Grain Saving Sti essed In New Feeding Plan Animal Husbandry specialists of the State College Extension Ser vice have come up with a plan to save more than five tons of grain per carload of beef cattle. Here's the way to do it ? Limit the amount of grain feed to good yearling steers to two-thirds of full feeding. The result ? satisfactory beef carcasses and a saving of more than 500 pounds of grain per ani mal! ? The experiments that showed the possibilities of such savings pro vided. data on feed requirements The tedious and tiring job of hand weeding tobacco plant beds will be eliminated on many Wake county farms next year because farmers are chemically treating their plant beds for weed control. Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Cough],Chast Colds, Bronchitis of cattle of various ages and their subsequent fattening for market. Normally there are wide differen ces in needs for concentrate feeds in the fattening of beef cattle. As an animal developes from a calf into a two-year old it requires in creasing amounts of concentrates for equal gains. This is partly be cause of the greater efficiency of a young animal in using feed, part ly because of the greater mainten ance requirements of the heavier animal, and partly because of high er proportion of the gain increment is in the form of fat. Limitation of grain in the ration slows down somewhat the rate of fat formation and permits the building up of more lean tissue in immature animals. In this process the grade of carcass while not so high, weight for weight, as in heavy feeding is still very satisfac tory to most consumers. Usually the limitation of concentrate is made up by feeding more hay and silage. In the production of cattle on two-thirds the full level of grain feed, the investigators used barley as the grain and medium jgrade legumo hav as the-rotrehage. together with a protein concen trate. This diet yielded top Good or low Choice carcasses from steers weighing from 900 to 1000 pounds at time of slaughter. GIFTS DIRECT FROM STOVALL'S OUR GIFT LIST ? Children's Books, Games, Candies, Toys of all kinds Complete line of Infant's Wear Ladies' Handkerchiefs in Gift Boxes, Gloves Tree Light Sets and Dec orations Cosmetics and hundreds of other items for nice Christmas Gifts. STOVALL'S SYLVA'S HOME OWNED 10c STORE Vets Problems Q?Is Veterans Administration doing anything to keep abreast of improvements in prosthetic equip ment so that we veterans may get the benefit of them? A?Veterans Administration em ployees who aid disabled veterans in selecting and fitting artificial arms, legs, eyes and other devices are going to school to learn the latest developments and improve ments in the prosthetic field. Q?I received an overpayment in subsistence allowance after I left school. Will I have to refund the amount I received to the Gov ernment? A?Yes. Q?I am being rehabilitated un der Public Law 16 and I would like to know what medical treatment is available to me? A?Under the Vocational Reha bilitation Act (Public Law 16) you . re entitled to any kind of medical treatment needed (hospital or out patient) to prevent interruption of your training. Q?How and where do I apply for hospitalization for a service connected disability? A?See your nearest Veterans Administration contact representa tive or apply at a VA regional of fice or hospital. A letter addressed to the nearest VA office also will suffice. In case of emergency, you ctfri telephone the nearest VA office collect. ^ One way to llfke out "life insur ance" on your electric appliances is to store them in a clean, handy, dry place where they will be pro tected from falls. ARE YOU BUILDING, REMODELING, OR PLANNING TO MAKE YOUR HOME WARMER FOR THE COLD WINTER DAYS AHEAD? Then let us supply you with f SHEET ROCK It has been so hard to get but we were able to secure some recently. Our line of Paints, and Varnishes is complete. Use CLENSO for the perfect paint cleaner. JACKSON COAL AW LBH CO. f J Phone 38 Sylva, N. C. UF OLD HOME TOWN v-aoCY SAYS - YOUttE A /ACUUM CLEANER YOG yO P*OM 0*JC BEAUTY PARLOR TO ANOTHER -TO PICK UP TH* Dirt''1 - THAT BRATT BOY COMk 1M* *.f>K3 By STANLE. I | STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION?What are the most important points for a poultryman to consider? ANSWER?If you are going to produce eggs, C. J. Maupin of State College, Extension poultry special ist, suggests that you consider three principal points. (1) Secure and maintain stock with good breeding. (2) Keep an all-pullet flock. (3) Grow out laying stock early. Early laying means production in Sep tember, when egg prices have been highest in four out of the last five years. QUESTION?What type of soil should roses be planted in? ANSWER?In many cases the home gardener has only a limited area of ground available. For that I reason it may not be possible to | select an ideal location where the | soil is well drained and where the j plants will be exposed to full sun | light for at least the greater part of the day. The best soil for the rose is a rich clay loam with a large humus content. This plant can be made to thrive, however, in any fertile, well-drained, slightly acid soil. It the only available site has a tenden cy to be damp or wet and remains so, it will be nece.-.