For The Women Club Activities Phone 110 Young People Of Love field Enjoy A Party The young people of the Love field community enjoyed a party given by Miss Nola Higdon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Higdon Saturday night, February 14. Many funny and in teresting games were played after which refreshments consisting of , Russian Tea, cookies and candy were served. Those attending were Misses Blanche Monteith, Ethel Haskett, Doris Middleton, Claudine Mon teith, Claudia Stanford, Juanita Norton, Mary Lou Plemmons, Lib by Dale Bumgarner, Alice Buch anan, Joyce Hooper, Bessie All man and Willette Cope. The boys attending were: Robert Monteith, Lewis Monteith, Earl Morgan, Den nis Higdon, Jr., Kenneth Buch anan, Clyde Vance, Junior Vance, and Claude McConnell. * * * Drew Hooper Celebrates First Birthday Master Dorian Drew Hooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Hoop er, celebrated his first birthday anniversary Kwith a party at his home Thursday afternoon. The valentine motif was carried out in the decorations and the refresh ments. Those attending were Jimmy Barnwell, Ronny Hooper, Jimmy Crawford and Nelson Bryson. Be QiuckTo Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop 11 your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion ?which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to 6oothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed * bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote by special process with other time < tested medicines lor coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to cell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) TRULY FINE MONUMENTS For Truly Fine Monuments See Our Many Designs in Granite Or Marble SYLVA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS JAMES T. BALES, Owner For Improved and War-Proved Power GET A ? I You get a truck-built engine when you get t GMC . . . an engine of the same basic design as that which powered the famous GMC "Army Workhorse." GMC engines are proved, efficient *4ve you features unsurpassed tn the industry ? ? ? features such as Turbo-Top pistons, full pressure lubrication with rifle-drilled rods, airplane type main bearings, Tocco-hardened crankshafts and completely cooled cylinders* If it's performance, economy and dependability you want, you'll be ?way ahead by getting a war* proved, improved GMCt Hooper Motor Co. Cullowhee Road Sylva, N. C. Mrs. W. T. Wise Hostess For Eight And One Bridge Club On Thursday evening Mrs. W. T. Wise was hostess for the meet ing of the Eight and One bridge club and a few extra guests. Three tables were made up for play. At the conclusion of the games Miss Hicks Wilson held high score. | Miss Lucile Wilson had made sec- j ond high and Mrs. W. L. Jones was ' holder o$ low score. All were giv en awards. Others playing were Mrs. F. L. ! Webber, Mrs. C. H. Nicholson. ' Mrs. J. P. Stovall, Mrs. John Hen son. Mrs. C. E. Thompson, Mrs. ; M. B. Madison, Mrs. J. E. Buckncr,: Mrs. E. E. Tweed, and Miss Annie Louise Madison. Mrs. F. L. Webber, who was at- I tending the club for the last time i before leaving to make her home i in Riverton, Wyoming, was given a handkerchief shower. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Roscoe Poteet, served a salad ! course with heart shaped cakes I and coffee. Woman's Society Of Christian Service Will Have Spiritual Life Meeting The general meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Z. Candler, Sr. at 7:30 o' clock Friday evening, February 20tb. The following program will be presented by members of the Car rie Rhodes Circle, the Annie Cow an circle, and the Wesleyan Ser vice Guild: Song ? "Sweet Hour of Prayer/'; What Is Prayer?Mrs. George Conrad; Wanderers from God?Rev. W. Q. Grigg; Do We Have a Hollier Than Thou Atti tude Toward Anyone? Are We Spiritually Blind? ? %Dr. Patsy McGuire; How Should We Pray? Two Men in a Temple ? Mrs. W. H. Crawford; The Model Prayer with Comments of each Petition? Mrs. W. R. Enloe; A Prayer for Parents, Both Fathers and Moth ers ? Mrs. O. E. Brookhyser; Son, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" ?Miss Margaret Candler and N. R. Beacham. All members of the three groups are urged to attend this meeting. p ERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Womack spent the past week-end in Ashe ville visiting their daughter. Mrs. Hal H. Brown, and Mr. Brown and Mrs. W. C. Brown at their home. 170 West Chestnut St. Mr. Wom ack returned but Mrs. Womack is staying for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stallcup and Mrs. George Clouse and son. Bi)ly, spent the week-end in Ellen boro with Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stallcup and family. Mr. Henry Bird has returned from Duke hospital where he un derwent an operation and spent ten days there recuperating be fore returning home. Mrs. Fred L. ^Webber and two children, Gail and Freddy, left Sunday for Denver. Colorado where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Webber for several days before going to Riverton, Wyoming to join Mr. Webber and make their home there. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hall, Jr. and Bobby Hall came from Chapel Hill to spend the week-end with their mother, Mrs. D. M. Hall. Mrs. Dan Frady and son, Danny, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Wise, and family. Mrs. R. C. Allison has gone to Nashville. Tenn. to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. A. V. Washburn, and family. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kirk of Mo bile. Alabama, were guests last week of his brother, Paul Kirk,' and family. Mr. Kirk accompanied them home for a few days' visit. Morris "Moss" Chester left Sun day for Detroit, Mich., after a few days' visit with his mother, Mrs. A. B. Queen, Mr. Queen and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bain and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Myers and son have returned from Atlanta, where they spent a few days over the week end. Sgt. Walter Brown Cope return ed to his home February 10 from Ft. Jackson after 18 months serv ice in the Army as classification specialist. Kent Coward arrived Thursday from Chapel Hill to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Coward. He returned Sunday. Mrs. Lee Walker Has Valentine Party On Friday morning Mrs. Lee Walker and her young son, Henry Lee, were hosts at a Valentine par ty given for the children attending Mrs. Rose Hair's kindergarten. Valentine and other games were played under Mrs. Hair's super vision. Mrs. Walker served heart shap ed individual cakes and punch. * * Ernest Penland, Jr., Honored On Birthday Mrs. Ernest Penland, Jr., hon- > ored he$ husband on his 25th birth day anniversary with a party Sat urday evening at their home in Webster. Bingo and other games were played and prizes given the winners. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hu bert Potts, Mr. and Mrs. James Potts and son, Miss Dorothy Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pen land, Sr., Mrs. Frank Cowan and daughter, Harold Potts, and Edgar Mason. Punch and cake were served. More Society on page 8 'hen Your Back Hurts* And Your Strength and Energy Is Below Par It may ho caused by disorder of kid ney function that permit* poisonous waste to accumulate. For truly many people feel t?r?-d, weak and miserable when the kidneys fail to removp excels acids and other waate matter from the blood. You may 3ufTer nagging backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness, (retting up nights, leg pains, swelling. Sometimes frequent ana scanty urina tion with smarting and burning is an other sign that something is wrong with the kidneys or bladder. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment ii wiser than neglect. Use Doan't Pill*. It ia better to rely on s rwide medicine that has won country Eroval than on something less fsvorsbly nown. Donn't have been tried and test ed many vears. Art at all drug stores. Get Doan $ today. OANiPl LLS Woman's Club Met With Mrs. W. J. Fisher The Sylva Woman's club mot Tuesday evening with Mrs. W. J. Fisher for the February meeting with twenty-three members pres ent. The preident, Miss Hicks Wilson, presided. The club voted to enforce their ruling that any member who misses a club meeting without a legiti mate excuse must pay a fine of twenty-five cents. Reports we v given on the Camp Fire Girls and the Cub Scout work, both groups being sponsored by this club. Mrs. W. H. Crawford, program leader, presented N. R. Beacham. band director of the Sylva schools. Mr. Beacham made a snort intro ductory talk and then directed musical program by four boys and three girls from the high school. Tiie girls, Mary Cole Stillwell, Edda Lou Terrell and Joyce Clay ton, sang two trios and each sang a solo. The boys, Jimmy Bales. Charles Stillwell, Randall Gold man. and Pat Montague, sang a quartet and played a number on their musical instruments. The program was concluded with a song by the entire group, accom panied by Edda Lou Terrell. Mrs. Fisher served a salad course. Annie Cowan Circle Has Monthly Meeting Mrs. W. R. Enloe was hostess on last Wednesday afternoon for the regular monthly meeting of the : Annie Cowan circle of the Wom an's Society of Christian Service [of the Sylva Methodist church, i Mrs. Dan Moore, chairman, ^prb I sided. ; I , The devotional was led by Mrs. R. U. Sutton on the subject, "We Are As One." Mrs. W. R. Enloe. who was in charge of the program, introduced Rev. L. R. Akers, pastor of the Bryson City Methodist church, who spoke on "Christian Unity For the World." Mrs. Enloe served a sweet course to her twenty guests. Now A Double Dip For A Nickel! Take Advantage of These Reductions In ICE CREAM Cones with double dip only : 5c Pints 20c Quarts 40c Gallons $1.60 Extra thick lee Cream Sandwich 5c Three for 10c Three popular flavors?Strawberry, Vanilla and Chocolate. Other flavors on accasions. All cream the same high quality as always. PLENTY OF FRESH POP-CORN DAILY All kinds of cold drinks, and good candy. ' RITZ ICE CREAM SHOP In Ritz Theatre Bldg. The LOVELIEST Ever They've arrived in time for you to join in National "Sew and Sav^C^ week?Feb. 21-28. These lovely Dress, Suit, Coat, and Shirt Ma . terials. In fact we have materials for anything you want to see and suitable/or any and all ages. WOOL?New Spring Woolens? ? solids and plaids in pastel shades. Some lovely matching ptece5r~for two-piece suits. 54" wide . . . $2.95 AND $3.95 per yard COTTON PRINTS Stripes, figures, flow ers, and dots?in fact anything you want in these lovely fast color materials. Some at .59. Others for . . . .48 AND .39 per yd. Eyelet Embroidery White and colors? lovely ! $1.98 PER YD.' CHAMBRAY?So smooth. Laun dries beautifully regular .59 value. Solids and wide and nar row stripes, yard wide, fast colors. Special for our Sew and Save week for . . . 48 PER YD. We also have DOTTED SWISS, VOILS, GINGHAM, and others . you'll like equally as much. One of our newest Spring mater ials is WAFFLE PIQUE?lovely and unusual designs. White back ground with .flowers and designs. Also lovely all color combinations ?all fast colors. ONLY . . . .98 PER YD. POWDER PUFF MUSLIN ? daintly figured, suitable for either little tots or grown-ups. .98 PER YD. McCall and Simplicity patterns as well as buttons, threads, braids. In fact everything you'll need for your sewing. V Belk's Department Store "THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES" Phone 287 Sylva, N. C. IREX^LL | | Coupon ' In Sale J r"i i At ?? r r MI-31 Mnuth Wash 69 etv. 2-Pints for 70 cts. *o/// j I Pure Olive Oil wu-3 O/. Bottle? 59 cts. *?*0111 Oioi Mineral Oil 2-Pints . 60 cts. \U \all n.i CM c'I < ?J-Bu'tU - CO cts. Dr. We>t Tooth Brush Dr. Wtvt Tooth Paste Regular Price $1.00 Both for 69 cts. I | Any Two Dollar Size [ Cara Nome Creams , $1.00 Plus Tax L. I A ft I I I J L. r?3 i ** **XQItt " | Rex,-ill Specinl Cold T.ihlet-. 25c. Two boxes for 26 cts. t I I I 1 J At #e ?/? *o in Vir ilnnrl Spring To* Regular $1.25 Size Two Bottles For $1.25 These Coupons Are Good Until March 1st, 1948 SYLVA PHARMACY SYLVA* N. C. PH0NE 27