THE SYLVA HERALD Published By ' THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Sylva, North Carolina The County Seat of Jackson County J. A. GRAY and J. M. BIRD Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the~~post office at Sylva, N. C., as ? -Second Clas.s Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March 3, 1379, November#20, 1914. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Jackson County $2.00 Six Months, In Jackson County 1.25 One Year, Outside J.tck?>n County 2.50 Six Months, Juckscn County 1.50 All SUbscJfcp'.i ms Payable In Advance . - ? ' . At The Cross Roads The people of Jackson County are at the cross-roads, or should we say at a dead-end road. We were brought face to face with this fact Tuesday afternoon when our largest elementary school build ing in the county was ordered padlocked because of being unsafe for use. This order might have applied to several oth er structures now being used as class room buildings, such as the Beta and Dillsboro schools, which are nothing more than wooden fire traps, but when it comes to this brick building that has been in use only 19 years, it appals us. School officials of the county have realized for some years that the buildings are in & When it's a Washington's Birth- j day salad made like this: To % lb. of cream cheese, add 2 tbsps. of I A&P's ANN PAGE GARDEN i RELISH, and , , beat till smooth. For each salad, ^ ,.3^^ spread mixture about 1 inch thick between 2 tomato, slices,and arrange strips of green pepper diagonally across filling. Serve with ? c^s?ed' drumsticks made of pieces of celery topped with stuffed olives. Serves 6. cizr Meet the new standard of Big-Car beauty! It's here, in Chevrolet's Bodies by Fisher?finest bodies mode?available only on Chevrolet arxJ higher-priced cars. You'll find Chevrolet rides more smoothly on all types of roads due to the famous Knee-Action Ride; and, You'll enjoy H+g^Car performance, too, when you own a Chevrolet; for It brings you Valve-in-Head engine performance, found elsewhere only in more expensive cars. Keep your present car in good running condition by bringing it to ?fs for skilled service, now and at of course, Knee-Action is found only regular intervals, pending delivery on Chevrolet and costlier cars. of your new Chevrolet. Men and women everywhere agree: Only one is No. 1?only Chevrolet is first?in all-round value as in popu larity. Consequently, more people drive Chevrolets than any other make, according to official nationwide regis trations; and more people want Chev rolets than any other make, according to seven independent nationwide surveys. Here, in the new 1948 Chev rolet, is record value. For new and even more luxurious styling, colors and appointments have been added to all of Chevrolet's other advantages of BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST1 / CHEVROLET /k CHEVROLETIS FIRST! Kirk-Davis Chevrolet Co., Inc. PHONE 57 SYLVA. N. C.