Stoves! - ALL KINDS - Stoves! More than we have ever had !! X Steel prices are going up ... and so are Stoves ... WE BOUGHT OUR STOVES AT THE OLD PRICE AND SO WE ARE PASSING THIS SAVING ON TO OUR CUSTOMERS. COME , IN TODAY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM OUR COMPLETE LINE OF STOVES IN A LARGE VARIETY (Jt STYLES # AND USES. * ; ^ With a small down payment we will hold the stove of your choice till it is convenient for you to pay for it. ' ' FOR QUICK HEAT If you are hunting something in a moderate priced heater, for quick action you can find none better than this heavy guage sheet iron stove. It will burn any kind of wood and give you long service LAUNDRY HEATERS And WATER JACKS ?frhrheavy cast iron Laundry heater is just the stove you are looking for to heat the kit chen, laundry or small room. We also have them with the water jacket which will furnish you plenty of hot water with little fuel. Get yours while they are in stock. AUTOMATIC WOOD BURNER Where you have a good source of wood sup ply and with the price of coal steadily ad vancing, we can think of no heater that will give you more heat for the money spent for fuel than one of our splendid AUTOMATIC WOOD HEATERS. You'can use any kind of wood and have a warm home 24 hours per day. Here's one attack we all know will come as surely as the days change into nights. Here's an'invasion we've all had a lot of experience in combatting?the annual invasion of old man winter. Be prepared for his attack. We're ready. WMim monninG COAL HEATER MOOEL 420A MK-ta Draft Regatatar S.S. Pit. Net. 2,255,527 ifld 1*. 71 and Can. Pat; No. 401,OSS. Name Rai. U. S. 4 Can. Pat Off. More Than MILLION Now in Use! ? fame ?utd Sec *7tem HOLDS 100 lbs. COAL Semi-Automatic, Magazine Feed Amazipg, Patented INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION Heats All Day and All Night WITHOUT REFUELING Burns Any Kind of Coal, Coke, Briquets i Start a Fire But Once a Year! Your Home Is WARM Every MORNING While we are Jackson County's Headquarters for high quality Heat ing Equipment we also carry a complete line of Furniture for the entire home. In fact we have four floors well stocked with any item you wish at a price you can afford to pay. We are Jackson County's old reliable Furniture Dealers. ? J* Delivery Service . . . Elevator Service . . . Easy Terms ALLEN'S RANGES Preparing daily meals for the family is no easy task, especially if the housewife has to do it on a burned-out stove or range. Why not make her happy by replacing that old range with a brand new Allen. There is no better range built for the money. We have a few on hand . . . better see them now while they are available. OIL HEATERS AND FURNACES Many people are converting their heating units from coal and wood to oil... shown here a* are some of the types we now have in stock. We have them in all sizes to furnish heat for one room or a laijge home,-' Install one of our modern new oil furnaces and then forget about old man winter, sofet, ashes, cinders and other work connected with other types of heating. Just fill up the tank, light the burner, set the automatic heat con trol and then relax in comfort. Let us tell you more about this furnace. Jackson Furniture Company PHONE 128 .. SYLVA, N. C. i ** ? * * ' ' ^ ? x