For The Women Society News and Club Activities v Phone 110 Marriage Of Miss Jodn Sutton Announced Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton of Hamilton, Wash., announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Joan Sutton, to Earl Blanton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blanton, afso of Hamilton. The couple were married in a quiet ceremony on Saturday eve ning in the home of Rev. Luther Enslcy at Lyman, with the Rev. Ensley officiating. The ceremony \<-as performed in the presence of a few close friends. " The bride wore a brown gabar dine suit with brown accessories and wore an orchid corsage. Mr. Lloyd Buchanan served as best man, and Mrs. Stewart Henline, sister of the bride, served as brides maid. Mrs. Blanton is employed with the Smith Bakery at Sedro Wool ley, and Mr. Blanton at the Su perior Portland Cement Co. at Concrete. The couple is now at home in Hamilton. * * * Mrs. E. E. Tweed Entertains Bridge Club Mrs. E. E. Tweed was hostesses on Thursday evening for the reg ular meeting of the Eight and One bridge club. Two tables were ar ranged for play. When scores were added. Mrs. W. T. Wise was given the high score award, Mrs. C. E. Thompson the one for second high, and Miss Annie Louise Madison received the low score prize. Following the games Mrs. Tweed served a salad course. * * * Annie Cowan Circle Meets At Tompkins Home On last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Annie Tompkins and Mrs. Dan Tompkins were hostesses' for the April meeting of the Annie Cowan circle of the Sylva Method ist church. The president, Mrs. Dan Moore, was present and con ducted the business session of routine matters. Mrs. A. D. Parker, who attended the annual conference as delegate from the local society, made a very thorough and most enlightening report of the meeting. Mrs. W. Q. Grigg gave the de votional, and Mrs. H. T. Hunter of Cullowhee, guest speaker, talk ed on the subject being studied for the year: "That Thy Way May Be Known Upon Earth." During the social period the hos tesses served an ice course. * * * ? Revival To Start At East LaPorte There will be a revival of Bible explanation and full salvation be ginning May 1st at 7:30 p. m. just below East LaPorte. Floodlights will locate the meet ing on the highway. Everyone is cordially invited to attend each eve_ ning. E. D.' Hopkins is the preach er. Misses McKee, Tallent Joint Hostesses At Bridge On Thursday evening of last week Miss Dorothy Mae McKee and Miss Dorothy Sue Tallent were joint hostesses for the regular meeting of their bridge club. Two tables were made up for play. - Counting of scores showed Miss Agnes Wilson had made high score and Miss Mary Henson had scored low. Both received awards. The hostesses served a delicious plate to the following guests: Miss Wilson, Miss Henson, Rudy Hardy, John Gibson, Robert Hennessee, Hal Wilson, Jimmy Keener and Lewis Wilson.' * * ? * Woman's Club Meets With Mrs. Morris The April meeting of the Svlva Woman's club was held Tuesday evening with Mrs. John Morris at her home on the Asheville Road, with 21 members present. Miss Hicks Wilson, president, was in charge of the business session. Officers were reelected to serve another year. They are president, Miss Hicks Wilson; vice-president, Miss Annie Louise Madison; secre tary-treasurer, Mrs. Carl Buch anan. Mrs. E. L. McKee was in charge of the program. She used as her program material, "Inside Ameri ca" by John punther. In her lim ited time she gave a most interest ing review of the different parts of the book, the first of its kind ever to be written about our own country. During the social hour Mrs. Morris served a salad course. * *. * Miss Wright Given Pre-Nuptial Shower Miss June Evelyn Wright, bride elect of Bryson City was honored with a miscellaneous shower giv en at the Community building in Bryson City last Friday evening by Mrs. Jack Keeter, Mrs. Fern Painter, Mrs. Talmadge Jones and Mrs. Willard Martin. Mrs. Hall Cassada and Mrs. Noralee Cal houn assisted with the decorations. Approximately forty guests were present for the occasion. For en tertainment, a brief musical pro gram was presented by Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon, Miss Dorothy Martin, and Guy Paul, Jr. This was followed by a bride dressing contest between Miss Beverly Da cus, Miss Lytle Bostic and Miss Wright. Miss Wright won by re ceiving the most applause. For her prize, she was presented with a huge table of shower gifts. After the opening of the gifts, delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses. Miss Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wright