AMERICA WsS 1 First, Last an(^ Always The Sylva Herald The Herald is dedicated to progressive service to Jack son ... A progressive, well balanced county. VOL. XXII, NO. 46 Sylva, N. C. Thursday, April 15, 1948 $2.00 A Year 5c Copy Town Officials To Gather Here April 26 For Meeting Jackson Republicans Hold County-Wicle Convention In ?/ Courthouse Here On April 10 H. E .Monteith Named Candidate For House Of Representatives Jackson County Republicans met in convention in the courthouse Saturday, April 10, for the pur pose of electing party executive officers and candidates for coun ty offices. David Stillwell was elec ted county chairman for a two year period, and Mrs. Bonnie Rogers Cunningham was elected vice chairman. Attorney Hugh E. Mon teith was elected secretsry-treas urer for a two year period. The executive committee comprises the following: E. P. Stillwell, J. B. Ensley, R. F. Jarrett, R. G. Sny der, J. R. Long, J. B. Painter, Dil lard Hooper, A. H. Weaver, David Worley, W. C. Hennessee, Fred L. Hooper, Wallace Wocd, Ray Cog dill, James Ensley, Frank Sutton and Paul Warren. Short talks were made by A. H. Weaver, W. C. Hennessee and A. D. Parker. The convention recommended Hugh Monteith as candidate for the General Assembly. No recom mendation was made for Clerk of Superior Court, this pcsition being left open to be filled before closing of filing period on April 17. Mr. Monteith has already filed with Oscar Lovedahl, chairman of the Board of elections. Mr. Monteith was born at Dills boro and received his education in the graded school of Dillsboro, Sylva Collegiate Institute and Wake Forest College. He has been engaged in the practice law in Sylva since June 5, 1922. He is past Consul Commander of W.O. W., past president of Sylva Lions Club, is chairman of the finance committee of the Sylva Baptist church, vice president of ,Daniel Boone council Boy Scouts of Ame rica, member local and State Bar Association and former director of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. Hugh Monteith Attends Regional Scout Meeting Mr. Hugh E. Monteith returned from Atlanta where he attended the Region Six Convention of Boy Scouts of America, which w"s in session in that city Sunday and Monday. Mr. Monteith was the offic'al representative of the Dan iel Boone council. Some five- hur dred delegates from the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, were in at tendance. The theme of the convention was, "Better Training fcr Boys For Citizenship of Tomorrow." Hugh Monteith, Jr., On 20-Dav Crnifc With Navy Hugh Monteith, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mr-. II. F. ?loj'.toi* left Nor folk Si.r iry witii U. S. X:;val units ? on a 20-day c >ir se to P< rto Rico. Young Monteitl*., reserve, signed up for the cruise in Febru ary. The X vy is now conduct-, ing a number of this type l!' train ing for reserve. GERTRUDE DILLS MCKEE RECITATION CONTEST APRIL 22 : The Gertrude Dill McKee reci-! tation-declamation contest, spon-, sored each year by the B. H. Cath ey chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, will be held in the Sylva Baptist church on Thurs day evening, April 22. Boys and girls from the four high schools of the county will participate and compete for the medals given an hualiy by Mrs. McKee. Th? Sylva band under the direc tion of Mr. N. R. Beacham, will! play some Southern songs and members of the glee club will sing'. It is especially urged that as many as possible of the high school i boys and girls attend as the con-| test is given for their benefit. The( public is invited and the chapter hopes that a large crowd will be present. PACK MEETING OF SYLVA CURS HELD The Sylva Cub Pack held its regular monthly pack meeting of Pack No. 5 in the Allison build ing, Friday evening, April 9, at j 7:30 o'clock. - The program con sisted of such activities as promo tions among the pack members, ashievement awards, stunts and music. The Sylva pack is made up of i'our dens, each den having approxi mately eight boys, or better known' as cubs, alter they become mem- j bers. Many of the boys came up for rdvancement. The wolf, bear and i lion-hedges were awarded to boys who had completed the work pres-; ciibed for them in the various ders. Each den chief prepared a stunt be.cre arriving at the meeting.' Prizes were awarded the two dens| supplying the best stunt. Two1 M the dens with Mr. Beacham,' Sylva band director, provided Till- c for the occasion. Mr. Zachary, the Franklin Cub master was a guest at the meeting. Everyone who attended scorned to enjoy meeting. Agricultural Workers Council To Hear Olsen At Cullowhee Friday The Jackson County Agricultur al Workers Council will meet Fri-j day. April 10, at 2 p. m. in the! Cullowhee high >chcol for the pur-'i oase e:' hearing a program to be p:\ve:* led by Mr. J. T. Olscn. c > owner and manager o' Sky!ar.?l Preccs?