Classified Ads and Legate RATE8: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 350. Cards of Thanks, one cent per word, 50c minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams, obituaries, one cent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING 8TRICTLY CA%H IN ADVANCE 'FOR RENT?Rooms and apart ments. Apply" at Sylva Hotel. 5-7* CONCRETE BLOCKS for build ing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant f delivered. Call or write W. A. Hays, below bridge in Franklin. Phone 903, Highlands, N. C. 6-21tf FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf FOR SALE ? Birddog puppies (Pointers) and one Doberman Pinscher. See Jack C. Allison, Syl-v va, N. C. 5-7* FOR SALE?6-room brick veneer house, 4 acres of land 1% miles from town on Cullowhee road. Bargain. Rev. C. V. Brown. 5-7* TREE RIPENED PEACHES for trucks, ready about August 1. Packing house located on South ern Railway, Baldwin, Ga. For information write W. T. Crocker & Son, Cornelia, Ga. 7-9* d FOR SALE?Wheat and rye, all good'seed. J. B. Coates, Web ster, N. C. 7-9* FOR SALE?Large Hammer mill, still in shipping crate. Bargain. Jack Reed, Whittier, N. C. 7-9* Due to the rapid expansion of my business, I find it impossible to serve all my customers in this vicinity. I have been authorized to appoint a man to provide for ?complete distribution. Here is an opportunity to get into a business of your own, without financing it, that will pay you $75 a week or better. I will be glad to give all details. Write or see B. E. Blan ton, Star Route, Dillsboro, N. C. 7-17 WANTED?Two ladies with cars for afternoon or evening work: No canvassing $5 to $10 per day. Also opening in Cullowhee, Frank lin, Bryson City and Waynesville, unlimited opportunities. --7"" Man with car for group demon strations work. $50.00 and up a ?week. Available for right type of man. Answer to No. 10, C o Her ald Office. 7-8* LOST?By Kellie Carl Frizzell last Saturday a billfold with $7.60, driver's license, social se curity card, Army classification card, Army registration card, reg istration card for truck. Finder may have money if he will return the other things to owner at Sos samon's Furniture Store, or may receive reward. 7 17* ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE North Carolina Jackson County Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of the Mrs. T. H. Hastings, deceased, late of Jack son County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claftns against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Sylva, North Carolina, on or be fore the 6th day of June 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 6th day of June, 1947. MARGARET H. HOLMAN, Administratrix of Mrs. T. H. Hastings, Deceased. June 12 19 26 Jul 3 10 17 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATtON North Carolina, Jackson County. JAMES WATSON vs. MARGARET JOHNSON WATSON In the'Superior Court The defendant, Margaret John son-Watson, will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court for Jackson County, North Carolina, the same being for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation. And the said defendant will further take notice that she is re ?^ire~, t(? aPPear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Jackson County, North Caro lina, in the Court House in Sylva within thirty days after the 14th day of July,. 1947, and answer or demur, to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint; This the 14th day of July, 1947 JOHN E. HENSON, Clerk Superior Court, Jackson County, North Carolina. July 17 24 31-Aug 7 notice OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by a deed of trust executed by W. M. Jamison and wife, Ettie Jamison, dated 10 Au foo^-n1940, and ^corded in Book 138, Page 97, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson County, North Carolina, Dan K Moore, Trustee, rwill, at 12:00 ?n}Sc ? noon? on Monday, July 28 1947, at the Court House door of Jackson County, in Sylva, North TmSra?1 54^ public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described land, to-wit* First Tract: BEGINNING at a tue eas} b.ank of the road *o t?' ?uc^anan s line, and runs S. Nnnth l ??