Classified Ads and Legals RATES: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 35c. Cards of Thanks, one cent per word, 50< minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams, obituaries, one cent per.word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE CONCRETE BLOCKS for build in g homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hays, below bridge in Franklin. Phone 903, Highlands, N. C. e-2iti FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf THE TRUTH about Catholics . . . Is the Catholic church really Catholic? You should know the REAL FACTS. Write for free in formation to Box 305, Whiteville, N. C. 10-19 Notice To Public This is to notify all persons that tfre undersigned will not be re sponsible for any debts except those contracted by herself. This the 22nd day .of Aug., 1947. MRS. AMY BRYSON, 13-20* Cherokee, N. C FOR SALE ? Seven boxwoods. Mrs. Claude Jones. 14-tfn WANTED TO BUY?40 cords of sourwood timber. See O. L. Cope for information in contract to cut. 14-15 FOR % RENT?Rooms and apart ments. Apply at Sylva Hotel. 14 15 16* FOR SALE ? New 4-room house with basement, lights and city water. Two good lots on Buchanan and Hall Heights just outside of city limits on left ? hand side of ?Cullowhefik road. See Tate Wild. 15* FOR SALE?100 bushels of good seed rye. $3.50 per bushel. J. B. Coates, Webster, N. C. 15-17* FOR SALE?Good used upright piano in first class condition. Also 10 piece hand made walnut dining room suite with asbestos pad to go with table. Call The Herald office, phone 110. $1500 cash for house and several acres, preferably near main high way. Vicinity of Franklin, Dills boro, Sylva, Balsam. Need small business also. Have oil land State of'Florida, reserves 1-2 oil and 2-3 mineral rights on.. Will give it as part payment. In Dade county, close to Veteran's Housing project. Box 307, Sylva, N. C. 15-17* * FOR RENT?One new 5-room house, 4 acres of land. See J. D. Shuler, Dillsboro, N. C. 15-16* FOR SALE?Gasoline iron, never been used, $5.50. Phone 0703. 15* FOR RENT?Partly furnished 2 bedroom bungalow, electric hot water heater, beds, dishes, etc Will make concessions to couple who will condition it for winter. Located in Beta?Sylva, Rt. 1 Pinnacle View?above large stone house. Phone 0703. Alma Lassen. 15* FOR SALE?Black, blue and wine grapes, ready now. $2.00 per bushel, bring containers. Mrs. G. T. Rogers, 2V2 miles from Webster. 15* FOR SALE ? Baldwin apples, cooking and canning,- $1.50 to $2.50 per bu. Other baking ap ples for less. Apply for apples at Sylva Coal and Lumber Co. or The Sylva Hotel. 15 16 17* 4 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF THE TOWN OF SYLVA All persons, or corporations, owning property in the corporate limits of the Town of Sylva for the year, 1946, or prior thereto will hereby take notice that you can save the cost and penalties by the payment of - your delinquent taxes on or before the first Day of October, 1947. You will further take notice that your property will be adver tised for past due taxe6 on Octo ber 6, 1947, and the cost and pen alties will be thereafter collected. This the 5th day of September, 1947. W. L. JONES, Town Clerk and Tax Collector. Sept 11 18 25 Oct 2?WRS NEW, WELL-PAID JOBS ARE OPENING UP IN THE REGULAR ARMY'S FIELD ARTILLERY. ALL EXPENSES PAID, AND $75 A MONTH TO START Startling changes are taking place in the U. S. Army Field Ar tillery! Even veterans of the re cent war would not recognize the thrilling new equipment which to day's Artillerymen are operating. Some men are chosen for the Guided Missile School, working on rockets and rocket-launching in New Mexico. Others learn to fire some of the Artillery's new "sky busters," such as "Little David." the 914-mm mortar which hurls a shell weighing almost 2 tons! If you are 18 to 34, inclusive (or 17 with parents' consent) and oth erwise qualified, you can sign up for 3 years or more with the Field Artillery. If you are an ex-serv iceman, you can begin a secure career close to home, with reason able assurance of a one-year as signment in your own Army Area. Learn while you earn?receive the highest pay in history, free food, clothing, quarters and me dical care. You'll have the chance to save up to $2,000 during a 3 year enlistment. r At no obligation to yourself, see your nearest U. S. Army and Air Force Recruiting Officer at Hearn Hotel, Franklin, N. C., or P. O. in i Sylva every Monday. He'll be glad to tell you of the opportunities in store for you. STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION?How can I length en the life of workstock harness? ANSWER?Giving long life i simple. All that is necessary is to keep it clean and well oiled with a good harness oil. . Best results are attained by taking the harness apart, unbuckling all straps, wash ing them with a very mild soap and warm water, rinsing each strap as washed in clean water and hanging up to dry. By the time ! one is through, the first strps will be dry enough to oil. A sponge or NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Jackson County. W. M. McCiure, Plaintiff, vs. Vinnia McCiure, Defendant, i I In The Superior Court. I i Let the defendant. Vinnia Mc Ciure, take notice that summons in the above entitled action was is- i , sued against her on the 14th day ? of August, 1947. by John E. Hen : son, Clerk of the Superior Court; j of Jackson County, North Carolina,! and a verified complaint filed in, the office of the Clerk, for the! purpose of obtaining an . absolute divorce from the defendant on I the grounds of two years separa-| tion. Let the defendant further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County at Sylva, North Carolina, within fifty (50) days from the date hereof, or within