-in.j> Contpay. ' ? 3 : n i! - lio'i d .-ik r ;r - on : p;;;nt a. rlendei's'onv lle. Mr. Olsen i- to :>.* . '.s c Ampany\* o! n of :ering guaranteed p.'icc* for beans,1 j'ma'i fruits and ether vegetables. All members? and interested armers and their families are urg ed v. be present. Wilkesdale Congregation Is Building Modern Church The members of the Wilkesdalei Baptist church, under the leader ship of their pastor, Rev. Jar vis Underwood, are in the process of ccmpieti-ng a modern cement block and frame church building here. The fir-t service in the partially completed build: ng was held East er Sunday only a few months after actual work "began -.>n t/.e bjilriir^.! The new buiidi^g. o: ea.7ie.i:| block construction. w..i con:., in a| large auditorium with a capacity o: 400. Tr.e.e ai _ ?;.*! Sunday School c.^.ss rooms. :..o rest reoms, furnace ronrrr Sunday school rooms <.re usable but not completed. I' - ? * The membership of the church now stands at 196, with a large Sundry school enrollment. -r- j T'-.t corgregation decided last fall to build a new church and be-i san ya/ing the old building in November. Actual work cn the :ew cy.u cn started in December j with many of the members giving nf their time and money. Some gavej i week's wage and others labor.! To have co t. acted the building it s e^imated that it would cost) IP,000.00 The cost was much less' ir.ce much of the labor and ma-! ierial wr.s furnished free. The pas-! lor, a skilled mason, did much of the cement block wcrk himself^ it was stated. ANNUAL FORESTRY TRAINING GAMP FOR ROYS IN AUGUST Plans are now being made for the third annual forestry train ing camp for North Caroiinao i'arm youths to be held at Single tary Lake the latter part of Aug ust. This camp is one oMhe seven planned in the southern states sponsored by members ^^f the Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association. The administration of the camp is under the North Carolina Di vision of Forestry and Parks of the Department of Conser vation and Development. The S..te Extension Serv.ce and the VccaiiO'ir.1 Agriculture Depart-1 merit co-operate in the selec tion oi the boys. The objfect of these camps is to giv^ the boys pratical training in forestry which they may take home with them and actually apply in their own woodlands. A well organized re vocational program is also provid ed for the boy's enjoyment. To be eligible, a farm boy must be at least 16 years old, in good health and have proved his inter est in forestry by tarrying on a project in the woods. Projects may include such activities as the planting of tree seedlings, forest fire fighting, or the harvesting of timber crops. Selection of the boys is made through the local county agents and vocational agri cultural teachers. LARGE CROWDS ARE ATTENDING BAPTIST YOUTH REVIVAL Much interest is being manifest in the Youth Revival services now in progress at the Sylva Baptist church. The Rev. John W. Lam bert, of Mt. Olive, is the guest minister for the week. Services will continue through Sunday eve ning. Services are held each morn ing at 10, however, there will be no morning service Saturday. Eve ning services are at 7:30. Sunday services will be at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. A special supper meeting for the young people will be held at the church Friday evening at 6 o' clock. FIREMEN MAKE TWO RUNS ON TUESDAY The Sylva Fire Department, after a long period without calls, made two runs on Tuesday. The first call was to Dillsboro where :ire destroyed a small house owned by Mr. J. C. Cannon. and occupied by Mr. Jarnes Lumber, wife and three children. The lire, which is thought to h;:vc started by spark, from a freight train l<;c .-motive, . ad gained 1:c*.t ; Midway before 1. . J ierrit. i i ;> (i they were un j to .