For The Women Society News and 0 Clab Activities Phone 110 Mrs. R. H. Stewart Is Honored On Her 73rd Birthday Anriiversarv Mrs. Julia Stewart was honored Sunday, April 11, on the occasion1 of her 73rd birthday anniversary bv her family and a number of close friends who g.ive her a sur-j p.-i<e birthday dinner. Everyone attending went in a group andi marched up the hill to her heme' singing. "H appy Birtidav ;o| Grandma Julia." Mrs. Stewart has >i>: children.! ill oi whim live in Sylva. as .'w: 1<>ws: Mrs. Ar.n^e Peed L,e par:',: Mrs. P. E. Moody. Lew!- a .a Ricii-j a' d Moore, H ,rley C 1 ' . s Stewart. All were pre-"at except Mis. Moody and Lev.': - Mo u*. S . ? has 17 grandchildren a:*.d 123 g'.\:t grandchild ren. I Mrs. Stewart was presented a! large green and white birthday cake, bearing the word.-, "Happy! Happy to Mother 73" by her; dren. A hearty dinner was then enjoyed. The table was centered j with a bowl of red roses, a gift l'rom one of her children. , * * * "Aunt Jane" Hatcher Has 98th Birthday Mrs. Jane Hatcher, better known to her many friends at "Aunt Jane" celebrated her 98th birthday Sun day, April 11 at the home of her son-in-law, T. F. Dillard, with whom she has made her home for 35 years. They had a birthday dinner with only the Dillard family present. At the conclusion of the dinner a birthday cake with 98 lighted candles was brought in and serv ed to the guests. Attending the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Dillard, v the five grandchildren, Avery Dil lard and Mrs. Dillard, Mrs. Glenn Davis and Mr. Davis. Mrs. Clar ence Beck and Mr. Beck, Thurman Dillard, Jr. and May Dillard, and lour great-grandchildren. During the afternoon Mrs. Hat cher held open house and about 125 friends called to greet her and wish her happiness. * Bryson-Orr Marriage Announced ? . \:'V Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bryson of Brevard announce the marriage oi their daughter, Miss 'Mary L.<u Bryson, to Richard H. Orr, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Orr of Brevhrd. They were married ir Clayton, Ga., on Friday, March 23. Miss Muriel Bryson, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Geo. Bryson was best man. Mr. and Mrs: Orr have come to Svlva to make their home where Mr. Orr is manager of the park Lunch room. * * * PTA Holds Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Beta Parent-Teacher associa tion was held Monday afternoon ! at the school building. About 30 members were present. Mrs. Allen Ginn, president, presided during the business hour. Announcement was made concerning the lovely handmade quilt of an applique tulip pattern on which chances are "being sold at 10c each by the ehil BELK' S BASEMENT BARGAINS IN KITCHEN-WARE BLUE BIRD ALUMINUM Dish Pans, large size Small wire mesh tea Strainers 97c ALUMINUM POTS, with cover and 1 QQ handle, large Iww ALUMINUM POTS, with cover and 1 AO handle, small (three sizes) ? rfw Glass Cream Whip and Measuring OQ Cup ww Metal Egg Beater with speed gear 4C and handle ifcw Metal Vegetable Choppers OC each ifcw Large Cooking 4C Spoons ?fcw Large Cooking 4C Forks ?fcw Vegetable 4E Strainers ?fcw 25 Metal Egg and Hot Cake 4C Turners ?fcw Spatula 25 Many other small items useful around the Kitchen and Home ? Basement ? Belk's Dept. Store "HOME OF BETTER VALUES" PHONE 287 ' 8YLVA, N. C. Mrs. D. M. Tallent Hostess For Gavnelle Murray Circle The Gavnelle Muiray circle o!, the Sylva Baptist church met last, Thursday evening with Mrs. D. M. Tallent entertaining them at the home of Mrs. Carl Buchanan, witn twenty members present. In the absence ol' the president, Mrs. Carl Buchanan presided. Miss Hattie Hilda Sutton was in charge of the program . and discussed China's need in