Narth Carolina's Forest Fire Record Is South9s Worst, Over Quarter Million Acres Burned Report Is For Protected Woodland; Forester Makes Statement ""WASHINGTON. D. C. (Special) -?C. roiina's 1 ^rest lire rec ord : >r burned on projected woodlands," is the worsts in the South. wo. a survey just; pubi./. ed !?> t..e American Forest Pivaa.'.s In:i'a>t :.<?*, i. e. viee st ti-tir? : r :.. nwirie ior?\-t tire .. * . .<.? ? ui " i y >.'ij a .?{ tnot o\ i ?? ... oj;. *? r rrn' acres of J the te'- :4 lands were bii^'ie x t ? 'iic * .'reive months st ? ?. 1 ;>e.i<a. (Jr.'.y one state .n 4 e !i: .1 * I a greater aria : ...: t'? : i n.r, i pcrcen1 .i:e tii la.ii stale's area a as m brush an i grazing iu.ias. * ? '? ? In ; :!diti??!. to the ' >:tep>:ve fire drm..;;e on protected forest lands, the report shows th: t more than 4 -million of the state's woodland] acres are w.tnout r.ny form ol >i- j gnnized tire protection. The high i 'fire incidence on protected lands and the kav^e urea >?. .t lout protec tion. combine to cro^le a major thieat to the l'ucure of thi> state's forests, according to the survey. Commenting on the North CYii'o lina showing, Forester Charles A. G.ilett of 'he American Forest odii'-ts Indu.-tnrvr-kc.. -1. ^s-ed need for mroa.ed public .-up po)t for fore, t piotev': ?ii aye:: There i- iiope for substantial improvement in the* state's' record May arn of l)?*o r<lcr?'?l KitiiM'V Ai (ion life with its hurry and worry, irrt ,'ular habits, improper eal yu; and drinking ? its risk ?>f e*;>onOre and infee lion?throws heavy strain on flu* work of the kidneys. They are to b#*eom?' over-taxed and fail to tj11?? r excess arid and other impurities from t ht life-Kiviny blood. You may sufTer nailing backarhc, headache, dizzinew. get linn up nights, leg pains, swelling?feel constantly tired, nervouB. all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Uoan'ii Pill*. Doan't help thn kidneys to pass oil harmful excess bo!/ waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Aik your neighbor! Doans Pills ! BORN IN APRIL? READ THIS TO SEE V. H AT T', " I PERSON VOU ARE People a. :i Apr;. a a * .c -mn <r.t... e .? id . .v . ?*. i :n,?nt* !?> *. a y - 4cn: ?: s'u'iv t : a" :e."i ? ' e P ? an and male exce!'e'.*. i V'L'... . . a y 1 - ? j my?:<_r ( - J:-!-.. f i i :ci\ ? u v . They i i- q a ai.d c a '. . <?-;?I .4 Tru-y .i ? a.Id .v": i t : .... .0 fin , ] f v j ; ?? :)oi;i i: ? i :utare ' .end- on y ?... . ..'am. >\ ;? ? .1/ i^ ien ? " .ct until uUiC.s catch up . ;? idea- . Y 'ii.*~t>ut>I.!n(iii;j .. iv- . ti\.n.?:.e ? and trutn;\ V i, pay little attention to * *;; > ations, .i? i are incla.e.i cheeri'u!. Yra jre auie t?? - t* throu;??' ajiems ta a 1 ,'. . u . elusion .u ;J rju not \v.< tmc : ??nnei.,'.:>3ui y affairs. Oil .ne ne^.itlvc Side. a. y.?u. do si re to help others, you j.nay u\er reach and try to irnpo. e y ar v. ?Hi pe^i/aj. Tnis can oe ? :jv ma ansu^esliar..- - ; u /atner i!.an'giv;ng ordei-. Your and pcrs<w. ':?> .n ,,.0 yall aU.ieu .Hi- certain jo;, au ,e.-.S10 aS . ' ? C i .i ? ! J 1*1 i St. a * * ; i ?' < A,.. a !'. i in the .'v oil (,i tiie . CYi.'al.i. i | Forestry a^ociation," CJilii-.t !. ! "That organization has voted to >>- ! j sumc .?? responsibility 'or tia -ponsoi i.ip of a Keep Noili. C u - i:nil Gi't't.i program. In 121 ;anl :;i:?js, the Ku'p tl <? j 'movement lias been made ' .'iej spearhead of a drive lor public | education in forest protection, j Through the work of these organi zations'. the average. American is learning of the value of his forests .<nd his responsibility for their protection." "The first step toward effective forest fire control will have been I taken," Gillett said, "when all of North Carolina's tree-growing acres have been placed under some form pi organized protection. The work of educating the public in the im ' pcrtance of proteoting the forests can then be effectively carried -for ward by a slate Keep Green organ ization." On Odd Living Room NITURE Prices from 827.50 Up New Walnut Poster Twin Beds, Springs, and Mattresses^ complete for only PORCH GLIDERS $27.50 USED LAWN MOWERS ~ $10.00 LAWN CHAIRS $5.75 HARRISOM FURNITURE AND SALVAGE CO. Phone 209 Cullowhee Road * (Ml '??