Wins U. S. Senate Nomination r ^ Former Governor J. M. Broughton was winner of the short and long term for U. S. Senator in Saturday's pri mary over the incumbent William B. Umstead. STATE COLLEGE 1 ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION ? What hybrid corri variety is recommended for sil age ? ANSWER ? For silage, the N. C. 261 variety is preferred. J. O. Lutz, Catawba County farmer, said he had used this variety and liked it better than the real silage corn. It gave him, on his land, from 18 to 20 tons of silage per acre. QUESTION ? How should corn Glasses Fitted DR. ALDEN C. DOWN8 will examine eyes and fit glasses in Sylva at the Carolina Hotel Friday, June 4, from 9 o'clock to 4 o'clock. \ - If you have eye trouble or can't see weH you should con sult Dr. Downs on above date. be spaced to produce 100 bushels! per acre? ANSWER ? Earte Brintnall, Ca tawba County agent, received this query from a farmer, and here is his answer: "A little figuring might help out in this matter. It will re quire about 115 to 120 ears of hy brid corn to produce a bushel of corn. If you plant your corn in foot rows, you will have to space it about 15 inches in the row in order to get 10,000 stalks to the acre. These 10,000 stalks should furnish you with enough ears to make 100 bushels or more." QUESTION ? How can I main tain high quality in summer-time' eggs? ANSWER ? Follow good man agement practices from nest to market.?Produce infertilp eggs. Gather eggs quickly, at least twice a day, and put them in a cool place. On the farm a well-ventilated, cool cellar is a good place to store them. Pack them in egg cases as soon as^they are cool, and market them quickly, at least twice a week.1 A wire basket is a good container to gather eggs in if quantity is large. Store the home supply in the refrigerator. When taking eggs to market, keep them in the shade. QUESTION ? How does a 12 inch tree compare with a 10-inch tree in production of lumber? ANSWER ? A 12-inch tree has twice as much wood in it as a 10 inch tree, and the timber in the large tree is of better quality. Six handsome, basic 1948 Reo truck models are rolling off the lines ? headed by br^nd-new, extra heavy-duty Models 30?31. All along the Reo line you'll find new contributions to meet the advancing needs of the trucking industry ? increased power in many models, side cowl ventilators, easy-access doors ? with the outstanding Reo styling, rugged ness, per formance and economy that have made Reo a leader for 44 years! You are invited to visit our showroom for facts and specifications about the great Reo line of fine trucks for '48* PACTS ABOUT KIO MODUS SO?S-l-TYactor capacity up to 76,000 lbs. ? Engines op to 200 H.P. ? Big 75-inch, 3-man cab with full-vision all around ? Individual, adjustable driver's teat ? More leg room and foot room ? Side cowl ventilators ? Big, Straight-drop doors ? Wide choice of engines, trans* aussioos, wheelbases and cab-to-axle dimensions. The finest In 44 yeara DISTRIBUTOR CURTIS MOTOR COMPANY, Asheville, N. C. Now On Display at ELDERS GARAGE, Sylva, N. C. See Roy Elders, Salesman Services at The Churehes Sylva Methodist (The Rev. W. Q. Grigg, Pastor) Sunday scnool will meet at 10 a. m., Gudger Crawford, superin tendent. 11a. m. Laymen's Worship Serv_ ice. Message by W. E. Bird of Cul lowhee. 6:30 p. m., -routh fellowship. Wednesday 7:3? p. m. Choir Re hearsal. Sylva Presbyterian (The Rev. W. rt. Wakefield, Pastor) Services held in Episcopal church. 10:00. a. m. Sunday School. M C. Cunningham, Supt. 11:05 a. m. Morning worship by the pastor using for his sermon subject, "What God Hath Joined." 8:00 p. m. Evening worship in charge of the pastor. Sermon sub ject, "Five Wise, and Five Foolish Persons." Cullowhee Baptist 9:50 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning worship. 4 p. m."Junior B.T.U. 6 p. m. Young People and Inter mediate's B. T. U. and Fellowship Hour. ?? ? Wednesday?7:30 p. m. Sunday school lesson pre-view. v* Friday, 7:00 p. m. Choir Rehear sal. Cullowhee Methodist (The Rev. R. T. Houts, Jr.," Pastor) 10*a. m. Church school. 11 a.m. Morning worship. 6:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m. Wesley Foundation. Cashiers Baptist (Rev. Edgar WiJIIx, Pastor) Sunday School each Sunday at 10 a. m. Worship service each 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. St. Jotin's Catholic Church Schedule of Mass Sylva, 4th Sunday 8:00 a. m. Sylva Baptist (The Rev. C. M. Warren, Pastor) Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mi\ Carl Corbin, Supt. 11 a. m. Morning worship by the pastor, using for his sermon sub ject, "Christ Is The Answer." B. T. U. at 7.00 p. m.. Miss Hat tie. Hilda Sutton, Director. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship by the pastor using for his subject, "Showers of Blessings." Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet ing. Thursday, 7:00 p. m. Youth choir practice at the church. All between 13 and 20 years of age are urged to be present. Fri., 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal. Each Monday at 10:30 a. m. the Baptist Ministers' Conference meetj here. & v-?' h ? . 4. "V ' - East Sylva Baptist (Rev. E. W. Jamison, Pastor) 10 a. m.. Sunday School. DeWitt Beasley, S. S. Supt. 11 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m. B.T.U. James Jones, director. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. Wed. 7 p. m. Choir Practice. Wed. 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting. Wesley an Methodist (Rev. W. A. Todd, Pastor) 10 a. m. Sunday School. V 11 a. m. Morning Worship. 8 p. m. Evening Worship. Scotts Creek Baptist (The Rev. B. 8. Hensiey, Pastor 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning Worship by the pastor. 6.30 p. m. Baptist Training Union. 8 p. m. Evening Worship. Glenville Baptist (Rev. Hoyt Hadaway, Pastor) 10 a. m. Sunday School. Mr. McCoy, S. S. superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship. 7 p. m. B.T.U. 8 p. m. Evening worship. Lovedale Baptist Church (Rev. G. E. Scruggs, Pastor) 10 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Worship Service. 7:30 P. M. Worship Service. Tuckaseigee Baotist (Rev. Edgar WMItx, Pastor) Sunday Schools each Sunday at 10 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. each 2nd and 4th Sun days. Wilkesdale Baptist (Rev. Jsrvls Underwood, Pastor) 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Worship Service. 6:30 p. m. B.T.U. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. COWMTlEUMr TO BE JUNE 13 The annual Coward reunion will be held this year with Mr. and Mrs. George Coward at their home at Whittier. At this time the de scendants of Mr. Nathan Coward gather at the heme of one of the family on the Sunday nearest June 12. the'birthday of Mr. Cow * aid. They were begun many years ago in celebration of his birthday and since his death have been con f'nued as a reunion for the farr'ly. Let all the members of tne Coward family come and bring their dinner and have a good time together. St. David's Episcopal Cd'LLOWHEE (Rev. A. Rufut Morgan, Pastor) 4.00 p. m. Vesper Service in charge of the pastor. The Church of God The Rev. Homer Pope, Pastor 2:30 p. m. Sunday School. 3:00 p. m. Afternoon Worship. Friday 7:00 p. m. YPE. and Pray er Meeting. TO CONTEST Read for Profit?use for Results HERALD WANT ADS \V. H. (Gudger) Crawford, form r er Sylva High school principal, and candidate for State Senate, lost the nomination to Mrs. E. L. Mc ; Kee by one vote. Mr. Crawford has said that he plans to contest I |and have a recount of the county i vote. i - PERSONALS ' Miss / Iberta Delozier. a student at Gallaudet College, Washington. | D. C\. is \ is ting here with her sis- j <er, Mrs. Sam Turpin. and Mr.' Til. pin. Mrs. Hairy Evans of Butte. Mon., was the guest last week of her J cousin. J. A. Gray, and family. S e v..i- joined he.e Sar.fl v :>y T. C (Ji. y and .-on. ^T^may. of Hayi sville. arid together t'?ry .son:' to State>ville and Kannapolis to ?