? Classified Ads and Legals I RATES: One cent per word per Insertion, minimum of 35*. Cards of Thanks, one cent per word, 50* minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams, obituaries, one cent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING 8TRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE , CONCRETE BLOCKS for build ing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant ar delivered. Call or write W. A. Hays, below bridge in Franklin. Phone 903, Highlands, N. C. 6-21tf FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf FOR RENT?Rooms and apart ments. Apply at Sylva Hotel. 21 24* i FOR SALE ? New 4-room house with lights and water, built in cabinets, near Sylva on Mon tieth Branch. $600 down and bal ance to be paid by month. Mar garet McDonald, 211 S. Weldon St., Gastonia, N. C. 20-22* WANTED IMMEDIATELY ? To rent 100 acres of land in tracts of 2 acres or more per field for planting small grain. Prefer to rent on shares, but will pay cash rent if terms are reasonable. Land must be suitable for tractor and combine. Write me at once and state terms. J. B. Coates, Web ster, N. C. 19-22* FOR RENT?A good farm in a good farming section, Hamburg, with living accommodations. Ap ply to Mrs. W. O. Montieth, Sylva 21 22* FOR RENT?Upstairs office rooms over Leader Department store. See Ben Leasing, The Leader De partment store. 18-22 APPARTMENT FOR RENT ? 3 furnished rooms) for sober, re liable coupleT\^efe Mrs. Steve Owens Webster,. N. C. Oct. 16-tfn FOR RENT ? Furnished apart ment with electric kitchen; hot water. Refined, quite couple. Phone 110 or apply at Herald of fice, Sylva, N. C. 20-tfn. FOR SALE?1 HD 10 Allis-Chal mers Bulldozer. Also one power unit with Leroy motor and large generator and airfield flood lights. Priced to sell. For further infor mation call . . . Lampley Motor Company, Hendersonville, N. C. No. 22, 23, 24* WANTED ? Handmade articles. Set your own price on your work for our Christmas sales. Hurry them to "dorothie's", The friendly Mountain Shop, formerly Dr. Candler's -office. See our display advertisement in today's Herald. 22 NOTICE This is Jo notify the public that I will not be responsible for any debts that are not made by me personally. Wallace Coward, Webster, N. C. No. 21 - 24* ??????u FURNITURE -^For your furniture needs see Queen's Furniture Exchange. New and used. No. 20 tf LOST?Thursday evening between Webster and the Community house, Sylva, a Solow wrist watch with, brown leather band. Reward. Re turn to Herald office or to R. L. Madison II, Webster. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis i trator of the Estate of John A. Parris, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the un dersigned at Sylva, N. C., on or before the Ninth day of October, 1948, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement with the undersigned. This the Ninth day of October. 1947. John A. Parris,* Jr., Administrator of the Estate of John A. Parris Oct. *9,15,23,30 - Nov. 6,13. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the partnership of Earl C. Padgett and Guy Leatherwood as partners, con ducting the business of selling new tires and recapping under the firm name and style of Sylva Tire Company has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. Guy Leatherwood will collect all debts owing to the firm and pay all debts due by the firm. This the 14th day of October, 1947. Earl C. Padgett and Guy Leatherwood, Formerly doing business as Sylva Tire Co. Oct. 16-23-30, Nov. 4. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the Estate of Lee Hooper, de ceased, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office in the Jackson County Bank in Sylva, North Carolina on or before Oc tober 20, 1948, or this notice Will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 20th day of October, 1947. R. L. Ariail, Administrator of the Estate of Lee Hooper, de ceased of Jackson County, North Carolina. Oct 23 30 Nov 6 13 20 27 EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the Estate of Ben N. Queen, de ceased, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned at her home in Sylva, North Carolina on or before Oc tober 20, 1948 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This thfc 20th day of October, 1947. ^ Josephine A. Queen, Executrix of the Estate of Ben N. Queen, de ceased Oct 23* 30 Nov 6 13 20 27 SEE US FOR . . . ATLAS FEEDS Chicken Dairy Hog RELIABLE ... Fall Grass Seeds FRESH VEGETABLES STAPLE GROCERIES Jackson County FARMERS COOPERATIVE A. L. SOUTHARD, Manager (Formerly occupied by The 8ylva Feed 8tore, Mill 8L) Farmers May Park To Right For Loading And Unloading FOR SALE?O. I. C. shoats, eligible for registration. Also registered sow already bred. Fred Smith, Tuckasegee, N. C. ! 