FLOATING DRY DOCK BEING BUILT ON FONTANA LAKE Zen; > Ll>\ ?>:* !>:>> m City,. i> in e> rue a I'vu''5.' ,? :! . ' n.g dry ci e.\ :u ne pi ?,*.? i , ' w..er Branch ... A'. n.?: i F :a. Lake. Mr. H\, ?: -..?v ; a: a we.. k the In-l ?ivt: v.1. riip.v'.i :i l Will i t' p'.a.v ? in \ :v L. April 2o. Ta - an! aec :p.?iiaU" 12 boats. T.. t -.? - w he placed. en *ae 1-y lie ;n -M, y. Tac '~-* ? ii.tV .Li ?? ?>, i L i ,, , , ,. i'.\, ,j\, ?; .'?! .1, l'icati '!?>. vi v. :i oe 71 ice: and 34 lev* w.d? . i* i- being built of 2 x 4 and -V> . -a >>i\ drums. When e? -iripleteii V\e d< k will h.a.'e 12 lecki ; . "at V. ..1 . tvovna<*'a:li' '24 to 30 b??at.'. W. G. Womack Honored On Birthday Mr. and M. >. W\ G. Womack spent e p...-* week-end in A.-ne ville v.it.. their ;L.;i?iiter. Miv. Hcl ??14^ >wn.?^ 4 -M-a. __ Htllwii, A Irs. Brown ; her :n 'her-in-l;. w h'd ^ s.urpr..-e ha'acCy dinner i\.,r Mr, Wc-m. v-:: ? >n Su* ? v. Mr \va> given a nunii.i. e a.l'.s. KING & FRANKLIN CIRCUS ''Grand Opening Sylva 1?DAY ONLY?1 FRIDAY APRIL CULLOWHEE ROAD SHOW GROUNDS wice Daily oors Open District Sanitarian Announces Grades Of Cafes, Dairies, Etc. Mr. Charlie Thomas, district >anitar.un. has amrouneed grade rati-ti^ for ike cafes, hotels, food ...aiuicr.-, ar.d d..iiie? of Jack>an c.iuntv as f> li<>v.? : C.ife.^?Grade A, Wits Cafe. Syiv... Grade B, Bus S'.i'. >a, C?)iiee S.. l\ak Lunea. }v"'.'n. Sport* .Center, Sylva: Hacks S-.J.. S .i yeeoiiie ..ue A a place mu>t . a. ?? *: r ::.4 >!ti 'ju t.? l(i<); . . -jr.aie 11 ::: i - I) HD'j. ;,:;d :.. ? C' *. rit 7 0 1 ) 7 J '? >. ... i. I,.. .1. . y*n i-|?1 -rrt-i?tTPfTTtf < i u m um n w.wjj m I i j TT.e ,-aau i TaTT*l rii7fT7 ; re ? y.'aded a* 1? ijch';-;l. Qa la.: >c."i1 !. I .'J7.r?: Savaiaaaa s% .i< ??1.. 8>i.O:' Web >'t r ?"?! Sylv. >ra-' i ?'?]."). < | Diaak S" a.i- ; nd S- ri; K.an- j I* lV.r.k. ' ad* h*>! -ervini; aad p..peV \vs; Q7 F.. !Iw!- I,l..y and nieces will serve i > flower girls. Surviving ai-e six sons. C'l.tude and Hoy of S.vlv;i, Fred of Knf*\ ville. Claience and Talmadge ol Biltmoro. and Krnesl ol Canton; I two daughters, Mrs. Ru.?ell Sut ton of D.llsboro and Mhs Minnie Jones of Morganton: 14 grandchil- ] die::; thiee brothers. I). A. and S. 11. Monteith of Svlva and K. B. Mojile;th of Dillsboro; one sister, M: . Marv U. Dav is oi Know ilk'; and * a number held at the Dillard home whore she has made her home lor the past thirty years. Ti.< >e present J or the dinner in - :f i< i 11 ion to those named abrive wi'iv: Mr. and Mrs. Avery Dillard. Furman Dillard, Jr. and Ora Mae 1)Hard, grandchildren, and Mary Ellon and Kail Beck, great grand children and Mrs. Maude Bryson .vh > lives in the Dillard home. , Ore l< a'ure of the Birthday din ner \v,!> a L<:ge birthday cake .vhich was cut by Granny Hatcher. Oilier lriencis and relatives called during the altei*noon. She rece.vo?e Sutton and daughter, Peggy ?Jn. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul S.Jlton v.sited their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Cary Allison, in Asheville Sunday. Mrs. Allison has been with her daughter*..Mrs. Nelsun Shepherd, for the past! month taking medical treatment. Part of this time she has been a patient at Mission hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Shaler Gilley have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. C. E. Thompson, and family. They returned to Brevard Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs. F. L. Smith, and young son, Michael. Miss Martha Ellen Lynch, stu dent at Western Carolina Teach ers College, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Fricks, and family. Mrs. Oris Holman of Long Beach, Calif, is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. H. Hastings. Mrs. W. O. Frazier of Miami, Fla. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brammer at Candler ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES RADIOS REFRIGERATORS Sales and Repairs CAMPBELL* ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 80-J pany and receiving in nil. Mr. rnd Mrs. John Cline, a niece and neph ew. ol Cullowhee, remembered her. Mrs. Matcher is a native of Swain county, but has lived in the Dil lard home since Mr. Dillard mar ried her daughter thirty years ago. Th'nieh she has to sH in her chair ;.ll day long, she is still able to dress herself. Her mind is very clear and she very often helps with the churning. She is still a good, hand at giving advice on garden planting. She has never worn gl.ts ses. At the time she came to the Dil lard home there were the parents and seven brothers and five sisters living. In