Classified Ads and Legals RATES: Om cent per word per insertion, minimum of 35*. Cards ol Thanks, one cent per word, 5Of minimum. Resolutions ef respect, memeriaxns, obituaries, one eent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street. Sylva, N. C. Mar 2i U BUILDING BLOCKS-?Clay, con crete and. cinder blocks in all sizes for every type building. Sold, at plant by railroad at Dillsboro or delivered. Call at Dilsboro Con crete and Clam en t Products Com ? pany, or see E. A. Bumgamier, Sun ? ^ set Farms, Whittier, N. C. 32-5* FOR SALE ? 1941 model Chev rolet pick-up, new cattle bed, good tires, in good mechanical condition. H. M. Moody, Tuckasei gee, N. C. 46-47* CONCRETE BLOCKS far build ing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hay*, below bridge in Franklin. Phone 903, Highlands, N. C. ' 0-21tf WANTED?Passengers' for a ride to Seattle, Washington. Will leave Sylva during first week in May. See Ralph Henry at home in Willets, N. C. or write me at Rt. 1, Sylva, N. C. 46-47pd. FOR SALE ? Seven room brick house with 1 acre lot on highway 19 in Maple Springs section. Mrs. L. H. Baker, Sylva, N. C. Phone 219M. 46-47* FOR SALE ? 20-foot trailer, fully equipped. Practically new, excel lent condition. Will sell cheap. Mrs. Marshall Mason, 1 mile out on Cullowhee road. Sylva, Box 413. 46-48* NOTICE?I am now open for busi ness to take care of all your needs for your sewing machine or parts, carrying a complete line of new and re-conditioned machines. Conversions on treadle machines. I will appreciate your business. R. D.'Webster, Dillsboro, N. C. 46 47* "YOUR CHANCE"?I operate a congenial business which pro duces a fine income. I am my own boss and choose my own working hours. My only investment is my automobile. My business, is not for sale, but if you will write or see me, I shall give you valuable information. B. E. Blanton, Dills boro, N. C. 47 48* MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi ness. Sell 1500 families. Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. NCD 781 SA, Richmond, Va. FOR SALE?House and lot on Cul lowhee Road. 4 rooms and bath with electric water pump and heater. See Harry Parker. Sylva Radio and Electric Co. 47* TOR SALE?Jeep station wagon, bought December, 1946 new. Five good tires, been driven 13,000 miles. ?Can be seen at Fred McLain's on ?Cope Creek. Phone 165M. 47 FOR SALE?8-room modern brick house, all conveniences, four ac res land, 2 miles East of Sylva on .AsheviJSe highway. Call Phone :219-R, T. K. Gutherie. No. 47 FOR SALE?Small farm, 15 acres, four room house, several out buildings, wood and water, in the Fisher Cove section. See Mrs. D. R. Hoyle at home. 47-48* STRAYED?April 15 in Webster Township one Hampshire pig, weight about 40 pounds, black -with white on shoulders. Notify Clyde Vance at Farmers Federa tion. 47* FOR SALE?Percheron Fillie four years old, weight 1100 pounds, work anywhere. Harry Mason Sylva,. N. C. 47* WANTED?3, 4 or 5 room unfur nished apartment or house. Phone 21, ask for Mrs. Hampton. 47-48* FOR RENT ? Rooms and apart ments. Apply at Sylva Hotel. Phone 15. 47-50* WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI PHONE 17 LAND FOR SALE ? 3.3 acres of land, 4 miles East of Tuckasei gee, small house, splendid build ing site, two good springs. See Lar ry Mull, at Maple Springs Cafe. Phone 219-J 47* NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX ^tiaving qualified as Administra trix of the Estate of R? *L. Ariail, deceased, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to nptify all persons having claims against, the estate of said deceased to ex-1 hibit them to the undersigned at Sylva, North Carolina, on or be fore the 19th day of April, 1949, or] this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 19th day of April, 1948. MARGARET M. ARIAIL, Administratrix of the Estate of R. L. Ariail, Deceased. Apr. 22,29-May 6-13. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of W. C. Allison* de ceased,' late, of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate or the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Sylva, North Carolina, on or before the 17th day of April, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said Estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 17th day of April, 1948. Dan K. Moore, Executor of the Estate of W. C. Allison, deceased. Apr 22 29 May 6 13 20 27 NATIONAL FORE8T TIMBER FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina, up to and not later than 2:00 p. m. May 24, 1948, and opened immediately thereafter for all live timber marked or des ignated for cutting, located on an area embracing about 1,000 acres within the Scotsman Creek unit,1 Chattooga River Watershed, Jack son County, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina, estimated to be 2,000 M feet B. M. more or less of hardwoods and softwoods. No bid of less than $26.50/per M for yellow poplar; $17.50 per M ior white oak and North red oak; S14.50 per M for basswood; $13.50 per M for white pine; $12.50 per M for red maple; $7.50 per M for chestnut oak and birch; $6.50 per M for yellow pine and black oak; $3.50 per M t'er scarlet oak and hemlock; $1.00 per M for black gum will be considered. In addi tion to prices bid for stumpage, a deposit of $1.50 per M feet for all timber cut will be required for sale area betterment. The pur chaser will be responsible for the mainterrance of, or for his share of.the maintenance, of the Forest Service road used in hauling of timber removed from the sale area. $1,000 must be deposited with each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and the sub mission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Frank lin, North Carolina. BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $460,000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF JACKSON WHEREAS, the County Board of Education of the County of Jack-I son has certified to the County1 Board of Commissioners that said County Board of Education has as certained and determined that it is necessary to provide the school facilities described in Section 1 of this bond order in order that said County, as an administrative agen cy of the public school system of the State of North Carolina, may maintain public schools in said county for the six months term re quired by the Constitution of North Carolina, and that it will be nec essary to expend not less than $450, 000 to finance said school facili ties, and has requested the Board of Commissioners to raise said sum by the issuance of bonds of the County of Jackson; NOW, THERE FORE BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Jackson as follows: Section 1. The Board of Com missioners of the County of Jack son has ascertained and hereby determines, that it is necessary (1) to erect a new school building in order to effect a consolidation of the Barker's Creek and Wilmot Elementary Schools, and (2) to re construct and alter the existing Sylva Elementary School Build ing, and (3) to erect a n^v school building to effect the consolidation of Beta, Addie and Willets Ele mentary Schools, and (4) to re construct and alter the existing Glenville High School Building, and (5) to reconstruct and alter the Cashiers Elementary School Building, in order that Jackson County, as an administrative ag ency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina, may maintain public schools in said county for the six months term re quired by the Constitution of North Carolina, and that it will be nec essary to expend for such pur pose not less than $450,000, and that no provision has been made by local tax or otherwise to raise said sum for such purpose. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to finance said POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOB CLERK OF COURT I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court of Jackson County, sub ject to the will of the voters in the Democratic Primary in May. If nominated and elected I will car ry on the duties of the oUce to the best of my ability and to the best interest of the people of Jackson Count. Your vote and influence in my behalf will be appreciated. JOHN E. HENSON. Mar 4-May 27 For Clerk Of Court I hereby announce to the Dem ocratic voters of Jackson County that I am a candidate for the nom ination for the office of Clerk of Court of this county, and that I seek their support in the forth coming primary of May 29 as a candidate for this office. I will appreciate your support of my candidacy. If nominated and elected, I will carry out the duties of this office to the best of my ability. JACK F. COOPER. Mar 4-May 27 For Clerk Of Court I hereby announce myself as a candidate seeking the nomination for the office of Clerk of Jackson County, subject to the will of the voters in the Democratic Primary of May 29. I will appreciate your support in my behalf. If nominat ed and elected, I will render the duties of the office my best efforts'/ ^ CLAUDE COWAN. Mar 4-May 27. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Subject to the approval' of the voters of Jackson County, I here by offer myself as a candidate for the office of Representative in the next General Assembly. _ If nominated and elected I, pledge myself to support state aid in building school buildings, in creased pay for teachers, better school bus service, systematic in spection and repair of rural roads and the establishment of no leg alized liquor store in any county of North Carolina except by vote I of a majority of the legal voters in said county. If this program should meet your approval I solicit your vote in the coming primary. * M. Y. Jarrett' i ' Apr 22* Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of W. B. Wilkes, deceased, late of Jackson County North Carolina, this is to notify 1 all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office in Sylva, N. C., on or before April 7, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 7th day of April, 1948. Glover Wilkes, Administrator of the Estate of W. B. Wilkes, de ceased, of Jackson County, N. C. April 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Jackson County. In The Superior Court. Whereas, on the 2bth day of De cember, 1946, a certain Deed in Tryst was duly executed by Beckie Bryson (widow); Henry Bryson and wife; Claude Bryson and wife; and Frank Alvin Bryson, for an undivided three-sevenths interest school facilities described in Sec tion 1 of this bond order, bonds of the County of Jackson are here by authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The County Finance Act of North Carolina. The maxi mum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450, i 000). Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A statement of the County Debt of the County of Jack son has been filed with the Clerk ! of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is open to public I inspection. Section 5. This bond order shall ; take effect when, approved by the voters of the County at an elec I tion as provided in said Act. The foregoing . bond order has been introduced and a sworn state ment has been filed under the County Finance Act, showing the assessed valuation of the county to be $11,069,691.00, and the net debt for school purposes, includ j ing the proposed bonds, to be $508, | 002.76. A tax will be levied for the payment of the proposed bonds and interest, if the same shall be i issued. Any citizen or taxpayer ! may protest against the issuance of such bonds at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners to be held at the regular meeting place of said Board in the County Court Home in SjtIva, North Caroline, at 10:00 o'clock, A. 1L, on the 3rd day of May, 1048. Tom L. Clayton, Clerk of Board of Commis sioners of Jackson County. Apr. 22 RESOLUTION OF RESPECT The following resolution was adopt d by the members of the Jackson County Board of Educa tion at its regular meeting held April 5, 1948: WHEREAS, In the passing of R. L. Ar'ail, on Sunday, March 28, 1948, The Jackson County Board of Education has lost a faithful mem ber and a conscientious worker. During the year he served on the Board, his fellow members paid him the honor of electing him Chairman of. the Board. His broad experience, good judgment, and wise counsel proved valuable to the work of the Board of Edu cation, and he won the respect of all with whom he was brought in to contact. The members of the Board of Education gratefully record its ap preciation of Mr. Ariail by adopt ing the following resolutions: BE IT RESOLVED,That we, on behalf of the membership of the Jackson County Board of Educa tion, attest to the inspiration and support which Mr. Ariail brought1 to the Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be recorded in the minutes of the Board, and that a copy be sent to Mr. Ariail's family as a testimon ial of our sincere appreciation of his usefulness, not only as a mem ber of the Board, but also as a citizen of Jackson County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be published m the Sylva Herald. J. H. Morris I W. R. Enloe F. H. Brown, Jr. Edward Fowler Executor's Notice Having qualified as executor of the Estate of Mrs. Ella K. Led better, deceased, late of Jackson county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office in Waynesville, N. C., on or before March 15^. 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. Thi.