twenty (2) days from the final publication of, this notice and answer or demur, | or otherwise plead, or the relief I I prayed for will be granted. ! Done this the 18th day of Aug., 1947. JOHN E. HENSON, Clerk of the Superior Court. Aug 21 28 Sept 4 11?WRS LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE Whitewater River Lumber Com pany has applied for exchange un der act of March 3, 1925 (43 Stat. I 1215) offering 14,200 acres des cribed as: All those tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Jackson and Transylvania Counties, North i Carolina, on the Headwaters of | Horsepasture, Chattooga, White-1 water and Thompson Rivers, trib utaries of the Savannah River, be-| ing the same land conveyed to: Whitewater River Lumber Com i pany by Martha J. O'Connor, et al.,, I by deed dated May 18, 1932, rec-j 'orded in Jackson County, North Carolina in Book 118, at page 93,j excepting such parcels as may have been conveyed from the boundaries described in said deed, in exchange for not to exceed an equal value of national forest tim-, ber from those areas of approxi-| mately 10,522 lying and being in Macon and Clay Counties, North Carolina, on the waters of Roar ing Fork and Jarretts Creeks, trib I utaries of Nantahala River and I Fires Creek, tributary of Hiwas see River being portions of Forest Service tracts Nos. 20 No. 1, 20j, 25h, 4, 41b, 41, 46, 66, 17f, 200d, 134b, 265, 788, 134i, 350ii, and 698. Persons claiming said properties or having bona fide objections to such application* must file their protests with the Regional Forest er, Glenn Building, Atlanta 3, Georgia before September 22, 1947. Aug 21 28 Sept 4 11 c? eenuix trophy race ? c?- ? ? O MOVIE STUNT FLIER Paul Mantz waves to the crowd after landing at the airport in Cleveland, Ohio, from Van Nuys, Calif., to win the Bendix Air Kace for the second successive year. He covered the 2,045-mile distance in 4 hours, 26 minutes and 57 seconds at an average speed of 460.423 miles an hour in his bright red P-51 Mustang. (International) soft rag will hold enough oil to. make hand rubbing effective. Most I farmers take their harness to harness repair shops where it is oiled by being placed iij a wire basket and dipped in a large tank of warm harness oil for 15 or 20 minutes, then suspended above the vat until oil drains off. This is fairly effective, but the man who takes his harness apart and washes it thoroughly before it is oiled gets a much better job; for dried sweat and dirt prevent oil penetrating to the leather beneath. Repairing promptly, likewise, i adds greatly to life. Longer life of harness also is obtained where harness is hung in a harness room away from the ammonia fumes rising from stalls: but tl i- seldom is considered practical for lack of time, and harness generally is hung on a peg on the wall about 8 feet behind the work is used on. QUESTION?What are some rec ommended seeding rates of pas ture mixtures including ladino clover? ANSWER?Ten to twelve pounds of orchard grass is generally rec ommended in a mixture with 2 to 3 pounds of ladino clover on all well drained soils. Fifteen pounds of dallis seed is recommended on the poorly drained soils of the Coastal Plain area where orchard grass is not adapted. The dallis grass should be established in the early spring before seeding ladino Noah Numskull . oO1. goo/ ^ rmmi DFAR AJQAH = PO COUPLES P^FEf^ Horer^oi^. PICTUe^S BBTAQSE "HAEV LOVE EACH S^Lit^OE-R ^ M^f?r PEANE SMITH MOAJeOE^Al.C PTA^/wVsH'DO THfcf ?>LA55 tATE^S/A^ a, CAf?NIVAL EVER CUT A TOOTH? MILL IS CRoweLL, COLUMBU.MO, Di?tntott?< by King Ffa'w'ff ^yndtri'r Ihc clover in the fall. On these poorly' drained soils 4 to (J pounds of rod i top grass may be seeded with the! ladino. T.; 11 fescue is showing considerable promise i\< a peren nial pasture grass in the state and apparently can be substituted for any of the above grasses. i Ten to twelve pounds of tall fes cue and 2 to 3 pounds of ladino clover should produce a >atisfac-i tory stand. Ladino clovcr should be seeded September 1-15 except in the mountains where it is^seed ad in August or April. Trie Bureau of Agricultural Eco-jthan 35 million head, 16 per cent omics estimates that turkeys raised fewer than were raised in 1946 and this year will total "ssmewhat lessj the smallest crop since 1943. tha world's daily newspaper? THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Yoo w,i. <,?d Vou,?k m ef the best-informed persohs in your community on world affairs when you reed this vsorld-wide daily newspoper regularly. You will gain fresh, new viewpoints, a fuller, richer understanding of today'* v.fal rc*s?PLUS help from its e* features on homemakmg, educa tion. business, theater, mus.c, rodio, sports. Subscribe now to this spcciol "got acquainted" offer ? 1 month for $ V (U. 8. funds) listl* U lU CMistu* \ So*?c? WaUtM the lt?t" , tw| t(wni?T ' ??(lit nil lit .UoHm The Christian Science Publishing Society PB-5 One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Mass., U. S. A. Enclosed is.51, for *hich please send me The Christian Science Monitor for one month. \A Name .. ?. ^ Street?.......... ..... City .............. Zone,... V State. Drs. S?aver and Lockard OPTOMETRISTS Of Asheville Will Be In Waynesville Friday Each Week Masonic Building . . . Hours 8:00 to 1:00 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted H. M. Seaver, O. D. ? John C. Lockard, O. D. NOTICE THE FOLLOWING STORES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY aud TUESDAY Sept. 15 and 16 ? ? IN OBSERVANCE OF RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS * * Schulman's Dept. Store The Leader Dept. Store Karp's Department Store FOR YOUR IIMSSIE FURNITURE CO. Our Prices Will Interest You Phone 33-J Sylva, N. C.