the world, on the subject, "That They Might Have' Lite". Others taking part on the program were Miss Edna Allen, Mrs. J. F. Corbin and Mrs. Ray Cogdill. Two new members, Mrs. H. C.' Adlington and Miss Bonnie Ruth Lind^ey, joined the circle at this time and Mrs. Ed. \V. Wilson, who hyd been away for sometime, was: welcomed back. j Mrs. Tallent. assisted by Mrs. Hv.chi.nan, served a sweet course. dren of the school". The quilt was made by the ladv members of the Parent-Teacher association for the purpose of raising money for their treasury. To the child selling the largest number of chances a foun tain pen will be given by the PTA as a prize'. A grand prize, a lovely handmade, lace centerpiece, is be ing given by Mrs. Fanny Ensley* The quilt is on display at the Jack son Furniture Co. The lucky chance will be drawn from a box by a small child on May 3, the next meeting date of the as sociation. This meeting will be held at 7:30 p. m. and will include the father members of the organiza tion. The group expressed their ap preciation to the County Board of Education for the fire ramp re cently installed on the back side of the school building. This ramp was recommended some time ago by the Sylva Fire Department and the students, teachers and parents greatly appreciate this addition to the school. The prize of $1.00 given by Mrs. Wallace Reed, a 7th grade mother, was won by Olen Blanton for mak ing the most progress in his school work during the month of March. The program for the afternoon was given by the Beta band mem Ders and a few members of the Sylva band. Mr. N. R. Beacham directed the program. Attendance award of ?1.00 was won by Mrs. Lawerence Reed's second i.r.d third grades. \udrev J. Jones Dh^erves 12th Birthday Or S.i'.j.diiy evening Mrs. W. L.l ? cs entertai.ned with a weinerj ';\-t ; i: i ci picnic supper at the| .???mmunity house, honoring her .yu^ii'i' . Audrey Jane, on her 12th day. Supper was cooked on e oa'.uoor l'ircplace. The chil avn wi . e later served cake, ice v.; in: . : d lemonade. F. 11 v ng tile >upper the gro ? \\t . ?' t ie clubhouse an.', p!ay . i n-. < and contests. . were !?*<;??!: M >< re . ?T .:i :! k'en. I? rty . t. ?? \ ? > ;: - . .eel v. .ta Aii ? cy .! v i . I'.1 g '. v * i" ' ?11 i. .. . i . <. ,h r.od :r. : v ?. t. eei\ v. ;. .Jaek: ?/n County N. C. E. A. Unit To Have Banquet 1 ;? 'lU.d ba* 'j;u ' ? .? .'a. >.? m; .iy un.l v?! t..e .* h?.(.'a i a i'.da.rt'on associa! :? v? i 1! i.-v e! i in Allison building v.11 Krai, v r\; ni:'.a April 23 at 7:1 > 1? oVl". Venov Reed is chairman ??: v: e dinner committee . nd .Mi - Lois rtin hc\.ds trie entertain ment emmittee. All members arc invited to attend. Mrs. Emih Tompkins is president ol" tiie or ganization. * * ? * Calendar of Events Thursday, April 15?The D.llsboro Masonic lodge will meet in the Masonic hall, Dillsboro. at 7:30' p. m. C. J. Cowan, W.M. Thursday, April 15?The Mission ary Society of tiie Seotts Creek Baptist church will meet with" Mrs. Raymond Cable at 3 p. m. Mr>. Joe Sutton, president. Frid.iy, April 16?The Roman's: Society of Christian Service of J i '.e Sylva Methodist church will nu'vt in Allison building at 7:30, p. ,n. Mrs. Harry Hastings, pres ident. ? Monday. April 19?The Sylva j Home Demonstration club will) meet at the court house at 3 p.j m. Mrs. I sola Thom-is, president.i Monday, April 19?T..e Woodmen] of the World will meet in the W.O.W. hall at 7:30 p. m. Jeff Hedden, council commander. Tuesday, April 20?Tlie^ Qualla Home Demonstration club will meet with Mrs. Mary Kinsland at 2 p. m. Mrs. June Shelton, president. Tuesday, April 20?The Sylva Woman's club will meet with Mrs. John Morris at 7:30 p. m. Miss Hicks Wilson, president. Tuesday, April 20?The Rotary club will