\ ;s.t relative -. Mr. and Mr/. Geo: uc Lee !e't last Tuesday lor V . I ee. wheie they attended the funeral of Mi>s Emily Farrior. From there they went to Baltimore where they are visiting friends. They will also no to New York City before re turning home. Fi'iends of Mrs. C. F. Rhine hai t of Canton, fcormer Sylva resi dent. will regret to learn that she - ft1, iously ill at St. Joseph's hos ,jit; 1. A^neville. DEXTER WASHERS FARMERS FEDERATION I 1 Is Your Home Like An Oven III The Summer? No Need To Be You Know, If You Insulate The Baldwin-Hill Black Rockwool Way ?WINTER FUEL SAVINGS PAY FOR IT ?REDUCES YOUR FIRE HAZARD 75% PHONE OR WRITE FOR FREE ESTIMATE ROCK WOOL INSULATING CO. ? 20 Technical Building ? Phone 2949 Ashevllle, North CaroMna McCAU-J, 6 Delicious flavors JELL*0~ 3 for 25c With Gold Cup Coffee CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK 3 Lg. 44c At Informal Teas NABISCO FIG NEWTONS Pkg. 19c Better Than, "Mothers" PILLSBURY HOT ROLL MIX Pkg. 27c Surprise The In-laws PILLSBURY'S BEST I1) | FLOUR, PLAIN OR S. R. ^LTr'm10 IbS. 97C v,c m.n -J Qirt m 1 Five Ways to a Mans Heart KEEP HIM HAPPY WITH WELL - PLANNED, WELL BALANCED MEALS! Include his favorite foods and seasonings in the daily menus.. and slip in one of yours! MASTER THE ART OF TIMING! Serve souffles hot and fluffy Meat rare or well - done ac cording to preference, salads crisp and cold, coffee "perked' to perfection. KEEP THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE IN YOUR MENUS! Let "new ways with everday foods" be your kitchen watch word. Collect recipes that are tasty, easy-to-prepare, bud get-wise and different. KEEP HIM PROUD OF YOUR CULINARY SKILL! Master 3 or 4 "show-off menus for those in-law, boss, or four some occasions. Include a sup er, reputation-making dessert ... strawberry icebox cake, up side-down fudge cake, choco late chiffon or lemon angel pie SHOPPING AT DIXIE-HOME STORES WILL HELP KEEP THE BUDGET BALANCED. Study low-cost Menus. Learn the quanity of food to buy for two. Serve only the amount you can eat at one meal. Col lect "twosome" recipes and make use of all left-overs. Needles and pins, Needles and pins, When a girl marries, ? Her trouble begins! ? O'er menus shell fuss, O'er budgets shell pour Until she starts shopping at Dixie-Home Stores "Fresh Crisp from New Fields" 2 Heads Calif. Iceberg Lettuce 19c "Sugar Peas at their Best" 2 Pounds Calif. Giant Stride Peas 39c Refreshing in Cool Summer Drinks Extra Large Calif. Sunkist Lemons doz 35c Extra Color & Flavor for Salads 2 Bunches Fresh Crisp Radishes 15c "New Crop From Carolina 5 Pounds RED BLISS POTATOES 23c "Famous Seeded Grapefruit at it's Best" Florida Duncan Grapefruit Large3for 19c Med.3for13c "Golden Bunches of Vitamins" 2 Bunches CALIFORNIA CARROTS 29c "Luscious When Served Cold" ' 4 Pounds Western Winesap Apples 51c Puts Smack In The Snack FRENCH'S MUSTARD 6 Oz. 10c Rosedale Green and No. 2 Can WHITE LIMA BEANS 24c Van Camps No. 2 Can, 2 For PORK AND BEANS . Mc Hunts No. 1 Tall Can FRUIT COCKTAIL 24c Dukes Pint Jar MAYONNAISE . . 49c Health ? Happiness ^FLORIDA BLENDED -ToRANGE-GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 Cans 25c IQ11 Roadies, Watetbugs, Ants, Maths fltfM MKT MOD 1?tlM A l*?l H (1( J J w4U COOK-KILL Noom ? laf* Yn MhM fwrar JOOKKiLL kin " Stokely's CLING PEACHES FROM CALIFORNIA 2} Can 34c From The Cradle Up ^ i mm ?f ;r> w ONLY JKeats ?(MI it* m. For Him Too IVORY SOAP am- 2 Lg. 35c CAMAY SOAP 2 Reg. 19c Center Cut Rib Pound Shoulder Pound PORK CH0PS49C PORK ROAST 49c Pound Cello. Wrapped Pound BACON SOQARES 43c HALIBUT STEAK IB. 43c Skinless Pound COD FILLETS . 37e Red Pound SALMON STEAK 53c Pinky pig rouna PORK SAISAGE 49c 11ACKEREL FILLETS LB 19c Makes Tilings Sparkle OXYDOL Large 34c Laundry Kitchen Bathroom Sparkling Dishes CLOROX BLEACH AND DISINFECT ANT Pint 10c A Boon To Brides 1WBY FLAKES Large 34c Indispensible CUT-RITE PAPER WAX PAPER Roll 22c Always Read Our ^Adt 111M i a; (i VMM 11 u a Jim :mm *Pvt+ 7<kh^i QuaJZoty 'TTZeaXA- Se/i&cc-e i Everyday Law Prices

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