the years that have in tervened she has seen the passing of Mr. and Mrs. Dilard and one brother and one sister. j She is a member of East Sylva Baptist church and was an active 'member until about four years ago when she fell and fractured her hip. Mrs. Farmer, a Swain county I friend, came to see her Sunday. Cabins, and Mrs. T. C. Bryson, Jr., in Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pressley, Jr.. ha\e returned to their home in Kosciusko, Mississippi after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Press ley, Sr., at Speedwell. Rev. R. G. Tuttle and son, Rob ot,. arrived Monday vfrom Elkin. Mr. Tuttle has gone to Hazel Creek .with a party of friends fishing and Robert is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fricks and their son. Edward Martin. HOSPITAL NEWS Mrs. Wilburn Coggins of Eras tus is in for treatment. - Miss Emma L. Taylor is in for treatment. Mrs. James Adams of Bryson City, appendectomyr Miss Bell Higdon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ^Higdon of Tuckaseegee, operative, doing nicely. Mrs. Robert Thompson of Cash Calendar of Events THURSDAY, APRIL 17 ? T h e Dillsboro Masonic lodge will meet in the Masonic hall at 7:30 p. m. Ed Bumgarner, W. M. FRIDAY, APRIL 18?The Veter ans of Foreign Wars will have a special meeting at the court house at 7 p. m. Britton Moore, Commander. FRIDAY, APRIL 18?The Wom an's Society of Christian Service will meet in Allison building a: 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Harry Hastings, president. MONDAY, APRIL 21?The Sylva ?sr with Mrs. O. E. Brookhyser at I 3 p. m. Mrs. R. U. Sutton, presi dent." MONDAY, APRIL 21?The Young Adult Sunday school class of the Methodist church will meet in Allison building at 7:30 p. m. T. N. Massie, president. TUESDAY, APRIL 22?The . Ro tary will have its dinner meet ing in Allison building at 7 p. m. W. E. Ensor. president. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23?The Lions Club will meet in the High school cafeteria at 7 p. m. Ros eoe Potect, president. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23 ? Oce Chapter O.E.S. will meet i:l the Masonic hall at Dili.-boro at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Juapi'a Ferguson, Worthy Matron. riiURSDAY, APRIL 24 ? The Ruby Daniel circle of the W.M.U. i.f trie Bnpt5st church will meet with Mrs. Y.\ T. Brown at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Porter Scroggs. presi de.it. i ?!?*, operative cast?, doing nicely. Mr.. Rjlccrt Pre>siey and her i.ilaiit jsoil. born Api ii IB, left the hospital for their home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ensley Cope of Dillsboro have announced the birth of a daughter on April 15. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Waldroup of Tuckasee gce on April 15. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nicholson of Wolf Mountain a I daughter, April 14. ** | Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Fish of East La Porte, April 14, r daughter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wall of Sylva, a daughter, on April 13. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herman Treadaway of Whittier have an nounced the birth oX a daughter on April 13. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bradburn Pell of Cashiers on April 12. On April 12 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Parser of-' Sylva. i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cowan have announced the birth of a daughter on April 11. Mrs. Cowan before her marriage was Miss Betty Landis. On April 12 a son was born to Mr.^and Mrs. Thomas A. Rogers of Cashiers. Patrick's Cafeteria Waynesville* N.. C. ika tempting tray every day" Open 7 10 ays A YV <*#'#? SUNDAY'S MENU COCKTAILS Tomato Juice Grapei'ruit Juice Orange Juice ' Shrimp SOUPS a Chicken Cream of Tor.iata MEATS . . R !: So;* Trout Tender Western Roast Beet' VEGETABLES Bird's Eye Frested Fuuds Green Peas ' Creamed Potatoes Cream Style Corn Crisp French Fries- Steamed Cabbaue SALADS Whole Tomato Fruit Salad Tuna Fish Colo Slaw Pineapple Salad Potato Salad DESSERTS Strawberry Short.Cake Apple Pie with Cheese Pineapple Cake Cherry Pie Cocoamit Cake Lemon Pio Peach Pie BREADS Hot Homemade Rolls White Bread Wholewheat Homemade Corn Sucks DRINKS Hot Tea Iced Tea Coflee Milk Chocolate Milk Butlermilk Patrick's Cafeteria Main Street Wayncsvillc HALE'S After Easter 'SPECIAL PRICES On Coats . . . Suits . . and Dresses All Spring Coats and Suits ? 2.H Per i t. Off . One Rack of SKIRTS 1'2 Price All HATS Reduced HALE'S MAIN STREET SYLVA, N.