/'?* f lBl*M K't't / V/"Vf SYMBOLIZING Passover, the Jewish festival of freedom, which begins at sundown, April 4, D. Manischewitz breaks a-matzoh at the base of the ancient Egyptian obelisk, in New York City's Central Park. The occa sion commemorates the release <41 t-ie I .raelite slaves, some 3,< years u.50. l rum bondage of Pharaoh. (InlernatU Mi.?s SGlv::s Dittos For Apv'J I'1) C Community .* VI ? i ? t.; p. ? 5 s ? ? i '? " .11 ... . . >TiC ? * - ^ * ?< . ? i .. i .1! i - '?'v J ' ?' ? ? . . ? . ' . i; ,)f.* of ' i . ! r ' *e " . ion v ? c'err.. i: i .* tration j V. r ' IO < k ri 1 * ? ! . I;. >?> ft? the ? . '.a. ..-.ij.* v..'.' be "Tr.e' H ir.< Sir.' .nu v/enier." For I r,c 4-H v.? .-- i.iirm ?viii-vj?jve vi*. r.\ .. >p. sr. ".\ iJoltcr ' i.'? . v * . ' ? - . T:.( - !tr!r *; April 1<1 ' 1 ' ? ' Apr.! !)- > :? .nr.ih 4-H clt:h. and iii.-a H tr.f Demonstration club. Apr ;1 11 ?Beta 4-H Club. Ap-.i! 14?2 p. m. Balsam H?.mc Demurs!ration club. April 1")?-Tuckasee^ee- 4-H club; Jai.nV C\eei; 4-11 club; 2 p. m. Gay Home Du.t.u;>;ration club. 16?2 p. m.--John's Creek Home Demonstration club. April IT?2 p. m.?Lovesfield Home Demonstration club; Web ster 4 H Club; 4-H club. 'April. 18?9:30 a. m. Dillsboro 4-H c!ub: 10:4.") a. m. Qualla 4-H club. Ajxiil 21?2 p. m. Svlva Home Demon.**, rat ion club. April 22?2 p. m. Qualla Home Demonstration club. April 23?2 p. m. Victory Home Demonstration club; 3:30 p. m. Cope Creek 4-H club. 24?2:IH) p. m. Cullowhee Home Di nvns'r 'ion c'.ub. Apr!! 2.*;?11 m.- C pj Cioek Home Demon-tr: tion club; fJlon v iiic 4-H club; Cashiers 4-H club. "Apr.I 28-?i! p. m. Glenville Home jp.siratior, club. April 2:-'?2:3') p. m. Cashiers Home Demons'r; ti< n club. ARGURAn news K.enJ- v'i .\u..i Sally Melon will he aivry to k..rn tlicit s..c is vt : til. Mr. ;? -1vi M:>. I'i'.i cHi_v.dersP'". of vis.ted :.:*d Mr>. B \ ?< M.i' Su:\,;iy ?:;cl also rs. ur.''jlher, wmu is ill. M;. and U: nxie Mathis are \ . .ling Mr.-. Main is" parents, Mr. ... ; ??. I j . -. .. I i \ * . Melt ' -1. e>l Mr>. T >lv;n Alex ?.ncier will i\ nx\ :<> kno-.v th.?t she is sick. Mr. and Mrs. v\\ \V. Bryson of Speedwell vi-ui.\i Mrs. Bry.-jn's parents. Mr. and M:s. R. M. Broom, i Sunday. . . 1 Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Mathis spent] Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Mathis. Farmers of this section are tak ing advantage of the nice sunny weather, planting their gardens "ami preparing the ground for other ; crops. AN UNUSUAL WINDOW Boyd Sossamon, manager of Sossamon Furniture Company's store here, is receiving congratu lations on the unusual window he has dressed for tjie store. Hundreds ol bamboo poles were used for the background, sand placed on the floor with a large mirror* in tr.e center gives the appearance of a nice lake. Surrounding this is a display of lawn and beach furni ture and a boat ready for launching for a nice run around the lake in the cool of the evening. The win dow display will have a very in viting appearance these hot sum mer everirgy. civil engineer, electric5.- n, me chanic, musician, ontic an, psy chologist, welfare wnrVc, writer. Hunter, Killian And McDevitt Will Attend Conference On Vets Dr. H. T. Hunter, President of Western Carolina Teachers col lege. Dr. Karl D. Killian, professor nl' Education and Psychology, and Mr. J. W. McDevitt, Bursar, will tend the Veterui.- Education .md T.vining conference in Winston 1-? le:r. Apiii 11. The i an .::\'ational one. fuc Ch: mber of Commerce o~ c i./ <?>: \Vin<ion-S.< ?? ti n . i'ed represent.':vc : of tne Vet - .? A dm:? :.??*; ?: . ?:i, .-.r .1 o.' .c >] C~CS villi v t'.'.M ..t'S i-'. t. :L* >? i iC . ' t.clpato In ; .? -^Ufa v ceai : . voter.4.' ' ? iucat: -n. ' - v ? . i- ..1 >?;.? . t- * "? >1 n.'V;-' ?