-iive ti.e building, which w; [1 totai lO 'S \v ;;, 1 cant or. t " .irei.ic-:-! did, .. .. ever, prevent ? i e :ire i.'om s; u; to a near ly hou-c ? The call came in at about 11 a. m. The >eci>nd call came in about 12: to when an outbuilding in East Sylva burned, consuming canned good.-. corn and potatoes belonging to Mrs. Tinn Garrett. Children playing near the buiiding are said to have started a tire in some trash! which spread to the building. Tuckaseigee Lodge To Have Anual Banquet T;.e annual banquet of the Tuck aseigee Vajley Masonic Ledge, of S\lva, wili be held in Liberty Bap tist church Friday evening, April 23. St. John's Day Service .will be conducted at Liberty Bap. church Sunday, April 25, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Proceeds of the two meetings will go to the benetit of the col ored orphanage at Oxford. Every one has a cordial invitation to bo present. 30SSAMON'S In 8ylva Smoky fountain | District lloliSs Court Of Honor I Large Number of Scouts Receive Badges And Awards, Jimmy Bales Given High Award ? The Smoky Mountain District ; Boy Scout C< urt of Honor was held I Thursday evening, Apiil 8, at the ? Methodist church. W. E. Ensor of I Cherokee was in charge. Mack Montcith o* Troop 1, Sylva, was Court clerk. Color bearers were Roy Kirchbuerg, Jr., Eddie Buck ne;\ Bill Crawford, and Tommy i Morris. Jimmy Stovall led the pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The tenderfoot candlelight in vestiture ceremony was conducted j by Avery Means, field Scout exe i cutive, of Asheville. The follow ing boys were inducted into Scout ing as tenderfeet: Troop 1, Sylva? Richard O. Wilson, Tommy Gar rett, William Clarke, Jr., Harold Queen, William,, Jordan, ? Wayne I (Continued on page 10) 1 i JURORS DRAWN FOR MAY TERM OF COURT The Jackson County Jury Com mission, composed of R. U. Sutton, Dillard Coward and H. H. Bryson met in regular session on Monday, April-5, 1948 and drew names to si; as jurors -.'tiring the two weeks term of Superior court which will convene Monday, May 17, with Judge F. Donald Phfillips presiding.1 The jurors J or the first week: VV. O. Sherrill. Quaila; Burnes (Continued on page 10) I FARM BUREAU TO I MEET APRIL 17 IN j COURT HOUSE 11A.M. Frank Prowh, Jr., president of Jackson County Fro m Bureau, has announced that the April meeting I will be held in the court house in Sylva Saturday morning, April 17 at 11 o'clock. George Fathering, Field Director o: tr.e Bureau, of Asheville, will come and bring a guest speaker from the Madison County Bureau. ? All the member.- in the county nrc urged to attend, and to bring a new member and all farm men : and women who mav be interested : in better farming ...:d farm living i in this county. Some of the things the Bureau ;s stressing this month include,' j Education, Rurds and Health. Ex-! ' trac*s from the i\ ? ns adopt-1 c'l at the 12:h ; : : ..! c? nwntion . - Id on Febr*;'r \'li in Ashe ."i!!o, arc as : Krlucation; ?'.Ve !?: the S ? NV'th Car-; ? ? . t;r r iic-;i ? L"g ? iature, i i p. j:'(?pr . 'e .v ? t i ir.ds to be .? g:\ nt a;- '.vv '.<? ? a.i'l :t*.ii:*y to pay if, t..e c ?uil ly in buildhu- Uouate school , buildings and equi.v*'K them to lake care of the . .i->?1 children of Xoi th Carolina. We further roc. that emphasis be plactd on vocati nal training throughout the various high school systems in the S;ate in order to train tho.-e students who are not j financially able to go to college. We are in favor continuation! .^r.d expansion of tae school lunch program." Roads: "The North Carolina Farm Bureau asks t.'.at tho present ! !0 million dollar.- ; the H ghway i 'und- 'as earmarked' for paving | county roads be increased to 25 j.Tiil'r.n dr 1L rs ai.'i bus routes to l consolidated school.- oe given prior-; 1 ty." | | Health: "The North Carolina j Farm Bureau supported the Hos , pital Care and G iod Health Bill with the understanding that the j building of rural hospitals and^ clinics should be given preference 1 before a teaching hospital be built ' at Chapel Hill." I N. C. EMPLOYMENT SHOWS BIG INCREASE DURING 4TH QUARTER Raleigh, April 12 ? The 4th quarter of 1S47 brought employ ment lev els in the State to a height never before reached as reflected by repcrts to the "Employment Se curity Commission by establish ments operating under the Em ployment Security Law, Chairman Henry E. Kendall reports. The av erage for the three months was 649.410 according to reports tab ulated by the Research and Sta tistics division of the Employment Security Commission. December