For The Women 9 Society News and Club Activities Phone 110 J^lva High's First Senior Prom Was A Delightful Affair The Sylva Community house formed a lovely setting for the first prom held by a senior class from Sylva High school. The build ing was decorated in the class col ors of white, and green with laurel banked afound the walls, and fire place. Music was furnished by Sammy Beck and his Skylanders The affair lasted from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. The Grand March was led by Jimmy Bales, president of the sen ior class and Jacqueline Holden treasurer, dressed in a plaid taf feta with an arm bouquet of pink roses; followed by the principal W. H. Crawford and Mrs. Craw ford in a dress of pink net and navy taffeta with an arm bouquet of pink roses; next came Betty Ann Queen, secretary of the class with Bud Montieth. She was dressed in white taffeta with pink roses. Mrs. Frances Luce, sponsor of the class, in a white dress with red roses marched with Sammy Beck and Mrs. Mary R. Cowan, sponsor of the annual, in a rose lace dress with pink roses had as her escort, Venoy Reed. All the other girls had been giv en French bouquets of roses. During intermission punch and cookies were served from a lace covered table decorated in laurel, roses and white candles in cry stal holders. For the punch they had a large block of ice frozen with yellow roses on the inside. Underclassmen greeting the guests at the door and serving the refreshments were Jean Harris, Joan Moody, Doris Middleton and Betty Revis. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs W. L. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher, Mrs. J. A. Bryson, Mrs. Jake Bales and Mrs. Ray Cogdill. About 75 attended the prom. This ""included the seniors and their in vited guests. * * * Cafeteria Workers Entertain Teachers Mrs. Jack Alexander and her corps of workers at the Sylva High school cafeteria were hostesses on Tuesday, May 11 at the noon hour at a chicken dinner, having as their guests the faculty members of both the Sylva high school and the Elementary school. Twenty three teachers enjoyed this oc casion. Two were unable to attend. For The GRADUATE ?See the new? SHAEFFER Pen and Pencil Sets Name engraved on each aet without charge. LILIUS JEWELRY GO RITZ THEATRE BLDQ. Phone 229 Sylva, N. C. Victory H. D. Club Met With Mrs. Phillips The Victory Home Demonstra tion club met with Mrs. Robert Phillips ~tfn Saturday, May 8, with 12 members present. The presi-| dent, Mrs. Ralph England, presid-! ed. The meeting was opened by the group singing "The Old North State". In the absence of Miss Johnston, county agent, Mrs. England told of several ways to prepare sweet potatoes and gave pamphlets of sweet potato recipes to each mem ber. The curb market and achieve-1 ment day were also discussed. Mrs. England had attended the meeting on interior decorating held I in Waynesville. She gave a most' interesting report on what she had learned at this time. Mrs. Phillips,-and Mrs. Dan Eng land, joint hostess, served straw berry shortcake, and coffee. * Mrs. Jake Cable and Mrs. arte Wall will be joint hostesses for the June meeting. . * * * Mrs. B. Cathey Hostess To Twentieth Century Club Mrs. Ben Cathey was hostess on Thursday evening for the May Meeting of the Twentieth Century Club with 12 ^members present. Mrs. R. U. Sutton, president, pre sided. The program was omitted and a resume of the year's work was giv en, including a complete financial report by the treasurer. Plans for the next year's work were dis cussed. The president told of the annual state meeting to be held in Hen dersonville on June 8-10, Snd urg ed all members to gov^Several are planning to attend. Mrs. Cathey, assisted by Mrs. Chester Scott, served a salad course. * * * Home Demonstration Club At Beta Has Meeting The Beta Home Demonstration Club met Wednesday, May 12 n1 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Al bert Robinscn. The~prcsidcnt, Mrs. Cole Ridley, presided over the busi ness meeting. Miss Mary E. John ston gave out strawberry recipcr and discussed the care and culti vation of strawberry plants. She also told of the nutritative value of the strawberry. ' The following members were present: Mrs. Cole Ridley, Mrs. F. M. Williams, Mrs. J. C. Jones, Mrs. Rufus Deitz, Mrs. W. H. Wake field, Mrs. Homer Harris, Mrs J West Harris, the hostess, Mrs 1 Robinson and Miss Mary E. John ston.. Mrs. Robinson served delicious refreshments. CO RAY The NEW Rayon Flocked Drapery HEADY TO HANO n: 9? FULL 2Va YDS, LONG Glorious new decorator de signs ? and a lovely texture] like velvet brocade. Full cen-j ter valance, stitched headings^ and tie-backs, side-hemmed J Permanent strength; clean1 with a damp doth; can be1 1 ironed. SMALL'S 