^ ^ "X- "^. ^ ^T 1 For The Women Society News and Club Acti^^es Phone 110 Jones-Queen Wedding Announced At Tea The marriage of Mrs. Mary Janes to Carey Queen, which took place in Clayton, Georgia on Saturday, March 20, was announced by her sister, Mrs. Clifton Fisher, at a small tea given at her home on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Reed and Mrs. Joe W. Davis presided at the tea table, which was covered with a lace cloth and centered with an ar rangement of forsythia and bri dal wreath and flanked on either side by crystal candelabra hold ing yellow tapers. '? The house was decorated throughout with mixed spring flowers. About twenty-five of the bride's close friends called. * ^ * * Matilda Wilson Honored At Bridal Shower Mrs. John Henson and Mrs. C. C. Williams were joint hostesses on Friday evening when they en tertained at a miscellaneous show er for Miss Matilda Wilson, who will be married on April 7th to Eugene Lavange of Scituate, Mass. The party was held at Mrs. Hen son's home. Its decorations of pink, yellow and white spring flowers, formed a pretty setting for the affair. Several contests were played. The winners were Mrs. T. C. Wil son, Mrs. T. O. Wilson, Miss Jane Wilson and Mrs. J. H. Wilson, who gave each of the prizes to the honoree. The hostess served individual cakes, ice cream, punch and mints in small baskets with bridal de signs. The honored then opened her shower of gifts. The guest list was made up of relatives of the honoree which in cluded her mother, Mrs. J. H. Wilson, her sister, Mrs. E. E. Tweed, Misses Hicks and Agnes Wilson, her aunts, Mrs. D. D. Hooper, Mrs. J. E. Buckner, Mrs. W. L. Jones, and Misses Mary Henson, Rebecca Sue Cannon and Lucile Wilson. * * * Mrs. B. Harris Honors Daughter On Birthday Mrs. B. E. Harris entertained with a surprise birthday party on Thursday, March 25, honoring her daughter, Bennie Lou, on her birth day. Games were played and de licious refreshments were served. The honoree received a number of lovely gifts. The guests were Patsy Parris, Jean Nicholson, Jean Harris, Clois Bryson, Barbara Blanton, Peggy Sutton, Marvin Allison, Jeanie Mitchell, Tommy Ferguson. Lam bert Hooper and Harold Mason. Home Demonstration Club Has Meeting The Cullowhee Home Demon stration Club met with Mrs. Car son Bryson at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, March 25, with Mrs. Ruth Wilen presiding. A large crowd attend ed to meet our new agent, Miss Johnston. The greater part of the meeting was taken up in the dis cussion of plans for the year. The club voted to cooperate with other clubs in the county in making plans' for a curb market to be lo cated in Sylva. We feel that with our efficient leader we'll be able to accomplish much this year. After the business meeting a social hour was observed. The Cullowhee Home Demon stration Club will meet: April 22 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Taylor Hampton. May 27 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. David Brown. June 24 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Ethel Brown. July 22 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Pearl Bryson. Aug. 26 at 2:30 p.m. College Pic nic Ground. Sept. 23 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Lewis Smith. Oct. 28 at 2:30 p:m. with Mrs. H. T. Hunter. (Nov. & Dec.) Dec. 3 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Moss Hinds * * * Cashiers H. D. Club Has March Meeting The Cashiers Home Demonstra tion club met with Mrs. L. L. Allen on Tuesday, March 23. The meet ing was presided over by the pres ident, Mrs. Sam Bryson. The club had continued to carry on while the county had no agent, each member displaying hand work and other things interesting to the club. With Miss Mary Johnston, our new Home Demonstration leader, the members are getting into ac tion again and hope to have a full and interesting program this year. The club project leaders were appointed, as follows: Mrs. L. L. Allen, Homecraft; Mrs. T. S. Lance, Home Gardening and Poul try; Mrs. Roy Bunn, Home Furnish ings; Mrs. Minnie Cole, Home Management; Mrs. E. H. Loiselle, Family Life; Mrs. Howard Zach ary, Clothing. Mrs. Charlie Pass more, 4-H Club leader. Miss Johnston brought before the -club the idea of a club curb market in Sylva. The members agreed that it was a good thing and voted that it be made a reality. Ideas for curing hams were giv en by members of the club. A committee was asked to visit the clinic and report on the con dition of the building and the re pairs to be made on the plumbing. Delicious refreshments were I served by Mrs. Allen. Worried about the food problem? Forget it . . . and eat regularly at this cafe. Our prices are surpris ingly modest and we prepare our large variety of food with such skill that you will enjoy every visit. Larger numbers of people are eating at the Park Lunch Room every day. There is a reason. Ftnd out for yourself. When you have visitors, bring thsm here to eat. We will do our utmost to add somewhat to the pleas ure of their visit and at ths same time relieve the housewife of work and anxiety. Park ' ?