For The Women Society News and Club Activities Phone 110 Sylva Church Will Be Host To MYF District Meet The district meeting of the Methodist Youth Fellowship of the Waynesville district will be held; in the Sylva Methodist church on next Monday evening at 7:30 o' clock. John Gibson will have charge of the worship service. The Sylva High School Glee club will sing three special numbers under the direction of Nickels R. Beacham. The principal part of the program will be presented by Miss Nell Webb, conference direc tor of Youth Fellowship, of Salis bury. She will relate the experi ences of the group with whom she visited in parts of Europe last summer. Her discussion Will deal principally on the conditions in Poland, where she spent much ol her time. Election of officers for the com ing year* will be a part of the business session, over which Mrs. George Culbreth, district coun cilor, will preside. It is especially urged that all members of the Jackson-Swain sub-district be present. * * * Mrs. Nicholson Hostess For Bridge Club On Thursday evening of last week Mrs. C. H. Nicholson was hostess for the meeting of the Eight and One Bridge club." This is a new club which was recently or ganized at the home of Mrs. W. L. Jones with nine members and it was named the Eight and One club. Two tables were arranged for play. When scores were added, Mrs. F. L. Webber had scored high, Mrs. W. I. Jones, second high, and Mrs. * Woody Hampton had made low score and each received their respective prize. Mrs. Nicholson served a salad course. Those playing, besides the prize winners, were Mrs. W. T. Wise, Mrs. John Henson, Mrs. E. E. Tweed, and Misses Hicks and Lucile Wilson. * * * * Christening Service For Robert Albert Patton Preceding the church service on Sunday morning, November 16, Robert Albert Patton, seven months All Is Well Now r ARMY SIR0CAH1 Roger Irwin ot Nam pa, Idaho, is reunited with hie English fiancee, Joan Burchell, in New York, after having almost missed her when the Marine Mar tin docked a day ahead of schedule. Irwin, on a sixty-day furlough, ar rived in New York after driving from Fort Ord, Calif., only to find the ship had already docked and his bride-to-be had come ashore. With the aid of police and Trav elers' Aid officials, the sergeant lo ' cated his fiancee, (rnternational) old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Patton, was christened at the Shoal Creek Methodist church with the pastor, Rev. Thorne, officiating. Mrs. A. H. Carter is godmother of the young son. ' For the christening the baby was dressed in a white jersey suit with white kid shoes. Following the church service, Mr. and Mrs. Patton had for their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Patton and Mr. Charles Edwards, grandparents, and the Rev. Mr. Thorne. As a christening gift Mrs. Carter gave the baby a silver cup with both his name and her's engraved on it. Magical Nite-Lights *" Healthy adults who awaken at night will enjoy these as much as the invalid who needs an undis turbing light for finding medicine ... or just to keep him company during wakeful hours. Children are thrilled by the mystery of the figures w*t*un the bulbs, which come round or long tubular. One of these will make a gay surprise for the toe of an Xmas stocking or a tree ornament. See them at "dorothie't" The friendly Mountain Shop, Main Street, Sylva where Dr. Candler's office was formally located. See us for your OIL HEATER Suitable for HEATING FIVE OR SIX ROOMS Some smaller for heating less space We also carry Living Room Suites, Bed Room Suites, as well as a number of odd pieces. Queen's Furniture Exchange CULLOWHEE ROAD Sylva, N. C. PERSONALS Dr. Carl Kiliian spent Monday and Tuesday in Raleigh conferring with committees on the Hillman plan, which plan has recently been included in the teacher training plan of Western Carolina TeacheTs College. i Mr. and Mrs. Dan Allison and j son, Robert, have gone to Frank lin, Tenn. to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Allison's mother, Mrs. Johnson. Other members of the Johnson family will meet them there. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tompkins left Wednesday for Augusta, Ga. to spend the night with her brother, Gardiner Weigle, and family. They will go Thursday to Savannah to spend Thanksgiving with her sis ter, Mrs. Miller Jones, and family. Misses Hicks Wilson and Eve lyn Sherrill have gone to Co lumbia, S. C., to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schrader for the remainder of the week. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Kiliian are spending Thanksgiving in Hayes ville with his father, Dr. Paul Kil iian. Miss Kathleen Davis and Miss Anne Hammond of Western Caro lina Teachecs College will be join ed by Miss Jo Shaw, Commercial teacher in the Shelby High school, to go to Knoxville, Tenn., to attend the Southeastern Business associa tion meeting to be held there Thursday through Saturday. Kenneth Taylor of Chattanooga, Tenn., was the guest of Bud Reed this week. He was enroute to visit in High Point but stopped in Sylva to see several of the boys with whom he took his boot training at Bainbridge, Md., when they first entered the Navy. Mrs. H. T. Hunter and Miss Pearl Weaver left Wednesday for Chattanooga to spend Thanksgiv ing with their sister, Mrs. H. L. Jones. They will return Saturday. Miss Barbara Bess arrived Wednesday to spend the Thanks giving holidays with her mother, Mrs. G. K. Bess. ? Mr. and Mrs. Jeft' Hedden and Mrs. J. H. Crawford left Wednes day for Madison, Ga., to spend the remainder of the week with their brother and son, Mr. Custer Craw ford, and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Briggs of Long Beach, Calif., were guests last Wednesday and Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jones. Kent Coward, student at the University of North Carolina, came Wednesday and will be the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Coward, during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Hardy spent Tuesday and Wednesday in At lanta as guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gale L. Cheney. C. Ph- M. and Mrs. William K. Rogers of Albany, N. Y., arrived Sunday lor a few days' visit with their parents, Mrs. Erma Rogers, Cullowhee, and Mr. Leon Moody of East LaPorte. Mr. and Mrs. Dan K. Moore and two children, Edith and Dan, and Mrs. D. M. Hall spent the week end in Chapel Hill with Mrs. Hall's son, David, and Mrs. Hall, and at tended the Duke-Carolina game on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Price The new Hallmark Christmas Cards for Men! Designed espe cially to send to any man and for every man to send. Ask for Hallmark Cards for Men. THE BOOK STORE In The Herald Building Jean Cogdill Celebrates Birthday Twenty-one young boys and girls gathered at the home of Jean Cogdill on Monday evening to join with her in celebrating her thir teenth birthday. The large base ment of her home had been dec orated in a color scheme of pink 'and White and arranged for the games and contests to be played there. Card tables had been placed around the room and Bingo was played as well as several contests enjoyed. A large table with a birthday cake with pink candles for the cen- j terpiece, held sandwiches, cookies, | punch, nuts, and candy which were | served to the group by Mrs. Cog dill, assisted by her sister and niece, Mrs. George Painter and Peggy/ Painter. The guest list included Leah Sutton, Edith Moore, Patsy Buck ner, Audrey Jane Jones, Gail Web- I ber, Nancy and Shirley Hartmann, | Peggie Sue Middle ton, Janice Holden and Joyce and Jean Nich olson, anti Jimmy Stovall, Robert Allison, Dicky Barkeley, Tommy Reed, Billy Crawford, Edward Sumner, Lambert Hooper, Eddie Buckner, Tommy Ferguson, and Billy Sutton. The young hostess received a number of lovely gifts. sfc * * Miss Long, Mr. Moore Honored Wednesday On last Wednesday evening, No-* vembei^-Hb- Dr. and Mrs. Carl Kil lian entertained at a dinner party at the home of Mrs. Victor Brown at Cullowhee, as a courtesy for Miss Doris Long and John Allen Moore who were married on Wednesday evening, November 26, in Atlanta. The table, covered with a white cloth, had for a centerpiece a re flector on which was placed a crystal swan filled with white chrysanthemums and carnations. ! This was flanked on either side by- silver holders with lighted tapers. The guests found their places by name cards bearing color ful love birds. Following the dinner the wed ding cake on crystal stand was and daughter, Peggie Lee, spent the week-end in Chattanooga with their daughters, Mrs. A. C. Pruitt and Mrs. Edward C. Greer, and their son, Hooper D. Price. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Enloe and Miss Anne Enloe spent the week end in Greensboro and motored to Durham on Saturday to witness the Carolina-Duke game. Frank Freeze, Jr., of Montgom ery^ Ala., spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. J. F. Freeze. He was enroute to Ra leigh to visit his family there. Mrs. J. A. Gray returned Sat urday from Raleigh where she spent a few days with her son, Jimmy, who is a student at State College. Mrs. J, H. Wilson was the guest over the week-end of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Wilson, in Durham and together on Saturday attended the Duke-Carolina game. Mrs. Claud Campbell and Mrs. Grayson Cope were Asheville vis itors on Tuesday. Frank Henry left Sunday to re turn to his home in Detroit after a visit with his sisters, Mrs. Ray Cogdill and Mrs. George Painter. Miss Ethel Hitt, of Winston Salem, spent the week-end with Mrs. H. R. Hastings. Miss Hitt, who was formerly connected with Methodist Societies Have' Joint Meeting Mrs. Harry > Hastings presided when the Carrie Rhodes circle, the Annie Cowan circle, and the Wes leyan Service Guild met in their regular monthly combined meeting in Allison building on Friday eve ning. The same slate of officers was re-elected to serve* for another year and are as follows: Mrs. Harry Hastings, president; Mrs. R. U. Sutton, vice-president; Mrs., J. H. Wilson, secretary; Mrs. Ken yon Moody, conference treasurer; Mrs. Frank Fricks, local treasurer; Mrs. F. M. Williams, superintendent of Christian Social Relations and Local Church Activities; Mrs. E. L. McKee, superintendent of Mis sionary Education and Literature; Mrs. C. Z. Candler, superintendent of Spiritual Life; Mrs. W. H. Craw ford, superintendent of Supplies. Mrs. W. Q. Grigg, superintendent of Publications, Mrs. DanyMoore, superintendent of Young People's' Work; Mrs. Dan Tompkins, super intendent of Children's Work; and Mrs. D. M. Hall, superintendent of Student Work. Mrs. W. G. Grigg gave the de- , votional and- Mrs. J. H. Gillis had charge of the program, which dealt with the,Social Relations wbrk of the society. * * * Mrs. Barkley Hostess For Carrie Rhodes Circle The Carrie Rhodes circle of the Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice of the Sylva Methodist church met at the home of Dr. Patsy Mc Guire with Mrs. Dennis Barkley hostess for the November meeting. The president, Mrs. Raymon Sto vall, presided. It was decided to give $10 to send a package of food overseas. Mrs. O. E. Brookhyser gave the devotional and Mrs. A. C. Reynolds led the discussion on "An Orderly World For Our Children." Mrs. Gudger Crawford was in charge of the social hour. The hostess served delicious refresh ments to the twelve members pre sent. brought in. This was topped with a wedding bell and standing in side were a miniature bride and groom. Miss Betty Henson won the prize in the Egotism game and Miss Long, bride-elect, won the prize in the Garden Romance contest. The hosts presented Miss Long with a lovely luncheon cloth. Covers were laid for twelve. the Jackson County welfare de partment, is now superintendent of child welfare in Winston-Salem. Miss Agnes Wilson left Tuesday for Haines City, Fla., to spend this week with Mrs. F. M. Higdon and Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Rogers. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. McGuire spent a few days last week in Mur freesboro, Tenn., with their daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Gamewell, and family. Their granddaughter, Ali ta Gamewell, who had been visit ing them for a few weeks, returned home with them. Wade Wilson arrived Wednes day Trom Chicago to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson. Miss Lela Moore Hall and Bobby Hall arrived Wednesday from Chapel Hill to spend the Thanks* giving season with their mother, Mrs. D. M. Hall. Mrs. Coy Coulter of Pikeville, Tenn., is here to spend the re mainder of the week with hej| daughter, Mrs. Dan Moore, aij? family. jflB Miss Nancy Allison and Jptf schoolmates at Ward-BelmontJ|d1 lege, Nashville, Tenn., Miss Qlil dred Jones of Jacksonville, Fla., and Miss Betty Fuller ot Shreve port, La., spent the week-end with Miss Allison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Allison. Said B. O. Plenty to flaxen-haired Gravel Gertie, "I wonder what Sparkle is doing while we are here at "dorothie's" Friendly Mountain Shop?" Tillie the Toiler heard it, and laughed, and remarked, "Ah! how glad I am that I am single! II only I could go on vaca tions like this every year and enjoy such a multitude of unusual handmade things. I bought some, but I'll have to work a lot harder next year so I can have more of the beauty to take home with me., Sylva is certainly a snappy townl And Dr. Candler's Office makes the loveliest gift shop I've ever seen, too." dorothie's friendly Mountain 8Hop Calendar of Events FRIDAY, NOV. 28?The W. E; Dil- f lard Post, American Legion, will, meet at the Community house at ' 7:30 P. M. Rev. W. Q. Grigg, commander. MONDAY, DEC. 1.?The Wood men of the World will meet in the W. O. W. hall at 7:00 P. M. Jeff Hedden, council commander. TUESDAY, DEC.^2.?The Rotary club will have its dinner meet ing in Allison building at 6:301 P. M. Dr. D. D. Hooperr presi- 1 dent ^ -EDNESDA\ , DEC. 3.?The Lions club will have a dinner meeting! in the high school cafeteria at 1 7.00 P. M. T. Walter Ashe, presi- ! dent. , | THURSDAY, DEC. 4.?The Dills- ' boro Masonic Lodge will ^"tneet j in the Masonic hall in DilLsboro at 7:30 P. M., Ed Bumgamer ! W. M. THURSDAY, DEC. 4.?The B. H. Cathey, United Daughters of the I Confederacy, will meet with Mrs. t J. H. Wilson at 7:30 P. M. Mrs., Jennings Bryson, president. * * * Junior Woman's Club Met With Mrs. Rector Fifteen members were present * for the November meeting of 'the Junior Woman's club when it met with Mrs. Clyde Rector. The presi dent, Miss Virginia Madison, pre sided. Three new members, Mrs. Ray mond Nicholson, Miss Elizabeth Warren, and Miss Dotsy Bryson i were welcomed in the club. Car rying out their p^an of having some new-comer to Sylva as a guest each month, Mrs. Martin Cunningham was the visitor for this meeting. Plans were made for a Christ mas party to be held on the regu lar meeting date in December. Mrs. Charles Poteet had the pro gram and gave an interesting re view of the book, "Kingsblood Royal" by Sinclair Lewis. . The hostess served a sweet course. ^ * * Camp Fire Girls Have Monthly Meet The November meeting of the Sylva Camp Fire girls was held] Tuesday evening'with Audrey Jane ?Jones hostess at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jones. Their guardian, Mrs. J. E. Buck ner, met with them. The main feature of the business' session was making plans for their C hristmas activities. On Decem ber 11 they will have a Christmas pejity in the Scout room at the Methodist church. For the program a group of girls gave a short play. Those taking part were Shirley Hart mann, Anne Cathey, Lucia Rae Beacham,, Audrey Jane Jones, and Gail Webber. U?c Her^d war* ads for results? | U?? Herald want ads ftr reaull jALLMARKCHRISTMAS CARDS In Affracfive Box Assortments" \ ou'll find a wide va r i e t y of distinctive cards in our sclcction of Christmas boxes. The Book Store IN THE HERALD BUILDING GIFTS DIRECT FROM STOVAU'S OUR GIFT LIST ? Children's Books, Games, Candies, Toys of ail kinds Complete line of Infant's Wear Ladies' Handkerchiefs in Gift Boxes, Gloves Tree Light Sets and Dec orations Cosmetics and hundreds of other items for nice Christpas Gifts. STOVAU'S SYLVA'S HOME OWNED 10C--9TQRE J ? The Lovely J?erkcle\| ^Junior These are the lovely Dresses you see advertised - - in - - VOGUE and MADEMOISELLE Magazines Shown in beige, gold, red, and black 8lzee 9-15 One price . . . $16.50 BELK'S DEPARTMENT STORE "The Home * Better Valuee" PHONE 287 8YLVA, N. C