?Read Herald Classified Ads For Profits? Is Your Home Like An Oven In The Summer? No Need To Be You Know, If You Insulate The Ba$g|win-Hill Black Rockwool Way ? WINTER FUEL SAVINGS PAY FOR IT ? REDUCES YOUR FIRE HAZARD 73% s PHONE OR WRITE FOR FREE ESTIMATE ROCK WOOL INSULATING CO. 20 Technical Building ? Phone 2949 Ashevllle, North CaroHmi CANDIDATE ? For STATE SENATE 32nd Senatorial District In making my Campaign for Nomination in the Democratic Primary for State Senate I wish to state that I am running entirely on my own plat form.. As far as having lined up with any Faction, such statements are not true. MY PLATFORM FOR ROADS s Realizing that the Farmers and Schools of North Carolina can neyer be adequately served until our secondary roads are greatly improved, it is my desire to see these Farm-To-Market Roads and School Bus Routes improved for all-year use. If nominated and elected, I will use my influence to this end. I will also use my influence and work for and increase in allowance in theN Old Age Pen^onTund. YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED. W. H. (Gudger) Crawford W.H. Crawford Six handsome, basic 1948 Reo truck models are rolling off the lines ? headed by brand-new, extra heavy-duty Models 30?31. Ail along the Reo line you'll find new contributions to meet tke advancing needs of the trucking industry ? increased power in many models, side cowl ventilators, easy-access doors ? with the outstanding Reo styling, ruggedness, per formance and economy that have made Reo a leader for 44 years! You are invited to visit our showroom for facts and specifications about the great Reo line of fine trucks for '48. Mai ABOUT Rio MODUS 30?31 -Tractor capacity up to 76,000 lbs. ? Engines up to 200 II.P. ? Big 75*inch, 3*man cah -with jull-i ision all around ? Individual, adjustable driver's scat ? More leg room and foot room ? Side cowl ventilators ? Big, gtraifcht-drop doors ? Wide choice of engines, trans missions, wheelbases and cab-to-axle dimensions. The finest in 44 DISTRIBUTOR years CURTIS MOTOR COMPANY, Asheville, N. C. Now On Display at ELDERS GARAGE, Sylva, N. C. See Roy Elders, Salesman JACKSON UARM BRIEF? r By J. C. McOarrltO The most unpopular man in Wes tern North Carolina is the weath erman in Asheville who predicted no rain for 7 more days. When1 pipe becomes ava^able, I believe it would pay every farmer to in-' stall overhead irrigation for at ( least garden and truck patches.) Much seed has been lost but keep! replanting. Agriculture Council does not recommend replanting' with hybrid corn later than this, week. LVe a faster maturing* va-j riety after this time. The aphids or plant lice has been bad on l'ruit \ trees, shrubs and ro>e bushes and; has not been controlled too easily with black leal 4U. Recommend making >ome ,-tr nger solution than directions and mixing with a hea vy solution of soap suds. County Agent says Bordeaux Mixture with arsenate lor th">c puV'ato bugs and blight. Every larm needs a GOOD spray. Soil improvement, using good seed and better farming meth ods on the upgrade. Control of in sects and diseases lagging far be hind. Mr. Jim Farmer and family of Wilmot have sold some 2000 quarts' of strawberries and were forced to turn away many customers.! Some ordjers placed for next year.) Even with late freeze and drought a good source of farm income this time of year. Says thirt^'first of June will have strawberry plants for sale at 1 cent each. Suggests setting plants in corn which pro vides shade and makes for a high er percent living. These would bear a crop next year. Mrs. John Cor bin, Sylva agriculture teacher's wife, testifies his head lettuce pro ject is a success. States none has been purchased from -store giving half the quality. Think of the mon ey it would bring to the farmers of Jackson County by supplying head lettuce just to the stores of Western Carolina. Contact the Sylva Agriculture teacher or any of his FFA boys'or Veteran Farm trainees on how to grow. A larm is a business; make it pay. First with an airport and now first to use the livestock insemina lion program is Johnny Watson of j Cope Creek. This is the greatest i opportunity user laid on our door step for improving our dairy cat tle. Why do we have to go to Hay wood County for this Service? Agriculture Council met Friday! afternoon. This group is a failure! if there is any farmer in Jackson County not knowing five of the I following