SOCIETY Miss Allison Has Bridge Club Meet Miss Nancy Allison was hostess to the meeting of her bridge club at her home on last Thursday eve ning when three tables were as sembled for play. Players includ ed Misses Dot Tallent, Lou Elsie Parker, Dorothy Mae McKee, Re becca Sue Cannon, Agnes Wilson, Matilda Wilson, Alice Weaver, Mary Hensori, Mrs. Clyde Rector. Mrs. Martin Cunningham, Mrs. Roger Dillard, and Mrs. Rudy Hardy. Wnen scores were counted Miss Weaver had made high score, Miss Heirson Second nigh, and Miss Matilda Wilson was low. Each was awarded a prize. The hostess was assisted by her motner, Mrs. Claude Allison, in serving a salad course to her guests at the conclusion of play. Mrs. Dewev Wilson Has H.D.C. Meeting The Victory Home Demonstra tion club met with Mrs. Dewey Wilson on Wednesday, March 24, for the regular monthly meeting with 21 members present. The president. Mrs. Ralph Eng land, presided during the business hour. The Year books were dis tributed and project leaders for the year appointed. The meeting was then turned over to Miss Mary Johnston who gave an interesting talk on curb marketing. After a discussion on this subject the mem bers were on hundred per cent tor a curb market. At the conclusion of the pro gram the hostess served delicious refreshments. Peggy Case Celebrates Third Birthday On Thurs. afternoon, April 1, Mrs. J. B. Case entertained with a party honoring her daughter, Peggy, on her third birthday anniversary. A pink and white color scheme was carried out in the decorations. The young guests played several games. Ronda Jane Watson won the prize for the contest. The chil dren were seated at small tables covered with pink and white cov ers. The hostess served ice cream with cookies and lemonade. Small umbrellas were given as favors. The little guests attending were:i Dinah Brown, Donna Bass, Mau-i reen Cope, Judy Campbell, Forrest! Bryson, Janet and Ronda Jane Watson, Sharon Watson, Tina Lou and Sammy Cogtiill, Verna Kay Poppleweil and Linda Padgett. YWA Girls Entertain Basketball Players Tae Y.W.A. girls of the Cullo whe,e Baptist churCh entertained the basketball boys with a marsh | mellow roast April 10th. ! The young people enjoyed a | number ot games followed by ? toasting the marshmellows. Cook ? ies and lemonade were also serv | ed during the evening. j Those enjoying the outing were: j June Parker, Rosette Blake, Ruth ! Moses, Jean Crawford, Helen I Crawford, June Bryson, Doris Dills, ! Sara Jean Sutton, Clara Jo Phil } lips, Lowaine Mashburn, Sara Sue Tilley, Bobby Gunnells, Hubert Bryson, J. M. Taylor, O. V. Cagle, Jr., James Wike. Billy Simpson, Hpmer Wike, Robert Monteith, James Cole, Harry Duke, Coach and Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Tommy El | lis, and Mrs. Lucille Painter. FOR REAL DELICIOUS HOME-MADE ICE CREAM Get one%of our new Freezers . . . Easy to operate A number now in stock ready for delivery. SossamoiigFu rait lire Co. Phone 57 Main street Sylva ?7%, ? ? Mm WEEKLY PROGRAM Night Showa: 7:00 & 9:00 P. M.?Mat. Sat.?Late show Sat. 10:30 Adm.:Adults 3?c tax incl.?Children under 12 yrs. 12c tax Inc. / Saturday, April 17 THE LAST ROUNDUP GENE AUTRY OWL SHOW? TWO BLONDES AND A REDHEAD JEAN PORTER AND JIMMY LLOYD Sunday, April 18 RIFF RAFF PAT O'BRIEN AND ANN JEFFEREYS Monday - Tuesday, April 19 - 20 NIGHTMARE ALLEY TYRONNE POWER AND JOAN BLdNDELL Wednesday. April 21 BLONDIE IN THE DOUGH PEGGY S'NGLETON AND ARTHUR LAKE Thursday, April 22 LAST OF THE REDMEN JON HALL AND MICHAEL O'SHEA Friday, April 23 THE RETURN OF RIN-TIN-TIN A, DOG PICTURE All Children not In armi will have to purchase a ticket to enter any performance at this Theatre. Pre-Rehearsal Partv For Miss Wilson Mrs. D. D. Hooper and Mrs. J.1 W. Keener entertained at a din-i ner party Tuesday evening at the home of the former as a compli ment to their niece. Miss Matilda I Wilson, whose wedding took place' Wednesday