*? Lunch Room TJnder New Management McClure-Brown Wedding Solemnized In Asheville Miss Barbara McClure and Frank Farnum Brown, both of Asheville, were united in marriage on Sunday afternoon, March 27, at 4:30 o'clock in the Episcopal Chapel at Christ School. The Chapel was beautifully decorat ed with white gladioli, Easter lilies and alter candles. The ceremony was performed by Father Dahl. A musical program was present ed on the pipe organ by the church organist and Mrs. Rachel Leon ard Smith sang "Because" by d'Hardelot. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle , J. C. Cannon of Di 11s boro, wore a Dressmaker suit of aqua wool with matching hat and other accessories in gray. She carried a prayer book topped with a white orchid. Miss Mary Joe McClure, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and only attendant. She was dres sed in a dusty pink suit with hat in the same color. Her bouquet was a nosegay of mixed spring flowers. Bobby Hoffman of Asheville served as best man. The bride's mother wore a navy suit with navy accessories and a corsage of gardenias. The bride groom's mother wore a black dress with black accessories and a cor sage of gardenias tinted pink. Mrs. Brown is the daughter of Mrs. Rachel McClure of Asheville. She graduated from Lee-Edwards high school, Asheville, and is now attending the Asheville Techni cians school. Mr. Brown, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of Montgom ery, Ala. graduated from Christ school. After serving in the arm ed forces for five years, he return ed to Asheville and is now manag er of the Commercial Credit comp | any. On Monday evening preceding the wedding, Mrs. J. C. Cannon and Mrs. Wayne Terrell, aunt and cousin of the bride/ entertained with a buffet supper for the two ' immediate families. Later in the evening a few in timate friends of the bride, who formerly made her home in Dills-, boro, were invited in for a cake cutting. Out-of-town guests be sides the two families were Mrs. E. E. Fryar and Mrs. Walter Flee nor of Knoxville and Mrs. George Brown, Jr., of Chester, S. C. OCE Chapter O. E. S. Has Installation Ceremony On Monday evening Oce chap ter, No. 139, Order of the Eastern Star, held a special meeting in the Masonic hall, Dillsboro, for the purpose of installing the newly elected officers for the coming year. Mrs. Rosa Cannon, past matron of Oce chapter, served as install ing officer, Mrs. Minnie Jarrett was installing marshal, Mrs. Vi Freeze was installing chaplain, and Miss Docia Garrett was installing organist. The officers installed were: worthy matron, Mrs. Hazel Carl son; worthy patron, Joe Wallin; asso. matron, Mrs. Virginia Cox; asso. patron, James Cannon; sec., M. Y. Jarrett; treasurer, Miss Docia Garrett; conductress, Mrs. Edna Ealy; asso. conductress, Mrs. Edna Hooper; chaplain, Mrs. Alice Stan ford; marshal, Mrs. Thelma Wallin; organist, Mrs. Rosa Cannon; Adah, Mrs. Ella Moore; Ruth, Mrs. May Fortner; Esther, Miss Rebecca Sue Cannon; Martha, Mrs. Betty Par nell; Electa, Mrs. Lillian McAl haney; warder, Mrs. Mary Can non; sentinel, Miss Mary Henson. Mrs. Juanita Ferguson, retiring worthy matron, was presented a past matron's pin, and a large white Altar Bible was presented the chapter in appreciation of more than 25 years of service in the chapter of M. Y. Jarrett, retiring Worthy Patron. Mr. Jarrett had already been given his Past Pa tron's pin. * * * Tuckaseigee P. T. A. Will Have Meeting The Parent Teacher association of the Tuckaseigee school will meet Friday, April 2. at 2 p. m. at the school house. Plans will be discussed for mak ing some improvements in the school. Mrs. Gladys Hooper, president, will preside. Jane Long Celebrates Fifth Birthday On last Friday afternoon Mrs. J. R. Long entertained with a party honoring her daughter, Jane, on her fifth birthday anniver sary. The Easter motif was car ried out in the decorations and other appointments. The dining room table was cent ered with the birtday cake and lighted yellow tapers and arrage ments el jonquils completed the decorations. The young guests were seated at small tables covered with white cloths and yellow ribbon stream ers. The hostess served yellow ice cream bunnies with cake and punch. Each was giveri'-byisket> filled with Easter candy. Children attending the party were Tummy and Johnnie John son, Tommy Wise, Sandra Cowan, Donna Bass. Linda