Weekly SERM OXBT DO YOl' PRAY? ' By REV. C. M. WARREN. Praver is the sou. .n ^ 11w-1 . nd in commun.vr: ai'.i u.-.i the Holy Spirit. .o*:st..:.t .y m. \::.4 known the deep de?.res u: tr.e heart to God t..e Fatr.er. How a c need to pray! God made our heart? 50 that He L'ou.d commune with u^. olid we *witn Him. G?>c. wants our hearts to talk w.th Him so that He can talk with us. It you do not iinow how to pr??y, tnen begin now to tiuK with God and you will >oon .earn HOW to pia\. Every c.*i 1 d learns to tain, then he gradually expresses himself. Without doubt. God is the only object of prayer (Psalm 50: 15). It is our Christian duty to pray for others, as well as for oursel\e> (James 5: 16^. Thu> we are to pray fervently ^Col. 4: 121. sincerely (Psalm IT: 1). constantly (Col. 4: 2). with fait'h (Jamej 5: 15). with repentance (P>alm 66: 18), and by the help of tne Holy Spirit (Horn. 8: 26). Do you talk with God as you should? Do you let God talk wi..n you, as you feel in your heart that you should, in order that you might be made a better man, woman, boy. or girl? How sad is it that so many people think that they can get along O. K. without pray fng! No one is right in his or her heart who does not pray to God. There is something lacking, and soon or late he will want to talk with God and MAY NOT be able to do so. My friend, talk with God now while you can do so. Pray the prayer of repentance and God will lead you in a wonderful way. You cannot afford to continue without prayer. God wants your heart, but He cannot get it unless you talk to Him. Take stock of your heart and see if you are praying at all, or how little you are praying. Many pray little. Do you wait until it is forced upon you to pray? So often, people wait until some accident happens, or some serious sickness, or death comes, or some thing awful, before they pray. That is why so many hearts are not able to make contact with God. You have* to pray in the Spirit be fore you can get help. If you pray once a week, or once a month, or just once in awhile, youi heait will grow cold. Do not forget, your heart has to be warm in the Spirit of God'before you can get help from God. So pray often in the Spirit. God does not hear us for our much speaking (.-peaking in big words) but he hears us as we pray from our hearts. Please do not wait until .you get into some trouble, or heart ache, before you talk with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Do y?u pray for others? How we need to pray for our president, and the other high officers ot our coun try! We are exhorted that "pray ers be made for all men; for kings and all that are in .high places." Are you praying for God's peace to come among nations of the world? Are you praying for the salvation of others, Are you pray ing ^or and working that evils may be moved out of the paths of our precious boys and girls, and that they may be strengthened to over come evils? This is a time when earnest praying is needed. Much praying was done when the war At the Churches Sylva Methodist (The Rev. W. Q. Grigfl, Pastor) Sunday school will meet at 10 a. m., Gudger Crawford, superin- i ' tendent. 11 a. m. i>hip by the 6:30 p. \i., Youth Fellowship. Sylva Baptist (The Rev. C. M. Warren, Pastor) i Sunday schoolsat 10 a. m., Hops j ard Ball, Supt. | ' 11 a. m. Morning worship, the I pastor us.ng for hi.- ?ubject, "The i Temple of God." 1 Cor. 3: 1-17 1 B. T. U. at 6:30 p. m., Carl Cor bin, director. 8 p. m. Sermon bv the pastor. Sermon subject, "The Touch of Jesus.'' Matt. 8: 15 Tuesday, 7:15 p. m. Prayer meet ing. Friday, 7:30 p. m. choir rehearsal. Each Monday at 10:30 a. m. the Bapt.st Ministers' Conference meets here. Cullowhee Baptist (The Rev. Mark R. Osborne, J".? Pastor) "9:50 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. morning worship, the pastor speaking on the subject, "Jesus Needs Us." 4 p. m. Junior and inte rmediate Training Union. 9 a. m. each day Vacation Bible School. Wednesday?7:30 p. m. Mid week Prayer service Friday ? 7.30 p. m. Choir, re hearsal at the church. Cullowhee Methodist (The Rev. R. T. Houts, Jr., Pattor) 10 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Morning Worship. The Youth Fellowship will meet at tht church at 6:00 p. m. Singing To Be At Savannah School An all day singing is being planned- for the fifth Sunday, June 29. at t|ie Savannah school house. All singers are asked to be } present and take part in the sing ing. The public is invited to come and bring lunch. Upper District Will Hate Staging The regular monthly meeting of | the Upper District Singing con vention will be held Sunday, July 6, at John's Creek scheolhouse. Every one is invited to come and j participate in the singing. Early raking of h; y will prevent bleaching of the green color from leaves and thereby reserve the food value that would be lost through long exposure to the sun>hine. was going on, but there is little evidence that such praying is be ing done now. My friends, let us pray without ceasing in our homes with our children, in our churches, and as we go away from place to place, that the hearts and minds of our people may be turned from the sinful ways of the world to the things of righteousness and to God. O, let us pray in the Spirit of God. ^KT a xW New Ttres Deserve Ntv Tvbw 'GIT SIT FOR SCORCHING SUMMER ROADS NOW WITH GOODYEAR 3)3%* T,RI? The cords in a Goodyear tire are thinner, stronger, more uniform ? generate less heat. This means more saiety, more thousands oi ex tra miles. ?et set with GoocP/ears sow. $16.10 Plus Tax &oox il Liberal Trade-In Allowance CANNON BROTHERS Goodyear Store SYLVA, N. C. ?it mm pi ??DHH IB VImi PBB ESSAY CONTEST FINALISTS?The lour district winners in the Cooperative Essay Contest who will et mpete in the Stale Finals to be held at the Womans Club in Raleigh on June 26 are shown above. Lett to right, they are; Charles L. Herring,'age 18, Route 1, La Grange, representing the Eastern Dis trict; Elaine Graham, age 1"5. Proctorville, representing the Southern District; Anita Bolinger, age 16, Route 1, Vale, representing the Western District; D. C. Price, age 18, Mayodan, and representing the Cen-* tral District. The contestant in the State Finals will be competing for a top prize that offers a years tuition schol arship i.fid S 100.00 in cash. Lonnie Morgan * Celebrates Birthday Mr. Lonnie Morgan celebrated h:> 46th birthday Thursday, June 12. All of his children, except one daughter. Mrs. Munnie Foutz, of Danville. Va. were present for the occasion. Those attending were his two soiis, Griffin and Glenn, of Cowarts and one daughter, Mrs. Lon Harris, and small daughter, Delois. Mrs. Morgan's mother, Mrs. J.! W. Wood, who had been very ill, was able to be carried up to Mr. j Morgan's for the day. The table was centered with the birthday ?&ke surrounded by flowers. Mr. Morgan cut the cake and served it t-o his guests. He received a num ber of nice gifts. It is estimated that one man can put down 350 board feet of six inch flooring in one 8-hour