^ SILL ^ Of FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial servico next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf BUILDING BLOCKS?Clay, con crete and cinder blocks in all sizes for every type building. Sold at plant by railroad at Dillsboro or delivered. Call at Dilsboro Con crete and Clament Products Com pany, or see E. A. Bumgamier, Q.un ? set Farms, Whittier, N. C. 32-5* CONCRETE BLOCKS for build ing homes, stores, barns, ga rages or foundations. Sold at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hays, below bridge in Franklin. Pnone 903, Highlands, N. C. ?-21tf FOR SALE ? 20-foot trailer, fully equipped. Practically new, excel lent condition. Will sell cheap Mrs. Marshall Mason, 1 mile out on Cullowhee road. Sylva, Box 413. 46-48* "YOUR CHANCE"?I operate a congenial business which .pro duces a fine income. I am my own boss and choose my own working hours. My only investment is my automobile. My business is not for sale, but if you will write or| see me, I shall give you valuable information. B. E. Blanton, Dills boro, N. C, 47 48* FOR SALE?Small farm, 15 acres, j four room house, severak out buildings, wood and water, in the Fisher Cove section. See Mrs. D. R. Hoyle at home. 47-48* WANTED?3, 4 or 5 room unfur nished apartment or "house. Phone 21, ask for Mrs. Hampton. 47-48* FOR RENTJ ? Rooms an'd apart ments. Apply at Sylva Hotel.) Phone 15. 47-50* MAN WANTED for Rawleigh ^business. Reaf opportunity. We| help you get started. Write Raw leigh's, Dept. NCD 781 O. Rich mond, Va. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN FRANKLIN ? I have several good houses and lots, also 1 large farm and two small farms. Priced reasonably to, meet demands * of everyone. Dan T. Bryson, Frank lin, N. C. 48 51* FOR RENT?10 acres oi extra good bottom land, also good 9-room house, known as the Dillard Bry son place at Beta. For sale, Mon .arch wood r.r.d cral range, prac tically new, with or without waiter tank, See Mrs. E. M. Lloyd,.Hotel Lloyd, Sylva, or Dan T. Bryson, Franklin, N. C. (. 48 49* WANTEt)?Middle age couple for light house work, room on place. Must be of good Christian charact er. Write P. O. Box 5098, Biltmore Station, Asheville, N. C. 48-49* FOR SALE?Spotted Poland china pigs, 7 weeks old. Roy Tritt, East LaPorte, N. C. 48-49* FOR SALE?Jeep station wagon, bought December, 1946 new. 5 good tires, been driven 13,000 miles. Can be seen at Fred McLain's on ?Cope Creek. Phone 165M. -48* FOR SALE?Seven room brick house with 1 acre lot on high way 19 in Maple Springs section. Mrs. L. H. Baker, Sylva, N. C. Phone 219M. ' 48-49* WOOD FOR SALE?Heater blocks, or split stove wood. Oak, poplar, mixed wood. $3 to $5 per pick-up . truck load. R. D. Webster, Dills boro, N. C. 48-49* , - NOTICE OF EXECUTOR Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of. W. C. Allison, de ceased, late, of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all * persons having claims against the Estate or the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Sylva, North Carolina, on or before the 17th day of April, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said Estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 17th day of April, 1948. Dan K. Moore, Executor of the Estate of W. C. Allison, deceased. Apr 22 29 May 6 13 20 27 WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI PHONE * NOTICE OF SALE I North Carolina, Jackson County. In The Superior Court. Whereas, on the 2bth day of De cember, 1946, a certain Deed in Trust was duly executed by Beckie Bryson (widow); Henry Bryson and wife; Claude Bryson and wife; and Frank Alvin Bryson, for an undivided three-sevenths interest in the lands hereinafter described, made payable to the State of North Carolina and naming Roy Cowan trustee therein, said Deed in Trust being in lieu of bond for the per sonal appearance for Claude Bry son at the February Term, 1947, of the Superior Court for Jackson County, which Deed in Trust is duly recorded in Book 155 at page 611 et sfiq. in the Register's Office; And, whereas, the said Claude Bryson failed to appear at said term so designated, and after hav ing been called, same was con tinued until the October Term, 