I Classified Ads and Legals I" I RAT?8: One cent per word per insertion, minimum- of 35*. ; | Cards of Thanks, one cent per word, 50* minimum. Resolutions 1 of respect, memoriams, obituaries, one cent per word. | ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE | M)R SALE ? New 5 -room house, ? 4 acres of land, Va mile from JJillsboro, N. C. If interested call S. M. Creel, 9190 Charlotte, N. C. or see J. D. Shuler, Dillsboro. 31-33* FOR SALE ? 1 7 year old mare, Wprk anywhere, weight approxi mately 1200 pounds. See Mrs. W. Grindstaff or call 68-J. Sylva, C. No. 31* )NCRETE BLOCKS for build Jing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant orf delivered. Call or write W. A. HJys, below bridge in Franklin. P^Dne 903, Highlands, N. C. 6-^ltf FOR MONUMENTS Se? Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf HOME FOR SALE ? One mile from Sylva on Rt. 1, good, nice six rooxn bouse, three bedrooms, base menjt, good barn, 20 lots. See or writ? John Arlington, Sylva, N. C. 27-31* FOd SALE ? Child's oak high chlir, clip tray; warjn morning healer, cabinet style. Both in ex cellent condition. Call 225J 31* FOR SALE ? 15-room house, known as T. E. Moody home on Dillsboro Road, close in. C. N. Price. No. 31 i ROOMS AND APARTMENTS for rent. Steam heat. Apply at Sylva Hotel. 30-33* FOUND ? On Main Street partial plate. Owner may have same by calling at The Herald office and paying for the adv. NOTICE OF CALL FOR AN ELECTION ON THE 8ALE OF BEER AND WINE North Carolina, Jackson County. We, the undersigned members of the County Board of Elections in and for the County and State aforesaid, in a special meeting duly called on this the 8th day of De cember, 1947, for the purpose of -considering petitions this day duly filed before us, asking that an elec tion be called in said county for the purpose of determining as to whether or not wine and beer shall be permitted to be sold, find the following facts: FIRST: That the petitions pre sented to us requesting said elec tion contain more than 15% of the duly qualified voters in and for the County and State aforesaid who voted for Governor in the last General Election; SECOND: We find at the time of this meeting that more than 160 days have passed since the effec tive date of this Act as contained in the General Statutes of North Carolina lor 1947, same being duly set forth and defined in Chapter 1084 thereof; IT IS THEREFORE, upon mo tion duly made ana seconded, un animously ordered by said Board that an election be called for the County and State aforesaid, to be held on the 3rd day of February, 1948, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said County the question of the sale of Wine and Beer under the prescrib ed rules and regulations as defined by statute. It is further ordered by said Board that the registration books for the purpose of conducting said election, be opened on the 10th day of January, 1948, and remain open for four Saturdays preceeding said election, for the purpose of the registration of new voters. It is still further ordered that notice of this Election so called, be recorded on our Minute Books, that a copy of same be posted at the Court House door and three other public places in Jackson County, and that a copy thereof likewise be published in "The Sylva Herald" for 30 days preceding the open ing of said registration books so as to give the qualified voters of said County full notice thereof by law required. Done in Special Session duly called, this the 8th day of Decem ber, 1947. Chairman, Oscar Lovedale Secretary, A. D. Parker, J. C. Brown j Members County Board of Elec tions -for Jackson County, North Carolina. Dec. 11-18-25 Jan.-l NOTICE OF 8 ALE OF REAL PROPERTY North Carolina, Jackaon County. In the Superior Court, bafore the Clerk. Under and by virtue of a Judge ment and order of the Superior Court of Jackson County, North parolina, made in a Special Pro ceeding to sell a house and lot for division, in an action entitled, "Os car Worley and wife, Beulah Wor ley; Maggie Worley Sutton and husband, J. Fred Sutton; Eula Wor ley Owen and husband, R. E. Owen, I Petitioners, Against Charlie Wor ley and wife, Ethel Worley; Annie Worley Martin and husband, Cal loway Martin; and Ralph Worley, single, Respondants." And said judgement in a Special Proceeding entitled as above having been duly adjudged and docketed in the Spe cial Proceedings Docket in the Of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, in which judgement the undersigned Commissioner of Court was appointed to sell the land here inafter described. Now, Therefore, I, W. R. Sher rill, Commissioner of Court, will, on Thursday, January 1, 1948, at 12:00, Noon, at the front Door of the Court House, in Sylva, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash, all that cer tain tract, or parcel of land, situ | ate, lying and being in Qualla Township, Jackson County, North Essential accessories are important on every truck. We have a complete line that is Interna tional-Approved? tachometers, fire extinguish ers, spotlights, fog lights, seat cushions, and doz ens of others. International-Approval