-s the 15th day of March, 1?48. Arthur Ledbetter, Executor of the Estate of Mrs. Ella K. Ledbet ter, deceased of Jackson County, North Carolina. Mar. 18-25, Ap. 1-8-15-22. AL in the lands hereinafter described, made payable to the State of North1 Carolina and naming Roy Cowan trustee therein, said Deed in Trust being in lieu of bond for the per- , sonal appearance for Claude Bry son at the February Term, 1947, o| the Superior Court for Jackson County, which Deed in Trust is duly recorded in Book 155 at page 611 et seq. in the Register's Office; And, whereas, the said Claude Bryson failed to a^oear at said term so designated, and after hav ing been called, same wan con tinued until the October Term, 1947, of said Court, at which time the defendant was again called and upon his failure to appear con tinued and at the February Term, 1948, upon again being called and failing to appear, judgment final was taken therein, the Court or dering the lands described in said Deed it? Trust to be sold, but due! to the death of the said Roy Cowan, trustee, C. C. Buchanan, the under signed, was named as substitute trustee for the purpose of making said sale; Now, therefore, by order' oi said Court, the undersigned will cm the 10th day of May, 1948, at noon at the Court House door in the Town of Sylva, sell to the highest bidder for cash the three-sevenths undivided interest including dow er interest of Beokie Bryson, in the following lands, situate, lying and being in Sylva Township, in the County and State aforesaid, descibed as follows: Beginning at a small fenced black oak on upper bank of road leading from Taylor Buchanan's to Abe Moore's, and runs thence N\ 81 Vz E. 33 poles to a large forked chestnut (dead); thence S. 2 3-4 W. 30 poles to a stake with ashe and blackgum pointers; thence N. 88 W. 69 poles to a stake in the Taylor Buchanan's line on the ridge at a road; thence N. 26 3-4 E. 8 poles to a black oak; thence? 34 V2 E. with top of ridge 16 poles to a small spanish oak; thence N. 59 E. 11 poles to e stake in the forks of the road; thence S. 78 E. with ioad 15 poles to Beginning, containing 10 acres more or less, and excepting 1 acre heretofore conveyed. This April 5th, 1948. C. C. BUCHANAN, Substitute Trustee Apr 8 15 22 29 QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS ws to excess acid Free BookTslls of HomeTreatmentthat Moot Help or it Win Cost Yoo Nothing Otw three million bottle* of the Wili,aio> Tuatmkxt hare been told for relief of aymptomjiof distress arising from Stamaeli oad PweOrnal Ww ? doe to Basses Aen ? Wmm DIcMtkn, Seur or Upeet StMiach, Omlem, Heartburn, tliipliwrmi, etc., due to Excsm Acid. Sold on 15 dayn' trial! Auk for "WIMard'e Message" which folly ?iplaln?this treatment?tie# at SYLVA PHARMACY PROFESSIONAL DRtlQ STORK Mrs. Mary Kizzie Adams Passes Away At Her Home Funeral services were held at the Mt. Grove Baptist church Mon day, April 12 at) 1 o'clock lor Mrs. Mary Kizzie Adams, 78, who pas sed away at her home Saturday, April 10 alter a three weeks ill ness. Rev. Carsie Hooper and son, Wesley Hooper, officiated. Mrs. Adams was a member of ft the Mountain Grove Baptist church. Surviving are five chil dren, Garfield Adams of Ellijay, McKinley Adams, India McFalls, Elmor Adams and Nan Donaldson, all of Speedwell, 27 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and a large number of friends and neighbors. About 250 people attended the funeral, showing the love and es teem which her friends had for her. Europe's 1948 wheat and ryt crops are expected to be well above those of last year. Dr. W. Kennit Chapman Dentist Offlo? in BOYD BUILDING Wayneevllte. N. C. Phone Ml i Only Eatiig Place In Town Open All Nite Specializing in CHOPS, SANDWICHES, AND VEGETABLE PLATE DINNERS DAILY w WITH CHOICE OF MEAT W VISIT AND TRY OUR FINE FOOD THE GRILL On Mill Street Open 24 Hours A Day Across From Depot CALL PHONE 250 FOR DELIVERY SERVICE The "Stop- at -Nothing" Vehicle the Whole Country Needed 4-WHtn-DRv; * IaaW UNIVER' ^|VV|I THE UNIVERSAL 'JEEP' is the kind of vehicle this country has needed for forty years. It is a tough, rugged vehicle that can always be depended on to take men and supplies where they arc needed. With selective 2- and 4-whdrive, the Universal "J^P" gives speed oa hard roads and ability to .r had roads or travel cross-country. With all four wheels pulling, you yr : -h mud, sand and snow that stops ordinary vehicles. The "Jeep" wi.l v! < 1 60-per-cent grade and maneuver its way through dense growth. y For every kind 01 v otk <?n .>r off the road, in any weather?the Univer sal "Jeep" measures up to ever)' need. We invite you to drive the "J^p" fifty miles and see for yourself. Fulmer Motor Company CuUowhee Road Sylva N

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