have a dinner meeting in Allison building at 7 p. m. Dr. D. D. Hooper, president. Wednesday, April 21?The Lions club will have a dinner meeting in the High School cafeteria at 7 p. m. T. Walter Ashe, presi dent. Wednesday. April 21?The Junior Woman's club will meet with Miss Agnes Wilson at 8 p. m. Miss Virginia Madison, president. Thursday, April 22?The annual recitation-declamation contest will be held in the Baptist church at 7:30 p. m. Miss Bertha Cunningham, -Chairman. * * * Birth Announcement Mr .and Mrs. Carroll Bryson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Ann Marice. on Sunday, March 28, at the Harris Community hosiptal. Mr. Bryson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T*vC. Bryson, Jr., and Mrs. is the former Mi.-s Mabel McCrack en of Lake Junaluska. % RAYE'S BEAUTY SHOP ? r Cullowhce. N. C. r / ) / i / k j * l [ ^ / IS OPEN EVERY DAY ) ) - \ & EXCEPT MONDAY / / / ? Open Nights by Appointment ? { SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK ) Machine and Machineless CO QQ ) - Permanents *Www ; c?'d $4.98 ( Waves v " I Raye's Beauty Shop Cullowhee, N. C. S.vlva P.T.A. Has Meeting Tuesday The regular monthly meeting of I the Sylva Parent-Teacher assoc.'ia-, lion met Tuesday afternoon in the Home Economics department of the Vocational Agricultural build ing with Mrs. W. L. Jones presid ing over the routine business ses sion. Mrs. Porte!' Scroggs who was in charge of the program, introduced! some oi' the g:rl> of the Sylva chap ter ot Future Homemakers o!' America a:ul they told ? >: the v. being dene. M s Ciarise Housed told oi the Me; oi K.H.A. M Kveiy \ i\e. i is and .1 imm;e I.<. \ ? ?; e . l epo: t ?:! uv - . rep.e-e i l '? i. v. s ? '.i to t e Si .'e v >: ? ', v. - o' a i i-.," ?n i- .? u. :?i ,U ! e "i r , (, i , , ? ? ( - 1 ?. * : i i ? i i ? . *. ? i - ? ? . ? ; r. k. - . i\l ;:.e 'oi' v . ??? I s-'. J : . .? v ; J. All ? i. . ? ? -; . e- i if . it. M t -. i v ; ,:, !!: secret: ry. M : s. 11 ? (' ? 1 1 .1-are. Aits. W. .1 I'1- >? Vary J >''i i\' un.inim a-ly e'?v;-. i ??? ses * e ;n\t year.. Mrs. Hve'yii McMao.m. , i. "iiii of the pie-sc.'oo; vtuii.-, a::-, n ?unced that tin* ciiair wall in . .e'.d at tiie c< :ijrlho'usc on Thurs day, April 29. Tiie new officers wiil be install ed at tiie May meeiing. ;!; ;t; I .More Livable Home Demonstration A Mi.)re Livable Hume Demon stration was given by Mr. David; Mobley of New York in Waynes-; ville at the Strand Theatre on! April 13th, beginning at 10:00 o'-j clock and continuing to 4:00 o'-l clock in the afternoon. Twenty! Home Demonstration members at tended this meeting from Jack son County. Practically all clubs throughout the county had one or more members present. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. L. Cu:t.s of Lansing. Mich., announce ti:e birth of a daughter. Barbara Jean, on Wedne-dav, April 7. .it the Edward W Spnrrr>w hospital Tn Lansing. Mr. Curtiss is formerly of Sylva, tiie br< tiier of Mrs. J. E. Buckner and the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H (). Cm! i -s. National Home Dcm. Week To Be Observed Jackson County clubs will par ticipate in the observance of Na tional Hume Demonstration week May 2-8. As May 2 is also church Day tor the 4-H clubs, it is planned to have the Home Demonstration leaders and the 4-H club leaders work together on t.<.? , . . . v new-paper art.vie- -c.; . _ o; the a i .? t>: tne vai 1 -as clu.j.~ . i ;<?? r..i\e a window vi.-pi. y some u4 types ot wo. d :io uy t. .L' .... ihi e ? i ' .%? v ui.iy . ?. -a Savannah 1*TA M'eefs T. e Sjvaniuii Parent-Teacher SS Ul hu i1 U1 IIiI'I i ?. > ? i ot: <>;:<u ted scaool ad.loriuni on Malv.i li. 1 : loo ... ' 1 1 \ ' . . . I . V. . " (?;:v HOC Reorganized ? t 1' ! \ x i ? '.. i. ? . . i' d.y .i;u r ?? n it M: v' f .! -1'?11, .. < ? . . i * 1\' . ? : . :i . -a1; !. .iiiil !"i ? rua ?. i .1 ?'