means that each accessory has not only been checked but double-checked by International engineers ?that quality and performance are doubly cer tified. So guard against disappointment by get ting your truck accessories here, just as you gu?f" 1 nst disappointment when we service youi uuu&s. ALLISON MORTOR CO. Main Street Sylva, North Carolina PERSONALS: John A. Echols returned Sun day from Commerce, Ga., where he spent the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Echols. , Rev. and Mrs. W. Q. Grigg and son, Quay, spent a few days last j week in Clinton, S. C. visiting Mrs. Grigg's mother, Mrs. Metta Stone. Miss Jeanne Barrett will leave Sunday to resume her studies at Converse College after spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barrett at Dillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ryan and son, Joe, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee were guests last week of Mrs. Ryan's mother, Mrs. C. Z. Candler. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wilson, Jr. and son, John D., of Asheville spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson. Miss Pat Allen of Asheville has been visiting her aunts, Mrs. M. B. Cannon and Mrs. Ralph Tatham in Dillsboro. Jackie Allison of Canton is spending this week with his grand mother, Mrs. J. C. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kirk of Mobile, Alabama have returned home after spending a week with his brother, Mr. Paul Kirk and family. Carolina, and lying on both sides of U. ^Qighway No. 19, adjoining the laiR? of Charlie Worley, Paul Ferguson, Crawford Shelton and others, and bounded and describ pH oe fnllnu/Q* BEGINNING at a stake near the top of a ridge, as located by H. R. Queen, Surveyor, for the black oak corner of the J. M. Worley farm, and the Northwest corner of Lot No. 5, as located by the said Queen in the subdivision of the Worley farm, and runs thence West 7 poles to a stake at a wire fence; thence with said fence as follows: S. 63? and 30' W., 6.36 poles to a stake, S. 55? and 15' W., 8.18 poles to a stake, S. 65? W., 7.21 poles to a stake, S. 60? and 45' W..* 9.27 poles to a white-oak, S. 58? and 301 W., crossing U. S. Highway No. 19, 6.54 poles to a stake at south margin pavement of said Highway, S. 58? and 30' W., 24.91 poles to a stake, and S. 54? and 30' W., 20.72 poles to a stake of said fence on the Northeasterly bank of Tuckaseigee River; thence up with the mean ders of said river, S. 71? E., 1.03 poles to a stake, the Southwest corner of Lot No. 1, as located by H. R. Queen in the subdivision of the Worley farm; thence N. 61? E., with Lots Nos. 1. and 5, (Crossing U. S. Highway No. 19, at 47.02) 88.39 poles to the Beginning, Con taining 1.6 acres more or less. The highest bidder at this sale j will be required to make a deposit of 10% of his bid with the Com missioner to show gord faith to be forfeited in case bid not complied with. This the 2nd day of December, 1947. W. R. Sherrill, Commissioner of Court EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of Winifred M. Van Epp, late of Jackson County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to. present them to the undersigned, Richard Van Epp, at his home 3110 South Lake Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida, on or before the 22nd day of December, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 18th day of Decem ber, 1948. Richard Van Epp, executor of the estate of Winifred M. Van Epp, deceased. Dec 25, Jan 1 8 15 22 29 UNCLE HANK SEZ . . . A WORRIED MtND tS AN UNFIT t*\ACHlNE. FOB CLEAR TANKING Why worry about the new car you're going to buy. See the 1947 Hudson . . . take a look inside . . . wide, deep seats with plenty of room to stretch out and relax comfortably ... an da ride that's like velve^J You'll be a mazed at its rea comfort and driveability. Visit \ir showroom, today . . . see this entirely new sensation. BUCHANAN AUTU & ELECTRIC C L Christ , The Son Of Mary . . . His Virgin Birth EDITOR-? NOTE ? Mr. War ren's Christmas message was re ceived too late for our Christmas edition. Although Christmas 1947 has passed the spirij still lingers and the message is "always new." Isaiah 9:1.7; Mattr-i!18-25 "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." Isa. 7:14 "for that which is begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus; for it is I he that shall save his, people from their sins." Matt. 1:20b, 21 The Christian religion of the whole world rests upon the fact of the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. "Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equali ty with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men." Phil. 2:5-7. The Incarnation means the pre-' sence of the Divine in the human and to base our faith in it on the apostolic testimony means that to become conscious of his presence of the Divine in Christ we must look at Christ where, through pro phetic and apostolic testimony, He offers Himself to our eyes that is, in the life which He lived among men, and in which He re vealed Himself as Son of God, Son of Man, and Saviour. The Incarna tion mystery is the greatest won der to all generations of past ages, , NOW, and for all to come. May we ponder some great truths of this wonderful event. I. Prophets Prophesied of the Virgin Birth of Christ. "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, which art little to be among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall one come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel: whose go ings forth are from of old, from everlasting. Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she who travaileth hath brought forth: and he shall stand, and shall feed his flock in 'lie strength of Jehovah, in the majesty of the name of Jehovah his God." Micah 5:2-5. God made this divine revelation to the prophet Micah in order that the people may have a fore knowl- j edge of what to expect. God spoke to the heart of I. aiah, and in his vision revealed to him,' because he prophesied, "There fore the Lord himself will" give* you a sign: behold, a virgin shall ] conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." Isa. 7:14. "For unto us a ^child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isa. 9:6. GOD MUST COME TO MAN. He made that known to the heart of man long before the Christ Child was born of the virgin. The decision of God in heaven could not be kept in heaven . . . it h^3 to be made known to the heart of man on earth. To the hearts of men made ready God revealed his eter nal plan of salvation, for a lost world ... A little baby had to be born of a virgin mother . . . THAT was God's way. God spoke to the world through the hearts of his prophets what men could expect. II. Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus. It is no doubt wisely provided that we know very little concern ing the personal history of "Mary the mother of Jesus." The tradi tions relating to her, so highly prized by Roman Catholics, are of no value. She was probably a de scendant of David. We know noth ing of her parents, or of any broth ers; there is allusion to a sister, who is by some identified with are informed that Elizabeth was are informed that Tlizabeth was her kinswoman. Mary's early home appears to have been Nazareth, and she probably lived a life of pover ty and toil. as to her character, we are somewhat better informed. In the Gospel of Luke she appears be fore us as a deeply pious maiden, very prompt to believe what God revealed, and anxious to have all difficulties in the way of her faith removed. She humbly rejoiced in the high privilege secured to her by the divine promise, and through the years which followed thought fully pondered the things which occurred in connection with her child. The familiarity with the Scripture manifested by her song of thanksgiving, shows how lov ingly she had been accustomed to dwell on the word of God. Mary was of course not faultless, but her character was worthy of her high providential position, and she deserves our admiration and grati tude. Above all the "mothers of the wise and good" maye we call her 'happy', and cherish her mem ory. But the utterly unscriptual, absurd and extreme way to which the Romanists have gradually car ried their veneration of Mary, must not drive us into the opposite ex treme. Let us be sensible and be lieve and accept what the Holy Scripture teaches our hearts in re gards to Mary, the virgin mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. III. The Word (Lord) Became Flesh. "And the Word became fleshy, and dwelt among us (and we be held His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father), full of grace and truth." What a great moment! The veil between heaven and earth has been parted, and the doors open wide . . . God comes to this earth. Oh, the blessed moment, and the joy for the soul of mankind! "And the Word was made flesh, and I dwelt among us." God became man that men might learn to live in a Godlike way. He took residence on the earth that earth might be more like heaven. He showed us in his own Son that flesh need not be a devilish thing, but full of grace and truth. God revealed to us that man does not have to live and walk alone, but that God is with him and in him. He lives am?n? us ... He lives with lis . . . and will live in us il we open our hearts to him. God made this pos sible because he been me flesh in his own Son. and lived' oji eai'th, and live*; on earth today, for the tz I ' ? i v <! God an.! t.ie salvation o!' , all mankind. This urea! hi-' ti ew?.:l is tin* | symbol <>. a wonderful process. P j | is ever God's purpo.-e that the Wo ! shall be made iles.n, that the phy sical .shall be filled wi h i i> giorv; that truth shall connect with life, that virtue shall get into action and conduct; and that the world shall be a continual incarnation of spiritual forces in human form. God writes His truth not in flam ing letters on the sky, nor does he cast them in bronze or chisel them in marble for the guidance of the -race. He writes his truths in human lives. "I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable ser vice. