Society a nd Personal Mrs. Dills Has U.D.C. Meet On Thursday evening the B. H. I Cathev chapter, United Daughters ol* the Confederacy, had its April meeting at the home of Mrs. A. J. Dills, with Mrs. Dills and her daughter, Mrs. Porter Scroggs, as hostesses. The president, Mrs. Jennings Bryson, presided during the busi ness hour. Plans were discussed for the recitation-declamation con test to be held in the high schools of the County. Mrs. J. F. Freeze, Miss Bertha Cunningham, Mrs. Dan Tompkins, Mrs. Alary Cowan, and Mrs. Harry Ferguson were named as a committee to make ar rangements for this annual event. The regular program was dis pensed with due to the absence of the program leader, but a number of short stories of a humorous'na ture were told by different mem bers. Mrs. Scroggs served a sweet course to the fourteen members present. The members presented Mrs. Dills with a bowl of blooming pansy plants. * * * % Mrs. Dan B. Bryson Hostess For Bridge Club Mr. Dan B. Bryson was hostess for the meeting of the Thursday Evening bridge club last week at the home of Mrs. O. E. Brooknyser. At the conclusion of the games Miss Agnes Wilson was given the prize for high pcv'c and Miss Lou Elsie Parker received the low score award. Mrs., Hooper served a sweet course. Those playing at the two tables were besides those winning, Mrs. Charles Poteot, Mrs. Clyde Hector, Mrs. Rudy Hardy, Mrs. O. E. Brookhyser, and Misses Ann War ren and Lcla Moore Hall. ? Mrs. Wilkes Entertains Club On last Thursday evening Mrs. Grover Wilkes was hostess-for the bi-weekly meeting of her bridge club. When the guests had assem bled they were served a dessert course before the tables were ar ranged for play. When scores were totaled, Mrs. Dan Moore held high score and Mrs. Leon Sutton had made second high. They were both given prizes. Those playing besides the hostess were Mrs. Hinds, Mrs. Philip Stovall. Mrs. Leon Sutton, Mrs. J. R. Long, Mrs. Dan Moore. Mrs. T. N. Massie, and Mrs. C. E. Thompson. Glenville O. E. S. Installs Officers Officers for t'ne ensuing year , were installed at a special meet.n&'j of Glenville chapter No. 222, Order ! of the Eastern Star on last Satur- i dry evening. Mrs. Virginia Watson, Past Ma- ! tron of Oce chapter, No. 139 O.E.S., | Dillsburo, served as installing 6i- | ficer. Sne was assisted by Clay- ] burn Bryson, installing marshal. \ Mrs. Beatrice Bryson, installing chaplain, and Mrs. Margie Fowler. ! ? installing warden. i Those installed \vei~e 1 ; Monteith, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Liz zie Russell, Associate Matron; Dr. Thomas N. Carter, Associate Pa tron; Mrs. Kate Bryson, Secretary; Mrs. Christine Reynolds, Treasurer; j Mrs. Ellen Robinson, Conductress; | Mrs. Vee Wright, Associate Con ductress; Mrs. Denna Bryson, Chaplain; Miss Ann Carter, Organ ist; Mrs. Minnie Cole, Marshal; Mrs. Lula Paxton, Warden, Lewis Norton, Sentinel; Mrs. Lulu Nor ton, Martha; Mrs. Bessie Dillard, Electa. Not present for the instal lation were Mrs. Bessie Fowler, Adah; Mrs. Julia Hooper, Esther; and Mrs. Mary Bryson, Ruth. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Bessie Dillard, Mrs. Margie j Fowler, and Mrs. Christine Rey I nolds. :i: % $ , Halcyon Club Met With Mrs. George Lee | Or. Wedne.-day evening Mr.-. I George Lee was hortes.> for t?.c, 'April mecUig of the.Halcyon Jun I ior Woman's club, with 12 mem j bers present. The president, Mrs. Claude Campbell, presided. The main topic I ior discussion was the organiza tion of a junior club to be spon sored by this group when it be c jmes a senior club in the near future. Rev. W. Q. Grigg, pastor of the Sylva Methodist church, was guest speaker. He hhd ior his subject, "Religions." Mrs. Lee served a salad course to her gue>ts. sfc ? Wesleyan Service Guild Has Meet The Wesleyan Service Guild held [its regular monthly meeting Mon I day at the home of Mrs. Gudger Fortner with Mrs. Ed Baldridge as 1 joint hostess. The members were served a buffet supper, after which I Mrs. Fortner, the president, had I charge of the business hour. Miss Helen Sossamon opened the 1 \ A--75-ivv yj'iwv >w.fy.i.J >a*?.-., -r-r?r. ? j-mg- Kw?c3PWT~J?r.'^ .g.w'gft.-y jS-?" 1 ! L^' he.v V / BEffV sue.' ) \ WAVE. i'j? > ^' 5k i ' i SCVwr-,; Si ??? Rev, - \ j a G3KE. -To Pick ^ Cu-r t ccN'-f ca.^ WWW vou/ e-S^H 1 ?o:J fcOffAPi/ -?- i *?"V. *-*m v% *" *' '?l^j'ti iV Anything less than the best is the poorest sort of economy. For com plete satisfaction in your choice of footwear, come to BELK'S DE PARTMENT STORE. Our merchandise is of highest quality. Shoes Men Dote On NUN-BUSH WEYENBERG Wiwg tip, pi; tin unri r tp toe Any stylo in hhmk or brown in Brown and Tan gg JOHN C. ROBERTS MASTERBILT Wing tip. biucher, and plain A gt , $10.95 $3.95 to $6.95 Loafvrs ? z WEYENBERG ? TRAIL-MAKER ? SACO-MOC Brown or Tan $6.95 THE HOME OF. BETTER VALUES PHONE 2 37 sy/. VA, A/. C Novelty Number ' X t v A ? W Jacket with fringe trimnvng. By VERA WINSTON VARIETY is the theme for thii year's suits with everything fron a brief bolero to a long, slim tur.ic, and plenty of in-betweens For a smart novelty suit we com mend this model which has black cord-like fringe tri"?ming the half cape collar of the f, fitted jacket made of blp.ek -i white checked woolen. T)u? - t is of black woolen cut on > . nar row lines. Worn with i jewel studded white silk en; > -.n.t. meeting with a devotional, having for its theme '"Eternal Lite." She concluded by reading the poem, "Tr.e Risen Christ." Instead of having the regit !::r program, Mrs. W. O. Soderquist made a detailed account of the an nual conference in Greensboro, which "she attended r.s the Guild's delegate. Mrs. Baldridge was given a glfT by the guild members. * * t!i Mr. Aitd Mrs. Charles Potcct Entertain On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poteet entertained a group of friends at a card party at tiie home of the formers par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Poteet. Tables were arranged and cards enjoyed for sometime. Then the hostess served ice cream, molded with yellow eggs in the center, wfth cup cakes and coffee. Tito guest list included Misses PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. John A. Parris Jr. arrived Thursday from New York and will spend some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A-Parr s. T.svy \vj:e called home by tile i kntss of his lather,? w.n> quite ill at his home on Mam >trcet. L ?. . .iI U <*A IlS. Cj . C. . N 1 i.' j t ? i. S 1 ? ?.\.v.-tt i". S. C. spent the I". t<? i" h i - y< **.? i* *? parents. Dr. an.! Mr . j . S. -\~C'hol>. Air . W. C. Cum11?; u. r. ,.r. i - >;? A .if\ i:.e were toe v. e..'a-e: i N Hi' Airs. Cup.nln.-i'.am'.N muiii . .AIs. J. V. Ashe, and ie!:i- > ivvs. Mr. arid Mrs. Cyrus Nirholsi n ! md you!'.^ son, Michael, arrived i-'nday from Winston-Salem. A'iiei e 1 iadeC month-', and are visiting Mrs. Nich- I ulsop.'s brother. Fied .VkKi'c, and) .amily at Webster an 1 other rein- j '.vcs in the county. Mr. Nicholson j v/il! return to his work in Winston- | Salem, but Mrs. Nicholson and son | will move into their home at East | LaPor.e within the* next lew days. | Miss Mary McLain has returned 1 * . \ to Charlotte to resume her work j in tne Charlotte city schools, after spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Mc Lain. Miss Elizabeth Warren, teacher ?n the Belmont school, spent the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warren. Miss Anne Cowan returned Tuesday to Greensboro after spend ing the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Mary R. Cowan. Miss Cowan iv a senior at Greer Mjoro College. Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon AUKe.e and ?yuimg daughter, Anne, o! Ashe ville spent the week-end wi'h :n i parents, Mr. and Airs. E. L. Mc | Kee. Miss Jeanne Barrett ha> returned | to Spartanburg to resume her | studies as a junior at Conver.-e College, alter spending the Master vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .J. E. Barrett, tit Dillsboro. Air. and Mrs. John H. Wilson Jr. of Ashevillc spent the week end with his parent.-. Mr. and Mrs J. I*. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Lovle Nrsk and tUurvner, Sandra, have returned to, Term, alter -pending tin* Las* ^ >eason with her parents, Dr. nd Mrs. D. I). Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. C). T. Tallent ar rived Monday l'roni Raleigh to spoi.d a lew days with Mr. Tallonl's jsisUr. Mil. J A. Punas, and other . relatives. j Frank M. Crawford went to Ashevillc Friday and spent the j week-end with Mrs. Crawford, who is a patient at Aston Park hospital. Their two sons, Frank, Jr. and Billy, went over Sunday and spent the day with their moth er,-.uui ail returned that evening, j Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Hooper and I iwe ,<?!>.. C!: r!es and Wiley, we.c j ?1 *? 'ru n C.iatl' 'mo:;:: ;?> .* nend | t he '. t e ; - - i; ? i v. i'.* Mr. ! 1 ?< ,? |i). i). j,';,,,. ! oj : I ? ?{ \ * ; ; ? ii ? ,, ;; ?.?! t a ? ,,, | ( oat:; ;kh "... w .?? .? he s?<?. . t. business trip ; ::d while there will visit Dr. and Mr*. C. M. Hn< Miss C;n i - Rucker a! Si.vluy w.i.s the week-end aiuvt of Mrs. T. O. Wilson and l. nily, returning to her home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Shaler Ciiliey of Rrevar-d spent the we-end vvitii | daughter. Mrs. C K. Thompson, ' and family. S.e w?.s accompanied; to Sylv:: by r little graod<on ! I u:Ti;riy T'i nr.') n. who has been spending a tew week, witn r. I Dr'. F. L. Smi'n, pharmaei t a', the Syha P. i:.acy, spent tn? ! week-era a-; hi- j. -me in D: ev.ard. j return, r\r t> Svlva Monday morn-' in?. Mr- Smi-h a?-d son, Mike, ae- < comp; r.icd h.m and spent the day. With .-i.-'er, M. s. C. E. Thomp- | son. John C rb. ?. . fadent at Ciem- ; ron Co!' : . ? ? ? he Iv/.-'.'v - j tion in S\.- ,. ? 'a b's paieat- M.? 1 aiid M. . .J. i- . {'?>, ,)in. j Hu^;i Mon* -,*?., Jr. has returnc ! to Gar.'" if r-\V coll?. Moiling " ' "<; ' t;-(' '? ? ?' " nolifiay.-. j..i parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Mr.n'eith. Mrs. C Harris i- here from Franklin visiting her sister, Mrs-. Philip S'ovnll. and family for sev-? oral days. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bankhead and son, Billy, spent several days during the Faster season with Mrs. Bankhead's narents. Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Nichols. Miss Bertha Cunningham was called to Greer. S. C. last Thurs day to atter 1 .he fur.erai of her uncle, J. R. Sawyer. She later went to Bryson City where she spent the Easter week-end with her brother, Floyd Cunningham, ?and family. ^ Mr. and Mr*, R, T. Cantrell and Xancy Allison, Lela Moore Hall, Chris Rucker, Dorothy Hennessee, Agnes Wilson, and Rebecca Sue Cannon; Jack Allison, Lewis Wil son, Jimmy Keener, Wadp Wilson, and Mike Strong. Calendar of Events THURSDAY, APRIL 10 - The Ruby Daniel e relc ut the i\.pusl ehureh will nr at wif* Mr>. c: u u J .-V . ? / -a . aM;... i . .'.'i > . : t. i'iv. . ... :. ; ; e * .. ?. i ? l V \ i i. . - ? ? ? " : ? ? ? ? ? c i t . (v.. . . ? .Vi ?. \ I 1:1*11! i I'' S <': i. I < U . . . II. eel V. . >.1 M ;?>. W ! I. . i" ? .:: ; 1 T ?i' ? ?. i i Mi-.v Hi. ;; V. i! o.\. p.e . V.,t. Mrs. 1 louts To Bo Presented In Sacred Song Recital Mrs. R. T. Hnuts. me/./ >p'\ i:u voiee :.tudent t)l" Mrs. v'li.t: K . (Jul ie y of Western Carolina Te;.chei> t>a!egt\ will be presented oy the .