afternoon in the Al lison building of the Methodist church. The party preceded the wedding rehearsal and the guests were members of the wedding party and special friends. A lovely and most romantic at mosphere was created in all the downstairs rooms which were thrown en suite for the occasion. On the piano in a bank of ferns was a doll bride in full costume.. On either side of the. bri'de was a tier of white burning candles joined together with white satin ribbon and each candle tied with a bow holding a pink hyacinth. A similar arrangement was used on the mantle in the living r.iom before a large mirror and again in the hall where the honorec and her finance were seated. The gue-ts were seated at card tables covered with white cloths and centered with a white candle tied with a pink hyacinth and white ribbon held in crystal holders. Assisting Mrs. Keener a"nd Mrs. Hooper in serv ing were: Mrs. N. L. Wilson, Mrs. T. O. Wilson, Mrs. D. D.- Hooper, Jr., and Miss Louise Wilson. Covers were laid for the hon oree, her fiance, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson, Misses Agnes Wilson, Hicks Wilson, Alice Weaver, Rebecca Sue Cannon, Mrs. E. E. Tweed. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilson. Frank Wester hoff, Wade Wilson, Mrs. Grover Wilkes and Rev. and Mrs. W. Q. Grigg. i PFC John N. Shelton Completes Course In Generalized Jet Chanute Field.'II.1?John N. Shel ton, son of Mi-, and Mrs. Frank Shelton, of N. C\. re cently graduated from the-Gener alized Jet course ;.t tiiis field. Tne course required 20 weeks train ing. Prior to attending this Air ! Force Training Command School he was stationed at Lakeland Air Base. His new station will be A. F. U. Mistress Dinah Brown Celebrates Birthdav Mrs. W. T. Brown celebrated the second birthday anniversary of her little daughter, Dinah Lynn, with a party at their home on Friday, April 2. Upon arrival the little gue^s were giv.en handmade crepe drawing contest in which each guest selected one end of a long pink ribbon streamer, the child drawing the ribbon having the fig- - ure "2" on the end was winner of the prize. Peggy Case drew the winner. A "Jack Horner Pie'\ contest in which the children found a gift at the end of the pink rib bun streamer they selected afforded miif ii merriment for the little folk. Tr.e attractive refreshment plates held individual white iced cup cakes bearing the figure 2, ice cream, punch, peanuts and a coca nut-c\)ated marshmallow with a 1 shted pink candle. The guest? included at Dinah i Lynn's party were Ronda and Janet Watson, Peggy Case, Yerna Kay Poppleweli. Tommy Jones, Forest Bryson. Mickey Wi-e, Lyn c'a Pjcget:. R-.dney Dilia.d, Whit H -Opcr. Judy Campbell, Nancy Tweed. Maureen Cope. Mothers . . ttendi: g w ere Mrs. Grayson Cope, ' Mr-. E. E. Tweed. Mrs. Ck ure Camp ;ell, Mrs. Leader Hooper, Mrs. Diilard Coward, Mrs. Johnny Watson and Mrs. J. B. Case and Mrs. Joe Deitz. i Prices of all important dairy | items at the beginning of 1948 weie i". gher than a year earlier. balloons. A lucky And Your Strength and ^ Energy Is llclou Par > It may be caused by disorder of kid rtev function that permits poisonous waste to accumulate. For truly many people f?>?-! tirod, weak and miserable when the Kidneys fail to remove excess act? >fij' . i-H's fr-quent ana scanty urina- ' tion u;t* sma-ting and burning is an- 1 \> ?:gn that something is wrong with *n< ki?ir.eys <>r bladder. Tnere sn.,uid be no doubt that prompt tr?-Htm?-r.t is wiser than n^lect. I. se ' iJoiiti ?< f'ttl*. It is better to rely on a u;?