people and what they do: L. A. Amnions; W. T. Brown: John F. Corbin; M. L. Snipes; J. C. Mc Darris; Miss Mary Johnston; Chas. C. Pettit; and Dennis E. Higdon. In experience and education, these people are qualified to solve any farm and home problem. Make use of them at all times Walter Ashe, President of the Sylva Lion's dull jind The Jack son County Fair Association states his club will soon call on farm men 1 and women throughout Jackson County to help put the Fair on "Mr. Ashe, I believe all people of Jackson County will stand side by side with the Sylva Lions Club to make the Fair a success." Bouquet of the week to Gen eral Jones and neighbors of Bark ers Creek for one of the finest, new churches in Western North Caro lina. From the Bryson City road one sees only a Barkers Creek bridge. Travel that road a short ways and you will find prosperity, progressiveness and a good citizen, ry. Did you know there are at least 10 well cared for orchards in | the Barkers jCreek Valley? More are being started. Plan Now For Fair-Feed and Food. The artificial breeding program is making progress in Union coun ty. The association now has 241 members and between 1,500 and 1,600 cows signed up. I I ??????????? Kidneys Must Work Well For You To Feel Well 24 hours every day, 7 days evory week, nevrr stopping the kidneys filter waste matter froirt the blood. If more people were nware of how the kidneys must constantly remove sur plus fluid, excess arids and otner waste 1 matter that cannot stav in the blood without injury to health, there would be better understanding of jrby the whole system is upset when .kidneys fail to function properly. Burning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warns that something I is wrong. You may suffer nagging back ache, headaches, dizziness, rheumatic pains, fretting up at nights, swelling. Why not try Doan't Pill*'] You will be using a medicine recommended the country over. Doan't stimulate the func tibn of the kidneys and help them to flush out poisonous waste from the blood. They contain nothing harmful. Get Doan't today. Use with confidence, j At all drug storaa. Doans Pills SAFETY PROGRAM SHOWS PROGRESS IN SAVING OF LIVES ! Raleigh, May 22,*? After nearly 11 months of operation, North Car olina's new Highway Safety Pro gram has shown definite signs of progress ? progress in the saving of human live! by preventing need less highway accidents. The 1947 traffic death toll of 836 persons killed was 19 per cent lower than the 1946 toll of 1,028 killed. And the 1948 figure through A pril stands at 186, which is exact ly 100 fewer deaths than the 286 recorded for the same four months' period in 1947. Officials of the Motor Vehicles Department are encouraged at the decrease in highway fatalities and point out that if the current trend continues, the death ligure at the end of the year will probably be somewhere around 600. Even that is far too many lives lost, but it will show definite improvement over 1947, and will likely make 1948 the safest year on record for North Carolina on the basis of the number of vehicles now on the roads. Latest registration figures show there are 829,850 vehicles on the roads, while last year at the same time there were around 56,000 less. Officials point out that full cred it for the reduction in highway deaths should go to the motoring public of North Carolina, who have cooperated with the new Highway Safety Program passed by the last FARM PRODUCTION COSTS ARE HIGH Farm production costs reached a new high during the past winter and will probably continue high through 1948, according to Char les E. Clark, Extension farm man agement specialist at State College. Quoting a recent report from the Bureau of Agricultural Bionomics, U. S. Department of Agriculture, I the specialist said total out-of pocket operating expenses of far mers have risen 9 to 25 per cent ___._______??______ | General Assembly. The program with its new laws calling for me chanical inspection of vehicles, driver re-examination, doubled force of highway patrolmen, stif fer penalties for certain traffic vi olations, and a financial responsi bility act, has tended to make the motoring public more "safety-con scious." All phases of the new program j are now in operation. Perhaps the I "most talked-about" law passed by the 1947 General Assembly was the Mechanical Inspection Law, which is proving to be a big fac tor in the prevention of accidents Since the law went into force in January, 36 inspection lanes op erating throughout the State have inspected 171,110 vehicles. MALARIAL PREPARATION GIVES Malarial Chills t Fever RELIEF TRULY FINE MONUMENTS For Truly Fine Monuments See Our Many Designs in Granite Or Marble SYLVA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS JAMES T. BALES, Owner var 1935-39 period. The index of prices of all com modities except labor used in farm production has nearly doubled since 1939. During the last four months of 1947, the index averaged 196 com pared with 160 for the same period in 1946. The average index for the first quarter of 1948 was 202 com pared with 16? last year. Farm wage rates are now more than three times their 1935-39 le vel. Farm land rentals and land val ues Jjave continued to increase. Land rentals are over three times the pre-war level and higher than for any previous year. Land values .ara prgpfipallv ^ the 1920 oeak reached in the boom that followed World War I. In comparison, although prices received for farm products reach ed a record in January, there has been a general decline since, and prices of some few products are actually down to pre-war levels. AMANA HOME FREEZERS FARMERS FEDERATION 1 I Tie Hest food for kjan's'BesL "Friend q-Food has FOUR BIG appeals At Your Grocery Or Feed Store EARLE-CHESTERFIELD MILL COMPANY Asheville, N. C. The Importance of Step/?fop Dotm // Here is the story of a new principle of design that has rocked the industry and given Hudson unique beauty not pos sible in any other type of car. The recessed floor in the new Hudson ?now widely known- as the "etep down" feature?is the talk of the auto mobile world. And rightly so! This inter esting development is the to a new kind of motor-car beauty never before obtainable. People everywhere are attracted by Hudson's low, streamlined silhouette and free-flowing lines. Only Hudson, because of its exclusive recessed floor that you step down onto, is able to offer streamlined, low-built beauty without asking you to give up interior head room. Let's take a frank look at the motor car designer's problem. Since streamlin ing an automobile reduces available head room for rear-seat passengers, to achieve a low silhouette and maintain adequate head room, both floor and seats must be lowered to compensate for the lowerec roof. The recessed floor is a necessity But it is difficult to lower floors and seats, because in all cars, except Hudson, they are built on top of a frame. Only Hudson has a new, all steel Monobilt body-and-frame*, part of which is a rugged base structure that permits low ering floors and seats down within the frame. The sketches below illustrate this design problem and show how Hudson's recessed floor provides a low, stream lined silhouette, yet preserves head room. OTHIR CARS The car abort cannot be streamlined because the need for bead room above the rear seat (which 4e built on top of a frame) makes it impossible to lower the roof. OTHIR CARS Of course, i$ is Possible to adopt free-flowing Unas without recessing the floor, as sketched in the car above, but over-all height must be raised, and this destroys the Possibility of a low silhou ette, which is the mark of the modern motor car. NKW HUDSON Here is the long, low, gracefully streamlined Hudson?only five feet from ground to top, You can see bow the streamlined roof comes down sharply over the rear-seat portion of the car, as compared to the other types of roof lines shown in sketches to the left. But Hudson floors are recessed down within the frame, seats are low ered, so you get more than ample bead room. The "step-down" principle requires years of engineering work, the development of new production techniques and equip ment, and millions of dollars of highly specialized new plant investment. Per haps this explains why Hudson alone offers this vital new design principle today. You'll probably expect the motor car that is the talk of the nation to offer you even more than beauty and comfort. And it does! Your nearby Hudson dealer will show you The Importance of "Stepping Down"?also its results in riding and driving ease, performance and safety. Hudson Motor Car Company .Detroit 14. *Trode?mark and patonts pending 7%/s rime Ms i !" r\ . $ w ?>< 0 x * Sfc~J 4*^ > > * ?' #?1 * Coma in and get the full story of The Importance of "Stepping Down*' Buchanan Auto and Electric Company MAIN STREET #YLVAt N. c.