of Bryson City, will be married next month to William Howard Brown, son of Mrs. Howard Brown, and the late Mr. Brown, of Lexington. Both Miss Wright and Mr. Brown are students at Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee. tWfaSW TOP QUALITY,.. MANY STYLES Be smart?Use your head! Put it under a handsome straw. Featured in our large selection is this coco nut snap brim model with colorful polka dot band. THE MEN'S STORE Main Street Sylva, N. C. Mattie Hensley Circle Meets With Mrs. Harris The regular monthly meeting of the Mattie Hensley circle of the Scott's Creek Baptist church was held last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Homer Harris wi*h the president, Mrs. Dennis Fisher, presiding. Mrs. Harry Mason gave the de votional and the program was pre sented by Mrs. Marie Harris. During the social hour Mrs. Eugene Harris' secret pal gave a surprise birthday party for her, having each member bring a gift, even to Mrs. Fisher herself. It was indeed a surprise when the gifts were presented to Mrs. Fish er. The hostess served ice cream, cake, coffee, nuts, and mints. * * * Mrs. Blaine Nicholson Is Hostess For John's Creek H. D. Club The John's Creek Home Dem onstration club-met for its regu lar monthly meeting Wednesday | afternoon, April 21, with Mrs. Blaine Nicholson. During the business hour, con ducted by Mrs. Nicholson, the pro jec\ leaders for the year were ap pointed. National Home Demon stration week was discussed. Miss Mary Johnston, county a gent, had for her discussion, "Ways to Serve and Store Sweet Pota toes." She also gave a demonstra tion on Surprise Croquetts. The next meeting will b^ held at the home of Mrs. John Farley. At the conclusion'of the business session, the hostess served delic ious refreshment.s * * * Jfciior Woman's Club Elects Officers At the regular' monthly meet ing of the Junior Woman's club on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Agnes Wilson, the main item of business transacted was the election of new officers. Mrs. Dan B. Hooper was elected to serv e as vice-president and Miss Dorothy Sue Tallent as secretary. Accord ing to their constitution the presi dent, Miss Virginia Madison and the treasurer, Miss Joan Barrett, will serve for another year. Five names for membership were presented and voted on at this titme. Due to the large amount of business for this meeting, the program was omitted. During the social hour the hostess served a salad course. j| ik * Calendar of Events Monday, May 3 ? The Carrie Rhodes circle of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Frank Fricks at 8 p. m. Mrs. Raymon Stovall, president. Monday, May 3 ? The Gaynelle Murray circle of the Baptist church will meet with Mrs. J. F. Corbin at 8 p. m. Mrs. Jesse Buchanan, president. Monday, May 3 ? The Wesleyan Service Guild will meet with Mrs. Gudger Fortner with Mrs. J. M. Bird as joint hostess at 7 p. m. Dr. Noracella Wilson, president. Monday, May 3 ? The Woodmen of the World will meet in the W.O.W. hall at 7 p. m. Jeff Hed den, council commander. Monday, May 3 ? The Beta Par ent Teacher association will ob serve Father's Night at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. A. H. Ginn, president. Tuesday, May 4 ? The Rotary club will have a dinner meeting in Allison building at 7 p. m. Dr. D. D. Hooper, president. Wednesday. May 5 ? The Lions I club will have a dinner meeting' in the high school cafeteria at 7.00 p. m. T. Walter Ashe, presi dent. Wednesday, May 5 ? The Halcyon club will, meet with Mrs. Dennis! Berkeley at 8 p. m. Mrs, Roger Dillard, president. Wednesday, May 5 ? The Woman's Missionary Society of the Sylva Baptist church will meet with Mrs. B. O. Painter at 3 p. m. Mrs. Crawford Smith, president. Thursday, May 6 ? The Dillsboro Masonic lodge will meet in the Masonic hall, Dillsboro, at 7:30 p. m. Claude Cowan, W.M. Friday, May 7 ? The Men of the Presbyterian church will have their monthly supper and busi ness meeting at the home of C. R. Moody at 7 p. m. Jackson Dunn, president. HERALD WANT ADS Brvson-Patterson Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bryson, Jr., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Cecil Bryson, of Chattanooga, Tenn., and Sylva. to William Lee Patter son, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Patterson, of Chattanooga, Tenn. Miss Bryson graduated from the School of Nursing of Erlange'r Hospital. Chattanooga, this spring and is employed there. Mr. Patterson is employed by Commercial Credit Co., in Ashe ville. * * * PERSONALS Mrs. Ramsey Buchanan of Har