrs. Porter Scroggs. The hostess served a sweet course. * * * Mrs. Grindstaff Hostess To Missionary Society ?The program meeting of the Baptist Woman's Missionary So ciety was held at the home of Mrs. W. E. Grindstaff, on Wednesday afternoon of last week with Mrs. Qrawford Smith, the president, leading the Bible study. The theme for study for the year is "The World's People Today" and the subject "Russians" was in terestingly presented by Mrs. C. M. Warren, Mrs. C. L. Allison and Mrs. Farmer. After the program Mrs. Grind staff, assisted by Mrs. Chester Scott Flowers for Easter, Beautiful Potted Plants v EA3TEU LILiIEG^ GARDENIAS ^ BEGONIAS AZALEAS YELLOW CALLAS % ? GERANIUMS Flowers on Display and Orders taken at HOOPER'S DJUJG STOR$ HYDHAN Jane's & Dot's Plqnt Shop PERSONALS Marion Kirckberg of New Or leans, La. has been the guest of his brother, Dr. W. R. Kirchberg, and family. Mr. arid Mrs. J. H. Shadle of Ranova, Pennsylvania arrived last Thursday to spend .spyeral days with their daughter, Mrs. W. T. Wise, and family. Miss Anne Cathey spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. W. E. Campbell, at Whittier. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford and Miss Evelyn Sherill went to Asheville Saturday. Mr. Crawford and Miss Sherrill returned that evening, but Mfs. ^rawfum iv m.lined and is a patient at Aston Pi rk Hospital where she will re ceive treatment. Mr. and Mrs. William Duck^tt ol Aiheville, who spent last week w:'th Misses Doroihy Williams an''. J; nt Co .Vi rd, spent a few days tl ? iiist el this week In A*!nMr and are now back in Sylva for an other short visit before returning to Asheville the latter part of this 'Week. Mrs.* Duckett will be re membered as the former Miss Katherine Justice. Danny Allison, student at Castle Heights Military Institute, Leban on, Tenn., spent a few clays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Al lison. Mrs. Dixie Goins, who recently returned from Raleigh where she was employed at State Beauty Shoppe, has acceptcd a position w i t h the Tuckaseegee Beauty Shoppe. Miss Edith Garrett, of the Earl Stores, Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Garrett. Misses Edolene, Joe Anne, and Carolyn Curry, who are students at Montreat college, spent the Spring holidays in Charleston, West Virginia with" their school friend, Miss Marguerite Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Landis spent the week-end in Hickory with Mr. Landis' mother, Mrs. Lizzie Landis, who is improving from a serious illness. Miss Lucy Bumgarner spent the week-end in Knoxville, Tenn. with her brother, Mr. J. B. Bum garner, and family. Mrs. Frank Massie had as her week-end guests Mrs. Howard Choate and children of Waynes ville. Mrs. Belle Allison returned Saturday to her home in Webster after having spent the winter months in the eastern part of the state with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hoyle and son, Jerry, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Helen Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Norton at The Little Dining Room. Mr. Frank G. Brown spent the week-end in Murphy with his daughter,. Mrs. H. N. Wells, and family. .Mrs. Ernest Penland left Sunday to spend a few days in Hayesville with her aunt, Mrs. Flora Davis, who is seriously ill at her home there. Mrs. W. C. Collins has returned from Winston-Salem where she visited her mother, Mrs. Roy Mills of Beta, who recently underwent i an operation at the Baptist hos-1 pital in Winston-Salem. Miss Juanita Norton and Miss Ann Buchanan spent the week-end in Asheville visiting friend.*. Mrs. Sam Allison spent the week-end in Murphy wity her sis ter, Miss Carrie Burlfeson, who is a patient at Petrie hospital there. Miss Burleson's home is in Frank lin. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rector and little daughter, Jane Hicks were, week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fincannon in Enka. Mrs. Henry Brady and young daughter, Patty, arrived Sunday to visa Mrs. Brady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bain, and her grand- j mother, Mrs. J. W. Keener. .jVlrs. D. M. Hall and Miss Lela j Moore Hall "have been guests or i ne former's daughter, Mrs. C. N. ujid 'Inmiiy fff-Fuiiklit, ' or several days. L. E. Tweed, after spending th< t r.d Mrs. B. O. Painter, served a ilad and sweet course. Guests present besides members I the society, were Mrs. Chester >c?att and Mrs. D. G. Bryson. ??ji ifg ? ?, Mrs. R. L. Glenn Honors Husband Mrs. R. L. Glenn was hostess at i dinner party Thursday evening. M<ircn 20, as a courte.-y to her hus ;and on the anniversary of h:s )ir*h. Covers were laid for the o! lowing: R. L. Glenn, Jr., a siu ent at tne University of North. Carolina, now spending the spring lol.days with his parents, Miss Tane Coward, sister of Mrs. Glenn, Miss Dorothy Williams, and Mr. | and Mrs. William Duckett of Ashe | ville. Town and Country Suit Navy and yellow bolero fo*lume By VERA WINSTON NAVY and yellow, n bfauM'T color combination tlint is l|-v!i style, is used for this nice bob io costume, good Ten- town or count iy.. i wear. The fabric is pure Ijnin a soft shade of yeliov ,'and the navy blue appears for the patent leather bolt on the dies?, ami ti e ball buttons for the boj< ro. The dress is utterly plain with <ic. ; sun-back, sleeveless?, and with a round ne. I r e. The draped patch pockets of the skirt are the forni point of the costume. The cn>n little bolero, that fives the cr.s?ial dress a citified look, hn? n rolVd collar, and the short slorves are pointed up by buttoned d iwn turn-back curved flaps. week-end with his family, lett Monday for Richmond. He was ac companied to Asheville by Mrs. .Tweed, Mrs. W. L. Jones, Mrs. J. H. Morris, Gail Webber, and Aud rey Jane Jones, who spent the day shopping. Mrs. Carolyn G. Howell was here from Washington, D. C. to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gibson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Phillips left Tuesday to return to their home in Newport News, Va. after spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Phil lips and Mrs. E. E. Brown. F. L. Webber was here from Ce lina, Tenn to spend t&e week-end with his family at the home of Mrs. Webber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Knloe spent the week-end in Lafayette, Ga., the guests of Mrs. Enloe's aunt, Mrs. Frank Gudenrath. Mr. and Mrs. Dan K. Moore and two children, Edith and Danny, have been visiting relatives in Chattanooga, Tenn., going down to t attend the wedding of Mrs. Moore's" cousin. Miss Mary Elizabeth Eld ridge. Miss Edith Moore was junior bridesmaid in the wedding. Harry Hastings is spending sometime at home, as Blue Ridge School for Boys, where he is a student, has been closed due to a Flu epidemic. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Street, Mrs. Sophie Street Anderson and son, Eel Street Anderson, of Asheville were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Allison. Mr. J. A. Philipps, of Yonkers, New York, spent four days last week at Cu.'owhce as ^ ie.-t of his parents, Pr .f. and Mrs. Cyrus (). , Phillips. Ht left Saturday for a j visit in Fa.ida before returning i to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BurrielfeH and Mrs. Fr#ffk Moody, and daugh- ! tor, Linda, were visitors in Knox - I ville, Tenn., the first of the week*.' Mr. and Mr-. Brunette, new own- ! ers of Sylv:. Flower and Gift Shop, ' wn?'G?mailing an ?trrr flowers for their Easter trade. Attending from out of town the funeral of Mrs. C. A. Snyder in I Dillsboro l..,t Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Furman McAfee of Al coa, Tenn.. Mrs. Edith Whitworth :?nd sons, Harold and Lowery, of \shcvtHe, -and Mr. and Mn. Bon_ Turner, Jr., of Eastanolla. GaT M. G. Ramsey, student at Christ school, A aeviile, is spending the spring holidays with his uncle and ? unt, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stoval], Mrs. Robert Fisher spent Sunday in AshevJJie with her mother, Mrs, Cary All.son, who is a parent at Mission Hospital. Mrs. Ute Hyatt of Bryson C.ty is spending some time here with ?er brother. Mr. Cary Allison, and family. Quay Grigg, Jr., is home from Duke - University, spending the spring holidays with his parents, (Rev. and Mrs. W. Q. Grigg. Calendar of Events FRIDAY, MARCH 28?The Amer ican Legion will meet in the courthouse at 7;30 p. m. L. H. Higdon, commander. FRIDAY, MARCH 28?The Amer- | ican Legion Auxiliary will meet j with Mrs. F. M. Williams at 7:30 | p. m. Mrs. Dan Tompkins, presi- j dent. TUESDAY, APRIL 1?The Rotary club will have a dinner meeting ' in Allison building at 6:30 p. m. 1 W. E. Ensor, president. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 ? The I ?I'lalL'yUIl club will niceH with Mrs. George Lee at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Claude Campbell. ( president. THURSDAY, APRIL 3?The Dills- I boro Masonic Lodge, No. 4">9 i will meet in the Masonic Hall. Dillsboro, at 7:30 p. m. Ed Bum- 1 garner, W. M. THURSDAY, AP^RIL 3?The Ruby I Daniel circle of the W.M.S. of i the Baptist church will meet with | Mrs. W. T. Brown at 7:30 p. in. j Mrs. Porter Scroggs, president. FRIDAY, APRIL 4 -The 15. H. Catlicy chapter, U.D.C. will meet with Mrs. A. J. Dills at 7:30 p. in. Mrs. Jennings Bryson, president. Drs. McGuire,'Wilson Hostesses for S. S. Party On Monday evening Dr. Patsy McGuire and Dr. ?Noracella M. Wil-on were hostesses for the reg ular meeting of the Young Adult Sunday School das* of the Meth odist church in Allison building. Rev. W. Q. Grigg made some an nouncements about the pre-Eastei services of" the church and turned the meeting over to Mr. A. C. Re.v nolds who gave the devotional. Group singing, led by Dr. McGuire, who also played the accompani ment, was a part of the program. Dr. Wilson was in charge of the recreation period, during which indoor horse shoe, ping pong, and singing games were enjoyed. The president. T. X. Massie, pre sided over a short business ses sion. The hostesses served a delicious sweet course. Mrs. Jack Sherrill and son and daughter, Jack and Fannie May, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Sherrill and Mrs. William Katenbrink of Frank lin wi'iy ip D:lUhn"fL.,Uus4r Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. C A. Snyder. PRESENTING Under New Ownership The New PACK SQUARE BEAUTY SCHOOL 7V> N. W. Pack Square ASHEVILLE, N. C. STUDENT ENROLLMENT ACCEPTED DAILY. Visit, or write us for full liirormanorrr^ WEIGHT DOWN TO 91 LBS.: REGAINS 25 ON TOGA Was Forced To Live On j 1 r(>ukl ha:dl>' breathe. I Soft Foods And Could iinpi"s:bio?My wSt Scarcely Walk A Block, I k<. p: dropping and I had to take i Declares Mr. Stevens.!' ;,nK.ils i?'? /very ; ri1. :ni: I le't chock lull of Retonga ^Did A Grand | <? >??ns and oiten every Job," He States [ uui.M'l'' in my body seemed to ache. ... ,, ! "Ki tor.^a ?ave me almost un Almost a year auo Retonga i , . . ' , . , i* be;a\able relic!. I soon ate any ; O!?tuuht me wo*dcr' ul relie! wnen i ? . . , , . . , 111!:1 wanted, regained twenty I was I?>rced to 11\f on M>:t !"><<.' , , , ... . |lj\e p.Hinds and lei; stronger than i mv we.ght was dow n to ri.ietv!, , , , . , J. . ,, * 1 ' ? . ? \;;ec'.ed to leel.. I still leel , jionnti- and I co.dd hardiv walk I , , . ... , a dillerent man. Retonga did I ba rk. 1 '-tifl li 1 !.ne ; nd R* lunga , . . ".1 i>-b in mv case. i - alwavs Mi v >tand-b\\ uralelullv , ' , ; I Hrtoi u.i :? a purelv nerbcil stom ! te Mr. .!< hn 11. S ?,w^\ wci,- , . , , . * . ... . .. a< a na di. me combined wdh liberal ! K ?i. 'Wii n-valcnt ol \'2 Hovt St.. . .. .. , , . L, ... ? ? o'.,( i * '' ol \ ilainiM b-1 and is S. v. .. At lanta. C i ;? 11?? t.*?.i to relieve distress due to j ficn't , ee-n..w ar.\oin- coald m.-n i: i.-ient ! low ol' digestive juices -11! lei" more from mwou indices- iu tiic tomarh. loss of appetite, 1'io.n," continued Mr. Stivcns. \ri;. mm I'-l deficiency and con "i'.v?'!i if'ei eating ult !ood.? I t>; - stg>a<ioii. /.t? cpt no substitute. Re ', !? n it'll hioa'rd as tiali! .: > a di'iim ! Iohl'.i roay be obtained at Sylva 1 and u.i- pressed aua.iat my chc-t ' I'h.irmaev.?Adv. x : - ? Send flowers because her ensemble isn't complete with out a fragrant corsage Easter Sunday. -Phone your order now ? Whether it's cut flowers, cor sages, or potted plants . . . send 1' lowers. Sylva Flower and Gift Shop Phone 280 ^ SYLVA, N. C. Main Street

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