reached a total of 654,463. This is 20.000 more than the total non agricultural labor force in the State in the year 1940, and the average for three months is 64,500 above the average for the year 1946. Nearly 300 more establishments reported in the fourth quarter than in the third, representing new firms entering business in the State. While these contributed to the in crease in employment, there was a tremendous increase in the em pit yment of existing firms in near ly all types of industry, the great est increase being in manufacture and retail trade. Approximately $346,000,0(0 in wages was paid these workers dur ing the fourth' quarter and the av erage weekly wage was $40.95 as compared with $37.81 during the third quarter. SYLVA HIGH SENIOR PLAY TO BE GIVEN APRIL 29 AND 30 The Senior Ci; ss ol Svlva High School, under the supervision of Mrs. George Luce, will present the play, "Thei\ (!-? Tie {'ride," a hilarious ee:neo\ :i thne art-, April 29-30. Tmre will be three ?-erfoi'mairces. A .n^.n.ig a:'d"af ternoon pertorm: n e wi'l be given Thursd y, .Apr.I 2!< at ihe Kit/. Theatre.-A third pertonnance will be given Friday n, Aj .il 30 at the WCTC auditorium. The lol 1 )'vv nn i t ha> been selected: Phyllis, iiryso:-; Mrs. Curtis, Mary Sodei.jui.-t: !).\ Cur tis, Darnl W; id; Mi aciiy, Totsy Jaccbs; Billy, .lark Hennessee; An >t. sia, Peggy .1 ? Sut:?? 11; Oilicer O'Flynn, Ilowarn Hya'.t; Nat .die, Linda Sutton; Lewis, Walter A. Jones; Sally, Jai.-ue 11 Kit n: Tom Ektrige, J^rimy Ii.des; and Dinty. Haroid M i.-on. Lei-ihtun Kisher ass stant di:'ee'.or and remain ing member.- o: '.:e Senior Cla>s are being pincc.l nn various com mittees. The p;:ijli.- is cordially in vited t al'.iH. DAY FOH CURATES TO FILE FCH "*F!5E Saturday i. ? ?? !;??' day th;.t (anriida'es '?>?> ve their tKimCj on l.:( '?/ .1! ' ; .-i?#u; county ai.d <;;>.* r; 'I may file with O.-car Loved:.ill, chair man of the lttf- : V.'.r i"o >. l'f such office*. Candidates v. a<< ha vi.* announced fr.r office and 'amd v.*. 11 probably all file or or before Saturday are: For Stale Cio. !.;or Cr.ivv ford, and ?,Irs. K. L. MeKee; for representative, .J me-- Turpin, Frank H. Brown. Jr.. and M. Y. Jarrctt. For Clerk ot Court, John E. Hcnnn, Claude J. C .wan, Clyde liooper, and Jai k F. Co per. T. V. A. Specialist Visiting Training School Miss Virginia Ju.ites specialist in educational method- with the educational relations staff oT - T. V. A. of Knoxville, Tenn. is spend ing a few days with Miss Cordelia Camp at Cullowhee. While here she is observing the work being done at the college training school, especially that in resource use ed ucation. C. League Of Municipalities To Hold Series Of Regional Gatherings For WNC Towns YOUNG DEMOCRATS TO MEET APRIL 24 IN WAYNESVILLE Bruce Elmore, of Brvson City, president of the Young Democrat clubs of Western North Carolina, 'has announced that there will be a meeting of the Young Democrats mi Waynesville on April 24. Regis tration will start at 1 p. m. at the ' Waynesville courthouse and the business meeting will begin at 4 o'clock at the seme place. At 7 | p. m. a dinner will be given at Queen's Farm, plates $2.50 per person. Hon. Monroe M. Redden, congressman from the 12th District, will be the principal speaker. Mayor Jack C. Allison is head ing up the "go to Waynesville" group here. He urges all Demo crats, both young and old, to at tend this gathering. NATIONAL OFFICIAL VISITS SYLVA W.O.W. The members of Local Camp No. 560 Woodmen of the World enjoy ed i ne of their most outstanding iro"tings in the history of the C'anip '-n M.'inlay n>M. Apr!! 5, when the Camp enli t tain* il a number to ?"; k ' Vs nd the \ it c i> es.d .1 . i W.O.W. 1 no C; rap w ?; o. u- 1 !?y Council C. '.iViiiiani 1; ,e:: }: v*ti< i. i onl aa initiatory sc. vice wa> entertained, .?'lor wnif'ii Mr. Nick Xewuerry o! C nariot to, >tate manager of W.O.W., gave an interesting talk. I ? ? <>Ut>t' nding leatuic oi the evening c .ar.e v.n Mi j> K. \j ]. ier. ' '! Omar.,i, Neo., '. .< e-p:??.?ident -ol wa.-? i ' tl ,,nd his vc:v in iere.?: i '.an* tollowed. ' <'vr , .n-piring f.i' . . . ?,uoi n a i toe 1..: n.' y ; j r A'. ( ) W. also ,',::ei' :al portion "? V\.().W. Mi. .v;i (?; s spent ovi )? for y \< ;; - r:1.. 1 w .jv: a '(i this 'A" ..., !,: ? .s;t ? , Syiva. !;e v, s \e y t-n' i;>.< ? i r. or the r-acepta .i ga. eii a. im here. At tne c.