22-23* BUSINESS BROKERAGE For individuals or corporations interested in buying or selling a I business the Fidelity Brokers ex tend a confidential, competent ser vice. Come to our office and talk it over. We assure you every ef fort will be made to satisfy your needs. Fidelity Business Brokers, Jackson Building, Asheville, N. C., .phone 3166. & No. 22 I 1947-48 Catamount Will Be Dedicated To Mrs. Lillian Buchanan CULLOWHEE ? The 1947-48 Catamount, Western Carolina Teachers college annual will be dedicated to Mrs. Lilian Buchanan, college librarian, according to Miss Thelma Joyce Finch, editor. The dedication was made by the"" senior class. Mrs. Buchanan has been libra-* rian at WCTC since 1930. She received her B. S. degree from this school in 1934 and a B. S. degree from the School of Library Service, Columbia University, in 1938. In 1944 she received her M. S. Degree from Columbia. She has done graduate work at the University of Chicago. Photographs for the annual are being made by Gasper-Ware studios, Atlanta. Foote-Davis, At lanta, has been tentatively select ed as publisher, and has offered to post a $500 bond, to be forfeit ed if the Catamount is not publish ed on time. Students Named As Radio Announcers For College Programs Cullowhee?Jim Wood, Andrews, and Jack Barnett, Murphy, have been selected as announcers for the weekly radio program spon sored by Western Carolina Teach ers college over station WHCC, Waynesville. Plans are being made to present the shows, which feature student talent, over WWNC, Asheville, in the near future. Cullowhee Baptist Donate Clothing For Relief Of Germans Members of the Cullowhee Bap tist church are heartily respond ing to their pastor's request for used clothing for European relief. When sufficient bundles are re ceived they will be packaged and sent directly to the Chief of Chap lains of the European Command, who incidentally is an outstanding Baptist, for distribution through German Baptist churches. With winter on the way it is believed that literally thousands of the Ger man people will die of exposure because of the lack of sufficient heat and clothing. Boxes are plac ed in the church auditorium and are rapidly being filled. The first shipment will be made very soon. - ?*? '* ' ** ?*' NOTICE This is to notify all persons that the undersigned will not be re sponsible for bills or debts of any kind contracted by Mr. O. H. Massie, who has purchased the Campbell Ice Cream Business, formerly owned and operated by me. Charlie Campbell Oct 16 23 30 Nov 6 NOTICE OF 8ALE North Carolina, Jackson County. State vs. Elmer Franklin. Under and by virtue of an order issued in the above entitled action at the October Term, 1947, of the Superior Court for the County and State aforesaid by His Honor, Felix E. Alley, Judge presiding, at which said term the defendant, Elmer Franklin, was tried and convicted for the illegal transpor tation of whiskey, and his said car ordered sold; Now, therefore, I, the under signed sheriff in and for the Coun ty and State aforesaid, will on Monday the 10th day of Novem ber, 1947, at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door in Jackson 1 County, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to comply with said order of Court, all the right, title and interest which the said Elmer Franklin, the above defendant, has in the following property, to-wit: One 1937 Pontiac Coupe, serial no. 8 CA26978, motor no. 8-114081, and bearing N. C. License no. 655 190. This the 17th day of October, 1947. C. G. Middleton Sheriff Jackson County, N. C. Oct 23 30?CCB By BETSY NEWMAN OUR foods are not rationed now, as they are in England, but we still must stretch oar meats as we did in rationing days, because of high prices. Even chopped meat is expen sive, but there are a number of ways to make a pound ef it serve from four to six people. Demand for meat is high, espe cially for the fancier cuts, so we budget-conscious housewives must content ourselvwj with pot roasts, Swiss steaks and stews, frankfur ters, etc., even as we did during the 4?ar. We won't suffer from lack of protein, although we may mourn a bit over steaks and chops. A Branburger Banana Grill may sound a bit difficult for the cook to prepare, but it really isn't Meat Balls with Spaghetti seems simpler, but both are ~ieat stretchers. Today's Menu Branburger Banana Grill or Meat Balls with Spaghetti Creamed Potatoes with the Grill Mixed Vegetable Salad Frozen Rice Treat Tea or Coffee* Milk Branburger Banana Grill 1 lb. ground beef % c. milk 1 egg H c. shredded 2 tbsp. grated bran onion 8 slices bacon 1 tbsp. chopped 4 firm i eled ba parsley nanas 1 tap salt Melted buttei or M tap. pepper margarine Mix beef, egg and seasonings. Add milk to bran and soak f> min utes. Combine tha two mixture* ind form into 8 patties about one inch thick, wrapping each with a slice of QUALLA NEWS Rev. Melvin Snyder, assisted by Rev. Dewey Cline, of Whittier, is conducting revival services , at Hyatt's Chapel. Mrs. Ed Oxner-has returned from a visit with her parents in Lepoir. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Terrell, of Cashiers, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Terrell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morgan and family of Rutledge, Tenn., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sitton Sunday. Mivand Mrs. Kent Crisp and daughters, Joanne and Mary El len, and Mr. John Stillwell, of Fernandina, Fla., spent the week end.with Mr. and Mrs. Zell Still well and family. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Brooks, of Hoquian, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks, and Mr. Johnson Thomas were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sitton and fanr\ily last week. Mrs. Carl Boyer and son, Gary, are spending some time with Mrs. Boyer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hughes. Stretching the Meat Budget By Avoiding "Fancy" Cuts bacon. Arrange th* meat on broiler rack, allowing about 8 inches be tween the top surface of the meat and the aource of heat. Broil about 5 minutes or until brown, then turn. Brush bananas with butter or mar garine, sprinkle with salt and place on rack. Continue broiling about 6 minutes or until bananas are tender. Serves 4. Meat Balls with Spaghetti 14b. ground beef 1 small onion, lb. ground grated pork 1 egg, slightly H c. bread beaten cru&bs hk tsp. pepper 1H tap. salt 1 tap. ground sage Combine ingredients and mix thoroughly. Form into small balls, about 1 hi inches in diameter and roll in flour. Brown balls lightly in lard Sauce 1 c. tomatoes Vs tsp. pepper 1 c. water or 1 tsp. chili juice powder 1 onion, minced 1 tbsp. brown Vi tsp. salt sugar Mix sauce ingredients together thoroughly and boil 3 minutes. A.id meat balls and simmer 46 minutes, until meat is well cooked Pour mix ture over a platter of cooked spa ghetti and serve with sprinkling of dry. grated cheese. Serves 4 to 6. Frozen Rice l'reat 2 c. boiled rica V> c. undiluted 1 c. crushed evaporated pineapple, milk drained 1 c. whipped H e. sugar cream garni?h 2 tbsp gelatin Soften gelatin tn cold milk; dis solve in top of enameled double boiler over hot water: add gelatin to rice and other ingredients and placa in freezing tray of the refrig erator. After mixture nas been in refrigerator several hours. Tarnish with whipped cream. Serves 4 to S. Camp Fire Girls Meet , With Linda Moody Linda Moody was hostess for the regular meeting of the Camp fire girls on Tuesday evening, with 10 members and their guardian, Mrs. J. E. Buckner, present. After a short business session Linda Moody read a group of poems and Lucia Ray Beacham told of a hike she had made to win an honor in the camp fire work. Linda served cookies and coca cola to her guests. Sugar production in the United States and principal areas supply ing this country totaled over 10.5 million tons for the 1946-47 crop year, largely because of the sharp increase in the Cuban crop to 6.4 million tons in 1947, up almost 2 million tons from 1946. Beck, Sylva, u son, on October 28. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins, Stecoah, October 24. HOSPITAL NEWS.. Mrs. Ida Ivey, Whittier, medical case, doing fine. Mr. Birl Barker, Alarka, med ical case, improving. George Poston, student at W. C. T. C., appendectomy, doing fine. - Mrs. Betty Cole, Whittier, in for treatment. Mrs. Annie Coggins, Speedwell, operative case, doing fine. Mr. Johnny Kelly, Glenville, in for treatment. Mrs. May Knight, Speedwell, in for treatment. Mr. Ransom Shelton, Wolf Mountain, operative case, doing fine. Mr. Roscoe Poteet, Sylva, in for operation. Mrs. Frank Moody, -Sylva, in for treatment. Melba Earley, daughter of George and Ruth Earley, colored, in for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson have announced the birth of a son Oc tober 25. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John William Youn, October 25, A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seago, October 25. On October 27 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dillard of Cashiers. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Woodard, Sylva, are the parents of a son, born October 27. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford MUGGS AND SKEETER I the K?D uythill twice-tucked classic A tuck to round th? hip* line, then another ebove the waiec to five a newly feminine curve to the well loved ahirtdreee. Of Duple* reyon crepe, a "Fur-Mil* fabric in black, Mint green. Melody rote. Send or French blue. Suae 12 to Ml ofNcmAL iw?et f*0Cl m twmtrv* HE WAY YOU U KE TO LOOK . . . IN THE DRESS YOU LOVE TO WEAR HALE'S "The Store for Women" Main Street Sylva, N. C. NOVEMBER. .Fall Bargain Days at SYMBOL HOT WATER BOTTLE The streamlined hot water bottle of full 2 quart capacity. Solid neck con struction for extra long, depend* able service. 1.59 DEFENDER THROAT A NOSE ATOMIZER ? Twin-tube type atomiz* er. Suitable for tight and heavy oils, aqueous and alcoholic solu tions 1.39 REXALL FIRSTAID FEVER THERMOMETER ? Convenient ttub type. Guaranteed accurate 1.39 Phone 27 SYLVA PHARMACY The REXALL Store Main Street SsSj . ' v CAti THE DOCTOR! N PKormo,,,! for r rlioblo loft,.,<-?r.pt,On to yo?, Ro.oll perfect compounding STATIONERY SALE We are closing out lots of fine Stationery at 1-2 the regular price. ? m>/<. i