* with,M- Buchanan's North line to a stake in said line thence N. 40 E. 16 poles to a dog wood; thence N. 59 W. 10 poles to a Spanish oak bush on East bank J??u ; thenc? with the East n*ng road t0 ^ BEGIN ^8exr0f^uTraJct: BEGINNING on the North side of the road at a JnrwJS rnI?s ?"e P?le to Sher rills (now Riley Franklin) begin ning corner; thence down with the branch and the line of C. E. Hens }uy sDtra1?t t0. M' Buchanan's line of the Parker tract and C. W. Hens .leys corner; thence S. 59 E. with said-M. Buchanan's line about 6 poles to a stake on the W. bank of the road; thence N. 22 E. with the Jnan.kkof the road 10 poles to a stake SJith fv, ? ,of said road; thence with the bank of the road N. 55 E. 6 poles to the BEGINNING. Third Tract: BEGINNING at a fa?nHW0?^ corner of W. M. Jamison's land and runs N. 40 E. 66 feet to a stake in the S. bank of the road* thence N. 61 W. 73 feet to a stake on the S.. bank of the road; thence ?' , 1 t0 a stake on the ,b?nk of the road: thence S. 83 W. 74 teet to in 8 fheh Spanish ?ail..c?''ner of W. M. Jamison's ?facti, thence S. 59 E. 10 poles to the BEGINNING, and being the thiee tiacts as fully described in a fneF p fr,(,,nLW- M- Jamison )?? nS: Stiilwel|' Trustee for Hat tie Cody, Guardian and Commis sioner, and duly recorded in Book 101, at Page 66, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a full and complete description of said ianas. > Fourth Tract: BEGINNING at a on North bank of the branch, said stake being N. 7 W. 2 poles w \s/rT0m the N- w- corner of the W. M, Jamison lot, and runs thence North 106 feet to a stake J2 the J,lne of the original lot; llJS10?* direction, a straight line, 15 poles, more or less, to a stake in the East line of the orig of road? said stake being 138 feet North of the branch; thence with said road, South 138 feet to a stake on bank of said branch; thence North 65 West 9 ?? ? }? stake; thence North 85 West to the BEGINNING, and be ing that tract of land as fully de scribed m a deed recorded in Book 99, at Page 19, in the Office of the Register of' Deeds for Jackson County, North Carolina, to which deed and record reference is here by made. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by said deed of trust. This the 26th day of June, 1947 Jul 3 urn 24' MOORE' Trustee NOTICE NOTICE We are working on our water system, checking all lines. We want to be fair with everyone, but when we say, "stop all leaks", we are doing so for the good of the public. Please understand and cooperate with us. Our water supply must be conserved. There fore, if you are not stopping all leaks and paying your bills, we will be forced to cut off your sup ply. JACK ALLISON, Mayor Winner Of Highest Scout Award in 12th District Scout Jimmy Bales of Senior Organization No. 1, Sylva, was awarded the Gold Palm on June 10, 1947, the highest award ever given to a Scout in this district. He will be a member of the senior class at Sylva high school this fall. On taking the Tenderfoot Investure on December 8, 1942, Jimmy became a member of troop 8, Fontana Dam, and the Eagle rank on June 22, 1945, at troop 122, Oak Ridge. Tenn., and the Eagle Bronze Palm on February 12, 1946, at Oak Ridge. Final Plans Being Made For Annual Farm and Home Week With final plans rapidly shap ing up for 1947 Farm and Home Week which will be , held on State College campus August 25-29, it is hoped this year's event will be an outstanding one to the more than 5,000 farm men and women expected to attend. Lectures by such outstanding National speakers as Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dorothy Thomp son, and Congressman Stephen Pace are scheduled. These talks will relate to state, national and international affairs affecting rural people. Other outstanding speak ers during the week include: Dr. T. B. Hutcheson, outstanding per sonality in southern agriculture and Dean of school" of Agriculture at Virginia Polytechnic- Institure, Blacksburg, Va.; J. B. Hutson, newly elected president of the board of directors of Tobacco As sociates, Inc.; and Thomas J. Pearsall, former speaker of the House of Representatives. There will be a series of talks and discussions, may of them held on the day at/the same hour in order to give each person a chance' to attend the one in which he is' mosH interested. These periods will aeal primarily with new and improved methods and procedures for farm and home activities. They will include such factors as crop and livestock production, farm mechanization, rural health, fam ily relationships, home food sup ply, labor saving devices, and other points involved in family living. New home equipment with em phasis on electrical appliances; the latest in farm machinery and new methods in crop production and