<?e (i. t ?? !:iet re freshments were >ei\od. Poultry Specialist To Visit Jackson On Monday, April 19 Jacks.>n County larm agent M. I- S:i:pe- ii..* ;nnou.iaid that C. F. Pa.r4.Mi-. in ,Tt*rgr t-: pr/ultry Extension, will be at e i urt fcouse in Sylva M r.??!. y, April 1U ' J..iO ! < > iv:!,;utt . -:,t ? j a 1 mot! poultry. Mr. Sinpes ?ay.? ' ^ * ?': meet ng '....! ; ? p.; mi1:: md v.'i ?me n . : a *. ?> ma ! P ? ? ? . , . ? _ i ?, * i ?. , ; V A ,i . mt . .;? . i voj :. i?r a. ? a. a. . , C ? yoar !! .t?::<? !s, ?, ?.. ?.? Mr. S'. j)**s y>. Meeting Here To Start At I 3 P.M. With Supper At 6 P.M. Jn Allison Building The North Carolina League of Municipalities will hold a regional j meeting in Sylva Monday, April 2(5. according to an anouncement ! by Mayor Jack C. Allison, who is in charge of arrangements for the meeting. The region comprises the towns of the counties of Cherokee, I Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, 1 Macon and Swain. The towns in these counties are: Murphy, An drews. Marble, Hayesville, Rob ! binsville, Canton, Waynesville. Ha ' zelwood, Clyde, Cashiers, Dillsboro. ! Sylva, Franklin, Highlands and Bryson City. | The meeting will convene at 3 p. m. and will conclude with a din ner served in the Allison building by the Junior Woman's Club, at 6 o'clock. Officials from the above named towns are expected to attend the meeting. The purpose of the meeting j Mayor Allison said, is to discuss p.oo.irns <>1 city management re lating to all the activities carried ( < n through the city government, as well as the financial problems. Tiie work ol the league is prin cipally a clearing house for infor mation and assistance to the var ious municipalities .of the State. Requests for information covering the whole field of municipal ac tivities flow into the League head quarters regularly in increasing Volumn. Answering these requests is a considerable part of the staff's work. During the fiscal year there were 872 requests for specific in formation. Many of the requests involve more than one question. Many require the preparation of ordinances and forms, such as tax firms, ttc. In addition to the regular oiiice work, the League furnishes a field .-civile for personally contacting ollicial.s through visits to the cities and towns. These contacts involve meetings city officjnls, ad vising them on their specific pro blem ?, addressing civic clubs and generally giving on-the-spot as sistance. This is the first time one of the meetings have been held in Sylva. Jackson County Delegates To Attend' Asheville Meet Jackson county schools will be represented at the meeting of the western district of the North Car olina Education association in Asheville April 15-17 by the fol lowing teachers: Mr. C. A. Hoyle, Mi.vs Nell Bond, Mrs! W. B. Har ril'i, Mrs. C. D. Killian and Ben Battle of Cullowhee: M. B. Madi . .-on. Wei.. h r: W. H. Crawford,. J. r\ Mrs. Mary Cowan !.'! Mr-. Emily Tompkins, Sylva; a::.i E. I\ W, tson. Cilenville. T o 1< cai unit recently electcmI t:.e same officers to serve for an r ycir. Tr.ey are Mrs. Emily T. n.pkin.-, president. C. A. Hoyle, \ :c(-president, and Mrs. Allinej Bry>on, secretary-treasurer. Lou Annie Cabe Represents Jackson In Speaking Contest By M. L. Snipes, Jackson Farm Agent Friday of last week .Jack.-oi; CV.uri'y w. .? honored bv having | a hinh scro."! Mudo.'.t :ep:es?.!!' [ !he (' .unty *';?? ? ? t?:> Klimina t.o:i Soil (' r.-?. . Contest heir! m the Wavnesvilie ; caurt .iOvi e. The , C\.rahna Barike;>' A ?oc i..*. l'? an .?p<?r. - rt\i the Stale wide ntest on ? "S'.i! Conservation ..ncl It's Kc ; ! at ion to the Economy of Noiih [Carolina" and banks in this area ' cooperated including the Jackson | County Bank in making prizes | available to the contestants in the grcup speaking contest. Twenty-five hundred students | entered this contest last year arid | live thousand were expected to j enter this year. The Webster High school this year had seventy-one students taking part in the contest by preparing papers on the sub ject. Then by a series of elimina ' tions finally one was selected by 1 the judges to represent Jackson | County in the group speaking con j test at Waynesville. Miss Lou An | nie Cabe of the Webster High j School represented Jackson Coun The Jackson County Bank pro vided a prize for the County rep resent ive, and two other students, ?Continued on page 10

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