More Corn Yield Is Highly Valuable To Tar Heel Farmers North Carolina's 1947 average corn yield of two bushels per acre over last year would mean nearly eleven million extra dollars in Tar heel farmers' pockets if it was sold at today's price level, accord ing to Director I. O. Schaub of the State College Extension Service. Last year's average yield of 27 bushels per acre brought about a production of 58,914,000 bushels, Director Schaub said. With the present forecast of 29 bushels per acre, on approximately the same acreage, this two bushel per acre increase would mean a production of more than sixty-three million bushels. The extra four million bushels of corn, which is expected to be produced this year, could come at no better time, he said, in view of the corn shortage in the Midwest ern states. Despite the increase in corn yields, North Carolina farmers are urged to supplement their feeds by producing more forage crops, and hay, and planting more tem porary grazing crops. North Car olina is still a feed-importing state, and unless farmers get rid of the laggards in their flocks and herds and make the best use of land available fur producing more feed for their livestock, they may be laced with a serious feed shortage this winter. Let us solve your ... Heating Problem ?with? An Oil Burning Floor Furnace No basement or pipes required Fully Automatic . . . Immediate Installation FREE E8TI MATES F.H.A. Financing if desired Call or write S The Haywood Co., Inc. WAYNE8VILLE, N. C. DHL AND MRS. CALDWELL AND THEIR PRIVATE CAR HOME Dr. and Mrs. Ed G. Caldwell are shown standing at the entrance of their private car home which they use in their evangelistic work. - This modern home, now park ed near the Baptist church, has attracted much attention. The evangelist and his wife are genial hosts to hundreds of visitors wherever they stop. Dr. Caldwell is assisting Rev. C. Monroe Warren, pastor of the Sylva Baptist church, in a series of revival services. The services began last Sunday morning and will continue through October 12. Dr. Caldwell is a forceful speaker and is having large congre gations at each service. GAY NEWS | Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Wood of; Lovinia, Ga., spent the week-end with Mrs. Wood's parents. Mr. and Frank Woodard, of Leatherman, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Wood ard. Private First Class Guy McHan an has arrived home safely from serving with occupying forces at Frankfurt, Germany. He served in Germany for 18 months. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wilson at tended the funeral Sunday of Mr. Elisha Fox at EUijay. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cope cele brated their second wedding an niversary at their home on Sunday. Monroe L. Wilson and Clyde Cope were among those there for the occasion. Mr. Climer Buchanan of Bilt more college spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Buchanan. Softer Miles and Safer Miles ? BuicKs Safety-Ride rim YOU sense it right from the first in the way your Buick handles. You feel it not only in the cloud soft ride of this big beauty, but in the way it seems to lean into the curves, the way it holds its "track," answers unfailingly to your touch on the wheel. The reason? Simply that even .before the war, Buick found a way to get greater softness and greater safety from standard-size tires that are available anywhere. Put a Buick wheel beside a wheel from other cars, and you see at once that Buick rims are wider. In fact, they are an inch to an inch and a half wider ? from 20% to 33%. By this simple step, standard-size tires of any make are given greater air capacity. This permits lower air pressure and the softer ride that naturally comes from travel ing on 25 pounds instead of 30. In addition, widening the base of the tires gives bracing against side-thrust, as your legs brace you when you stand with feet apart. This checks sidesway and the ten dency of a tire to "roll under" on sharp or fast turns. Furthermore, the tread is flat* tened. More rubber is put on die road. More rubber means more traction ? more braking power ? more resistance to skidding ? far, far better car control. And you have only to compare the handling of a Buick with any other car to see the result. .. . You travel with a soft, level buoy ancy that is Buick's own. You seem to feel your car leaning into the curves, like a race horse coming into i i the stretch, I There'* more rubber en the rood with Safety-Bide rims. Retult: More traction, better broking, better car control, mere tkid prevention. ONLY BUIC HAS SAFETY- Rl RIMS instead of swaying outward. You come out of fast emergency swerves straight and true, with no wheel fight to keep your car on course. You start,stop, accelerate and turn with a sure-footedness that keeps driving tension awayj lets you en joy Buick's soft comfort to theftltt. And all this has been true of every Buick built since before the war, with no change in factory* installed tires. Check up and see. For a softer ride that is also a safer and surer one ? get your order in now for a Buick. We'll take it^whether or not you have a car to trade. On fast turns, tiros on ordinary rims "roll undtr" liko this, somo timos almost Hdiif tlto sidowalls. ftuick's widsr Saftty-Kido rims cfeock this. Q ^UftJ0/ Ay r. nd '" You will find yourself ona of tho best-Informed persons in your community on world offoirs when you read this world-wide doily newspaper regulorly. You will gain fresh, new viewpoints, a fuller, richer understanding of today's vital news?PLUS help from its exclusive features on homemaklng, educa tion, business, theoter, music, radio, sports. Subscribe now to this special "get acquainted" offer ?1 month for$l (U. 8. funds) listen to "Th* Christian Science Wo?itw Vie** the \ Hew? " Ihyr?4av otet tK* An*ri(in \ 6 '? aUia* C?nfM]i The Christian Science Publishing Society PB-3 One, Norwoy Street, Boston 15, Mass., U. S. A. Enclosed Is $1, for which please send me The Christian I Science Monitor for one nronth. Name. Street. \City Zone...* Stote. YOU TELL US... When you drive in, tell us what you want and you'll get it! We wouldn't dream of high-pres suring you into getting anything you don't need. Auto service is our sole business; and we serve you so well that our service is our best sales talk! Washing, Greasing, Polishing, checking Batteries, Tires and Lights are just a few of the many serv ices we render. Drive in today for complete Auto Service. NEW TIRES ... RECAPS 600-16 RECAPS FOR ONLY $5.00 Others priced accordingly. Our Recaps guaran teed to outwear New Tires. A New Tire FREE if one of our Recaps comes off. Jack & Howard Allison O.K. Rubber Welders Standard Gas and Oil. '"Atlas Tires Phone 136 Sylva, N. C. 'A y