PROFESSIONAL DRUG Your Christmas Store _ LIGHTERS For Tmy ProdigUs?A ? miniature piano that, really piays: 5ft1 high' 10" wide, ii* deep-wood.1 Tiny Tot Piano . $4.25 COMB and BRUSH SET Ronson Zippo $2.50 to $11.95 Prophylactic and Hughes Nylon Bristle $1.00 $16.00 CAMERAS CHRISTMAS CARDS CANDIES 5##i^ " Christmas Wrapped NUNNELLY'S PANGBURN'S SCHRAFFT'S JOHNSON'S In .boxes ALSO CEDAR CHESTS JEWEL BOXES $1.00 to $6.50 SINGLE 5c to 50c 25c Box of 15 cards Box of 20 cards Box of 20 cards Box of 20 cards 59c 79c 97c SEALS RIBBONS WRAPPING PAPER 10c Each 75c Orlis Antiseptic 59c 50c Ipana 39c 50c Vitalis 43c 75c Noxzema 49c $1.00 Formula "20" Cream Shampoo 2 for $101 ALL METAL COFFEE MAKER