NEGLECT OF PARENTS CAUSES DEATH OF MANY NORTH CAROUNA CHILDREN Stiff Fine Provided For Parents Failing To Have Children Immunized Against Diphtheria ^ Medical statistics indicate a 100% increase in diphtheria in North Carolina cases reported * through September* and October of this year as compared with figures for the same period of last year. These are the months when this disease strikes. Judging from the current' statistics 1J47 will be a more severe year fer diphtheria than 1946. A great measure of respon sibility for this unhappy turn of events can be laid on the parents of North Carolina's young chil dren despite a law enacted by the General Assembly on March 17, 1939, requiring the parents or guardians of all North Caro That Na^in<3 Backache May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action uoaern i irresuisr hi drinking?i tion?thro* Modern life with its hurry and worry, habits, improper eating ana -its riek of expoeure and infec irowe heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other imparities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling?feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan'? Pillt. Doom's help the kidneye to pass off harmful excess body wsste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recoin fill users < mended by gratef A$k four neighbor everywhere. lina children between the ages of elx months and five years to have their children immunized against diphtheria or pay a fine of $50 or be imprisoned for 30 days. Further leeway was allow* ed to have the immunization completed by the physician of their choice or by a County Health Officer at no charge. Sfince parents are either unaware of this statute or are disregarding it one of the State's largest hospi tals has reported a definite increase in the number of children who are admitted witty diphtheria. Last year ! through lack of proper parental i i care many children unnecessarily died from this disease. Had they been taken by their parents to a doctor or clinic for "shqjs" at the age of six months they would be i alive and well today. Doctors can not urge too strongly that two or preferably three shots be given every child at intervals of at least six weeks with a booster dose from one to two years later. One does not always protect. In addition to the shots a Schick test should be done three months after the shots and every year thereafter.*These tests should also be performed on any child who has had diphtheria for unless they are protected the disease may strike again. The physician or health of ficer can give a combined shot which will protect also against whooping cough and lockjaw. In cities where most of the chil dren have been protected against diphtheria the disease has almost disappeared and no children sue comb from it. Sifice almost every mother has been told of these shots only three reasons can account for the fact th$t so many ignore the advice and refuse the precautions. STOP - LOOK and SEE THE NORWALK 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 AND 8 PLY Tires We Have in Stock THESE TIRES ARE FULLY GUARANTEED AGAINST CUTS ? BRUISES ? SEPARATION BLOWOUTS AND ANY OTHER ROAD HAZARDS. THERE IS NO WAITING FOR YOUR TIRE TO BE SENT OFF WE ADJUST IT RIGHT AT OUR DOOR WHILE YOU WAIT. In the U. S. A. that gives as good a waranty as Norwalk, and no other company that builds a five (5) ply tire from bead to bead. LOOK WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER All Four (4) Ply Tires Guaranteed 15 Months All Five (5) Ply Tires Guaranteed 24 Months All Six (6) Ply Tires Guaranteed 6 Months All Seven (7) Ply Tires Guaranteed 6 Months All Eight (8) Ply Tires Guaranteed 6 Months When we say UNCONDITIONAL GUAR ANTEE That Is Just What We Mean. We Stand Behind Our Customers and the Company Stands Behind Us. So Come In and Let Us Take Care of Your Tire Needs for the Bad Winter Months. We Are Also Equipped To Do Your RECAP PING By the FACTORY METHOD. All Tires are Cured With STEAM When Built NEW. If It Is Not The BETTER Way Why Does the Factory Use It In the Building of New Tires? Bring in your tires and let us recap them the Factory Way. We can give you a top or a full cap in the Military Mud and Snow Tread, and a Heavy FIRESTONE Tread in the Plain Cap. We Are Also Equipped To Recap Your Tires AS CHEAPLY AS ANY SHOP IN W. N. C. And We WiU Do So We time The itest Grade of Cameibaek All Worh Guaranteed See Us For Better Prices HALL ? NORTON TIRE SHOP PHONE 288-J ? CULLOWHEE ROAD ? 8YLVA, N. C THE OLD HOME TOWN ? W I ?)*oo ITe Ftt w Non-Skid Spot Pad Trusses| Satisfaction Guaranteed fjAf" HAUY 6 U/A"Ti Stf1^ ??? CUKT SIZE 3ft OFFICES of DR. A. A. NICHOLS and DR. A. S. NICHOLS THEY'RE HERE ITHOSE B B Ball P' int Pens ONLY 98c Now with the Retractable Point ? No Caps to lose or fool with THEY ARE GUARANTEED New One Piece GILLETTE RAZOR with 5 Blades 98c $2.50 Combination Fountain Syringe and Water Bottle only , . . $1.79 $2.00 Bottle SSS $1.67 ($1.00 size .99) 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 42c $1.00 Po Do Shaving Cream and Lotion Both for 51c 1-lb. Can S.M.A. 98c (6 or more cans for 94c each) 75c CASTORIA 59c 60c size Alkaseltzer 49c $1.60 Fitch Combination SHAMPOO and TONIC 99c LICENSED DRUGGISTS ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES