i i. jjfor The~Women i J : '.fc' ?>.' ?? r? i Society News r . "u * M '?< and Club Activities Phone 110 Young Adult Class Has Party The Young Adult class of the Methodist Sunday School had their monthly meeting in Allison build ing on Monday evening, with a large number of the members at tending. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilson and Miss Lucile Wilson were hosts for the occasion. Games pertaining to Easter had been arranged and were played by the group. A short business session was held and the monthly collection taken for the boys supported by the class at the Methodist orphanage. The hosts served sandwiches, cookies, potato chips, and coca colas. Legion Au*ili*ry Has Children's Parties On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Dan Tompkins and Mrs. Posey Cathey, assisted by other members of the Legion Auxiliary, had the first df two parties they are spon soring for children. This one was attended by children in the first, second and third grades. Games and other forms of amusement were provided for the children. On Tuesday afternoon of next week the second party will be given for girls and boys in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades. A charge of 25 cents for each child is being made and the proceeds will be used to carry on the local work of the auxiliary. Cashiers Electric Shop Electrical Work Is Our Business WE STUDY TO HELP YOU HAVE SAFER HOMES and use the best materials money can buy ROMEX, jper foot 5c OUTLET BOXES, each 18c Porcelain Lamp Holders, each 25c T. Rated Toggle Switches, each 32c , WESTINGHOUSE WATER PUMPS and UNIVERSAL APPLIANCES. FULLY AUTOMATIC UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC RANGE ? ? .... List Price $309.00 ? Our Price $269.00 See Us For Your Electrical Wiring, Fixtures and Appliances Sherley Franks, Mgr. Cashiers, N. C. Miss Cannon Entertains Miss Wilson, Bride-Elect Miss Matilda Jane Wilson, bride elect of April, was complimented at a pretty bridge shower Thurs day evening when Miss Rebecca Sue Cannon entertained in her honor at her home in Dillsboro. Upon arrival the honoree was giv en a corsage of white carnations. The living room where four tables were set up for bridge, was decorated with bowls of jonquils. At the conclusion of the games Mrs. Rudy Hardy won the high score award and Miss Nancy Al lison received the low score prize. Both, in turn, presented them to the honor guest: The hostess, assisted by her mother, Mrs. M. B. Cannon, served a salad course with cake and cof fee. The guests were then invited into the dining room where the table held a number of lovely packages which had been brought by the guests for the hcnoree, who opened them and found each to hold a piece of lingerie. Those attending the party were Mrs. Jackson Allison, Mrs. E. E. Tweed, Mrs. C. C. Williams, Mrs. Rudy Hardy, Mrs. Roger Dillard, Mrs. Clyde Rector, Mrs. Charles Poteet, Mrs. Jerry Ledford, Mrs. Dan B. Hooper, Mrs. Henry Brady, Mrs. Jim Myers, Mrs. J. H. Wilson, I and Misses Nancy Allison, Mary Henson, Dorothy May McKee, Dor othy Sue Tallent, Anne Enloe, Hicks Wilson and Agnes Wilson. * * ? Halcyon Club Will Have Easter Bazaar Beginning Thursday and lasting through Saturday the Halcyon Woman's club will hold an Easter bazaar at the Professional Drug store. They will sell dyed eggs, filled Easter baskets, aprons, homemade candy and other items. The proceeds will go toward fi nancing the local activities of the club. \ V. S ??4 Announcing - - - * 1 "? ^ THE OPENING OF The Men's Store ON -^W" Thursday,?March 25 IN THE REMODfiLtiD'BUILDING FORMERLY OCCUPIED BX STOVALL'S CAFE i" . ; *?? \p$ We will carry a complete .One of fine quality ready-to-wear for MEN and BOYS .Including clothes for every occasion and for ev ery use from the finest for Drgss and Business wear to Heavy Work Clothes and Sports wear ? |3 We are npw stocking our tuning and summer suits and sport cloth es ... You will want to MeWm before you buy.' "5 - V, f,, We extend a cordial invi&it^n to everyone in Jackson County and vicinity to visit us whether wish to buy at this time or not . ? . We Will Also Carry A Complete Line Of Sporting Goods The Men's Store ? it i ? Phil Stovall and Frank Fricks, Owners and Managers Sylva North Carolina Miss Juanita Morris Weds Warren Moody The marriage of Miss Juanita Morris to W. Warren Moody has been announced by