POULTRY DISEASE CAN BE REDUCED Good management practices will reduce coccidioais in young chick ens, one of the major problems in' the poultry industry, according to Professor H. S. Dearstyne, head of the Poultry Department at State College. | The disease, found in all section si where commercial poultry produc tion is practiced, often results in high mortality among birds in an infected group, Professor Dear styne said. While no program can be developed which would guar antee a poultryman that coccidiosis would not occur, there are certain conditions of management which will aid in keeping down the dis ease. Such measures primarily concern good sanitation. Since most outbreaks of acute coccidiosis occur between the ages of 6 and 12 weeks, the poultryman j should give special care to sanita-' tion during this period, Professor Dearstyne stated. There is a dis tinct relationship between ventila tion of the house and condition of Watch this paper regularly for our weekly Specials ??i This Week's Items include: HAPPY HOME DRESSES CO Oft Were $4.98. NOW BOYS' WASH SUITS CI AA Weue $2.98. NOW VliVW MEN'S CHIPPEWA BOOTS On sale Low Price MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES - CO QQ Special :... DAVE KARP'S DEPARTMENT STORE Main Street Sylva, N. C. Visit Your Rexall Store AND SEE A LOT OF "WHITE ELEPHANTS" We Don't Want Them?You May Not Either . But come in and see them anyway ! Stationery, $1.00 and $1.50 values .25 Shampoo?was .50 now 19 Cuticle Sets?were 3.00 now 50 Cuticle Sets?were 1.00 now 15 H Face Powder, 1.00 now 10 Creams, 1.00 now 10 Bath Powder, 1.00 value 25 Note Books, 5 for .10 Razor Blades, 100 for 80 Colognes, 1.00 value 25 Toy Trucks?were 1.95 now .1.25 Heating Pads, 6.95.....*. 2.95 Men's Billfolds and Key Ring Sets were $5.00 now ; 1.75 These are just a few of the many BARGAINS to be found in our store. REMEMBER OUR 1c SALE STARTS APRIL 14 FOR BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE VISIT OUR STORE DURING OUR REMOVAL SALE Sylva Pharmacy Phone 27 Sylva, N. C. STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION?How are eggs grad ed by weight? ANSWER?"Extra large" means at least 27 ounces; "large" means a minimum of 24 ounces or a range of 24 to 27 ounces. "Medium" means a minimum of 21 ounces or a range of 21 to 24 ounces and "small" .s a minimum* of 18 ounces. QUESTION?How should my electric wall fan for ventilating the kitchen be cleaned? ANSWER?Such fans fcr ven-'i tilating the kitchen need regular cleaning to prevent a heavy ac cumulation of grease and dirt on the blades and outside opening which will eventually impair their efficiency, according to home eco nomists of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. These fans carry j off steam and cooking odrrs and, also, grerses and carbon. As these greases come in contact with the cool surface of the fan they solidify and form a :ihn which catches dirt. The simple, t way to remove this film is to disconnect the electric current and th?n wipe the fan and walls arcund it with a cloth moistened with kerosene. QUESTION ? How can pla-tic materials be stitched to avoid cut ting through or tenring the fabric? ANSWER?Place tissue paf)er under the fabric and. then stitch through both, with the stitch set at 12 to 14 stitches to the inch.' Afer stitching remove paper care-' fully. Always stitch a test sample! of plastics before you start to work.j QUESTION?What preliminary j jobs should the home canner doj to make food preservation work the litter. A constant circulation of air will help remove moisture from the litter. There is a great deal of differ ence, the specialist asserted, in the ability of various types of litters j to absorb, moisture. For example.1 he said, crushed corn cobs, ground peanut hulls and peat moss ab-! sorb moisture well, while wood shavings, straw and pire needles! do not absorb moisture very rap idly. i | Other factors in preventing coc cidiosis, Professor Dearstvne sa d. are good diet, rmple floor spree, and any other practices which tend to build vitality in birds. HAMILTON, WASH. NEWS Or. Sunday, March 23, a group of sixteen ycun* people enjoyed a r Ico picnic lunch ar.d egg hunt. Those attending were Misses Inez ?.rd P u'i~e Biar.ton, Jean Sut .'-.i. .. Aciami, Glenda Rue 4 idria.re Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buchanar, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Her!?: e. and Masters Furman Adams. E. rl Blanton. Ernest Wyatt, Joe a* d Ed Self. Erwin Sutton and Robert Lee Morgan. After the picnic was over the group gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blanton and spent the remainder of the afternoon sing ing and listening to string music. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blanton and *rn. Edwrrd" Lee. and Mr. Ott Morgan spent Saturday night and | Sunday in Darrington with friends and homefolk. Miss Pauline Blanton spent the day (March 29) with her sister?. Mrs. W. H. Bumgainer and Mrs. Henry L. Buchanan. Late in the afterroon Pau'.ir.e c; me home to find ; bout 35 young fu'k there t.? e!p i er celebrate h. r s:.\U?ent:i b.rt. day. Games v.e.c piay?*c\ and cake, punch and .i e i i o were served. Afterwards the honoiee ?jpv.^.ei her many lcvely and use ful git<. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buchanan will >oon have treir new- home completed. Mrs. Buchanan, be orc !.er marri ge. was Miss Louise Blanton. Everyday we see or hear of more a.