Padgett, Her bert Schulman, Pete Dills, Susan Leasing, Maureen Cope, Irene Hinds, Tyson Cathey, Eddie Bald ridge, Judy Campbell, >Ronda Jane Watson, Nancy Phillips. John David Stovall, Jerry Karp. Donna Hennessee, Jenny McGuire Yvonne Crawford, Linda Vance. Mike Owen, Dayton Kirk, and Mack Hooper. * * * W. O: W. Will Have Special Meeting On Monday evening, April 5 there will be a special meeting of the Woodmen of the World in the W. O. W. Hall. R. E. Miller, of Omaha, Nebraska, vice-president of the organization will be the guest speaker. A spe cial class will be initiated at this time. There will be special music anci refreshments will be served. All members in the county are .:rged to be present. * * * Calendar of Events Thursday. April 1?The Thursday Nite Bridge club w.ll meet with Miss Nancy All.son. Thursday, April 1?The Dillsborc Masonic lodge will meet in the Masonic nail, Dill.-boro .at 7:30 p. n"L Claude J. Cowan, W.M. Monday, April 5?The Woodmen ' of the World will meet in the W.O.W. hall at 7 p.m. Jell' Hed den, council commander. Monday, April 5?The Beta Par ent Teacher association will meet at 2.30 p. m. Mrs. A. H. Ginn, president. Monday, April 5?The Wesleyan Service Guild will meet with Mrs. George Conrad at 7:30 p, m. Dr. Noracella Wilson, president. Monday, April 5?The Carrie Rhodes circle of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Earl Padgett at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Ray mon Stovall, president. Tuesday, April 6?The Rotary club will have a dinner meeting in Allison building at 6:30 p. m. Dr. D. D. Hooper, president. Wednesday. April 7?The Lions PERSONALS Miss Molly Godwin of Gastonia and Junius Godwin of Maysville were Sylva guests over the week end, coming to see their sister, Miss Jean Godwin, student at Western Carolina Teachers College, who is :i patient at C. J. Harris Hospital following an appendectomy. ^ Misses Joan and Carolyn Curry came from Montreat College to ^pend the Easter holidays with :heir grandmother, Mrs. D. L. Bry son. and aunt, Mrs. E. M. Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Reynolds and daughter, Becky, of Durham, spent Easter with his sister. Mrs. Mary R. Cowan. Mrs. A. C. Reynolds of Black Mountain accompanied them to Sylva and spent the week-end with her daughter. They returned to Black Mountain Monday. Eugene B. LaVange and Frank Westerhoff of Scituate. Mass.. ar rived Sunday and will be the guests >?f Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wil son [.in* several days. C). O. Williams and Frank Wink ler of Harriman, Tenn., were in Sylva last Wednesday to attend the dinner given by the Mead of ici Is of Sylva. honoring the pres ident of the corporation, Sydney Ferguson, ot New York. Miss Elva Rhea of Norris, Tenn.. -pent the Easter week-end with her mother. Mrs. Sam Rhea. Mrs. H. S. Jarvis and two sons, Ray and Hugh, of Detroit, left for their home in Detroit Monday, after visiting her mother, Mrs. Sam Rhea. Mrs. Rhea accompanied them home lor a two weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler and Mr. Frank Deitz of Asheville spei t Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Deitz. Mrs. Marie Harris returned Sun day from Lowell where she at tended the wedding of lier niece, Miss Mary Sue Cowan. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jamison are visiting Mrs. Jamison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Montieth. Mi ss Dixie Nell Southard, who is in scho 'l at Montreat College, spent the Easter holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec South ard. Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace and children of Caarloltc are visiting! Mrs. Wallace's p rent-, Mr. and I club will have a dinner meeting in the High school cafeteria at | 7 j). m. T. Walter Ashe, pres. Wednesday. April 7---The Woman's Missionary Society of the Bap tist church will meet wiih Mrs. W. E. Grindstaff at n p. m. Mrs. Crawford Smith, president. Wednesday, April 7?The Halcyon club will meet with Mrs. Ed Bald ridge at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Roger Dillard, president. Thursday, April 8?The Ruby Daniel circle of the Baptist church will meet with Mrs. Lee Walker at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Lee Walker, president. Thursday, April 8?The Gaynelle Murray circle will meet with Mrs. D. M. Tnllent at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Jesse Buchanan, president. Friday, April 2?The men of the Presbyterian church will have their monthly supper and busi ness meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McHan at 7 p. m. Jackson Dunn, president. Otrf of the envelope? a message from you... almost as though you walked in the door. So let the forget-me-not words of the finest cord of oil ? a Hallmark Card ? whisper your name to someone you lovel See our complete selection of beautiful Hallmark Cards soon. ? ................ i THE BOOK STORE In The Herald Building BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Engle Wood an nounce the birth of a son, Joseph Robert, on Friday, March 26, at their home in Sylva. Mrs. Tom Buchanan. Mrs. Cary Allison is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Nelson Shepherd, at her home in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Harris and son, Grady, Jr., of Durham, spent the Easter holidays with his moth er, Mrs. Kathryn Harris. Billy Sutton, of the Merchant ' Marines, is- spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jce Sutton. ^ Mrs. Cary R. Snyder and son. Horace Brantley, have gone to Spring Hope for a few days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs H. Brantley. Doc, Ervin ancl L. C. Hooper of Dayton. Ohio, spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. A. H. Hooper, of Cowarts. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cannon. Mr. | and Mr>. Wayne Terrell, and James i Cannon went to Asheville Satur day to attend the wedding of Mrs. Cannon's niece. Miss Barbara Mc Clure, and Frank F. Brown. Clarence Cagle, student at Duke University, is spending this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j E! B. Cagle, at Green's Creek. Miss Jeanne Barrett, senior at Converse college, Spartanburg. S. j C., is spending the spring holidays : with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.] J. E. Barrett, at Dillsboro. Mrs. R. P. Potts returned to-day to her home in West Asheville, after spending the Easter season with her son, Felix Potts, and family. Miss Mary Clark of West Ashe ville was the week-end guest of Mr. Cole Thompson and his daugh ter. Mrs. Floyd Cunningham and Mrs. Annie Smith spent the Easter holidays in M.organton, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ossie Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton brought them home Sunday. C^uay Grigg will leave Satur day for Duke University after spending the Easter holidays with hi- paients Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Grigg. Mi<- Nanry Allison, who at tends Ward-Belmont College -pent the Easter holidays with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Don Allison. Miss Thelma Poteet has return ed to Mars Hill College after spend the spring holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Poteet. Bouncer Seay has returned to Elkin sfter spending the week-end ' in Sylva with relatives and friends. Miss Anna Maud Hooper, after a short visit with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Hooper, has re turned to Montreut College. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray were in Asheville Saturday evening at tending the monthly meeting of the Western North Carolina Press as sociation. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bankhead and son. Billy have returned to their homes in Chester, S. C. after spending tlie Easter season with their parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Hardy, Miss Nancy Allison and Boyd Sossa mon spent the week-end in Win >ton-Salem, goini* down to attend tiie Easter Moravian service. Mrs. J. C. Allison returned Tues day from a .-hurt visit .11 Waynes ville with her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Hooper, : nd family. Judge Dan Muorq left Monday for Bakersville where he was scheduled to open court Tuesday morning. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Dan Allison accompanied him to Bakersville returning t.j their homes that night. When Your Back Hurts And Your Stn ii>rth and Eiutkj Ih IU'h>w I'ar It may be caused by disorder of kid ney function that permits poisonous waste to accumulate. For truly many people feel tired, weak and miserable wh? n the kidneys fail to remove excess acids and other waste matter from the blood. You may 3ufTer nagging backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling. Sometimes frequent ana scanty urins tion with smarting and burning is an other sign that something is wrong with the kidneys or bladder. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use l>oroval than on something less favorably mown dohti'h have been tried and test ed many >ears. Are at all drug stores. (Jet i hum's today. "We have luxury . . . spelled B.V. D.! Rich, sumptuous *"B.Y. I).'' Brand pajamas! What a recipc for real, relaxing sleep: a good bed, cool, clean sheets, roomy, hand some B.V. D. pajamas! Stop in at our store today and take your choice of gaily pat terncd, man-tailored, really comfortable pajama* by B V. D.! B.V.D. PAJAMAS BRAND * * THE MEN'S STORE MAIN 8TREET SYLVA, N. C.