the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morris of Marion. The ceremony was per formed in the First Presbyterian church of Arlington, Va., on March 14. The groom is the son of Mr .and Mrs. Gorda Moody, of Erastus. He served with the armed forces for four years, and was overseas three years of this time. He is now em ployed by Eastern Air Lines, lo cated at the National Air Port in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Moody has j been employed in a government position in Washington. Following a wedding trip to New York the couple will reside in Ar lington. * * * Lovefield H. D. Club Meets With Mrs. Higdon The Lovefield Home Demonstra tion club held its regular monthly meeting, Thursday, March 18, with the president, Mrs. D. C. Higdon. Eleven members and Miss Mary Johnston, Home Demonstration agent, were present. This being our first meeting with the new agent, the year's work was planned and committees were selected. Curb marketing was discussed and it was agreed by every mem ber that they were interested in getting one started. Miss Johnston gave a very in teresting discussion on Health and Nutrition. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Whittington-Snyder Wedding Solemniagd On Sunday, March 14, Mrs. E. Whittington of Shirley, South Hampton, England, and Charles A. Snyder of Dillsboro were rrtarried in Clayton, Ga. The bride wore a wine suit with gray accessories and a corsage of white carnations. On Monday eve ning the couple hold a small in formal reception at their home in Dillsboro. Mrs. Snyder^cuime to the United States in AugustT~TS47, and has since made her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Dillard. Mr. Snyder is a merchant and civic leader of Dillsboro. # Junior Woman's Club Has Monthly Meet On last Wednesday evening Mrs. Charles Poteet was hostess for the March meeting of the Junior Woman's club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Poteet. The president. Miss Virginia Madi son, conducted the business ses sion. Plans were completed for the dance to be sponsored by the club on Saturday evening. Mrs. Clyde Rector, chairman, Miss Dor othy McKee and Miss Elizabeth Warren were named as a nominat ing committee to name officers to be elected for next year. Mrs. C. C. Buchanan, librarian at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege, was the guest speaker for the occasion, speaking on the Unit ed Nations. Mrs. Buchanan told of her visit to a session of the UN and showed pictures taken at that time. She also reviewed the pres ident's speech which he had made that day. Mrs. Poteet carried out the St. Patrick's Day color and motif in her refreshments, serving ribbon sandwiches, green and white ice cream, and individual cakes dec orated with shamrocks. * * * Mrs. Lucy Shelton Hostess For Qualla H. D. Club The Qualla Home Demonstra tion club met with Mrs. Lucy Shel ton on Tuesday, March 16, for the regular monthly meeting. There were 22 members present. * The president. Mrs. June Shel ton, presided. During the busi ness session Mrs. Hilda BattTfe was elected secretary to succeed Mrs. Ruth Bradley, who moving out of the community. Year books were distributed and project leaders appointed. The club voted favor ably for the curb market in Sylva. The meeting was then turned over to Miss Mary Johnston, new teome Demonstration agent, who gave a very interesting talk on Malnutrition and Ways to Prevent it. During the social hour the hos tess served delicious refreshments. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Mary Kinsland on April 20. K^thryu Hair Observes Fourth Birthday ': On Wednesday of last week Mrs. /.'X. Hair entertained the children Who, attend kindergarten at her home each morning, the occasion being the fourth birthday anniver sary of her young daughter, Kath ryn. Twenty-two little, folk were present that morning. The children were entertained with games and contests, in which Yvonne Crawford and Jennie Mc Guire were the winners and were given prizes. The birthday cake with its four lighted candles was brought in and served with ice cream and fruit punch. Baskets filled with nuts and mints were given as favors. * * * Junior Woman's Club Sponsors Dance The second of series of dances to be sponsored by the Junior Woman's club during the year, was held Saturday evening at the Community House, with Teddy Martin and his orchestra furnish ing the music. Several