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." This is the everlasting results of the Word becoming flesh, that all peoples may eome to know their Creator, ever God the everlasting Father. IV. The Virgin Birth Is the Foundation of an Unshakable Faith in God. Without the virgin birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, there would not be a basic founda tion upon which mankind could have an unshakable faith in the Holy Triune God. God would not be God for humanity. It is com mon sense, upon common ground, ' that hlimnn reasoning cannot es- ! tablish a basic faith in human kind as a saving God. Man knows that man came as he came, and is as he is; and man knows that Jesus i came as mankind BUT man knows that Jesus is more than man, be cause Jesus came from God and is God. Therefore man has cause to have -an unshakable faith in him as his saving God. Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When his mother1 Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, i before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit . . . DO you get it? she was found with child of the Holy Spirit . . . And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man. and not willing to make her a public example, was ' minded to put her away privily. But when he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared usto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is begot ten in her is of the Holy Spirit. CAN you believe that? WILL you believe that? DO you believe that? WHAT? That which is begotten in Mary is of the Holy "Spirit . . . . Jesus of God. And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus; for it is he that shall save his people from their sins. Because Jesus was begotten of the Holy Spirit and did not come from an earthly father, does not" mean that he was not human. He | emptied himself and took upon I himself the form q/ humanity. It | was the Divine act of the Almighty God, not apart from humanity, but working in the purity of a human heart. Thus the conception of our Lord Jesus was an immediate creative act of the Almighty God, and not of any human man. Our Lord lived a full human life while on this earth, yet he was the Son of God. The virgin birth of Jesus is the ? one foundation for belief and faith wherever mankind has ex ercised Christian faith in God. Take away the virgin birth and you undermine, and destroy, the very structure of our Christian I f;.ith. There is nothing upon which we can stand. Understand what has happened to past generations who refused to believe and accept the virgin birth of Jesus, and see the carry over that we have in the hearts of those who refu>e to believe it now. It results in d.-a meement, confusion and ul' innate ly sn:ritnal death. Without the vir r.in birth of J'k i-. God's Word be < . mcs void. It I ecMnc flesh and dwelt c.mo'iy us. It you deny it, you deny the fact of God who h;is ill ere. tive power. W i.it can you believe? Refuse to believe it, and i you refuse the truth, and without the truth you cannot be free. The virgin birth is forever the only way tarough which God sent His Son into the world for the salva tion of all peoples in all lands. Thart is why the angel said to the shep herds, Be not afraid; and heavea opened with the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased. That is wny we are privileged to enjoy another happy Christmas time together. The door is on the latch today, The hearth fire is aglow: I seem to hear soft passing feet ? The Christ Child has come. My heart is open wide today, For stranger, kith, or kin; I would not bar a single door Where love might enter in. Note Of Appreciation Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Deitz wish to express their appreciation to their friends for the many greet ings sent to them and for the love ly and substantial , gifts given by their relatives and friends during the Christmas reason. Being un 'able to see each one in person, they wish to take this means of expressing their thanks. Good pasture, either permanent or temporary, made on land prop erly limed . and fertilized will graze one average sized cow per acre. r MOST MOTHERS DO THIS ?T BEDTIME rub throat, chest, back \uth V iroRub. Re hff brmnirc action starts instantly . . . WORKS FOR HOURS while child sleeps to relievo coughs, muscular sorpness and t?f*htni*u s rt f ' y ??> est-knor? '? y ~>'i cn ' i- o to relieve distress of children's colds is comforting Vicks VapoRub. Fvon while you rub it on, VapoRub starts to work to case distress . . . and it keeps on working during the night. No wonder most mothers always do this when a cold strikes. uiuat muuiurs VJCKS Your Ortlor Now In order to assure your supply of Fertilizers for your 1948 Crops we advise you to place your or ders now, especially for ? AMMONIA NITRATE We are paying $2.'50 Cash for No. 1 Irish Potatoes. Our complete stock of ATLAS Feeds assure you plenty of protein for your Dairy Cattle, Hogs and Poultry. j See Us For Your Fa r'm Needs Jackson County fARMERS COOPERATIVE A. L. SOUTHARD, Manager (Formerly occupied by The Sylva'Feed 8tore, Mill 8t.) Farmers May Park To Right For Loading And Unloading

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