Classified Ads and Legals | N O 1 RATES: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 35*. Cards of Thanks, one^cent per word, 500 minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams, obituaries, one cent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE PACK SQUARE Beauty School 7 V2 N. W^-Pack Square, Ashe ville, North Carolina. Student en rollment accepted daily. Visit or write for full information. 46tfn REWARD?$50 for turning up Jess Ramsey who skipped. a $500 bond. Contact J. \V. Williamson. 49-50* HELP WANTED?White girl for maid work. Hotel Carolina, Syl va, N. C. 50tf FOR SALE?7 room home on Sa vannah Street. 3 bed rooms, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, bath, screened in back porch, large front porch, basement. A. J. Dills. 50tf FOREIGN JOB~i Men, Women gov't and private listings, hun dreds skilled classifications. 16 pages accurate information $1.00, postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Foreign Jobs, Inc., Baltimore 1, Maryland. * 46-52 FOR SALE?Upright piano in ex cellent condition. Bargain at $175.00. Rev. R. T. Houts, Jr. Cullowhee, N. C. 50 START A RAWLEIGH business. Real opportunity now for perma nent, profitable work nearby. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCE-220 K, Richmond, Va. FOR SALE?120 acres pasture land in Mountain township. 6 room house and 2- acres land, close in. 7 room house and 4 acres land, close in. A. J. DILLS 46tfn LOST?New log chain about 21* feet long without hooks on March 15 between Sylva and Web ster on the Webster road. Finder please notify W. P. Kitchens. 50* FOR SALE?Kroll Baby carriage, in good condition. Practically new. Call 110 or The Herald. 50* LOST?Brown Alligator plastic billfold. Finder please return to Herald office or to owner, whose name.js to be found in billfold. 50* FOR SALE?Mountain farm, 31 acres in timber land and pas ture, 3 mile* l'rom Cullowhee. Write to Henry Oxner, Star Rt. Box 7, Sylva or call at T. W. Ashe's place on Weyehutta Creek. 50-51* BABY CHICKS?Get new price list and save money. WORTH* WHILE CHICKS, 101 W. North Avenue, Baltimore 1, Md. 36-51* CONCRETE BLOCKS for build ing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hays, below bridge in Franklin. Phone 903, Highlands, N. C. 6-21tf FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf FOR SALE?New and used^ Singer tredle Sewing machines. All make machines repaired. Singer Sewing Machine Distributors. Phone 525-J, P.O. Box 5, Waynes ville, N. C. 49-50* THE BIGGEST PHOTO BARGAIN EVER OFFERED For a dollar bill we will make and send, postpaid, in 3 days, ten post card size copies of any size photo. Good, permanent pictures whichA just fit an ordinary envelope. Your photo returned. No C.O.D.'s. SNOWDON PHOTO SERVICE Port Royal, Va. ? ? 1 Read for Profit?Use for Results HERALD WANT ADS Dr. W. Kermit Chapman Dentist Offices in BOYD BUILDING Waynesvllle, N. C. Phone 363 FOR SALE?One electric stove in good condition. Lyle Clark, Gay, N. C. 50* W ANTED?Teen-age boy for light work after school and summer. Inquire at The Herald office. 48tf FOR SALE?One metal icebox, in good condition. Price $20. See or write Mr. Milford Jenkins, Cullo whee, N. C. 49-50* FOR SALE?Practically new Farm Trailer, 4x7 all steel bed, cattle frame, new 6 ply tires, l1^ ton ca pacity. 1931 A Ford roadster, good tires and motor. J. M. Parker, Syl va, Rt. 1 (Beta). 49-50* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY?Shoe repair shop, doing a good cash business, old established business. Long Jease. Price right. If inter ested see or write L. B. Wright, Real Estate, 15V2 Church St. Over City Market, Canton, N. C. 48-50 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. Having qualified as execu tor of the estate of C. Ledbetter, deceased, late of Jackson county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned at Sylva, N. C. oiv,or be bore April 17, 1948 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement with the un dersigned. This April 12, 1947. ARTHUR P. LEDBETTER, Ex ecutor of the Estate of the late X. C. Ledbetter.