5-10-25c j Main Street Sylva, N. C. Oce Chapter Has Regular Session On Wednesday Oce Chapter No. 139 met in reg ular session Wednesday, May 12, in Masonic Hall, Dillsboro. Mrs. Hazel Carlson, Worthy Matron, presided. The hall was decorated with red roses and other spring flowers. Mrs. Blanche Parry was a visit or from Leilani Chapter No. 8, Honolulu. Mrs. Parry brought to the Chapter Leilanis, or floral giftst in behalf of her chapter in Hono lulu. Leilani is an Hawaiian word' meaning "Wreath of Heaven or Heavenly Flowers." Mrs. Parry al so played for tiie Chapter, "The Hawaiian National Anthem," "The King's Serenade" and "The Song of the Islands." Mrs. Ida Early was soloist. Mrs. Edna Hooper was installed as Associate Conductress, Mrs. Ha zel Carlson presided as installing officer and Mrs. Emma Kincade as installing marshall. Mrs. Doris Barrett, in behalf of all past W.M.'s presented to Oce| Chapter an Eastern Star Bible in honor of Mark Jarrett. Mr. Jarrett has served for the past 25 years as Worthy Patron. At present he is serving as secretary and Joe Wal lin as Worthy Patron. * *' * Mi's. Ensley Entertains Scott's Creek Group Mrs. Olin Ensley entertained the members of the Scott's Creek Mis sionary group at her home on Thur. sday afternoon, May 13, with 12 members present. The president, Mrs. ^"oe Sutton, presided. Plans were made for the women to en tertain with a supper on the church lawn Sunday evening, honoring Mrs. Baldwin, returned missionary from Nigeria, Africa; Mrs. John Waycaster, WMU State Field work er from Raleigh and Mrs. E .H. Corpening, Jr., divisional super intendent from Bryson City, who are holding a meeting at the church. Mrs. B. E. Hensley gave the de votional and Mrs. Maude Cooper, program leader, was assisted by Mrs. B. E. Harris, Mrs. T. C. Bry son, Sr., and Mrs. Joe Sutton, in presenting a most interesting pro gram. The hostess served an ice course. * * Annie Cowan Circle Has Monthly Meet Mrs. J. F. Freeze was hostess for the regular monthly meeting of the Annie Cowan circle of the Methodist church on last Wednes day afternoon at her home on Sylva Heights. The chairman, Mrs. Dan Moore, conducted the busi ness part of the meeting. The devotional was given by Mrs. J. H. Gillis and Mrs. Dan Tompkins had charge of the pro gram, having for her subject, "Women in Paths of Service." She used the material given for the outlined course of study and in a short talk applied this to oth er walks in life. Following the program, Mrs. Freeze served an ice course. sk sir * Mrs. Cora T. Wall Has Family Reunion On Mother's Day On Mother's Day the children of Mrs. Cora T. Wall gathered at her home at Speedwell for a family reunion. The children spending the day with their mother were Cpl. and Mrs. Kenneth Wall of Albu querque, N. M., Mr. and Mrs. R L. Lemmings, the former Miss Ada Wall, and their two children, Bob by and Buddy, of Adamsville, Ga.,i Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wall, Sylva, Mr.j and Mrs. Edley Wall and children and -Miss Dorothy Wall of Speed well. Mr. and Mrs. Lemmings and chil-! dren returned home on Tuesday but Cpl. and Mrs. Wall remained for a two weeks visit with his moth-! er before returning to the Kirk-, land Field air base, at Albuquer que. sfc * X Demonstration School To Be Run In Connection With First Summer School The demonstration school oprnl to children of Jackson county amlj to be held in connection with thill first summer school session at Wes-\ tern Carolina Teachelrs College ' will begin June 8th and close July 16th. Students or parents for their children wishing to register may come to the office of Dean W. B. Harrill, acting dean, Thursday and Friday of this week. Children will be accepted from the first to the eighth grades, in* elusive. The number will be limit Mattie Hensley Circle Met Tuesday P. M. The Mattie Hensley circle of the Scott's Creek Baptist church met! Tuesday evening with Mrs. Roy Dalton. Mrs. Dennis Fisher, pres ident, conducted the business part] of the meeting, and in charge of the program on Japan was Mrs. Hers-) chel Ashe. She was assisted bv( Mrs. Dennis Fisher, Mrs. Eugene Fisher, Mrs. Roy Reed, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Vernon Cope, and Mrs.] B. S. Hensley. Especially stressed was the com-! ing campaign for winning lost souls of the community. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Vernon Cope, served a salad course. * * * Presbyterian Auxiliary Has Monthly Meeting ? Mrs, Vernon McHan was hostess the May meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church at her home on last Friday evening, Ma$* 14, with Mrs. Charles Pettit, president, presiding. The monthly study of a portion of the book of Exodus, which in cluded the third and fourth chap ters of the book, was given by Mrs. M. C. Cunningham. Mrs. N. R. Beacham presented the program on "Achieving Maturity Ourselves." Following the report of Mrs. Mc Han of the meeting of the finance committee, it was decided that the members would hold a cake sale on Saturday morning, May 29, beginning at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Gray gave a report of the Presbyterial meeting which she and Mrs. Wakefield attended re cently at Black Mountain." At the conclusion of the meet ing Mrs. McHan, assisted by her little daughter, Jane, served a salad course with coffee. Chamber Officials Attend District Meeting Wed. VVcody R. Hampton, President of t^e Chamber of Commerce, Grayson Cope, presidenf of tiie IVIei chants Association and Felix I icklesimer und Rudy Hardy, rep 1esented tne local chamber at the District me. ting of the St.)'e Cham ber ot Commerce held Wednesday at Black Mountain. The Sylva men discussed plans for holding the State meeting in Sylva some time in August. * * * Dr. Kaylor, Kenneth Terrell Fish In Park Dr. C. T. Kaylor, professor of Human Anatomy at the University] of North Carolina School of Med icine, and Kenneth Terrell, a stu dent of the same school, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Terrell of Addie. During their stay Dr. Kaylor and Mr. Terrell spent their time fishing in the Nantahala River and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The two returned to Chapel Hill Sunday night. * * * Sylva H. D. Club Has Monthly Meet The Sylva Home Demonstration club met Monday afteimoo with Mrs. T. E. Reed at her home on the Savannah road. Mrs. Isola Thom as, president, was present and pre sided over the business session. Committees to carry oi^t the year's work were appointed. Miss Johnston, county agent, talked on the growing, canning, and preserving strawberries. The hostess served an ice course. * * Woman's Club Met With Miss Lucile Wilson On Tuesday evening the May meeting of the Sylva Woman's club was held at the home of Miss Lucile Wilson on College Hill. The presi dent, Miss Hicks Wilson, conducted a routine business session. Plans were discused for having a large representative at the State Federa tion meeting to be held in Hender sonville in June. - Mrs. A. H. Carter of Whittier was the guest speaker for the occasion. She gave the highlights of her trip last fall to Ireland, Eng land, and Germany. Miss Wilson served a salad course to her guests. "11 to 10 to a grade and children will be accepted in the order of registration until that number is reached. Bus transportation will be pro vided in the fees charged, which is $5 for a child of the Cullowhee district and $10 per child outside this district. These fees cover all expenses. PERSONALS Friends of Mrs. R. L. Knight of Speedwell will be glad to know that she is able to be out again af ter being a shut-in for almost two years. , Mrs. I. C. Davis of Sylva is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Knight of Speedwell. Mrs. Davis, who is 81 years Old, is still able to be up in the house, though she is rather feeble. Mrs. Frank Rhinehart is quite ill at her home following a stroke on Sunday which has caused al most complete paralysis. She is said to be resting comfortably at this time. Mrs. Ben N. Queen has returned to her home here after having born called to Charlotte Friday due to the sudden death of her nephew.] J. Wilson Turner of that city. Miss Audrey Ensley, student nurse, has returned to her hnme.j after finishing her three months' training in pediatrics at Children's! hospital, Washington. D. C. She is. now spending two weeks vac.ition j with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Ensley, after which she| will return to ^Mission hospital, Asheville, to complete her train ing in February. Glenn Davis left Sunday for a two weeks business trip to Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Coy Coulter of Pikeville, Tenn. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dan Moore, and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilson and son, Wayne, spent the week-end in North Wilkesboro with Mr. and 1 Mrs. Chris Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Morgan of Bluefield, W. Va., were guests recently of Mrs. John R. Jones. Mrs. Ben Queen has returned from Charlotte where she was called last Friday due to the death of her nephew, J. Wilson Turner. Her sister, Mrs. James Stewart, of Toronto, Canada, who was visit ing Mrs. Queen, went to Charlotte with her, and remained in Char lotte with her daughter, Mrs. Turn er. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tweed left Saturday for a ten days stay in Florida ?md other southern states. While away they will attend a convention in New Orleans. Miss Dorothy May McKee left Salurd y for Detroit. Mich, where she will spend sometime with her grandmother, Mrs. H. C. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fryc and Mrs. Birdell Bowman spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Sut ton, returning to their home in Hickory Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ruth Newton, who has bet n temporarily instructing in the Park Square Beauty school ii%Asheville, has returned home and re-.umed her work at the Tueka'se.gee Beau ty Shoppe. M s Phyllis Cagle, home eco nomics teacher in Kenton High school, Tenn., is spending her vaca tion in Cullowhee with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Cagle. On the way home she went by Louisville, Ky., for a brief visit with her sister, Mrs. Clifford Moses. Miss Sadie Queen returned Fri day from a two weeks' visit with her brother, C. G. Queen, and his family in Peabody, Ky. WET OUTSIDE? DRY INSIDE! with the amazing BENDiX au+oma+ic Dryer No weather worries! No lost time! Wet wash drys fkjffy in a jiffy. All you do Is sot a dial! Fftff DEMONSTRATIONt EASY TERMSI SEE IT TODAY, AT SOSSAMON FURNITURE GO. MAIN 8T. 8VbVA, N L. T. Queen made a business trip to Greenville, S. C., Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Wakefield and daugh ter, Miss Zunita Wakefield of Ashe ville, left Thursday for a visit with relatives in Lewisburg, Tenn. Miss Linda Sutton, who graduat ed from Sylva High school last week, left Saturday to join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sutton, at her new home in Asheville. I Linda has gone now to Durham to ? visit her aunt, Mrs. Elwood Home. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Allison have moved into their new home on: Courtland Heights. They recently j purchased the house from Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sutton. Policeman En-j sley and Policeman Buchanan and their families have moved into the apartments vacated by the Allisons.) Mr. and Mrs. Shaler Gilley and young-grandson, Tommy Thomp son. went Tuesday with Mrs. F. L. and son, Mike, to Angier, X. c\. where they will join Mr. Smith and make their home. Mr., and Mrs. Gilley and Tommy will' return the latter part of the weei;. i Mr. Clarence Curtiss and his' l niece. Patsy Buckner, left Sunday, for Barbersville, \'a., to visit his sister, Mrs. Ed Ladd. and family, j While away they will visit in Wash- j ington, D. C., and Portsmouth, Va.j Mr. and Mrs. James Finch ar rived Monday from Miami, Fla., and were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Monteith. They are enroute to Chicago to make their home, but will visit in east ern Carolina before going to Chi- i cago. - * Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wilson, Jr., and son, John D., of Asheville, were! guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson Sunday. Mrs. M. Buchanan, III, after spending two weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Poteet, has returned to her home in Chapel Hill. Mrs. Paul Ellis of Lynchburg, Va., was a Sylva visitor the latter part of the week. She has gone to Harriman, Tenn., to visit her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. Neergeard. Grady Crawford of Columbia, S. C., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Craw ford, and his brother, F. M. Craw ford. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray attend ed tiie meeting oi tne National Edi torial Association and picnic lunch on Clingman's Dome last Thurs day, also the banquet for the group tf 250 newspaper publishers and editors in Wavnesville that eve ning. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bird and Mr. and Mrs. Gray joined the group at a luncheon and tour ot tii^ Ecusta Paper plant at Bre Va ixi. M: and Mrs. B. S. Parry, who arrived in Sylva on Sunday. May (J. from Hawaii and spent lost week here with her mother. Mrs. Dora I-ee Collins, left Monday fin" Phil adelphia where frhey will visit rel atives of Mr. Parry. This is Mrs. Parry'- 11r-t \ i - t t?. Sylva in 10 y car Birth Announcement - "Xlr. and Mrs. George W. Clouse announce the birth of a daughter, Judy Lynn, on Sunday, May 16, at the Harris Community hospital. The baby weighed 7 1-2 pounds. Mrs. Clouse is the former Miss Margie Stallcup. I " VOICE INSTRUCTION -Call Miss Alice Weaver Telephone 241-W V/at'V Pop breeze along in top style?real comfoti! C?i\ c him ail action-free, easy-going * Ruggers Shirt for Father's Day! The suave, smooth fabric is tailored for sport or leisure-time loafing. Two-way collar means he can wear a tie or not as lie chooses! Blow into our place real soon and pick out a handsome B.V.L). Ruggers for Pop! B.V.D. Ruggers Shirts ftBAND THE MEN'S STORE X" MAIN STREET SYLVA, N. C.