STATE COLLEGE I ANSWERS TIMELY I FARM QUESTIONS *j QUESTION?What can I do to' prevent oil that is- accidentally spill d into a well? ANSWER?David S. Weaver, head of the Agricultural Engineer ing Department at State College,' says so far as he knows, there is; no chemical available on the market that would remove the oil. However, where there is only a small amount of o:l in the water, continued pumping will probably remove it. . There will be no serious damage done by the oil until it is removed, he says, other than altering the taste and staining of white clothes that are washed with the water from the well. QUESTION?How can I control domestic mosquitoes? ANSWER?Since domestic mos quitoes breed in so many places, it is important to make frequent inspections of the premises and eliminate, as far as possible, all temporary water containers. Tin cans, bottles, jars, old tires, and the like should be promptly dis posed of. A good practice for every housewife to follow is to see that every tin can has holes punched in the bottom or has both ends re moved and the can flattened. Eaves troughs should be examined oc casionally to see that they are not stopped up or sagged so that they will hold water. Likewise flat roofs should be examined after rains to see that water is not held on them. Cesspools and septic tanks must be tightly covered, that is, so as to exclude all mosquitoes. Rain barrels or tubs in which water "is stored are often the source of hordes of mosquitoes. Cisterns, whether above or below ground often breed many of these pests. Open cisterns breed mos quitoes in profusion. These should be tightly covered or screened, and the spouts must be screened also. Water pans and troughs used for chicken water should be emptied ronce a week and thoroughly wash ed. Mosquitoes often breed in pud dles of water allowed to drain un der the hou>e from refrigerators. Rain water, and water allowed to leak from hydrants and to form pools in the yard are sources also. These pools can usually be elimi nated by improved drainage. Pastors-Deacons Meeting To Be At Lovedale Church A joint meeting ol pastors an ' 'v ,? - % ? ' ' i .? V." : V The school children of Sylva and Jackson County will be delighted to see officer , Pressley's four trained dogs and two pigeons on September 2nd, as they entertain I while they teach traffic safety. Officer Pressley's show will be sponsored by the I Sylva Police Department and Sylva Lions Club. PERSONALS Gene Jones, son of Richard Jones, formerly of.Sylva, but now living in Darrington, Wash., Douglas t Wicken of Darrington, and John! E. Le Blanc of Flat Rock, Mich., are spending this week with Bobby Jones and Jack Green. Mrs. Fred tilanlon of Halving-' ton. Wash., is visiting her mother,' Mrs. John C. Allman, at Addie:! Mr>. Allman, who lias been quite sick, is improving. .) Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Phillips' have returned to Newport News. I Va., after spending a few days J w;th her mother, Mrs. E. E. Brown,' and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Phillips. Mrs. F. M. Higdon, Jr., of Frank lin and David Rogers o: Haines City. Fla., were week-end guests ot Miss Agnes Wilson. Tnoy. witii Mrs. J. H. Wilson, Miss Matilda] i Wilson and Miss Gladys Osterman.i motored to Fontana Dam. Sund v. E. E. Tweed, ii tier spending a two week.-' vacation with his fam-i ilv, left Monday for New York on a business trio, F. L. Webber, who has spent ten days with his family; lert Mon day for Boise, Idaho, to resume his work with Morrison-Knudsen Co. Mrs. Louis Hair and two chil dren, Joe and Katherine, and Miss Docia Garrett will go to Chatta nooga, Tenn., to visit Mrs. Hair's father-in-law, Mr. J. -L. Hair, Sr. Miss Nita Garrett will leave Fri day for Washington, D. C., for a visit there before going to Walker town to resume her work as a member of the school faculty at that place. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Minnish and son, Jimmy, returned to Colbert, Short pause ..have a Coke ?OTTIB) UNDCS AUTHOVTY OF THC COCA-COU COMPANY IT COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ga., Saturday, after spending the week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson. Oth er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Patter son were Mrs. N. C. Wood and Misses . Era and Esther McGinnis o Commerce, Ga. Miss Helen Sos/amon and Boyd Sossamon spent the week-end in Midland with their parents. They were accompanied home by their mother for a few weeks' visit here and in Bryson CMy with another son, Mr. Leroy Sossamon, and family. Julian Barnhill of Tarboro was guest M day of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilso ar.d family. Mr. an. Mrs. Harold Jarvis and son, Hugn, of Detroit, Mich., are visiting their mother, Mrs. Sam Rhea. Tneir son, Dale,, who has been spending the past three we^ks with hi.? grandmother, will return home with them. Mrs. Gary Allison is spending some time in Newton with her son, Burch Allison, and family. Rich aid Allison, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Allison, had been visiting his grandmother and accompanied her to his home. Miss Sarah Jean Allison, who has been visiting her aunts, Mrs. Robert Fisher and Mlrs. Joe L. Sutton, went to Asheville Satur day to visit her aunt, Mrs. Nelson B. Shepherd, before returning to her home in Newton. Miss Peggy Jo Sutton, who has been spending a few weeks with UNCLE HANK SEZ ... FOLKS WHO ALWAYS A. THINK ASOUT NOBODY ?? ?bur themselves USUAL LY END UP WITH ONLY OSJE FRitND/ You'll always find your friends at the BUCHANAN AUTO & ELECTRIC COMPANY be cause they know where to go for the best in modern appli ances and electrical wiring de vices. You, too, will always come to us for home freezers, as well as Universal and Hot point appliances. ? BUCHANAN HUTO & ELECTRIC CO., ?hone 63 Sylva, N. C her sister, Mrs. Fred Hooper, in Buckroe Beach, Va., has returned! to her home here. - Major and Mrs. T. M. Hampton of Fayetteville arrived last week to spend the remainder of the month with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Taylor Hampton, at Cullo whee. C. E. Thompson returned last Thursday to his home from New foundland, where he had been em ployed for several months at naval headquarters. Steffner Talks To Group At Cullowhee The monthly sub-district meet ing of the Methodist Youth Fellow ship was held at Cullowhee Meth odist church" on Monday night. The host church was in charge of the program, with Miss Dorothy Dod son as leader. Features of .the pro- j gram were a quartet, "O Lprd Most Holy," sung by Misses Jo Ann Sut ton, Edna Earl Sutton, Dorothy Dodson, and Marjorie Woody; hymns sung by the group; prayer; by Rev. E. B. Whitson, of Sylva Presbyterian church; and the talkj of the evening by Rev. Ed Steff ner on "God's Leadership." In his j talk Mr. Steffner emphasized the need for leadership and the places1 we find it and the ways God leads | men. i After the business session the Cullowhee young people led games and other recreation in the-recrea tion room of the church, and then they served refreshments. Nine members attended from Sylva; Bryson City, 5; Cherokee, 4; and Cullowhee, 7. Cullowhee YWA Group Gives Party For Leader The Cullowhee YWA group was sponsor of a tacky party on Satur day night in honor of their new leader, Mrs. Lucille Painter. The young people played games dur ing the evening and were served watermelon after the recreation. Those present were Virginia Gallamore, Sue Churchwell, June Parker, Ruth Moses, Jean.Craw-_ ford, Clara Jo Phillips, Cosette Blake, Helen Crawford, Doris Dills, Lowaine Mashburn, Martha Gay Frizzell, Dennis Norton, Luth er Norton, James Wike, Homer Wike, O. V. Cagle, Jr., Lewis Mon teith, Carl Painter, Tommy Moses, Davis Ledbetter, J. R. Dills, and Jimmy Phillips. Those from Sylva were Jo Ann Moody, Jacqueline Holden, Lo queta Holden, Pat Montague, Jack ie Shields, Rachel Sutton, Qi/ay Grigg, Ed Steflner, and Rev. W. Q. Grigg. Read The Herald for News of Jackson County. The Best Part of the Meal I k UOUb ? ? When we give your Car a clean bill of Health, you may he sure it's ready to take the road on all cylinders, and to give you many miles of riding ease, pleasure and comfort. When our experts service your car you get the best! Our modern shop is completely equipped to do all kinds of Repair Work, Body Finishing and complete Paint Jobs. ; Kirk-Davis Chevrolet Co., Inc. / ' ? ? SEE US ABOUT OUR REPAIR FINANCE PLANS Phone 79