Society and Personal Quay Grigg Attends Fraternity Meet Quay Grigg left Sunday for At lanta, Ga., to join his Duke univer sity roommate, Colbert Smith, of Greensboro and Washington, D. C. From there they went to Kan sas City, Mo., to attend the "Con clave of Hearts of America", which met September 2-4 at Muehlebach. This is the first convention of Sigma Phi Epsilon social fraternity since before the war. Smith, president, and Grigg, vice-presi dent, of Gamma chapter at Duke, go as delegates from the N. C. Gamma chapter. Other delegates going from this state will represent the N. C. Beta chapter at State College, Zeta chapter at Wake For-* est, and Epsilon chapter at David son. While at the convention Smith and Grigg will serve on the vpress committee and the SigiYia Phi Ep silon Journal committee. They will return home Sunday.) Prominent speakers addressing the convention were Bqurke B. Hickenlooper, alumnus of Iowa Beta chapter and U. S. senator | from Iowa, and Hal Boyle, famed Associated Press correspondent, alumnus of Missouri Alpha chap ter. * * * The Mike Strongs Honor . Miss Wilson, Mr. Henson N Mr. and Mrs. Mike Strong were hosts Friday P. M. for a small i bridge party and kitchen shower, honoring Miss Margaret Wilson and John Henson, who will be married Sunday afternoon, Sep tember 7. Two tables were made up for play. Two prizes were given at each table. Winners were Mr. Strong, Mr. Henson, Mrs. Rudy Hardy, and Miss Lucile Wilson. They in turn gave their prizes to the bride-elect. As a gift Mrs. Strong gave Miss Wilson two love ly little pots filled with flowers. EYES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted DR. ALDEN C. DOWNS will examine eyes and fit glasses; in Sylva at the Carolina Hotel Friday, Sept. 12, from 9 o'clock to 4 o'clock. If you have eye trouble or1 ten'* Me well you should con Downs on above date.' Mrs. Crawford Hostess To Carrie Rhodes Circle Mrs. W. H. Crawford was hos tess to the members of the Carrie Rhodes Circle of the WSCS of the Methodist church at her home Monday evening. Mrs. W. L. Jones used as her meditation scripture passage, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Mrs. Dennis Barkley, as pro gram chairman, introduced Dr. Noracella McG. Wilson, guest speaker. Dr. Wilson spoke on the subject, "The Child and His Edu cation Today." Mrs. Paul Kirk was in charge of the social hour. A prize was given Mrs. Karl Warlick as win ner in the contest. A delicious salad course was served by Mrs. Crawford. Included in the eighteen ladies present were Mrs. Lavinia Cowan, who was welcomed as a new mem ber, and Mrs. Warlick, Mrs. Sam Cannon, and Dr. Wilson as guests. * * * Mr. Gilley Honored On Birthday Anniversary The family of Mr. Shaler Gilley entertained last Friday evening at a surprise birthday dinner party ( honoring Mr. Gilley on his sixty-1 eighth birthday anniversary. The party was held on the lawn of ^ the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. L. Smith, and Dr. Smith in Whit tier. The dinner was served around the lawn futnace of the Smith home. Those enjoying the occasion with Mr. Gilley included Mrs. Gilley, Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith and son, Mike, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thomp son and sons, Joe and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Thompson, Mr.j and Mrs. Sam Roane, and Miss Evelyn Sherrill. Mr. Gilley, who has been em-i ployed with a West Virginia lum ber company for the past several years as a lumber cruiser, recently, retired and will be at home wit'hi Mrs.' Gilley in Whittier. * * * Miss Wilson Announces Wedding Plans, Sept. 7 Miss Margaret Wilsqji has an-! nounced plans for her marriage to j John Edwin Henson on Sunday,| September 7, at 3 P. M. at the' Sylva Baptist church. Rev. C. M. Warren, the pastor, will conduct the service. Mrs. C. C. Williams, sister of the bride-elect, will be matron of She was presented with a shofper of gifts for her kitchen from the group. Mr. and Mrs. Strong served Shoofly pie, frozen peaches, and^ coffee. MrzPccjpfe &z snot^^nMGUj^ &&"&&& Let us solve your . . . Heating Proble ?with? An Oil Burning Floor Furnace No basement or pipes required Fully Automatic . . . Immediate Installation FREE E8TI MATES F.H.A. Financing if desired Call or write The Haywood Co., Inc. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. VANCE-BENNETT ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. R. O. Vance announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Magdalene, to Mr. Ray Edgar Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bennett of Franklin, Rt. 3. The wedding will take place Sunday, September 28,! at 8 o'clock in the evening, at Lovedale Baptist church. | Monor. Best man will be Ben Henson, brother of the bridegroom-elect, ?of Asheville. Ushers will be Lewis, Billy, and Tom Wilson, brother of the bride-elect and Claude Hen son, brother of the bride-groom elect. Following the ceremony a small reception will be held at the home i ?f the bride-elect's mother, Mrs. T. O. Wilson, for the families and out-of-town guests. * * * iO.E.S. Has Regular Meeting Oce chapter No. 139, Order of the Eastern Star, met in regular session August 27 in the Masonic hall at Dillsboro. Mrs. Harry Fer guson, Worthy Matron, presided. Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Clarke were visitors from Acacia chapter No. 358 in Dayton, Ohio. Plans were made for a rum mage sale to be held in the near future. Miss Bertha Cunningham told briefly of some of the interseting points she visited this summer! while on her vacation to California and her visit to Tarboro chapter O.E.S. in Tarboro. The program of the evening was, given by Mark Jarrett, Worthy1 Patron. Mr. Jarrett chose for his' subject Rob. Morris and pointed out some of the visions Hob Mor-| ris had in connection with the East-, ern Star. The men present at the meeting were the hosts for the evening and served ice cold watermelon. PERSONALS C. M. Reed left Sunday for New York City where he will purchase merchandise for Hale's store. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chestnut of Cornelia, Ga., were 'the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Bry spn. Mrs,?J. A. Turner of Monroe ville, N. J., was the week-end guest of her brother, C. R. Moody, and family; Miss "Martha Pressley of Green wood, S. C., and Mrs. R. M. Ryan of Milledgeville, Ga., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ariail the past week-end. R. L. Ariail, Jr., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ariail. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Maples of Huntsville, Ala., were visitors in> Sylva last week. Mr. Maples is a former agriculture teacher in Jackson county. Miss Sara Stone left yesterday for her home in Clinton, S. C., after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. W. Q. Grigg, and Mr. Grigg. Mrs. A. G. Huff and two chil dren have returned to their home in Whitmire, S. C., after spending several days ih Sylva with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirk. Misses Lida, Margie and Effie Scarborough of Florence, S. C., and Mrs. A. L. Asbell of Ridge Spring, S. C., left Monday to re turn home after spending a week with their niece, Miss Mary Lou Rutledge. Mrs. Herbert Bryson and sons, Jon and Roy A-*, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hall at Almond. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lovin of Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent the week-end here with Mrs. Lovin's sister, Mrs. Don Fisher, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stallcup and twin sons, Stephen and Law rence, of Ellenboro, spent the week-end in Whittier with Mr. stallcup's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stallcup. Mrs. P. E. Moody returned to day (Thursday) from Albermarle' where she has spent the past ten days with her son, Mr. Bob Moody,I and family. Mr. Moody was ill at the time his mother went to Al bermarle, but is reported to be much better. Mrs. Mildred Phillips and Ben! Sumner left the first of the week1 I for a visit of two weeks in Cedar j | Rapids, Iowa, with their ,-isler. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lovedahl, of | Cowarts, have returend home alter spending a week with their daugii-' ters, Mrs. Troy D. Martin and Mrs.I Harold Croft and their, families, at Oak Ridge. Tenn. ! Mis. J. M. Birds nephews, Troyi I Pate and Davis Byrd, arrived in' Sylva Friday afternoon from At-1 lanta, Ga., where they had been visiting with Mrs. Bird's sister,| Mrs. Ed Wallace, and Mr. Wallace,' to spend the week-end and Labor! Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bird. Tiiey' left Tuesday morning to return to' their homes in Goldsbnro. I Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Smith and' three daughters spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Kirk and family. They returned home' Sunday, taking with them another daughter, Edith Smith, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kirk for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grindstaff and children left Tuesday to re turn to their home in River For est, 111., after .spending three weeks with his mother, Mrs. W. E. Grind staff. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kuhne and Miss Flora Newton of Akron, Ohio, were guests of Mrs. J. M. Swayn gim at he? home in Webster. Mrs. Addie Kuhne of Bryson City ac companied them to Webster. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hudson have returned to their home in New port News, Va., after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Swayn gim at their home in Webster. E. E. Bain, Jr., and son, Edward, Mrs. J. W. Keener and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Myers and son, Jimmy, spent Sunday in Atlanta with Mrs. E. E. Bain, Jr., who is a patient at Emory University hospital. Miss Agnes Wilson returned home Tuesday after spending a few days in Newport News, Va., NEW RECORDS ?at? Sossamon's Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! Round Up Polka ?Tex Williams Temptation I Love You Fop 8eventy Mental Reasons ?Jo Stafford Feudin' and Fightin' ?ay That We're Sweethearts Again ?Dorothy Shay Tallahassee Cecelia ?^-Johnny Merc#r Polonaise In A Flat ?First Piano Quartette Rev. Osborne Returns From Services In S. C., Ky. The Rev. Mark R. Osborne, Jr..J of? Cullowhee has y\?*t returned 1'iym a three weeks' absence from, the community during which time' he has been in revival meetings.' The first week Mr. Osborne as sisted his father in a meeting in the Edisto Baptist Church at Orangeburg, S. C., and the follow-' ing two weeks he brought a series of evangelistic messages at the' Oakland Baptist churth near' Louisville, Kv., of which his broth-! er is pastor. The Cullowhee Baptist pulpit, was filled by the The Rev. J. J. Johnson of Cherokee during Rev. Mr. Osborne's absence. I with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Delk and Miss Carolyn Harper. Mrs. G. R. Hamon and daughter,! Sherrill, of Richmond, Va.,. havej been visiting Mrs. Hamon's par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sherrill,! for a few days. ; Mrs. J. C. Allison and Howard Allison left last Thursday lor] Dundee, Ore., for a month's visit with Mrs. Allison's mother, Mrs.I S. C. Dwyer. They made the trip from Knoxville by plane. Miss Mary McLain left Monday i for Charlotte where she will again' teach in one of the city schools. J Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cantrell and two children of Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mrs. Can trell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. McLain. Miss Jean .Poteet, who has been employed in Raleigh during the summer months, has returned to her home here. Miss Thelma Po teet, after spending several weeks in Brevard, has also returned home. Miss Virginia Anderson of Nash-i ville, Tenn., is the house guest this week of Misses Jean and Thelma Poteet. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Wilson arrived Wednesday from Durham to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.] J. H. Wilson. Miss Lucile Reed will arrive to day from Kinston to spend the remainder of the week with her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Reed and be here lor the Wilson-Hen ?on wedding Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marcella Buchanan have arrived I rum Chapel 11.11 and will spend .-ome time wiln tneir parents, Mrs. M. Buchanan, Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Poleel. Miss Elva Rhea was here trom Knoxville to spend the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Sun Rnea. Miss Gwendolyn Ca^le ?>i Cullo whee left Tuesday for Memphis, Tenn., where she will spend a week with her sister, Miss Phylis Cagle. wno is a teacher in Kenton Hign school. Mrs. Everett Harris of Sylva,' Mrs. Milford Jenkins, and O. V.| ?>! f'iill.>v^M??