SERIES OF REVIVAL SERVICES TO BE HELD The Rev. B. S. Hensley. pastor of Scotts Creek Bap! st ' church, has announced that a seric> ?.?: re vival seniles will be held .n this church, beginning Sunday, May 18, and continuing through Sun day. May 25. with services'" each day at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The Rev. J. C. Canipe. Secre tary of Evangelism of the Baptist Stater. Convention of North Caro lina v\ill assist the pastor in the revival! Mr G. W. Bullard, Superintend ent of Missions of the State Con vention, will take part in the re vival and lead in Stewardship re vival each evening at 7 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to all of these services. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends that paid such a nice trib ute of respect to the family and especially to our father during the sickness and death of our mother, Mi;s. S. H. Melton of Argura, that answered the last call April 11, 1947, and for the nice floral offer ings and kindnesses that were shown to the entire family by everyone. By the Family That Na^in<3 Backache Max Warn of Disordered ulney Actioil Modern lifetrith it* hurry and worry, irregular ha bitsNim proper eating ana drinking?its risk dt exposure and infec tion?throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They a*e apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging blt^kache, headache, aixziness, getting up leg pains, swelling?(eel coi tired, nervous, all worn out. Other of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan'a fillf. Doan't. help the kidneyc to pass off harmful exceaa body waste. They have had more than half a eentury of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Aak your neighbor! DOANS Pi LLS SOCIETY (Continued from page 5) Miss Mabel McCracken Is Bride Of Carroll Bryson Miss Mabel McCracken, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mc Cracken of Lake Junaluska, be came the bride of Carroll Bryson, sun of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bryson, Jr., of Sylva, in a candle light cere mony on Sunday afternoon, May 4, at 5 o'clock in the Junaluska Methodist church. Rev. C. L. Heckard, pastor, of ficiated. The altar "of the church was banked in evergreens, baskets of white gladioli and narcissus were used with seven branched cande labra holding lighted cathedral ta pers. * Miss Peggy McCracken, sister of the bride, played "Liebestraum" by Liszt while the candles were being lighted and accompanied Miss Bet ty Jane McCracken, cousin of the bride, who sang "At Dawning" by Cadman and "Because" by d' Har delot. During the ceremony "O, Perfect Love" was played. The traditional wedding marches were used for the processional and for the recessional. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white gabardine suit with white accessories and a corsage of or chids. Her only ornament was a brooch belonging to her paternal grandmother. Mrs. Paul Sutton, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a two piece dress of gray crepe with navy and. white acces sories. Her corsage was of red roses. William Cope of Sylva was best man. Ushers were William and Da vid McCracken, brothers of the bride, Western Ensley of Sylva, and Craig Campbell, coiisin of the ^bridegroom, of Canton. The bride^s mother wore a dress of light blue crepe with black ac cessories. Her flowers were red roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a gray dress with light blue crepe with black accessories. Her flowers were red roses. The bride groom's mother wore a gray dress with black accessories and with Did Jack Frost Visit Your Garden? If so, then you'll want more and dependable seed for planting. Select yours now from our complete $ supply of quality garden and field seed. SPECIAL GLADIOLUS BULBS DISEASE FREE Get your Glad Bulbs while they last?Good for planting till June. A variety of lovely colors r# per dozen Baby Chicks | New Arrivals Each Tuesday and Thursday . NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS ? RHODE ISLAND REDS BARRED ROCKS ? WHITE ROCKS ALSO CROSS BREEDS j CHICKS THRIVE ON OUR FEEDS FARMERS FEDERATION FRED COPE, Manager ^ Phone 139 ? Sylva, N. C. WHITTIER HONOR STUDENTS Joyce Neville Kitehin, left, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul K.tchin, of Whittier has been named valedictorian of the graduating c.ass of the Whittier Elementary school. In her eight years of.-school sne has only misled two days, both of these due to sickness! Annie Sue Cooper, right, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cooper of Cherokee is salutatorian. There were only a few points difference in the averages of the two girls. Junior-Senior Banquet | ' (Continued from page 1) onial costumes and powdered wigs^p Robert Monteith, Leila Phillips^ Harold Dean Smith, Mildred Adams, Hubert Bryson, ? Norma I Jean Wood, Edwin Allen, and Clara Lou Hooper; violin solo, Ruth Hooper; a' duet, Moonlight And Roses, Winona Cotter and Nina Mitchell; a solo, It's My Lazy Day, Kenneth Pressley; a talk, Mrs. H. T. Hunter; a song, Surrey With The Fringe On Top. A special guest of the occasion was E. V. Deans, Jr., a former teacher of both classes, who ac companied at' the piano all the musical numbers. The menu for the evening, pre pared by Miss Phyllis Cagle, Mrs. O. V. Cagle, Mrs. Wiley Crawford, and tenth grade girls, consisted of this she had a corsage of pink roses and white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson left on a wedding trip to Louisville, Ky. and other points in Kentucky and Ten nessee. Upon their return they will ,be at home in Sylva to their friends. Mrs. Bryson graduated from Sylva High school in 1942 and soon after entered the U. S. Navy where | he served lor about three years, spending?twenty-three mo n t-h-s overseas.