Sylva peo ple are members of this orchestra. The dance was a splendid suc cess from every -angle?a large crowd and good music to dance by, and the young women made enough money to be able to make a nice payment on their pledge to the high school band, for which the proceeds are to go. The third dance is scheduled to be the latter part of May or early in June. * * * Singing Convention I To Meet The Central Jackson singing convention will meet at the Scott's Creek Baptist church on Sunday afternoon, April 1, at 2 o'clock. Three outstanding quartets will be present to participate in the sing ing. Everyone is cordially invit ed to attend. Use Herald want ads for result*? W.S.C.S. Ai)d W.ttl-Gblldj H%ve Joint Meeting H ' On Friday evfehifi# 'tfo 'jrtdtiMj joint meeting of the Woman's So ciety of Christian $4r.Yjce the Wesleyan Service the Sylva Methodist church was held in Allison building with 22 mem bers present. Mrs. Harry Hast ings, president was in charga ci the business session. Mrs. A. D. Parker was elected delegate to represent the society at the annual rrveeting to be held in Asheville in April. Plans were ' discussed for getting new draperies for Allison building and Mrs. E. ( L. McKee, Mrs. F. M. Williams, Mrs. Dan Moore and Dr. Nora cella Wilson were named a com mittee to see about this. Mrs. Dan Tompkins read the Easter story from the Bible for the devotional and gave an interesting program on the subject, "Chris tian Highways in aJpan", this be ing the accepted course of study j for this month. * * * PERSONALS Mrs. C. C. Pettit and daughter. Elizabeth, who spent last week in Ashevile,? arrived home Monday and stayed until Wednesday when they with Mr. Pettit returned to Asheville to be with Mr. Pettit's father who is ill at his home in Asheville. Mr. Pettit, Sr., ls im proving. Mrs. J. J. Dillard of Fremont. N. C., arrived Wednesday for a visit with her son, M. C. Cun ningham, and family. Rev. and Mrs. Paul P. Thrower of Charlotte came Tuesday to at tend the ceremony in connection with the breaking of ground for the Sylva - Presbyterian church. They were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray and returned to Charlotte Wednesday. Mrs. Z. L. Cooke has returned to her home in Asheville after spend ing last week in Sylva. Miss Bar bara Jo Cook, who also spent last ?Allan!Nortbri Honored gwprise farty ,t | . On Saturday evening, March 20, the Misses ' Ethel Haskttt and Clarudia Sanford honored Miss Juanita Norton with a surprise birthday party at the latter's home. Several new and interesting games were played after which the hon oree opened her many nice gilts. A beauti'ul birthday cake was cut oy_Miss North and served with coca-colas to the fifteen guests at tending. \ week here, remained for a few days longer visit as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Corbin. Harry Hastings will arrive Fri day from the University of Rich mond to spend the spring vacation with his mother, Mrs. H. R. Hast ings. Mrs. H. E. Montieth has gone to Mebane to spend several days with her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Hupman, and Mr. Hupman. Mrs. C. B. Allison has returned to her home in Webster after spending the winter months with her brother. James Keener, in Chattanooga, Teniv, and with a sister in West Virginia. Rev. R. E. McClure, secretary of the Asheville Presbytery, and Mrs. McClure attended the breaking of ground for the Sylva Presbyterian church Tuesday. Rev. Mr. McClure delivered the principal message for the occasion. Mrs. Eva McHan and Mrs. John Ashe, mother and sister of Vernon McHan, one of the charter mem bers of the Sylva Presbyterian church, were Sylva visitors Tues day, coming to attend the break ing of ground fur the church which constrution will be begun in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bain will go to Atlanta Saturday where Mrs. Bain will be admitted to Emory University hospital for treatment. Misses Edith Sims and Helen Guft'ey were Franklin visitors last Sunday. - f ? r ! The very loviest way to say "Happy Easter" is with a bouquet, cor sage or plant of beautiful flowers. See our fine selection of fresh and lovely. EASTER LILIES BEGONIAS C INN ARIES MIXED POTS ORCHIDS GARDENIAS ROSES CARNATIONS " * CAMELLIAS SWEET PEAS GLADIOLUS FREESIA Corsages $1.50 and up Plants 60c and up * ? Sylva Flower and Gift Shop Phone 280 Main 8traat, Sylva, N. C.