OF JACKSON COUNTY \ Why Should Our County Throw Away From $25,ooo To $3o,ooo-CASH-EVERY YEAR? On December 1, 1947 Jackson County^eceived a check from the State Department of Revenue for $8,774.16? our share of the State wide tax on beer, for three months. On this basis the next payment, due next December 1st, will run from $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 ? thousands of dollars more than even our largest tax-payer pays per year. A special election has been called for February 3rd for the pur pose of voting beer out of Jackson County. If beer is voted out, this action will automatically knock our county out of sharing in this tax ? which will be the same as throwing away $25,000 to $30,00 every year! WHO WANTS BEER OUTLAWED? Perhaps the people most anxious for beer to be outlawed are the bootleggers! Since beer has been being sold legally in the county the bootlegger's business has taken a big drop. Arrests for drunken ness ? according to law officials ? have been cut in half. The past Christmas season was the quietest, so far as drinking was concerned, that Sylva and the county have seen in many many years. Beer is the beverage of moderation. Few people can hold enough beer to make them drunk. On the other hand, two or three "stiff shots" of liquor will make the average person pretty "high". WILL OUTLAWING BEER STOP DRINKING IN JACKSON COUNTY? You know it won't! Certainly not so long as it is legal to haul a gallon of liquor ? and as many cases of beer as you can pile in the car ? from Asheville! The main result of outlawing beer would be that many persons, including lots of younger men, would turn to drink ing liquor ? either bootleg liquor that will be sold on the streets of Sylva and out in the county, or else legal liquor brought in from Ashe ville! It is highly doubtful that outlawing beer would stop even one person in Jackson County from drinking! WHAT WOULD WE GET FOR OUTLAWING BEER? Nothing, much! The county would lose from $25,000 to $30,000 every year in revenue. Conditions would very likely get back to what they were eighteen months ago? when the officers were ar resting from ten to thirty persons for drunkenness EVERY SATUR DAY NIGHT! . . . more arrests than are being made in a month, now. Does this sound like a good bargain, considering the amount of money it would cost us? If y&u don't think the County can use $25,000 to $30,000 a year What About This? . \ / 0 In it's issue of December 11th the Sylva Herald carried a news item about the critical situation facing the Sylva school lunch room. Very likely the same conditions apply to the other school lunch rooms in the county. The item quoted Mr. Crawford, principal of the High School, as telling members of the Parent-Teacher Association that many chil dren who have been receiving free lunches ? and who really need this one hot nourishing meal each day ? have been cut off, and that the list would have to be cut again unless some provision can be made to meet this situation. Why couldn't the county take the revenue received from the beer tax and devote it to the school lunch program? Can a better cause be found? Jackson County's greatest single asset is it's children the leaders and citizens of tomorrow! It must be pretty hard for a child to learn good citizenship on an empty stomach, or in an under nourished condition! If the health and welfare of these future citi zens is neglected while they are striving to get an educ ation what use is it for the county to plan ahead? If we do not havc healthy, well nourished young people to take over where we leave off what future faces the county? With $25,000 or $30,000 the school lunch rooms could increase the amount served at each meal ? and could furnish many hot, nourish - ing meals free to the under-privileged kids who need them . . . kids who can not afford the small amount which is charged by the school. And if you don't think that this one good meal a day makes a big difference in a child's health, grades and behavior, just ask your school teachers or members of your P. T. A. Can you think of a better way in which the county could spend money? Uncounted millions of dollars of our money and food are being sent overseas to provide hot nourishing meals for the children of foreign countries, for the French, Italian and even the German chil dren! Can we do less for our own children right here in our own communities? Are we "straining at the gnat" of feeding foreigners and "swallowing the camel" of underprivileged and undernourished children right here in Jackson County? True, the county is not able to take this money from county taxes but we can get this revenue from the beer tax and help this great cause without spending a cent of our own money! OR, will you be one of those who say: "Let the brats go hungry rather than sell beer in the county!" Is that the way you feel about it? Is that what you will say by your actions ? by your vote? Can you say that and then face yourself in a mirror? If you can, BROTH ER, THAT'S SOMETHING! What Will Election It's Up To You! Day, Feb. 3rd, 1948 6 - y A And Paid For Personally ?? By Theodore Di Us J his Pope Sponsored - Ana r.