North Carolina growers intend to plant 10,000 acres of commercial watermelons, this year. This? fig ure is slightly above the 1947 acre age. SAVE f used frits we can salvage. The world wide ?hortage ?s greater today than ever before Pinnae U'eep saving and turning in yt-ui used kitchen fat?. P.' S Yes' you do get paid for them and you know how ready cash counts today. s Keep Turning in Used Fats! Araeucan Fat Sal>age Committee. Inc. STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION ? H \v can kerosene; be pip* i ? ; ?: ni's ;ur brooding poults'.' A NSW e W. Herrick, Jr..' Extendi'-: specialist at State (. you can save many >< ? > ? p-nn tae kerosene directly ' re::, The supply tan* v i'Ir a'* d outside 1 ne br a i a pipe run tiv>:n Kerosene niuv . la? brooder by oru ? . v. y~. (l) Fit a ? '-'-e just above for the! ? * to fill the| ' < matic float| upply line | ooder *tank! v evel con.--1 GET THE FACTS ON THE 1948 REG LINE Six handsome, basic 19 iS Reo truck.models are rolling off the lines ? headed by brand-new, extra heavy-duty Models 30?31. All along the Reo line you'll find new contributions to meet the advancing needs of the trucking industry ? increased power in many models, side cowl ventilators, easy-access doors ? with the outstanding Reo styling, ruggedness, per formance and economy that have made Reo a leader for 44 years! You are invited to visit our showroom for facts and specifications about the great Reo line of fine trucks for '48. PACTS ABOUT RIO MODILS 30?31 -Tractor chanty up to 76,000 lbs. ? Mnxmcs up to 200 II I1. ? Big 75-inch, 3-man tab wuh full-vision all around ? Individual, adjustable driver s^cat ? More leg room and foot room ? Side cowl ventilators ? Bik, straight-drop doors ? Wide choice of engines, trans missions, wheelbases and cab-to-axle dimensions. The finest in 44 DISTRIBUTOR years CURTIS MOTOR COMPANY, Asheville, N. C. Now On Display at ELDERS GARAGE, Sylva, N. C. See Roy Elders, Salesman D ITT THEATRE I I M? WEEKLY PROGRAM Night Shows: 7:00 & 9:00 P. M.? Mat. Sat.?Late show Sat. 10:30 Adm.:Adults 36c tax incl.?Children nj.nder 12 yrs. 12c tax Inc. Saturday, May 1 UNDER COLORADO SKIES MONTY HALE AND ADRIAN BOOTH OWL SHOW? DOCKS OF NEW ORLEANS ROLAND WINTER'S AND VIRGINIA DALE Sunday, May 2 RIDE A PINK HORSE ROBERT MONTGOMERY AND WANDA HENDRIX Monday and Tuesday, May 3 and 4 THE RED STALLION ROBERT PAIGE AND NOREEN NASH V Wednesday, May 5 SO WELL REMEMBERED JOHN MILLS AND MARTHA SCOTT Thursday and Friday, May 6 and 7 FUN AND FANCY FREE FULL-LENGTH MUSICAL CARTOON All Children not in arms will have to purchase a ticket to enter any performance at this Theatre! (By Ruth Current) State Home Demonstration Agent When disconnecting an appliance cord always grasp it by the plug - not by the cord itself. This will prevent pulling the small wires out of place and so lengthen the life of the cord. A light placid over the sink] and another placed over the range j in the kitchen pay big dividends; in betUr lignt and better sight. To prevent do.>r.s from squeak-1 ing. oil the hinges with a feather j dipped in ol. Clocks, too. may bej j'iii'd in tn.s w. .v and the sewingi machine. Uiufsual Cake Frostings:?Mint \ Chocolate - To make a simple mint choeolaw- trusting for a cake, null ch'?eol.i;e-e.>veVed mints in a double boiler and spread on cake. SwK-a a irosti'm hardens quickly' .slid a dilrc.-?us flavor. Peanuts' Butter - i! in need of a quick and delicious;~ti';u. try this easy re cipe. Mix one and one-half cups >; powdered ,-u.n, r with one table spoon w; peanut butter and add enough ircam :o spread. This" is especially appet.zing when used on a spice cake. Place an apple in tlie cake box in which .1 cake is to be stored ond the cake will not dry out so rapid ly. This is an excellent idea for storing inexpensive f. uit cakes also. Keep a stiff brush near the ! laundry tubs and before putting j any garment with pockets into the wasii, tur.n the pockets inside out and brus : thoroughly. This same handy hi tie brush also is in d.spensable brushing soapsuds on stubborn s??il such as is found on neckband-. collars, and cuffs of >hirts. Hra.-ning is easier and mere ellicient tlian rubbing on a board. tanl. (3) C< niiect the brooder stove di.vctly to the main supply line. Any o; these metnods may be utoves. QUESTION?How can I destroy broom sedge in my pasture? I have tried burning it off, but it comes right back. ANSWER?Broom sedge is a poor land pest. It cannot be eliminated by "burning off," but it can be controlled by fertilization. i