riman, Tenn., is spending several days here with Mr. Buchanan at Lloyd hotel. Mrs. W. H. Wakefield and Mrs. J. A. Gray represented the Wom an's Auxiliary of the Sylva Pres byterian church at the meeting of the Asheville Presbytery, of which the church is a part, held in Black Mountain Tuesday. Mrs. Ruth C. Leatherwood had as her guest a part of this week Miss Ursula Welch of Canton. Rev. W. H. Wakefield is spend ing a part of this week in Salisbury with the architect for the Synod of North Carolina in interest of the Sylva Presbyterian church which is being built. DILLSBORO SCHOOL CLOSING EXERCISE TO BE HELD MAY 4TH The pupils of Dillsboro elemen t ry school will present a program of entertainment in connection with the closing of the school on Tuesday evening, May 4 at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Lillian Madison and her able corps of teachers, Mrs. Rob ert Sherrill, Miss Elizabeth War ren and Mrs. George Evans, have arranged a Tom Thumb wedding, a playlet, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," and several pretty drills. In the wedding Davie Sue Shuler will be the bride and Barrett Potts will be the bridegroom. In the play, Snow White will be played by Mary Lou Jacobs. The Dillsboro school close the following Friday, May 7th. MRS. McCRACKEN TAKEN BY DEATH AT SYLVA HOME Funeral services for Mrs. Glenna Cogdill McCracken, who died of a heart attack Tuesday morning at her home on College Hill, are to be held this morning (Thurs.) at the this morning (Thursday) at the Sylva Baptist church at 11 o'clock, with the pastor Rev. C. M. War ren, officiating. Mrs. McCracken was the daugh ter of Sam C. Cogdill and Loula Allman Cogdill of Sylva. She was a native of Jackson county and has lived all of her lifejiere. Surviving in addition to her parents are the husband, Everett . McCracken; two sons, Carl of 'eedwell and Paul of Detroit, 1 1 Mich.; two daughters, Mrs. David CAN NOW DO HOUSEWORK' GIVES RETONGA CREDIT "I Felt So Run-Down And Had Lost So Much Streng th I Was Unable To Do Housework," States Mrs. L. N. Gurkin In Telling How Retonga Brought Her Relief. "I can once again do all of my housework, thanks to Retonga," happily states Mrs. Lloyd N. Gur kin, respected resident of 915 Hen ry St., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. A member of the Christian Church Mrs. Gurkin formerly lived in Plymouth, N. C. She gratefully states: "I felt so high-strung at times that I would have crying spells that lasted off and on for several days. For many years I seemed to be so weakened and run-down I couldn't do my housework. Food seemed to form a hard lump in my stomach and cause so much gas pressure that ;it times I thought I it would cut. oi l my breath. I had! to take .strung purgatives, uridyl j nev er seemed to get a decent j night's .-leep. Sharp pains stabbed' at my shoulders, arms and logs. "The relief Retonga brought me was something wonderful. I can eat and enjoy anything I want to] now and I have regained so much of my old strength and energy that I can now do all of my housework from morning till night. The mus cular aches and pains have let up, I'm no longer high-strung, and I don't have those crying spells now. 11 am grateful to Retonga." Retonga is intended to relieve distress due to insufficient Mow of digestive juices in the stomach, loss of appetite, borderline Vita min B-l deficiency, and constipa tion. The active ingredients of Re tonga are purely herbal, combined with Vitamin B-l. You can get Retonga at Sylva Pharmacy?Adv. 74 HIGH SCHOOLS OF WNC TO PARTICIPATE IN FIELD DAY AT i W. CAROLINA TEACHERS COLLEGE, FRIDAY Seventy-four high schools in 14 Western North Carolina counties have been invited to participate in the Literary and Athletic field day to be held at Western Carolina Teachers college Friday. Many of the schools have already enter ed contestants, and more are ex pected to do so. A literary and athletic field day was held at WCTC in^ 1942. and it was intended to become an an nual event. But war conditions Cullowhee Baptist Church To Present Program Of Special Music Sunday The Cullowhee Baptist church will present The Chbir in a con cert of sacred music Sunday eve ning, May 2. at eight o'clock. This will be the sixth and final appear ance of the choir this season, 1947 1948. The Cullowhee choir has appear ed m concerts this season at Web >ter Baptist church, Cullowhee Baptist church, Pendleton Street Baptist church, Greenville, S. C., First Baptist church, Murphy, N. C., and Mars Hill Baptist church.I The program of music will in clude hymns of the church, gos pel hymns, and