^ Apr 17 24 May 1 8 15 22 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA JACKSON COUNTY ? Having qualified* as adminis tratrix of the estate of the late Jack W. Hall, this is to notify all persons having against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 28th day of April, 1948, or this notice will be plead in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement with the un dersigned. This the 28th day of April, 1947. SUSIE HALL, Dillsboro, N. C. Administratrix of the estate of Jack W. Hall, deceased. No. 48?No. 1?MVH ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA JACKSON COUNTY ' Having qualified as the Admin istratrix of the estate of William J. Bryson, deceased, late of the County of Jackson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the said estate, to present them to the un dersigned at her home in Cashiers, North Carolina, on or before the 10th day of April, 1948, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement with the under signed administratrix. This April 10th, 1947. MRS. MINNIE COLE, Admin istratrix of the Estate of Wil liam J. Bryson Apr 17 24 May 1 8 15 22?CCB 1 SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOn em Pole ?near THE sea. Ml^rtT LAST AO Years, wkeheas a pole inland has A LIFETIME. of 70 years .$CttAP?, flow many oF TtfE 40* odd SPECIES of scorpions Found IMTRE UNITED S^ES are known To Possess a deadly NEUROTOXIC venom? 'Two A GARDEN spider is NEVER CAUGHT IN iTs own S feef AND LEqS Hopkins Mi first admiral of t*e u.s.. navy was COMMISSIONED december U75 by conTinen-Tal congress commander'IK-CUlEF of navy, WHicK consisted of 6 converted merchantmen t?.1 k"i>t i??11 y O* *?. h*. WvrU '?t'o till TALK ABOUT YOUR BAD BREAKS...THAT POKE WOULD HAVE BEEN A HOfAC RUN M ANY LEAGUE. IF I HADN'T THAT WINDOW WHAT'RE YOU CRAB8IN A80UT?, A BY WALLY BISHOP ..YOU'RE HOME, AREN'T YOU? I I AND IF YOU'RE SMART YOU'LL STAY HERE UNTIL THIS THING BLOWS " T '' OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY v ait 'til tm' jug snitchetr rs tvy cea4 those tree s ? *r-?/j let /m have it-then 1 ~*'jn ovei? ano pick up th' jus - somet/mes t ooa/t J s lose a drop / \> ''/ V'-T"" , back road folks - 'shoot/ng the moo^" GAY NEWS HOUSEHOLD SHOWER GIVEN MR. AND MRS. JONES Mrs." Robert Jones and Mrs. Leonard Cope honored Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones, Jr. with a household shower on Saturday night, May 10 at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jones. A large num ber of friends were present and many; lovely gifts were presented. After opening the gifts refresh ments, consisting of sandwiches, cake, coffee and punch were served. Those attending the shower were: Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and children, I^r. and Mrs. Linden Bu chanan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cope, Rilby and Myrtle Hyatt, Evelyn Hyatt, Marcella Bishop, Peggy Nell Bish op, Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Bishop, Mrs. J. C. Browning, Laura Brown ing, Howard Buchanan, Monroe L. Wilson, Charlie R. Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Mrs. Iris Hall, and daugh ter, Mrs. Ralph Totherow, and Mrs. A1 Guffey. Others sending gifts were: Mrs. Walter Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wilson, Mrs. Will Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buchanan, Margie Lee Guffey, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hog don, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jones, | Mrs. Joe Bishop, Mr., and Mrs. Edgar Bishop. Marie Hyatt and iMaletta Woodard. The Rev. Herbert Rogers, of Asheville, is running a revival at the Zion Hill Baptist church. Large crowds attend and enjoy the services.' i Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams of Speedwell spent the week-en vis iting friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers of Ellijay are spending a few days with Mr.and Mrs. Jim Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers. DDT dust has been found by the USDA to be a low-cost and prac tical protection against the dog tick that carries the serious disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever. HIGHER YIELDS MEAN INCREASED PROFITS Tests conducted by the N. C. Ag ricultural Experiment Station