< t their A kii.L'C MIMliii'.' <>: 1 i v. ri e >nit and hehi som<- \ ? ;;. ; v - !t ri s..i^ discus-i'ii.-. T.iey \.?i?. unanimously in I'.ivor >>! pro j) >-rd Curb market. Tiie 1 <?'. 1 ? >\\*inr i?t!:o"S were elected: piv-ideni Mr-. I .vie Buc.ianan: viie-presi <i?*nt. Mrs. Ralph Tatham: -in : e tary and treasurer, Mrs. R. (). Hi.i* *i*>m. Project club leaders include i <ids. Mrs. C. M. Sutt?>n; lam.I. lift'. Mis. T. I). Buchanan: i 1?? t?;in:! Mrs. Le??n Barren: 4-H club leadei V:s Car! Hi^< '?n. Tin- May meelin^ will be hel< tin- 11m in tne Community 11??u1 Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Lnman G.lrs ' i. i" i 'jriM.uiiK'C t ic <>! i H' CI,-. ?:.'!! M? m??: 1.1I ?)?. , i !c : wis !?t?? 11 n.'iinc I I >i-n! A 11 *::? ui v. Mrs. (lik's i> the ! ? >r. i - (';? Mi>s tlencvn Hitlik'n ni S, i i wi'li. S.'H'C lfJ.'W. f.irmrr^' c->s1s h.ivt been elimbtnu fr?>m !) to 2.") pei cent ;i year ;n<l .we nmv the high est in )ii-1?>. y. Mrs. Cunningham Hostess For Presbvterian Auxiliary Mrs. C. C. Pettit, new president, presided when the Presbyterian auxiliary met with Mrs. M. C. Cunningham for the April meet in last Friday. This was the first meeting of the new church year. The ; uditor'< report was read by Mrs. Rudy Hardy ;md accepted ; y th ? sr H. >. iir the new year, ;?> p.c;.\-.c: ;,y :hc com mi'tee.' was re..<i by "Air.-. \V. H. \V . ? '.(i . : c; adopted. Anno jtii v - nuihe o: the ? ?< >yt< ; 1 t . be : ? " i ' M ' ': : IV -? ywi i;.n .< T ? . . A pi !. '.IT. Mrs. V.' .... , ? . .jn .-:i the , ? ' \ ?. i:. y, u-le v. .?.?: 11 Tl.ble .roe be ^ ? '? iu c I .H.A. Chapter 'i\ S .'ik! iK Irar.U's To >.,r.';i,ui! C oi'.vcnliftn l'? ?. ; I v h ; ? . Future < < le ? . .v. . . . ?<. the ? /.eld K C-'y. M .1 ;!y T-'?. They ? \ ? S'.u C ?. >ni tlte ' _M ? . . I .1.(1 C* .i; .1 Phillips .. :r 1 .*? 1iii-. <!?? - <i' legates. Al ci!.. Uv m'av *? <i v.'i . e Ruth C'r .i . : tiie 12' ;:r. de and Muriel Asiie >>!' t'u 1 n;? i u:\ de. T..e ch.iptei is making plans to i.ii>e the money to pay tiie ex pen-es -i! the two j^ii U, who. were v? ? i?> c;i in recognition of the fine work they have done in their home c ?: t; t p 11 ?. . P E R S 0 N A L S Mrs. Henry Campbell of Way nesvilU* \v s 1 ? i?? week-end guest <?! !h r (1.111ii:) 11 r, Mi -. R. (1. Wil ,-nn. arid i:111111 . Dr. and M >. \Y. IV M.Ouae re turnee! Sa!u 1.i\ . i <>M1 ?vl a. !:n < .-.TO, Trim, where >.:ey \ riled taeir d.iu.uatt r. Mr. 1*1 it* \* Cl.imewell and her family. Production ol' poultry ha- rapid ly become one d North Carolina's rnn^t imp Hi. n? enterprises. For all "one-ear *families For the family which has but one motor car ? Pontiac is an extremely wise choice. First, it is big and beautiful. You can drive it anywhere, any time, with the cer tain knowledge that it will be admired. It aJ>o gives you the comfort you want, and need. It is safe, too ? because it has big, sturdy brakes ?and- remarkable balance on turns and curves. It provides the perform *CM Ihdra- l)rite. Ilumfier (iuur</<, <nut W'hitr ance luxury of GM.Hvdra^Matic Drive*. It is quick and nimble, easy to steer and park ? a feature especially appreciated by women. And ft is very economical?just as economical, in fact, as miy car you can buy. It is a rare car. indeed, which can offer all these qualities. And because Pontiac docs offer them, it is becoming the choice of more and more people every day. cu all f ir, ' './itioHj/ '?>! ull tuoJch lit at/</itionuI cost. HELP AMEPICA PRODUCE TOR PEACE-TURN IN YOUR SCRAP IRON AND STEEL Hooper Motor Company MAIN STREET Sylva, N. C.

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