-?o'dejL'e in a reei*. :1 of S.vred Sa:i?j I at the Cullowhee Metnod.. t rnnriol Sunday April 13, at 8 j o'eloek. Mr-. 1 i?uiwill be a.? i.O'd | by iiu ~.a d, IVv. Tl. T. Htiu: .! J,*.. ol'L, :t > . . >. I lie S.* !' I-\v : M:.-? Kltfek, iron j ? T 'e Mi . 1 " ' ?? !> ' Lord i- Ms i ? i: . ? < ? St. I' .a: - Heai: ivi' i lull! . At:.i. ir-- c. . Mr. Ui?uV>. O T.i: 1 1" ? . ! ? frnni 1 ? I ?: van; () : i f '< .? ' ".1 <?. !u,ia' . H.i uIt-.; \ ?. Hr'.i'.u a^d Kan. !: ? ? ai "Tiii'udni'a" Uandrl. M; . H-.* . S t'ln tii ti'i* I\\ e' Si. \ V.. a - i :a :v Mr. !!??:: t - i. ; i t.i. u v .ad Dei. i'.c!. M . i 1. illt Tl i ? i (.. i i 11 iy i a .. i 1.' . :;ird. ? i ' i. !:<??!? I - I ? I. Car. ... Wo ?'U - i,; Hl.i^C. I\.j; 'Ml. ( ?1 ' * ? < -? :.?* . a i ,\i "? ' ? a f M. C'a?:ta F. X Mi L li . Mi, M. .* K. V ? \rH--~t :vi 1 ! 1 i).' !. . ; a -lu-a . t ? ? .viia. - i ? d ..i . v v. j ' : I. '?* : ... . pai't p;.-. .Vlr. .i:.ii M 11. !?'. M n tt?ith. M I )? ?! : it .v ! U .h c.- ?? and III)! .?M 1 I ll'llliC l r, I I ! ( ;? pcraliHU ' ia- !?.. a- ' v iir ... * i i ' p. 11 - ?nt . V.'. (\ I Irtaa-. - ?? . .? i, .! * i1 t r.'. ? ' Mi-...: 1; .:. IVnn. j ?!?!.? c :d ; ' ?!'i uiL'ii" M ? ( ) ' \ .! ? .n. \T: . ;\ r:?#??./, ?: as : y Mr. .r. ' a * . ' Kr.a las t: I'iJ.i.o. a r: d . i-.ay - ? t r nepiK'.v. i i t ?:. i i. .) i. a 111 v :? ? ? . .' V.V ' .. ? V' . ' .? ?. < '< i i--4?-. . J; i .M . ( . -a- ? . .a. . 1 M . 1 )vii?. a:i Cox aiui 1 v.*i? i ' ' 1 ti.:: .., i,\ i i !i < a. Irry . ? i k mi, i lc:' t ? i i y . i: a-r \ ..-it .a>, - a a 11 r a; . i. . Mrs, I)a- i ?i ?'' ' v. rou can't giue a finer gift ? ? ? BtftOVA! JOLin 17 JeweJf $42? IJ LI US JEWELRY COMPANY Sylva, \. C. Miss Barrett's Student Awarded First Place .Mi>s I ?' <' Barrett ol Dillsboro, a sUk ? . i ii*. Consoise C?)!ici>e, SpMrt.^.bui S. C\. i> i?> be l U i wi-j m :i I. r ; c: i ;v % . 1 ' % . . I ? ^ . x . . f Li . , ?' i < t 1 IM ? * . a ?? :v-\ ii~: p? i <- . : c ? l' ? ..k;--'v : > ' V i-. ' ' ' . '?! v - \\ .. t"1! *? . . . , ? Ml ? > > . i. u i'.i - : ? i'; . i k . ? < < ! i'j n ic;', i ? . ' i , : :? .. ?! ; / 4 . ;1 . v ': t. I!) t'.: 11 * S :: ;. M i' 1 .: 1 - i a ?.. 1' i; 1 ! < ; I 1. ; . . > v . : ? ? AT ..;>(! M K. !i r ^ ' < 1 J '!' . : . ;.U - V: . ,r?y < 1 '* 11: (T.*-! i p C'? . ,w ; >n. T . . . t i *.*ii ; pp. ??\ I'd t? T :???) aXA "?O.UUU !>>/ 1 . 1 'M ?: in ?>'' ire- 1 >lmkl 1 hi;. At Sttss*ilititti's Cere Bocgir r . i r r ir p S e r e n 3 'J e ? Frankie Carl St*r t! ment.T I Jou-ney Twilight Times ? Les Br;wn J o e' B e o n ? Roy A c j t f ALBUMS Benny Goodman?Sextet Session Hoccj:e Wortjie?All Stars i\ ?wan County is now one of the > ? Uiead.n.u v.rowers of pure ; ivd Hampshire iio^s. BRIGHTEN UP THE HOME FOR SPRING! EVERY BUY HERE IS A BUY OF VALUE J s f ? Think of the joy and comfort one of our modern and beautiful living room suites will brin^ to your home this spring. When you buy youi; niite ?: from us you have the deep satisfaction oi know in ; that you have bought wisely. ? Hero is an easy wj\ i?> solve your be ;!:<>? -nv fur nishing problem . . . this !w iutiful Mii'icrn suite is just tin "i'jiijS'o brighten u.; ;.m] a ni character to,your r<>om. ? llere you v. i!l lit!..! ju>.l what you want in bed room furniture -t price.-, to suit'your budget . . . See them today. /-v"-tltc No Ror ? I COV'3LHTELV FURlVllSHtD without an C5'A!H We hzv-' m.uiy styles from which l> c> > .-o. It will pay you to see them be fore yju buy. YOUR CREDIT IS C^OD WITH US ? USE IT FOUR FLOORS Or QUALITY MERCHANDISE Jackson Furniture Co. ? "A Complete Line of Home Furnishings" Phone 128 Sylva, N. C

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