processing will be featured ,in ex hibits, as well as a number of demonstrations relating to both the home and the farm. Not forgetting the recreational side of the..week, arrangements have been made for visitors to see plaqfes of historical interest in Raleigh, and visits will be made to the college farms. There will also be group singing, square dances, contests and prizes and other features. Smoky Mountaineers To Present Program The W. N. C. Farm Hour will present the Smoky Mountaineers in a show at Hoey auditorium Fri day night, July 18. The show will feature guitar and violin playing in a session of mountain music. Parking Regulations, Meter Use Explained (Continued from page one) bringing in produce; these meters will be hooded so that the mer chants will be able to have deliv ery in the early morning hours, and that will enable the producer or trucker to deliver without ha^ ing to pay for the privilege of de livery. Any person parking in hooded space will be given a meter violation ticket and contribute $1.00. At its last meeting of the Town Board there was enacted a law as to taxis, there will nut be allow ed any any additional taxis and have set the number at 12. all of those now operating will be al lowed to continue, but should one drop out there will not be ;) re l.T* * v M ? J t:$ %: ~ *w' ; 4 Gorham Chantilly *23 00 ?w Gorham P Camellia $23 00 YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE WITH See Gorham Sterling and you'll want "the loveliest silver in the world" for your home. A few place settings in your favorite pattern are so easy to afford exciting to match ? and add to ... so wonder* ful to enjoy every day. n LILIU S ^ Jewelry Company $ iS\ In Ritz Building lUGGS AND SKEETER \ >/( \ . '*> -V V 1 ?? ?' V-' '??' i... ? *? ? 0'" v" ' Commerce Body Seeks Sentiment Of People On City Hall Delivery Mr. Felix Picklesimer, president of the Chamber of Commerce, has announced that the organization j will start a project to number all the houses in town and to name the streets in the first step toward trying to secure city mail delivery for the town. Mr. Picklesimer seeks the coop eration of every one in town in this movement. He stated th;ft when they get ready for the num bering, if anyone desires a special illuminated number these can be secured at a reasonable price when , bought in quantities. , This does not mean that we will get city delivery, Mr. Pickle simer stated, but it is a step for ward. The organization is anxiou.s to have the sentiment of the peo ple as to how they feel toward' city delivery. Just clip out the small coupon below, sign and mail to the Cham ber of Commerce office: ( ) I would like to see city de livery in Sylva. ( ) I am opposed to city delivery in Sylva. A Name Under most circumstances the cow should be fed all the rough age that she will eat up clean, and the grain ration should be adjusted to the milk production. placement until the number has reached 11; applicants will' file and wait until this quota comes below the 12 mark. PARKING ? Must be within designated spaces or lines and NOT ACROSS; parking across lines same as meter violation, $1. Long wheelbase trucks and buses projecting out into lane of traffic will not be allowed, any obstacle that will hinder even flow ol TralV ficMvill not be tolerated. Your cooperation is requested and we snail be glad to help you with your problems in any way we can possibly do so. ' .JACK ALLISON, Mayor K. M. Warlick, Chief ot Police Civilian Jeep Bulldozer i Hied w?th a special TMC Hydraulic lift that raises and lowers 'ii? bull blade, all four wheels are driving as this civilian jeep ?rrapes ro.ids of Alls ilitvlies. jutj^ it rtoesaseasitr as pulling pbws or powering farm machinery through a power take-off. Shifted to two-wheel drive, the Willys-Overland vehicle races to the next task M_spceds up to 60 miles an hour. Now TItm >n>nrf Now TwlM On SET FOR SCORCHING SUMMER ROADS NOW WITH good/^ear Tho cords In a Goody oar tiro aro thinner, stronger, moro uniform ? Sonorato lost oat. fhls moans moro sajoty, moro thousand* of oz tra milos. ?ot sot with Goo&fBcn now. TIRES $16.10 Plus Tax luooxfV Liberal Trod?-ln Allowance CANNON BROTHERS Goodyeer Store SYLVA, N. C. R^ir^s^v.-. m :? JtSrWi lifcl : JPi *4k< \:S '?y&ivSSSS&BB$'< ?'.'& ??s?y>& Sip iff;: ? ? '? Hi ^Wmmm * ^yxvivx . ?: . :. ? ?:;<*&,/ ? ?? and worth it! P?p?l*Cola Company, Long l?ltnd City, N. Y. Franehieod Bottler: Peptl-Cola Bottling Co. of Aahavill#