classic sacred an thems. The entire program will be dedicated to tlie memory of Helen Painter Bradburn who was for a number of years a faithful and be loved member of the Cullowhee Baptist Choir. The Helen Painter Bradburn Music Memorial, a gift of Mrs. Bradburn's sister, Mrs. Dwyer, the choir, and former members of the choir, will be on display in the Ad ams Memorial room in the church ; Sunday evening and will be open to the public after the concert. The public is cordially invited to attend the concert. Church choirs i high school and college glee clubs and choral groups and their direc tors are invited to attend the eon ? cert as special guests of the choir, j All former members of the choir will also be special guests ?>l the choir. Tiie choir consists of at) mixed v oices and is under the direct .on of Dr. H. P. Smith, a member of the Social Science faculty at the college. H. D. County Council To Meet April 30 The Jackson County Council of Home Demonstration clubs will meet April 30th at 2:00 p. m. in the H ome Agent's office at the Court House. Mrs. Frank H. Brown, Sr., of. Cullowhee is president of the' county Council and will preside at this meeting. All presidents and vice-presi dents of all the Home Demonstra tion clubs are expected to attend. I During 1947 there were 359,000 milk cows on farms in North Caro lina. Milk production was about 4,260 pounds per cow during the year. Parker of Sylva and Mrs. Sam Ballas of Savannah, 111.; one broth er, Ray Cogdill, Sylva; five sisters, Mrs? Joe Deitz and Mrs. J. B. Case, Sylva, Mrs. Ernest Jones, Clyde, Mrs. Hunter Worsham, Waynes ville and Mrs. Mattie Womack, Charlotte; also nine grandchildren. : Moody Funeral Home is in charge of funeral arrangements. I prevented its repetition until this | year, and now plans are again be I ing made for having it every year. The field day will consist of contests and competitive examina tions, and will embrace sports, for both bovs and girls, and scholar I * i | ship. The literary is to I be subdivided into arts. business^ education. English, history. Ian-, guage. mathematics, music, and sc.ence. A special dramatics di vision. to have been sponsored by the Western Carolina Player<. w,i? cancelled because of inadequate response from high schools. Winners of the 11 events in the mu^ic division, including vocal and piar.o s > 1 o> and boys' and girl-' glee clubs, will be asked t?? appear in an evening program m tne c ? I lege auditorium. The musu di vision will'be under the direction of tiie college musl^ department, headed by Prof. W. Glenn Huff. Judges will be faculty memiiei's *>f Bre\ ai d college. AthletiC events will be sponsored by tiie Monogram club and the, Women's Athletic asso. On the committee for the literary division | are Yolundo Taylor, Bktfk Moun tain; Vernon Painter,. Sylva; Bob Jones, Williamston; Louie Zimmer man, Marshall; and Frank Dorsey, Forest City. The field day was originally scheduled for March 12, but was changed to April 30 because of the uncertain weather prevailing :it the earlier date, and because officials thought the later date would be more convenient for par t.cipating schools. Too Late To Classify LOST?A B-tlat baritone horn in case. American Standard, has been misplaced. Reward for re turn. X. R. Beacham, Sylva, N. C: 48 NOTICE Anyone interested in the up keep of trie Parris cemetery and wi>nin? to donate funds for this w.irk w;ll please send tne money to ('. V Snyder, Dillsboro, or to Mrs. P. , W. Kineaid. Dillsb ro. Mr. Snyder- ;,nd Mrs. Kineaid are in rharue <>: the work here. SUNBEAM MIXMASTER FARMERS FEDERATION PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORE FOR BEST DRUG VALUES IN TOWN Elgin Watches for Ladies and UP Gents VVV Guaranteed Electric OQ Irons VWiwv Acb'ZL $1.50and $1.95 Three Cell Flashlights, CQ Complete Celebrate National Baby Week By Visiting Our Complete Baby Department CREAM DEODORANT ? Banishes perspiration odor ? Checks perspiration moisture ? Gives longer-lasting protection ? Gcnile to skin and clothing ? Kecf* vou fragrantly dainty t ? 5tay? c??-aniy-smooth in the jar It'b the most wonderful deodorant you've ever u?J' Get yours now at half price and eatra jars for the rest of the family! FOR a Ll.MI'I e_D TIME 0>LT Two Registered Druggists To Serve You J. D. Dental Plate Brush 60c value J. D. Dental Plate Cleaner 50c value Ora-Ton Nylon Toothbrush 50c value Ipana Toothpaste 60c value Alka Seltzer Cosmetic Agents for: Tussy, Dubarry, Dorothy Gray and Old Spice . . . Professional Drug Store Your Prescription Headquarters Phone 49 Emergency Phone 206-J 49c 39c 42c 43c 49c