THE NEW % VPNJTII _AIR* VENTIl-AIR* FOLDING COACH LIFE . . . with screened side openings end hood ventiletors. (May b? closed in cooler weather!) ?Pot. oppld. fof Sossamon Furniture Co. Sylva, N. C. I CAN'T STEAL FLAVOR FROM THAT BOTTLE ? Sure, we like sunlight?but it's downright bad medicine for many a bottled beverage. Gets right through plain, ordinary bottles, and steals the delicate flavor be fore the bottle is even opened. That's why Orange-Crush comes in an amber, flavor-guard ing bottle ?the bottle that defies the sun. Seals-out harmful light rays? seals-in the fresh fruit flavor. Try Orange-Crush today ?taste the extra freshness of true orange flavor*. ORANGE CRUSH BOTTLING CO. Lonan Brown. Salesman \ & -Orange CrUsh ^Company / \ Bottle / v \ //. JUST ARRIVED LARGE SHIPMENT Children's WEATHER BIRD Shoes they'll outgrow 'em before they'll outwear 'em Advertised in LIFE ? LOOK THIS WJEK PARENTS' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING .jr boys and girls ? 9 Parents say it: youngsters just have to outgrow Weather-Birds. That's because these style shoes are ,made to withstand wear and weather. Ving the children in soon. FRIGES START AT $2.95 SCf!5GL&SA!r$ DEPT. STORE Main Street Sylva. X. C. ROBERT W. HARRIS, 61, INDUSTRIALIST AND BANKER DIES UNEXPECTEDLY Ro'cert \V. Harris; 61,. ol Ashe ville, vice-president of the Jack son County Bank and the Harris Clay company o; Dillsboro and Spruce Pine, died unexpectedly in an Asheville nospit^ Monday morning at 5 o'clock. He had un dergone a major operation "-about a week before but seemed to be in good condition unt.l shortly before his death. The younger of two sons of the late Col. Charles J. Harris of Dills boro and' Asheville, founder of the Harris Clay firm.-> and prominent business man of Jackson County, Mr. Harris was born September 27. 1886, in Denver, Col. His moth er was the former Miss Florence Rusk of Saginaw, M:ch. As a child Mr. Harris attended school in France, and Brown Nich ols preparatory school at Cam bridge, Mass., before entering Yale L'r.u er.-.ty. He s?.;vcu a navy lieutenant in World War I and was stationed for some time at Brest, France, due to his profici-l ency in the French language. When about fifteen of age Mr. Harris came to Dillsboro and spent m.'St of his vacations here until ins mi.rr.rge when he moved to Asheville. Though living in Asheville he had maintained the family home in Dillsboro, and his business interests in Jackson cyun ty brought him to Sylva and Dills boro almost every week. He was a nephew of the late Dr. William T. Harris, U. S. .Com missioner of Education, who is still considered one of the fore i^oJVsjeducators this country has [W^lfiuS'd, and of Mr. David Harris, one of the leaders in educational circles of h s day in St. Louis, Mo. The deceased's father was not only a fine business man but a schol arly gentleman, loved and respect ed by the people of this, his adopt ed county. Mr. Harris, in addition to his business interests, was civic affairs and in Yale alumni activities in Asheville. H& had an extensive knowledge of and in terest in the kaolin business and had long been a member of the American Ceramic society. Survivors include the widow, the former Miss Marina Woods Bell of Nashville, Tenn., and a nephew, Joseph Meade, of Atlanta, Ga. Fu neral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o' clock in All Souls Episcopal church, Asheville, and interment was in the family plot in Riverside cem etery. MAYOR'S COURT IAS ACTIVE WEEK HERE There was an unusually heavy docket at the last session of the Mayor's' Qourt, held last Saturday ;it 11:00 a. m. The following were coYivicted for public drunkeness: John Bry son, costs, $9.60; Farley Stevens, costs. $9.GO; Johnny Middleton, costs, $9.60; Mort Stevens, costs, $9.60; Walter Hoyles, costs, $10. 60; Clair Carter, costs, $10.60: Wal ter Messer, costs, $9.60; Grover Rodes, work four days on the streets, Eugene Tillie, Tuckasei Ljee, 30 days; Ralph Nelson, Ken tucky, 30 days ; Lon Deitz, cost, $9.60. The chief of police announced Hiat 41 arrests have been made this month and five persons sen tenced to road terms. JACKSON COUNTY N.C.E.A. MEMBERS HAVE BANQUET i On Friday evening of last week I the auditorium of Allison building I formed a most unique setting for.! j the annual banquet T>f the Jackson county unit of the North Carolina Education association. The circus theme was used in the decorations, programs and re-] freshments. Circus rings with ani-| mals and clowns formed the cen-; tral decoration for each table and placed about in the room were many other animals and balloons. As the guests entered the build ing they were given one of four* animals, monkeys, tigers, giraffes? ! and elephant.^, to wear and were divided into the different groups , and were seated at the table in i this manner. The Home Economic girls from the Webster school, who served as waitresses, wore clown hats. Among other items of food were pink lemonade, popcorn and ice cream cones, suggestive o f 1 the circus. Baskets in the form of clowns, giraffes and pink eleph I ants filled with popcorn were giv- ( ! en as favors. I During the dinner and following, it an interesting and entertaining program was presented as follows: Blessing, W. V. Cope; Welcome, j Mrs. Dan Tompkins, president; an imal games; solo, Mrs. Ben Cathey ncccimpanied by Miss Margaret Candler; performances by the ma ! jorettes from the J^ylva school; | humorous reminiscences from his| own experiences, C. A. Hoyle; singing contest by the animal1 j groups. j ( The meeting was closed by thej I group singing "Good Night, La-; dies." Mrs. Elizabeth Reed was chair-' man of the dinner. She was assist-! ed by the Home Economic depart- | ment of the Webster High schoolj i The decorations and tables com-! nrttee were Mrs. George Evans,' "Mrs. Charles McMahnn, Miss Hicks Wilson and Mrs. John Norton. Mrs.i Lois Martin was chairman of en tertainment. She was assisted by the Qualla teachers. The program^ I were made by the business edu-' c.tion department of Webster school, under the. supervision of Mrs. Weldon Shuler. Pre-School Clinic i To Be Conducted At Courthouse Superintendent of Jackson coun ty schools Frank M. Crawford, has announced a pre-school age clinic to be conducted in the courthouse1 in Sylva today, Thursday, May 29, beginning at 1 p.m. It has been an-1 nounced that in addition to the health examination and immuniza-| lions, a dental clinic will also be c; rried on at the same time. Tiie purpose of the clinic is for examining children who will enter school this fall so that the parents of the child may know if it has certain health handicaps which would retard the child's progress in school if not found and correct ed beforehand. ! A committee from the Sylva Parenf-Teacher Association will j be on hand to assist with the clinic. Refreshments will be available for the children to keep them from be-! coming too restless. i Farmers May Gfet | Purchase Orders For Bagged Lime D. C. Higdon^hairman of Jack-,