-d mo.e "Tar Heelians" coming to the state of Washington. Some ft Iks say they think the Tar Heels >.ave -warmed and settled here. We say let them come?the more the merrier. Mr. Ott Morgan, who arrived a few days ago, has sent for his fam ily. They will make their home in Hamilton, Wash. i Mr. Troy Rogers is spending lighter when the "pinch" comes? ANSWER?Now is a good time to check canning equipment and get it in order. If there are any! repairs of replacements to be made, order the necessary parts at once nd make the repairs. See that your freezer locker also is cleaned d th: t r.o food lod. es n corners. ">'c't nv ?? frore~ food supplies ?\i :'*> s "frolic- ?>' r t as i eeded to m ke snace for new I crops. Keep stored 'oods rss m . | d tV'd i ? r n.ed in a* svsternat'v I ? av. / Attention Persons With Surnames Beginning Beginning "C" or "D": YOUR TIME FOR OBTAINING A NE^W DRIVERS LICENSE IS RUNNING OUT?you have only until JUNE 30. It is estimated by the Motor Ve hicles Department in Raleigh that there are around 150,000 drivers in North Carolina whose surnames begin with "C" or MD", and so far only 28,000 of them have been re licensed. The Department points out that it' all these people wait until June some time here in Washington. At present he is visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nicholson. 30 to get their licenses, it is going to mean ccngestion in the exam ining stations and applicants will have to stand in long waiting line. The reexamination program is a part of the Highway Safety Act, passed by the last Legislature. Any person with surnames beginning w.th "C" or "D" were given from last January through June to ob tain their licenses. I Any person in this group who does not obtain a new license and who is caught driving on an old license after June 30 will be guilty 9f a misdemeanor. W. W. MOORE, Drivers License Examiner Read for Profit?Use for Results HERALD WANT ADS PERSONALS Mr .and Mrs. J. E. Skene of St. Petersburg, Fla., have been spend ing a two-weeks' vacation here, with friends and relatives. Mrs. Skene is the former _>liss Ruth Dillard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eryscn Dillard, of Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. Skene have been residing in St. Potersbuig, Fla., for the past year. Mr. Alex F.iz:ell hrs returned to Fort .Laudercale, Ffa., after spending a week with his family on Sylva Route 1. Mr. Fr.zzell is employed as a painting contractor with the Broward Specialty Com pany of Fort Lauderdale. 90% of all tire trouble occurs in the last 10% of tire life. Stretching mileage beyond the trou ble-free point is both cosily and dangerous. Sell us the' last 10% . . . and ride safely on long wearing, sure-footed new Gooayears. ?fa yof // ? # /V/V - > <>?/& ?? :? i < IA f ' J NEW goodyear TIRES \A . i North Carolina Whit# tldvwoll tir?i, at ll!u?tro??d, available at antra cotfg It's much the same way with oars as with people. Some "have it" ? some don't Some you go for, all out ? with-" out quite being able to lay a finger on why. And those ? well, they * usually become your firmest friends, Wh.15. k that makes so many . good folks say this trim honey's "got it"? Good looks? One has to admit it's nice to ride in a car that is unmistakably itself and not just is slightly modified version of something else. Size, weight? Well, the polls tell us it's A pretty important factor since, if you like an automobile that does things, there just is no pubstitute for brawn and solid feubstanoe. Twn to HtNKY I. TAYlOtL Mutual on the"/t"Parade Power? Naturally. You can't sit long behind this big Fireball straight-eight without (ailing for it plenty hard. Handling? Ride? Room? They all have their avid fans among Buick owners. Especially now with a completely new kind of en gine mounting ironing out vibra tion build-up as never before, and in this Convertible model, with automatic top, door-window and front-seat adjustment. Is it the wonderful newDynaflow Drive* that's causing so much talk? a In Road master models that is cer tainly a big factor. You'll never know how silky smooth a drive can be ? what fluent new ease there is to all your going ? till you drive the car where liquid Nifwork, Monday* and Fridayt replaces both the clutch and first, second and high gears. But as nearly as we can find out ? and we talk to a lot of people ? it isn't any one thing that puts Buick at the top of the "it" parade. It'9 the over-all richness of this honey in all the things you've dreamed of finding wrapped in an automobile. Ask any friend who drives ? Buick ? then see your dealer and get a firm order in, with or with out a car to trade. better automobiles are built 1 i BUICK J will build them WHAT'S DlfflMNT MOOT DYNAFIOW OWYI*t To on efficient new pump (loft above), lulek engineers hove added a true turbine (right) ond an ingenious now supercharging assem bly (in hand) which produce a torque-boost ing action in storting and accelerating. Tho result It the first device on any American passenger car which employs liauid to fill tho function of both the clutch and tho usual low, second ond high gears. The clutch pedal It eliminated ond a simple control givot you manual selection of power ranges and direction. ?Optional at mtra eott am RoadmasUr moMs mJ*. BU/CK a/on? has all these features * DYNAFIOW DRIVE f Optional, Komimastrr s?*r???) + TAPf*.TH*U STYLING + FUXSTT OIL MINOS + VIMA4HHLDSD IUDS * SAFETY*1 DC RIMS * HI-POISiD FtUBAU WWW + MOAD-*rrt BALANCE ? MOID TOUQUE-TUSS + QUAMUMX COII SWINGING * SOUND-SOKBi* TOP LINING (Smper emd HomdmetHeJ * DUOMATIC spur ADVAktrt HOOPER MOTOR , + TfN SMART MODELS * BODY BY FtSMBR COMPANY ?? Sylva, N.