*di?"n?' that has won countrywide an- ' rroval than on snmetVng less favorably Known Pour,'* have bt?en tried and test ?''i n an> >ears. Are at all drug stores. <~?et [h)ii> * today. W^jiiu U. D. C. Chapter Has Monthly Meeting I On Thursday evening, April 8th Mrs. Dora Lee Collins and Miss Bertha Cunningham were joint hostesses at the home of the form er for the meeting of the B. H. Cathey chapter, United Daughter^ of the' Confederacy. Mrs. J. A. Bryson, president, was in charge of the business session. Final plans were made, for thel Gertrude Dills McKee recitation-j declamation contest, sponsored each year by the chapter. Tentative plans were made for the district meeting to be held in{ Sylva, May 14. Mrs. E. L. McKee had the pro-; gram for the evening. She re-' viewed the book, "Inside America" by John Gunther. Her comments were both entertaining and en- official allocation lot all gialnr lightening and made her listeners during AprU total 864>50o Ion* want to read the book as she had tong_ led by 30 5 bushels time to only touch on some of the of w;ieat and flour equivalent, highlights of the story. During the social hour the host- ' esses served a sweet course with HAVE YOU RENEWED coffee. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION? TRULY FINE MONUMENTS For Truly Fine Monuments See Our Many Designs in Granite Or Marble SYLVA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS JAMES T. BALES, Owner \ ?? I nTf; o ^ GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS FIELD FERTILIZER GARDEN & FARMING , *i~rl M *;# <*&$&&$*> "J? ""1"' '? .* v. ^'' ?? TOOIS Blue Grass Lawn Mowers See us todav for voiir ftuildimr and Hardware Needs SYLVA COAT & LUMBER CO A r orn **1 et* PHONE 71 ?v' V\. N. C. TIP as to what's TOPS OLLS seem to be the thing these days -L ?so why not make your own? Just bend a private ear to what's being said all around you ?and you'll get a dozen tips a day as to what's tops in cars this season. "My dear," one gal tells another, "it's even smarter inside! Everybody says it's the best-looking car on the road, but just wait till you sit in it! "And it's so easy to drive! I never thought a big car . ? "I'm telling you, Jim," you'll hear a man say. "Get a car that's big enough! "There's just no substitute for enough roadweight ?especially with that Buick power plant to give you the get-up-and-go you want.'' "Listen!" says another. "Here's the first, car where I've really been comfortable! We pack the whole crowd in ?kids and all ?and those big three-person seats givef 'em all the wiggle-room they want ?and still let me handle the wheel in comfort!" Then you may overhear a very, very bubbly individual who's driving a Dyna flow* Buick. "Nothing like it," he says. "Nothing like it ever before^ Don't ask me how it works, I'm no engineer ?but it's the silkiest, smoothest, slickest thing I ever laid hands on ?and I've driven 'em all! "Why, I went up Ft. George hill the other day?slowed to a dead-stop halfway up held 'er there ?picked up ?went over the top accelerating ? and never touched the control lever! "Never did anything but feed gas as I wanted it!" And so it goes. Power faas praising Fireball power. Com fort lovers going for Quadruflex coil springing and Safety-Ride rims. Folks who like quiet, singing paeans to Sound Sorber top lining. And everybody, yes everybody, agreeing there's only one true fashion plate ?and you can spot it at a glance. So why hold back? You'll never get to the top of a dealer's list that way! See that Buick dealer today?with or without a car to trade ?and get your firm order in; * Optional st tstra cttt ow Roodmaxttr modtlt o?|* Whit# ildewoll Hrtl, at Iflu?traf?A available at extra coil, i BU/CK alone has all these features * DYNAFIOW OfflVV * TAPE*-THRU STYUNO it FUX-FTT Oil tfMf ? YMA-SHIBJ&D RJDt ? SAFETY-RID I RJ/M (Optional, RotdniMNr S?tU*1 (Sop?r sad Roadatittr) * HI-POISED FIREBALL POWER ? ROAD-RITE BALANCE it ft#0#D TORQUE-TUBE ? SOUND-SORBS* TOP UMfNO (S?f?r Ud RixdMlttr) * QUADRUFLEX COfl SMUNOtNO it DUOMATK SPARK ADVANCE + VW SMART MOORS it BODY BY ffSHBt Ton# In HENRY J. TAYLOR, Mutual Network, # Mondayi and Fridays HELP AMERICA PRODUCE FOR PEACE?TURN IN YOUR SCRAP IRON AND STEEL HOOPER MOTOR COMPANY MAIN STREET / Sylva, N. C.