have shown that soybean producers must follow certain cultural prac tices to get the kind of yields that mean prol'it. The application of lime and fer tilizer to the soil, in most of the 19J6 soybean experiments, regard less of whether the soil was natur ally poor, moderately rich, or very rich in these nutrients, resulted in increased yields. The recommendation stemming from this finding is that the pro ducer have his soil tested to deter mine the axact needs of it. Once these needs have been determined, lime in the amount specified should be applied* The standard fertilizer treat ment, and the one found most ef fective in the tests, is 400 pounds per acre of 0-10-20 or its equiva lent, applied at planting. This sea sen, the research workers say, it may be necessary to use 0-12-12. Application of the fertilizer calls for special care. If placed too near or in contact with the seed, it may injure the stand. For this reason growers are advi-ed to-put their fertilizer in bands to the si'le and slightly below the level of the? seed. The. Experiment Stat.on has To'und tha~( Ogdcn afid Roanoke are, from every., standpoint, the soy beans best suited to North Caro lina conditions. In the Upper Coastal Plain and in the Piedmont, trie Roanoke variety has been most success:ul. Ten to 12 seeds per foot of row is the be.-t seed ng rate for these varieties. ' It is estimated that farmers to day are using less than two-thirds as much labor per unit of product as they did in 1920. Introducing 4-BlJLOVA LI LI US JEWELRY COMPANY In Ritz Building Sylva, N. C. RED CROSS FUND DRIVE REPORT FOR '47 - Below we give fibres showing quota and amount raised by each school district in Jackson county. Have nut received report from Glenville school up to this time, however, Glenville District reports case of Minigitis in that section that has been taken care of by the District and have not put on drive as yet. Amount School Quota Raised Sylva High $100.00 $ 50.00 Sylva Elementary 125.00 108.70 53.40 77.91 130.00 14*4.48 1.00 30.05 20.30 5.00 5.00 15.00 7.03 12.75 .50 11.80 5.00 1.00 107.50 28.25 20.10 10.00 16.00 5.00 11.49 84.75 41.98 21.00 $1022.25 Contributed by Industries, Business, Professional & Individuals , 1110.03 $2132.28 Quota for Jackson ounty 2118.00 14.28 We are very grateful to those | who helped so earnestly in this j drive. Srncerely, ! Jackson County Chapter American ^ Red Cross. A. J. Dills, Fui^d Chairman. V* t Increased sugar allotments for | restaurants, hotels, hospitals and [other institutional users, effective i for the May-June allotment, period will amount to approximately 25 ' per cenL_ Webster 150.00 Cullowhee 150.00 VVCTC 125.00 Dill>boro 125.00 East LaPorte 40.00 John's Creek 100.0(1 Tuckaseigee 40.00 Hocky Hollow 10.00 Sols Creek 10.00 Wolf Creek 10.00 Tennessee Gap 10.00 Hock Bridge 10.00 Hamburg 125.00 Cashiers 50.00 Double Springs 10.00 White Oak 10.00 Beta 100.00 Addie Gfr.OO Willets ? 40.00 Balsam 60.00 Barkers Creek J t30.00 Dicks Creek l ltt?QQ Wilmot \ 30.00 Qualia 100.00 Sav'n'ah-Grn's Crk 175.00 Colored Consol. 20.00 Remodeling Offices In Cole Building CaVflpntera beg a IT WoFK~ last week remodeling the oi l ice rooms o:i the second floor of the Cole building. Officers will be provided in the rear on the second floor for Mr. Dan K. Moore and Mr. Hugh Monteith, local attorneys. The rooms on the front formerly occu pied by Attorney M. V. Higdon and Mr. Monteith will be remod eled and equipped for occupancy by Dr. T. D. Slagle, who will re turn to Sylva the last of May after completing a post graduate course in New York. Sweet Potato Plants Postpakl Nancy Hall ? Porto Rican 200 - $1 500 -$1.75 1,000 -$3 Pete Taylor Gleason, Tenn. Save Up To 50 Per Ct. AT RIT7 THEATRE I I M? WEEKLY PROGRAM Night Shows: 7:00 A 9:00 P. M.? M Buchanan Auto Si la required with Launderall?just oe# flicE of the switch does the entire job for you thoroughly* end gently. And it's loeded and unloaded from the waist-high top to eliminate stooping end bending. Leunderall is engineering skill at its best?designed for your complete satisfaction. Leon derail it Better Built to Do ? Better Job. \rr Convenient Monthly Paymenti & Electric Co