\. ia'c tt'7- '"--r?rz":. ""?lt'.t'. t. :i ...... : i t .. v.. ni-:: Ct ? . ! ?. ! o ;?i - . i. i" .* -? \, i i i ' ?' . ' j>> :a - - . .. ied by. I;.c-.v'i:.r. V.tank P. ? ?. ...: .ji; ? to. JL' ;'\ .. i y No. . <' i.-<>!!na. T'r.a .-.;r ;<_vt i ?r i. d. * . as i.-n will 'ji i .s*.luti ivi. - cation for :. ' HOSPITAL NEWS Jack Kirkland of Bryson City. ? cc.'clent c.?e. sna\v 1 ng improve ? ment. * Mrs. Harry Parker, of Sylva, is receiving treatment. I Thomas Norton" Surrett, of Bry j'on City, receiving treatment. Robert Chast.un, oi' Tu'ckaseigee. lor treatment. Bethel Gunneils, of Ea.-t Laporte. i'?- getting along very well follow ing bin...; leceived recently. O. D. McDw.i .ld, Cherokee, op cr.itive case, J.oing nicely. Born to ^Mr. aYid Mrs. Walker Doit/., of Cullowhee. ;i daughter on April 0. ^ A daughter was bom on April ?) to Mr. and Mrs. Lymon Powell, of Tuckasei.^ee. Mr. and Mrs. L. Roy Bryson, of Glenville, announce the birth of a daughter on April 4. Tne twin babies, a boy and a -hi, born on March 18 to Mr. and Mrs. William G. K::4ir.e are doing nicely. WHAT AM I? I am a little thing with a big meaning. I heip everybody. I un lock doors, open hearts, do away with prejudice?I create friendship and good will. I inspire respect QUALLA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Buren Terrell of Kenley and Orville Terrell of Bailing Springs spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Terrell and Mrs. Annie T. lioyle. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kinsland and daughter, L.ndn, of Asheville spent Sund ;y' with Mr. and Mrs. Gol moa Kinsland and family. MV. ar.d Mr.-.. Glenn Cordell of ] Sov v: s'.\W, Tin'i. were the quests ?of Mr. and <Mrs. Frank Cordell I j A y-. C i..i lit- Snyder v.sited her Jr * ;t. . Mr. Xcistn Woods, Sun ? t 1 ' V . 4 -M y . iid Mi s. iJ?'> Mr.>hburn ar.d .. i. :\y >ere the ->:- u Mr, ? i a :i. .Sunday. ~ , ? .';o Tana* ITTvrr' erriurn n , ' ?rcr icr, W ay j c\ .S m4 .? or., a id '? :\>j. i cuii; .ties p) o.'a xs more a a .1 .a t.OOU Ui kevs _ ?:na- :?? v. i" 'I Federal -p 1. .sura *i? e j Cor has disc tied pr.yr I meat 1 ii4G crop i.,\U a 1 a>r claims li.r.aor ;r.e crop insurance program. i * ~ ?? - * j ttiid c mfidenco. i.\ cr\x - iy lave^ me. I bore nobody I \i ..ate no la w. I cost nothing. Many have praised me,* none have condemned me. I am pleasing to everybody. I am [ useful every moment oi the day. I am COURTESY. LI LI US JEWELRY COMPANY Sylva, N. C. HOW LONG WILL YOOR SOIT LOOK NEW? No matter how fine the material?no matter how skilled your tailor . . . your suit will not look well unless you care for it properlyregularly. Keep your fine suits, coats, dresses and other clothes new-looking longer by sending them to us for reguk-r dry cleaning and pressing. PROMPT PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE #'?// i*h*mv / 'Jit MOSSE S SKY CLEARING floor Sanding With our modern Floor Sander and experienced operator we are prepared to make those worn and scarred floors look like new. No corners or edges of your floors slighted as we use an auxiliary sander in these close places. Call us for a free estimate on your work. M0evoo *s Schetlac and Varnishes JACKSON COAL & LUMBER CO D. B. HOOPER PHONE 38 H. B. R0BER80N Let us gin mFORO Spring Hw V 'secks/jnj Genuine Ford Paris 1* Ford-trained Mechanics 3. Factory-approved Methods ? There's no place - like HOME for lord Service ?% \..yror Fnnl de tier knows ymrrFord iestl" ris ig a good time to make your Ford look and act like "new" again. For a vacuuming, a paint job, a tune-up or any other care, you'll find it best to bring youf Ford "back home" for service. listen to tho Ford Shew starring Dlpah Shore on Columbia Network Stotlom W*dn**day ?vtnina* 4. Specialized Ford Equipment ISTIWJTfl FKlt ? USl OUR BUDGET UAH REECE-HAMPTON MOTOR CO., Inc

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