* ? ... Out-of-town guests there for the wedding were Miss Mary Cecil Bryson, sister of the groom, and Bill Patterson of Chattanooga; Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson, Lynch burg, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Campbell, Mrs. Claude Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haynes, of Canton; Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bryson land Judy Bryso nof Maryville, Term.; Mr. and Mrs. Claud Hanan of Asheville; Gordon Reed, Hen dersonville; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McCrncken and Gene McCraqken, Raleigh, Mrs. W. S. Johnson, West Asheville; Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc Cracken and Mr. ?and Mrs. Theo McCracken, Waynesville; and Miss Anne Albright, Miss Lenora Smith and Mrs. Alice Rand, Cullowhee. Going from Sylva were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed and Lewis Reed, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bryson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryson and Bessta Bryson, Mr and Mrs. Alden Bry son, Mrs. Joe Davis and Billy Da vis. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Cope, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene- Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Cope, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ensley, H. P. Ensley, James Lee Ensley, Jack Ensley, York Painter, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Picklesimer, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Buckner and Patsy Buckner, Mrs. F. M. Williams, Mrs. V. V. Hooper and Mrs E. M. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Porter Scroggs, and Mrs. Mary Jones. On Saturday evening following the rehearsal an informal reception was held at the?home of the bride's parents for the- bridal party and immediate families. The house was decorated with dogwood blooms and apple blossoms. The bride's table was centered with a two tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom. This was served with ice cream, molded in wedding bells and slippers. Assisting in serving were Mrs^ Paul Sutton, Mrs. Ernest Mc Cracken, and Miss Peggy Mc Cracken. light output to tHo Wtd of it? Itfo. Tho lout it fvMd to tho roHo?tor. NtiAir dirt Mr mofetvro cm ontor. Allison Motor Co. Mrs. Brookhyser Honors Mrs. Hooper On Saturday evening Mrs O. E. J3rookhyser entertained with a ' bridge party, honoring Mrs. Dan Bryson Hooper, on her birthday anniversary. The guests were the members x>f Mrs. Hooper's bridge club. Two tables were in play. Those winning the prizes in turn gave them to the honoree. She was also given a number of gifts by those attending. ? Mrs. Brookhyser served a salad course, the birthday cake and iced tea. chilled tomato juice, Southern fried chicken, candied sweet po tatoes, Bartlett pears, green beans, olives, egg salad, celery, hot rolls and butter, ice cream and cup cakes, iced tea, coffee, mints, and nuts. Waitresses for the occasion, chosen from the tenth grade, wor? colonial costumes and powdered wigs. They included Clara Lou Hooper, Leila Phillips, Norma Jean Wood, Sara Jean Sutton, Betty Jo Moore, Gladys Adams, Mildred Adams, Mildred Ashe, Jerdie Fer guson, and Helen Crawford. SHOP WORK Expert Carpenter and Cabinet Work # For all kinds of cabinet work?book-cases, mautlepieces, or other fine carpentry?consult us. Our carpenters can give you satisfactory 1 . ?- > / \ work and at a minimum cost. ? BuildingSupplies U/MSSR ? //ARDMX? ?PU/M8W& Kooff/ve ? pw/vr- SMCK'CtMwr # We can furnish you building materials for your home from the foundation to the completed house. SPEEDBRIK The modern, economical building material JACKSON COAL & LUMBER COMPANY ie 38 Sylva, N. C. "YOUR PICK Of POWER FOR YOUR JOB I" "Whether you take the V-8 or the big, new Ford SIX, whichever fits your job best, you get the same tough Fora endur ance! Flightlight 4-ring pistons and full pressure oiling sava oil, keep down engine wear!" "FORD CLUTCH-fnmd for 'more grip?less slip'!" "Clutch lining lasts longer when there's less slipping. These Ford Truck clutches build up their grip the faster the engine turns. Mister, they'll take all the torque you can feed 'em, and come back for more!" "ROLLER-ACTION STEERING" "It's not just roller atid needle bearings t' d that saves plenty ot musclel" LOAD-FRfE AXIE SHAFTS!" "Even in Ford half ton jobs, the weight load is all taken off the axle shafts, by the 3^-floating rle sign... and all other Ford models have full-floating axles. These rugged, lo^d freo axles arr arron'j the Tinny lo -!: