Classified Ads and Legals RATES: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 35*. Cards of Thanks, one cent per word, 50* minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams, obituaries, one eent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE 1 i FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 11 BUILDING BLOCKS?Clay, oon crete and cinder blocks in all sizes ior every type building. Sold at plant by railroad at Dillsboro or | delivered. Call at Dilsboro Con crete and Clament Products Com ? pany, or see E. A. Bumgarner, Sun ? ?set Farms, Whittier, N. C. 32-5* FOR SALE ? 1941 model Chev rolet pick-up, new cattle bed, good tires, in good mechanical condition. H. M. Moody, Tuckasei gee, N. C. 46-47* FOR RENT ? Rooms and apart ? ? ments. Apply at Sylva Hotel. 43-46* FOR RENT?3 2-room cabins with kitchenette. Modern conven iences. See Mrs. Sam Parker" or call at Parker and Dalton Store, Route 1, Sylva, N. C. 45* 46* WANTED?To rent a 4 or 5 room house, preferably on or close to the school bus line. Telephone 198-J or 110, Sylva. 45 46* WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI PHONE 17 FOR SALE?8-room modern brick house all conveniences, four acres land, 2 miles East Sylva on Ashe ville highway. Call phone 219-R. Mrs. T. K. Gutherie. 45 FOR SALE ? A 2 3-4 Neissen Wagon. Priced cheap. Usable. Apply at Farm Home Administra tion office. Telephone 4. 45* CONCRETE BLOCKS far build ing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundation*. Sold at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hayi, below bridge in Franklin. Phone 903, Highlands, N. C. 3-21tl FOR RENT?7-room house, one mile from Western Carolina Teachers college. Modern con veniences and necessary outbuild ings. John S. Rogers, Cullowhee, N. C. 45* 46* WANTED?Passengers for a ride to Seattle, Washington. Will leave Sylva during first week in May. See Ralph Henry at home in ,Willets, N. C. or write me at Rt. 1, Sylva, N. C. 46-47pd. FOR SALE?One six year old horse, weight 1000 pounds, with good set of harness. Price $150.00. See Claude Brooks, Barkers Creek. No. 46* FOR SALE ? 8-room modern brick house all conveniences, four acres land, 2 miles East Sylva on Asheville highway. Call phone 219-R. Mrs. T. K. Gutherie. 45,46* FOR SALE ? brick house with 1 acre lot on highway 19 in Maple Springs section. Mrs. L. H. Baker, Sylva, N. C. Phone 219M. 46-47* NO ROAD NEEDED The 4-Wheel-Drive1 UNIVERSAL Gets Through to the Job Jeep Whenever men, tools and equipment must be taken right to the job, the "Jeep" is the answer. It goes wherever the work requires? through mud, sand or bad roads and over terrain impossible to cross with ordinary vehicles. It operates with speed and economy on the highway in conventional 2-wheel drive; yet shifts instantly to 4-wheel drive for sure traction and steady pulling over rough country. POWER WHERE NEEDED The Universal "Jeep" pro vides power when and where needed. With power-take off the "Jeep" operates compressors, welders, gen erators, winches, blowers and other equipment which can be mounted on it. fULMER MOTOR CO. Cullowhee Road Sylva, N. C FOR RENT?A large garden. See John B. Ensley. 46* Be independent. Sell Rawleigh Products. Good nearby locality open. Write today: Rawleigh's, Dept. NCD 781 D, Richmond, Va. FOR SALE ? 20-foot trailer, fully equipped. Practically new, excel lent condition. Will sell cheap. Mrs. Marshall Mason, 1 mile out on Cullowhee road. Sylva, Box 413. 46-48* NOTICE?I am now open for busi ness to take care of all your needs for your sewing machine or parts, carrying a complete line of new and re-conditioned machines. Conversions on treadle machines. I will appreciate your business. R. D. Webster, Dillsboro, X. C. 46 47* FOR SALE ? Mountain farm one mile from Sylva in Rhodes Cove with small 3-room boxed house. 14 acres land, 18 large apple trees, good pasture, good spring near house, $1600 in cash, $1800 un time, $600 down, $25 per month. Also a 4-room house and lot 60 ft. by 150 ft., good well near house, just outside city limit on Cullowhee highway, $2250 cash. 2 lots in Hall heights, each 50 ft. by 150 ft. $300 each, $25 down, $10 per month. See Enoch Jamison, Sylva 46* FOR SALE ? Mahogany single poster bed, double coil springs; rollaway bed; Plantet Jr. Planter. See Mrs. Ben Queen Sylva. 46* North Carolina's " strawberry <7 * crop came through the winter in fairly good condition. Production of eggs on North Car olina farms during January was up seasonally, but still 14 million eggs below January production a year earlier. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS f OK CLERK OF COURT I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court of Jackson County, sub ject to the will of the voters in the Democratic Primary in May. If nominated and elected I will car ry cm the duties of the ofice to the best of my ability and to the best interest of the people of Jackson Count. Your vote and influence in my behalf will be appreciated. JOHN E. HENSON. Mar 4-May 27 For Clerk Of Court I hereby announce to the Dem ocratic voters of Jackson County that I am a candidate for the nom ination for the office of Clerk of Court of this county, and that I s?ek their support in the forth coming primary of May 29 as a candidate for this offioe. I will appreciate your support of my candidacy. If nominated and elected, I will carry out the duties of this office to the best of my ability. JACK F. COOPER. Mar 4-May 27 For Clerk Of Court ? I hereby announce myself as a candidate seeking the nomination for the office of Clerk of Jackson County, subject to the will of the voters in the Democratic Primary Of May 29. I will appreciate your support in my behalf. If nominat ed and elected, I will render the duties of the office my best efforts. m ? .. CLAUDE COWAN. Mar 4-May 27. Administrator^ Notice Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of W. B. Wilkes deceased, late of Jackson County' North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office in Sylva N. C., on or before April 7, 194s or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 7th day of April, 1948. Wilkes, Administrator of the Estate of W. B. Wilkes, de ceased, of Jackson County, N. C April 13. 22. 29, May 6, 13, 20. Executor's Notice (uHaJ'n2 qualified as executor of the Estate of Mrs. Ella K. Led better, deceased, late of Jackson county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office in Waynesvilie. V.. C.. on or before March la, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 15th day of March, 1948 Ledbetter. Executor of the Estate of Mrs. Ella K. Ledbet ter, deceased of Jackson County North Carolina. ' Mar. 18-25, Ap. 1-8-15-22. AL Hospital News Miss Freda Siler, of Frankliiv tonsilectomy. Master Michael Strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Strong, in for! treatment. Mr. Lewis Sherriil, Bryson City, appendectomy. Mrs. Addie Bowers of Alarka, Sw. in county, appendectomy. Miss Bobby Nelle Ensley of ap pentectomy. Mr. J. C. Brown, Jr., of Sylva, in for treatment. ,Mr. Johnny Stillwell, of Webster, admitted for treatment. Mrs. H. P. Smith, of Cullowhee, is receiving treatment. Mrs. Hazel Walls, of Bryson City, admitted for treatment. Gracie Bryson (colored) receiv ing treatment. Mrs. Dallas Sutton, of Dillsboro, is in for treatment. 'Mrs. O. L. Lanning, of Glen-1 ville, is receiving treatment. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Leon Burnett of Cullowhee have announced the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, April 7. A daughter was born April G to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson oi Gay. Born April 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Powell, of Sylva, a daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hyde, of Franklin, have announced the birth of a daughter on April 3. A daughter was born April 3 to ? Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of Syl va. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Wilson, of Sylva. Mr. Zeb V. Watson, of Speed On April 2 a son was born to NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Jackson County. In The Superior Court. Whereas, on the 2dth day. of De cember, 1946, a certain freed im Trust was duly executed by Beckie Bryson (widow); Henry Bryson and wife; Claude Bryson and wife; and Frank Alvin Bryson, for an undivided three-sevenths interest in the lands hereinafter described, made payable to the State of North Carolina and naming Roy Cowan trustee therein, said Deed in Trust being in lieu of bond for the per sonal appearance for Claude Bry son at the February Term, 1947, of | the Superior Court for Jackson County, which Deed in Trust is! duly recorded in Book 155 at page 611 et seq. in the Register's Office;' And, whereas, the said Claude! Bryson failed to appear-at?stud r term so designated, and lifter hav-j ing been called. sam<? was con tinued until the October Term, 1947, of said Court, at wirich time' the defendant was again called and upon his failure to appear con-, tinued and at the February Term. I 1948, upon again being called and' failing to appear, judgment final was taken therein, the Court or- \ dering the lan&j^described in said Deed in Trust to- be sold, but due ' to the death of the said Roy Cowan, trustee, C. C. Buchanan, the under signed, was named as substitute trustee for the purpose of making said sale; Now, therefore, by order of said Court, the undersigned will on the 10th day of May, 1948, at noon at the Court House door in the! Town of Sylva, sell to the highest bidder for cash the three-sevenths undivided interest including dow er interest of Beckie Bryson, in the following lands, situate, lying l and being in Sylva Township, in ! the County and State aforesaid, j descibed as follows: Beginning at a small fenced | black oak on upper bank of road i leading from Taylor Buchanan's to Abe Moore's, and runs thence N. 81V2 E. 33 poles to a large forked chestnut (dead); thence S. 2 3-4 W. 30 poles to a stake with ashe and blackgum pointers; thence N. 88 W. 69 poles to a stake in the Taylor Buchanan's line on the ridge at a road; thence N. 26 3-4 E. 8 poles to a black oak; thence? 34 V2 E. with top of ridge 16 poles to a small spanish oak; thence N. 59 E. 11 poles to a stake in the forks of the road; thence S. 78 E.; with road 15 poles to Beginning,! containing 10 acres more or less,! and excepting 1 acre heretofore j conveyed. This April 5th, 1948. C. C. BUCHANAN, Substitute Trustee Apr 8 15 22 29 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Jackson County. JULIA COLEMAN vs. WARREN COLEMAN In the Superior Court. The above named defendant, Warren Coleman, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Super ior Court of Jackson County. North Carolina, being an action for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce. And the said defendant will further take no'iee that he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court Jack son Co., at the Courthouse in Sylva, North Carolina, within twenty (20) days after the 24th day of April. | 1948. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said 'action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 24th day of March, 1948. 1 JOHN E. HENSON, fClerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina. Mar 25 April 1 8 15HEM NOW'S TIME TO GET PROPER SEED PLATES Growers of hybrid corn should arrange now, rather than the day corn is to be planted, for install ing the proper size of seed plates, says Dr. H. P. Moore, head of the North Carolina Crop Improvement Association. Corn hybrids, Dr. Moore said, are sold by, grades which may re quire special seed plates. Since high yields require good stands, special attention must be given to the selection of the proper plates. Many farmers rework the cellsj of either old or new seed platesI in order to get an accurate seed drop. Dr. Moore states. When checking the correctness of seed plates, he added, the farmer should adjust the cell sizes so that the largest kernels of corn present a ill be planted without difficulty. I: this adjustment is made, tin* smaller kernels in the grade will ikely cause no trouble, especially 1 well-graded lots of corn. "Luck is not a substitute for the proper plates, nor is it a good farm ing partner," Dr. Moore decleared. "Many seed manufacturers are .villing to help farmers select the proper, seed plates upon request: Farmers, however, must be. will ing to help themselves. If a good stand is not dropped, don't expect a good stand to come up." Alpha Phi Sigma Elects Officers, Names Delegates Cullowhee?The Zeta chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, a national teach ers college honor student frater nity, elected officers for next year, named n delegate and an alter nate delegate to the national con vention in St. Louis in June, and appointed a committee to select and secure a speaker for the chap ter in early May. Jo Pryor, Bear Wallow, was elected president. Other officers chosen were Clyde Pressiey, Speed well, vice president; Donald Tom berlin,, secretary-treasurer; Tom Horton, Hurdle Mills, director of publicity, and Hilders Holder, Stecoah, and Hobe Collins, Way CORRECTION In the issue of tiic Herald lor April 8th in the article about the Savannah Community Plans for Soil Conservation Program, Mr. K. C). Higdon was named as chair man. This was a mistake. Mr. G. C. Turpin is the chairman. The Herald regrets that this error was made_,b'ut the story was printed as given to the Herald reporter. well, recovering from an < peration. Mr. Wayne Battle, of Bryson City, appendectomy. nesville, representatives-at-large. Miss Pryor was selected to at tend the national convention, and Miss Kathleen Davis, faculty spon sor of the chapter, was named al ternate delegate in the event, that Miss Pryor cannot go. A1 Booze and Charlie Bird, Cul lowhee, Mr. Collins, and Sue Nor man, Spruce Pine, were appointed to the committee to secure a speak er. Dr. W. Kennit Chapman Dentist t Offloe# in BOYD BUILDING Waynetville. N. C. Phont 361 GIVE IT NEW LIFE Is the old bus burning oil ? eating gas? We'll rejuvenate it for you by installing new rings and bearings, grinding and refacing valves, and cleaning and adjusting alf moving parts. You'll drive away in a high spirited vehicle. New Cars Are Still Hard to Get. .. so let us check your old car regularly and repair minor trouble before it becomes a major job . . . and your car becomes dangerous to drive. State inspection lane opens in Sylva May 2, will your :ar pass in its presenjt condition? ? Kirk - Davis Chevrolet Co., Inc. Chevrolet Cars ? Trucks ? Repair Phone 79 Sylva, N. C. Only Eating Place In Town Open All Nite Specializing in CHOPS, SANDWICHES, AND VEGETABLE PLATE DINNERS DAILY 3v WITH CHOICE OF MEAT W VISIT AND TRY OUR FINE FOOD THE GRILL On Mill Street Open 24 Hours A Day Across From Depot CALL PHONE 250 FOR DELIVERY SERVICE The BestIhrt C< ?:.%s m:i :&

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