For Tbe Women Society News and Phone 110 Mrs. Buckner Hostess For Woman's Club On Tuesday evening Mrs. J. E. Buckner was hostess for the March meeting of the Woman's club at the home of Mrs. W. L. Jones. Twenty-four members were in at tendance. The president, Miss Hicks Wilson, presided. Mrs. W. L. Jones, Mrs. Earl Pad gett, and Mrs. J. E. Buckner were named on the nominating commit tee to present a slate of officers to be voted on at the next regular meeting. James C. Cannon, Jr., of pills boro was the guest speaker. He told of his stay in Switzerland while serving in the late war. He told of the country and its people and showed many interesting pictures made while he was there. In her refreshments Mrs. Buck ner* carried out the St. Patrick's - Day motif, serving ice cream mold ed in the shape of shamrocks with cake, mints, and nuts. m TOURIST HOME Located in Asheville on main traffic route. Eight rooms, two baths and two porches. Large lot. Furnished or unfurnished. Investigate this excellent buy. GROCERY STORES (2) Two stores ? one in Brevard, one near Biltmore. Both have bath and living quarters. Whole sale cost of merchandise takes one. Cost of merchandise plus equipment takes the other. Good lease on both. Quick action gives you first choice. We have businesses and invest ment properties in many other classifications. When buying or selling take advantage of our complete and confidential ser vices. Fidelity Business Brokers, Inc. Lobby Jackson Building. Asheville, N. C. Phone 3166 "Serving Southern Business" Asheville, N. C. Nashville, T. Houston, Texas THE GRILL 50? Vegtable Plate Dinners Daily SO c The Grill Specializes in j 8ANDWICHE3 STEAKS CHOPS Visit Us And Try Our Fine Food Open 24 Hours A Day FOR DELIVERY SERVICE TELEPHONE 250 On Mill Street Opposite The Depot THE GRILL PAUL WOMACK, Mgr. Legion Auxiliary Will Sponsor Easter Parties For the second year the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary will sponsor a group of Easter parties for the I children and young people of the comunity. Mrs. Dan Tompkins and Mrs. Posey Cathey are planning the parties and will be assisted by other members of the auxiliary in | entertaining the groups. The first party will be held on Wednesday afternoon, March 24 at 3 o'clock at the Community House. This will be for children in the first, second and third grades, j Many interesting games sugges tive of the Easter,season are being arranged and the children will have a big time. The second party, ^iven for boys and girls in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades, will be held on Tuesday afternoon, March 30 at 3 o'clock at the club house. A program of entertainment suitable for this age group is being planned. A charge of 25 cents per child will be made and the proceeds will be used to carry on the local work of the auxiliary. * * * Oce Chapter O. E. S. Elects Officers Oce chapter, No. 139, Order of the j Eastern Star, met in regular session in the Masonic hall in Dillsboro Wednesday evening, March 10, with Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Worthy Matron, presiding. An election for new officers was held and the following were elect ed: (worthy matron, Mrs. Hazel Carlson; worthy patron, Joe Wal lin; associate matron, Mrs. Vir ginia Cox; associate patron, Jim Cannon; secretary, Mrs. Lou Bry son; treasurer, Miss Docia Garrett; conductress, Mrs. Ida Ealy; as sociate conductress, Mrs. Edna Hooper. Other officers will be appointed by the worthy matron. Mrs. Emma Kincaid was appointed installing officer to serve when the new of ficers are installed at the next reg ular meeting. * * * Mrs. Hastings Hostess For Annie Cowan Circle The March meeting of the An nie Cowan circle of the Methodist church was held on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Harry Hast ings with a large number present. The chairman, Mrs. Dan Moore, was in charge of the business hour. Mrs. Freeze led the devotional. Following this a social hour was I held and Mrs. Hastings served a salad course with cake and eoffee. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Honored at Dinner On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tweed were hosts at a small dinner party as a courtesy for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ellis, who will leave in the near future to make their home in Lynchburg, Va. The table had for a centerpiece an arrangement of jonquils in a crystal bowl, flanked on either side by a yellow candles in crys tal holders. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thompson, Miss Evelyn Sherrill, Miss Hicks Wilson and the hosts. * * * Osbornes Guests Of Kentucky Church Rev. Mark R. Osborne. Jr., pas tor of the Cullowhee Baptist church, will be guest minister next Sunday morning at the Irvington Baptist church at Irvington, Ken } tucky. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne will | leave Cullowhee on Sat. morn ing, taking with them Miss Ruth Hooper, and will return Monday of next week. The Cullowhee Bap tist congregation will proceed, fol lowing the regular Baptist Sunday School program, to Morning Wor- 1 ship at the Methodist church. * * * Easter Services At Sylva Baptist Church A special pre-Easter service with the observance of Communion will be held at the Sylva Baptist church on Friday' evening, March 26,: at" 7:30 o'clock. On Easter Sunday at 7:30 p. m. the Easter cantata "Crown After Cross' by Holton will be given by the church choir. * * * Ruby Daniel Circle Has Monthly Meeting Mrs. Rudy Hardy was hostess for the regular monthly* meeting of the Ruby Daniel circle of the Sylva Baptist church on Thursday evening. The president, Mrs. Lee Walker, was in charge of a session of routine business. Mrs. Charles Campbell gave the devotional and Mrs. Felix Potts was in charge of the program. The theme studied was "The Christ ian Home. Our Immediate Task". A social nour followed during which Mrs. Hardy served a sweet course. Storage holdings of apples as of January 1 were reported at 30 mil lion bushels, compared with about 27 million a year ago, according to USDA. The increase occurred largely on the West Coast. Complement Your Suit with a Tit mi fen panama Thornton's softly styled Panama homburg , , . perf***** ?viiK cnitc r\r vn"r tailored casi F.volusive with h? A COMPLETE STOCK FROM WHICH TO SELECT YOUR EASTER HAT ' $4.95 to $12.95 HALE'S "The Store For Women" Sylva, N. C. Phone 104 Twentieth Century Club Has Art Program Miss Charlotte Watson, art in structor at Western Carolina Teachers College, was guest speak er at the March meeting of the Twentieth Century club which was held at the home of Mrs. H. E. Mon tieth on last Thursday afternoon with 18 members present. Miss Watson showed slides of pictures by famous artists, starting with the medieval period of history and going through a number of years. As she showed the slides she told something of the painter and his works. ? Mrs. R. U. Sutton, president, pre sided over a routine business ses sion. During the social hour Mrs. Mon tieth served a lovely plate carry ing out the St. Patrick's Day color and motif. & * * Parker-Ledford Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Parker of Sylva have announced the mar* riage of their daugnter, Miss Lou Elsie Parker, to J. M. Ledford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ledford of Franklin. The ceremony was performed in Clayton, Georgia, Sunday even ing, March 14. The bride wore a brown wool suit with a green top coat and brown accessories. & Mr. and Mrs. Ledford will leave Saturday to spend several days, in Florida. On their return they will make their home in Sylva. Mrs. Ledford is a graduate of Sylva High school and Cecil's Busi ness College, Asheville. She is at present employed at the Jackson County Bank. - Mr. Ledford graduated from Franklin High school and then! served in the army, spending 18 months in overseas service. He is owner and manager of The Sport Center in Sylva. * * * Presbvterion Men Have Monthly Meet On Friday evening, March 5, the men of the Presbyterian church met for their regular monthly business meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Wakefield, with 12 men present. How W. Q.'Grigg, pastor of the Sylva Methodist church, was guest speaker and spoke to the group on cooperation. Special music was rendered by N. R. Beacham, Rudy Hardy, and Jackson Dunn. Mrs. Wakefield was assisted by Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Dunn in ser ving dinner. Notice Of Appeal Notice of appeal from an order of the Utilities Commission of North Carolina prejudicial to the interest of Haywood Electric Membership Corporation is hereby given to all interested parties, said appeal to be made within ten days "after service of said order. R. E. Sentelle, Counsel. Executor's Notice Having qualified as executor of the * Estate of Mrs. Ella K. Led better, deceased, late of Jackson county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims; against said estate to present them ' to the undersigned at his office in | Waynesville, N. C., on or before j March 15, 1949, or this notice will j be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to I PERSONALS Rev. W. H. Wakefield went to Lewisburg, Tenn., Wednesday to visit his father, who is quite ill at his home there. Mr. Wakefield will return to Sylva, Friday. Misses Kitty Bill and Lou Dil lard of Sylva spent the week-end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bennett, at Tuckaseigee. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Griffin and daughter, Judy, after spending several months in Florida, returned to Sylva Sunday to make their home here. Mrs. George Hardaker and Mrs. Dan Frady and son, Danny, of Asheville, spent Tuesday in Sylva with Mrs. W. T. Wise and Mrs. E. E. Tweed. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray and son, Jimmy, went to Morristown, Tenn., Saturday to visit Mrs. Gray's father. Mr. A. J. Robertson. Mr. Gray and Jimmy returned Sun day but Mrs. Gray remained until Tuesday. C. C. Pettit, Jr., has returned from Asheville, where lie was call ed last week by the illness of his father. Mrs. Pettit and daughter. Elizabeth, remained in Asheville for an indefinite stay. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Wakefield and their house guests, Mrs. Frank Houston and Mrs. C- F. Minturn of [Lewisburg, Tenn., spent Tuesday in Montreat. They visited the Presbyterian Assembly ground and Mr. Wakefield secured from the Historical Foundation the history of the Sylva Presbyterian church, preparatory to beginning the elec tion of the Presbyterian church in Sylva. They were joined in Ashe ville by Miss Zunita Wakefield, who accompanied them to Mon treat. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cox and tw6 sons, Jerry and Tony, spent the week-end in Hendersonville with Mrs. Cox's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Crisp. Mr. Crisp? who was badly burned several days a go, has practically recovered from his burns. Mrs. Frank Houstpn. Sr., and Mrs. C. F. Minturn of Lewisburg, Tenn. are spending this week with Mrs. Houston's daughter, Mrs. W. H. Wakefield, and family. Wade Wilson, who ha- been a student at Industrial Training In stitute. Chicago, for the past eight Presbvterion Auxi 1 iar y Installs New Officers The ladies of the Presbyterian Auxiliary met at the church on Friday evening for the installa tion of new officers who' will as sume their duties April-frrvtr-^T+Ki new officers are Mrs. Charles Pet tit, president, Mrs. Grayson Cope, vice-president, Mrs. Jackson Dunn, secretary; Mrs. Mike Strong, treas urer; Mrs. N. R. Beacham, Chris tian Relations chairman; Mrs. Rudy Hardy, Missions chairman; Mrs. J. A. Gray, Spiritual Life chairman. The president. Mrs. Mike Strong, presided. She turned the meeting over to Rev. W. H. Wakefield, who conducted the installation service. Miss Zunita Wakefield of Ashe ville had the Bible Study. Following the installation, the I group went to the home of Mrs. J. A. Gray. The guests were in vited into the dining room where the stable was cantered with a birthday cake and Rev. W. H. Wakefield was very much surprised when they sang 'Happy Birthday" to him. The cake had the appro priate number of burning candles. It was served with coffee and mints, with Easter bunnies as fav ors on each plate. said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 15th day of March, 1948. Arthur Ledbetter, Executor of the Estate of Mrs. Ella K. Ledbet ter, deceased of Jackson County, North Carolina. Mar. 18-25, Ap. 1-8-15-22. AL Let Us Take Care of Your Heating Needs We are Authorized Dealers in this territory for both Rudy Oil or Coal Fired Furnaces, Fluid Heat Oil Burners and Schwab Stokers. All Installations Made by Factory Trained Mechanics. ? No Down Payment Required THREE YEAR8 TO PAY For FREE ESTIMATES CALL or Write Coker Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning Company 410 Depot St. Phone 4073 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA v Easter Cantata Will Be Broadcast Over Waynesville Station N. R. Beacham, director of the Easter Cantata, "Eastertide", to be given in the Sylva Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 4 o' clock, has announced arrangements for broadcasting the program over Waynesville radio station WHCC. Mr. Beacham urges all who plan to attend the service that' they be in their seats by 3:45 in order not X .? interfere with the success o^ the broadcast which will go on thVair \ promptly at 4 o'clock. months, has finished his course of training and returned to Sylva Saturday and is with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson. Mrs. I. H. Powell and Mrs. Floyd Rhinehart of Canton were Sylva visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Powell vi>ited her sbrother, Griffin Rob inson, and family and Mrs. Rhine hart was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L. P. Allen. Mrs. W. Q. Grigg, Mrs. H R Hastings, Mrs. J. H. Gillis ancTMrs. E L. of Sylva and Mrs. J. W. Rhinehart, Jr. of Webster were in Bryson City Saturday attending the Officers Institute of the Wo Read Herald Want Ads. man's Division of Christian Service of the Methodist churches in this district. Dan Allison, Jr. was here from Castle Heights Military Academy, Lebanon, Tenn, to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Allison. Miss Syd Houston, Miss Grace Yarborou^h and Mr. Virgil Welch of Lewisburg, Tenn. were guests Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Wakefield. RINTINC fa Our low prices are con sistent with our quality work on all types of print ing. Publications, stationary, office forms, invitations, ad vertising, others. THE HERALD JOB DEPT. HEADQUARTERS FOR Field & Garden Seeds Garden Tools RAKES MATTOCKS SPADE FORKS LADIES' HOES WATER HOSE FLORAL RAKES PUSH PLOWS WHEELBARROWS A S G R O W ? GILT EDG E SEEDS farmers Federation She'll be the fairest flower in the Easter pa when you send her our special corsage ? cut flowers ? or a lovely fresh Easter lily, dewey fresh and fragrant! Sylva Flower and Gift Shop PHONE 280 8YLVA* N. C.

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