1947, of saicKCourt, at which time the defendant was again called and upon his failure to appear con tinued and at the February Term, 1948, upon again being called and failing to appear, judgment final was taken therein, the Court or dering the lands described in said Deed in Trust to be sold, but due to the death of the said Roy Cowan, trustee, C. C. Buchanan, the under signed, was named as substitute trustee for the purpose of making said sale; Now, therefore, by order of said Court, the undersigned will on the 10th day of May, 1948, at noon at the Court House door in the Town of Sylva, sell to the highest! bidder for cash the three-sevenths undivided interest including dow er interest of Beckie Bryson, in the following lands, situate, lying and being in Sylva Township, in the County and State aforesaid, descibed as follows: Beginning at a small fenced black oak on upper bank of road leading from Taylor Buchanan's to Abe Moore's, and runs thence N. 81 V2 E. 33 poles to a large forked chestnut (dead); thence S. 2 3-4 W. 30 poles to a stake with ashe and blackgum pointers; thence N. 88 W. 69 pdles to a stake in the Taylor Buchanan's line on the ridge at a road; thence N. 26 3-4 E. 8 poles to a black oak; thence? 3412 E. with top of ridge 16 poles to a small spanish oak; thence N. 59 E. 11 poles to a stake in the forks of the road; thence S. 78 E. with road 15 poles to Beginning, containing 10 acres more or less, and excepting 1 acre heretofore conveyed. This April 5th. 194R. C. C. EUCHANAN. Substitute Trustee Apr 8 15 22 29 .. ... POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ! FOR CLERK OF COURT I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of.Court of Jackson County, sub ject to the will of the voters in the Democratic Primary in May. If nominated and elected I will car ry on ,the duties of the ofice to the best of my ability ahd to the best interest of the people of Jackson Count. Your vote and influence in my behalf will be appreciated. JOHN E. HENSON. Mar 4-May 27 For Clerk Of Court I hereby announce to the Dem ocratic voters of Jackson County that I am a candidate for the nom ination for the office of Clerk of Court of this county, and that I seek their support in the forth coming primary of May 29 as a candidate for this office. * I will appreciate your support of my candidacy. If nominated and elected, I will carry out the duties of this office to the best of my ability. JACK F. COOPER. Mar 4-May 27 For Clerk Of Court I hereby announce myself as a candidate seeking the nomination for the office of Clerk of Jackson County, subject to the will of the i voters in the Democratic Primary \ of May 29. I will appreciate your | support in my behalf. If nominat ed and elected, I will render the 1 duties of the office my best efforts. CLAUDE COWAN. Mar 4-May 27. For Representative I hereby ofler myself as a can didate for the office of Represen tative in the Democratic primary, subject to the approval of the vo ters of Jackson county. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to support increased pay for the school teachers of Jack son county, better county roads and improved conditions for the working man. * If I am elected I will represent the citizens of Jackson county to the best of my ability. Your vote and support will be appreciated. James A. Turpin Apr. 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX Having qualified as Administra-? trix of the Estate of R. L. Ariail, j deceased, late of Jackson County J North Carolina, this is to notifyj all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex-, hibit them to the undersigned at Sylva, North Carolina, on or be fore the 19th day of April, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of, their recovery. All persons in-1 debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 19th day of April, 1948.' MARGARET M. ARIAIL, Administratrix of the Estate! of R. L. Ariail, Deceased.; Apr. 22,29-May 6-13. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of W. B. Wilkes, deceased,, late of Jackson County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office in Sylva,1 N. C., on or before April 7, 1949, or' this notice will be pleaded in barj of recovery thereon. All persons, indebted to said estate will please! make immediate settlement. This the 7th day of April, 1948. Gi;over Wilkes, Administrator of the Estate of W. B. Wilkes, de ceased, of' Jackson County, N. C. April 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20. Air-minded? Top men among this year's high school graduates want careers in aviation. It's a specialist's field j with specialist pay. YOU can en-| ter this exciting and unlimited; field through the United States Air Force's Aviation Career Plan. High school graduates, between! 17 and 34, can select the"specialized ? training courses they want, qualify for- the school before they enlist, and thus, be sure of the assignment they prefer. Gain a head start in the career of'tomorrow by get ting the full details NOW. Visit your nearest U. S. Army and U. S.' Air Force Recruiting Office at; Franklin, N. C. and Sylva, N. C.' Do it now! Dorothy Williams Completes Floral Designing Course Miss Dorothy Williams of Dot and Jane's Flower Shop returned .Sunday from Atlanta, where she had been for the past few weeks studying floral designing at the Hn per School of Floral designing. This cour.-e completed Miss Wil liams' work at the school and she received her certificate along with several others. She had previously studied other phases of her work al the school. Mrs. Olson Entered By Student In "Quiz Kid" Better Teacher Contest Mrs. Clair Olson, critic teacher in the Western Carolina Teachers college training school, has been entered by one of her pupils, Anna Mae Fox, Speedwell, in the quiz Kid's 1948 Best Teacher contest. Mrs. Olson has received a cer tificate of eligibility for the na tional contest, and is eligible for the first prize of $2,500, or for eith er of two second prizes of $1,000 each. Anna Mae received a prize, Mrs. Olson said, but added that she did not know the exact amount. The contest, sponsored by the Quiz Kids and Miles Laboratories, is being held for the purpose of PERSONALS Mrs. A. C. Reynolds has return ed to Black Mountain after spend ing a few days here with her daughter, Mrs. Mary R. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edwards left Tuesday to return to their home in Bluefield, W. Va. after spend ing several days here with Mrs. Edwards' brothers, W. L. and G. VV. Jones, and her sister, Mrs. G. T. Hampton, at Cullowhee. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Crawford of Asheville were- week-end guests of Mrs. J. A. Parris. E. E. Tweed returned Wednes day from a ten-day business trip to Los Angeles, Calif, and Port land, Ore. and spent the .remaind er of the week here with his fami ly. Reed Queen of San Diego, Calif.! was called to Sylva last week by' tlie death of his father. H. R. Queen' who passed away last Wednesday: afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lawder ol'j Summerton, S. C. are spending a, few days this week with Mrs ' Lawder's grandmother, Mrs. A. M.j Henson, and her aunt, Mrs. Carl I Buchanan. While here Mr. Lawd-I er attended in Franklin on Wed-j nesday the funeral of Harry Hig-? gins, who served with him in the( same paratroop unit during the re-! cent war and who lost his life or D-Day. E. E. Bain, Jr. and son Edward spent Sunday in Atlanta with Mrs ' Bain, who is" a patient at Emory hospital. - Mr. and Mrs. N. B. McDevitt and two children, of Asheville, were the week-end guests of Mr.! McDevitt's brother, Mr. John Mc Devitt and familjuat their home in i Cullowhee. Mrs. J. S. Davis, of Charlotte, arriyid Sunday to spend this week w.4h her daughter, Mrs. Grayson ! Copi'. and family. I Miss Aqrfa Maude Hooper, stu dent at Momreat, spent tin.' week end here wi.h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooper. Mr. and Mrs, Charley Reed and son, Charles, spent the week-end 4n M4> (>iive with M:<. Reed's mother, Mrs. John R. Reaves, ^114. other relatives. Mrs. C. A. I.awder and children, Quinnette a;ul Claudia, of Sum merton, S. ('. returned today (Thursday) alter spending a few days with Mrs. Lawder's grand mother, Mrs. A. M. Henson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed went to Clyde last Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Reed's cousin, Car roll Hawkins, whose body had been returned from I wo Jima, where he was ki^ed during the war. Mrs. John S. Collins of Green wile, S. C. >pent the week-end here with Mr. Collins, manager of the new Dixie-Home Super Mar ket. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. L. League and Mrs. John Eskew, also of Greenville. better acquainting the people of the United States with the work being done by American school I teachers. School children have ! been invited to write a letter to : the Quiz Kids, nominating one of their teachers as "the best teacher in the United % States", and telling why they think the teacher should be so honored. BUILDING MATERIAL CINDER BLOCKS ASBESTOS SIDING (WHITE) FRAMING, SIDING, ROOFERS, DOORS WINDOWS, CABINETS, MILL WORK See us for your inside and outside Spring Painting Supplies. We carry a complete stock of Paints, Varnishes of highest quality makes. Call on us for anything in building material and supplies ? Coal. JACKSON COAL AND LUMBER COMPANY Phone 38 Sylva, N. C. FATHERS'NIGHT IS OBSERVED BY P. T. A. AT CULLOWHEE Fathers' Night was observed by the Cullowhee Parent Teacher as sociation at their last regular meet ing. held on Thursday evening, April 22. An unusually large num ber. 120 members, were present at this time. A business session, presided over by Mrs. G. T. Hampton, president, was held, during which officers lor the new year were elected. They were: president, Mrs. Maude Clax t>m; vice-president, Mrs. Sam Bry son;. secretary, Mrs. John Craw ford: treasurer, Mrs. Charlie Steph ens. A program was presented by the Cullowhee Boy Scouts, under the Following the program sand wiches, cake and coffee were serv PERSONALS Miss Magdalene Thompson of McAdenviile, N. C. spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thompson. She was accom panied home by Miss Joyce Ray field. Mrs. Odell Bankhead and son, Billy, have returned to Chester. S. C. after spending a few days with her parents. Dr. and M.>. A. S. Nichols. Dr. Frank Ash more of Ander son. S. C. is spending some time "WiTH" her daughter, Mrs. X. R. Beacham, and family. Guests of Mr. and MX R. Beacham during the past week have been his father. Dr. Paul F Beacham. and brother. D:\ !,;n:! F. Beacham. Jr.. Dr. Xma C. Hol mes and Mrs. Alvin Rankin of (irevnville. S. C. Dr.' Harold McGuire. Dr. 'Patsy McCiu.re, Dr. Noracella W.lson e< I. The meeting was heid in tae Training scnool cafeteria witii Mr-. Cu^oiue S.LephetLs_iiL charge <>! ar rangements. and T. C. Wilson were in Ashe ville the first of this week attend ing the meeting of the North Car olina Dental Society. Dr. 5nd Mrs. G. C. Nichols of Chester, S. C. spent the week-end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Nichols. They went to-Asheville Sunday to attend the meeting of the North Carolina Dental Society before returning to their home. L:*t'.e Miss Marsha K y Olson jf Cullo.shee spent the week-end \v;th her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Talent. QUICK RELIEF F!T"1 Symptoms dT Distress Arisih n STOMACH ULC > DUE TO EXCESS AC ) FreeBookTellsof HomeTreatm ? t Must Help or it Will Cost You Not*., g () vi*r t hree million l>ot tics of 'the W11 t ?. rr? Titi-atmknt have been sol to Excess Aci-J ?? Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stcn. h, Gassiness, Hi -irthurn. Sric., * 11 n ? i ?> Excess Ac. d. - 'I . . .? a. .. 111 A^lv ('?>? "W.ltn d s Mcssa.c'' u. ,cii fully explains lUis U<.uUiK.ut?ir#a ul SYLVA PHARMACY PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORE Only Eating Place In Town Open All Nite Specializing in CHOPS, SANDWICHES, AND VEGETABLE PLATE DINNERS DAILY WITH CHOICE OF MEAT !>? VISIT AND TRY OUR FINE FOOD THE GRILL On Mill Street Open 24 Hours A Day Across From Depot CALL PHONE 250 FOR DELIVERY SERVICE KINGSDOWN SPRINGS 99 full double dcck coils made of best high carbon spring wire. Re tempered. Exclusive flexible steel top border. Independent action platform top. Helical tie center. Double deck edge coils anchored to center border wire. Patented bottom hanger assembly. Finished in aluminum. Weight 85 lbs. each. Made in following width: Twin bed and full size. SOSSAMON FURNITURE GO. Phone 57 Sylva, N. C.