-aiy to d:a.n i soil. Tile drainage is best, but a ten-inch layer of cobblestones or ronrse gravel laid in the bottom of Lhe bed and in a ditch from the bed 4.o a lower level will serve the pur pose. It is perferable to prepare the ground some weeks in advance in slanting in order to have it firmly settled. Spade the soil to a depth of at least eighteen inches and re place "about one-third of it with rotted cow manure. If this cannot Farmers Are Receiving High Prices For Milk Specialist Declares Tar Heel farmers are now re ceiving the highest cash income from milk in the history of the State, and 1947 returns are expect ed to exceed, by a substantial a moun, the 1946 record-breaking total of $29,574,000, say J. A. Arey, in charge of Dairying for the State College Extension Service. The growing importance of the milk industry to the State's eco nomy is further evidenced by the new peak value of $39,856,000 set on North Carolina's 361,000 milk cows which produced, a total of 693,000,000 quarts of m;lk in 1946. Annual milk prcduction per cow averaged 1,921 quarts. Expanded utilization of North Carolina milk as fluid milk for drinking ar.d cooking has increased the overall value of the Sate's milk output as farmers receive their highest price for milk used in this form. L;ftest annual figures for North Carolina show butter pro ctuction at 1,561,000 pounds. Ameri can whole milk cheese at 1,142.00(7 be obtained, use a smaller quantity of another kind of manure. For further information about the culture of roses, write to the Agriculture Editor at State College and request a copy of Extension Circular No. 200, entitled Home Culture of Roses. Magical Nite-Lights Healthy adults who awaken at night will enjoy these as much as the invalid who needs an u^dis turbing light for finding medicine . . . or just to keep him company during wakeful hours. ? Children are thrilled by the* mystery of the figures within the bulbs, which come round or long tubular. One of these wITl make a gay surprise for the tee of an Xmas stocking or a tree ornament. See them at ..?f 'C "doroth ie's" Tne friendly M< untain'Shop. Main Slice:. Syiva where Dr. Candler'.- oi l ice wji> l'orm, lly located. pounds and ice cream at 10,364,000 gallons. Milk and its many products sup ply the essentials of good nutri tion at low cost. The dairy industry is constantly striving to give con sumers a high quality product at the lowest possible cost. - According to latest statistcs, milk is a better food bargain today than ever before, showing only about half the gain in price for "all foods." Mr. Arey said. More than 15,000,000 young trees have been grown and distributed to 7.000 forest landowners by the North Carolina Division of Forestry and Parks in the last 10 years. Uae Herald want ads for reautte? SaveUpTo SO PerCt. AT Western Auto Associate Store GLENN FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 65 . Sylva, N. C. 8:28tf PLANNING PLANTING Landscaping in all its Branches From a Single Tree to an Estate G. Frank Sauter Landscape and Garden Architect Whittier, North Carolina ICE CREAM FOR YOUR PARTY See us for your party ice cream Just tell us the flavor you wish and We will give your order our most careful attention CONFECTIONS We are receiving fresh shipments daily of the 'best quality candies, chewing gum, cigarettes, to bacco, cigars and other concetionary items. You Will Enjoy Our Fresh Fop-Corn Made Fresh Every Day * p [ RITZ ICE CREAM SHOP id ?s O. H. Massie, Owner In Ritz Theatre Building Eight up in the Four-Front SCATTERED across this nation are some of the cagiest auto mobile buyers the world ever saw. They cut their eyeteeth on a steer ing wheel, so to speak?they know car values from A to izzard - and you have to be plenty good to step ahead of your price class in the volume of your sales to them. That's why it's startling - some times even to us ? to see the double-barreled story of public preference that's written in the sales records and registration figures: ITEM: Only three cars outsell Buick?and all of these are in the so-called "low-price field." ? ITEM: In some localities ? and quite often in polls that ask "Which car will you buy next?" ? Buick rianks not fourth, but third, actually ahead of one of the lowest-priced three. Naturally, the smart buyer will ask "How come?" Well, the most standout style ot the seaspiv-^hestyie that's the clearest forecast of wonderful / things to be, undoubtedly has much to do with it. But that isn't all. The dollar is still a pretty impdVtant measuring stick. So we don't think Buick could be where it is if it didn't offer a bigger dollar's worth ? bigger in size and substance, in lift and life, in soft ride and easy handling, bigger in the all-round happiness you'll get out of your buy. Which suggests, of course: Why go against the solid judg ment of your fellow men? Why not see your Buick dealer now?with or with out a car to trade ? and place the order that will put you where you belong, right up in the four-front? ONLY BUICK HAS ALL THESE ? AIRFOIL FENDERS ? FIREBALL POWER ? ACCURITE CYLINDER BORJNO ? SILENT ZONE BODY MOUNTINGS ? STEPON PARKING BRAKE if CURL-AROUND BUMPERS if FULL-LENQTH TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE ? DEEPFLEX SEAT CUSHIONS ? FLITEWHQHT PISTONS ? PCRMI-firm STHRJNO ? BUtCOIL SPRINGING ? SA/rrr-Kiof rims ? ten Smart moons if BODY BY fisher Tuna in HENRY J. TAYLOR, Mutual Network, Monday* and Friday t hooper IVIotor Company * Main Street Sylva, N. C.