For The Women Society News and ?y*_!/>. * ji.. Club Activities Phone 110 Gladys Cabe, Lyle Clark Wed In Sylva Church Miss Gladys Cabe, daughter of Mrs. Annie Cabe of Sylva, and the late Thorton Cabe, and Lyle Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clark of Gay, were married in a single ring ceremony at the Sylva Bap tist church on Wednesday after noon, June 9, at 4:30 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. C. M. Warren, offi ciated. With a background of pines, the church was decorated with seven branched candelabra holding ca thedral tapers and floor baskets of white gladioli and Oregon fern. On the choir rail were placed 3 candelabra, each holding 7 can dles and in each window was a lighted candle banked with green ery and white larkspur. A program of wedding music was presented by Mrs. Grover Wilkes at the organ and Miss Alice Wea ver, vocalist. Prior to the cere mony Mrs. Wilkes played "At Eve. ning" by Kinder, and during the . taking of the vo\<^ "To a Wild Rose" by McDowell was played softly. The traditional wedding marches were used. Miss Weaver sang "Because" by d'Hardelot and "The Lord's Prayer" by Mallote. The bride, Who was given in mariage by her brother-ni-law, Nelson Tatham, had chosen for her wedding a two-piece dress of Waffle pique trimmed in lace med allions, and wore a hat of the same material with a short veil. She carried a white Bible, topped with a white orchid and showered with white satin streamers and stephan otis. Mrs. Walter Bradley of Dills boro, sister of the bride, was ma tron of honor. She wore a pink dress trimmed in white and had white accessories. She carried an old fashioned nosegay. Ray Clark, brother of the bride groom, of Cullowhee, was best man. Ushers were Hugh Battle and Ho ward Buchanan. The bride's mother's dress was of silk print with navy background. She wore a corsage of gardenias. The mother of the bridegroom wore a dress of navy blue with white accessories. Her corsage was of garaenias. The couple left immediately fol lowing the ceremony for a trip to the beach. She detached the or chid from her Bible and wore it with her going away costume. Upon their return they will live at Gay, where Mr. Clark is man ager of Clark's Place. Mrs. Clark graduated from Web ster High school and from Cecil's -Business Colege in Asheville and has been employed by Sossamon's Furniture Co. in Sylva for some time. Mr. Clark attended Sylva High school and served with the air force for three years during World War II. * < * * One farmer in Surry County is growing Turkish tobacco this year. The number of farm tractors in operation increased 16 per cent from 1945 to 1947. FOR SALE STRUCTURAL STEEL ANGLES, BEAMS, CHANNELS. We also carry in stock a complete line of other structural shapes. We will fabricate steel to your specifications. GLAZER STEEL CORP 2100 Ailor Avenue Knoxville, Tenn. Phone 4-8601 Miss Bryson Honored At Dinner Party Miss Mary Cecil Bryson, bride elect, has been honored at several pre-nuptial parties. While she was visiting in Chattanooga, Tenn., last week, Mrs. A. C? Carson enter* tained with a miscellaneous show er. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out in both the refreshments and the decorations. The house was decorated with pink and white roses. Twenty-eight of Miss Bryson's friends made up the guest list.' On Tuesday evening Miss Dotsy Bryson, cousin of the bride-elect, entertained in her honor at a din ner party at her home on Char lotte street. The tables where a four-course dinner was served were centered with wedding rings made from summer flowers, carrying out a color scheme of pink, blue and white. The serving table, covered with an imported lace cloth, was cen tered with an arrangement of Shasta daisies and other summer flowers and flanked on either side by candles in- crystal holders. Covers were laid for Miss Bry son, her mother, Mrs. T. C. Bry son, Jr., Mrs. Jennings Bryson, Miss Jeannene Bryson of Sylva, and Miss Pauline Freeman of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Andrew Queen of Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs. Stanley Henry of Waynesville. Tables were arranged and bridge was played following the dinner. Miss Bryson was presented^ piece of her crystal. * ? v ? Mrs. Leon Sutton Entertains Sylva Club Mrs. Leon Sutton, who recently moved to Asheville to make her home, entertained the members of her Sylva bridge club at a lunch eon bridge at her new home on Tuesday of this week. Following the luncheon twc tables were made up for play Mrs W. T. Wise won the high score award and Mrs. Dan Moore won second high award. Mrs. Wise and Mrs. Moore also-captured the traveling slam prizes. The club presented Mrs. Sutton with two pieces of silver in her pattern as a parting gift from the club. Mrs. Woody Hampton has been selected to fill Mrs. Sutton's vacancy. Those going over for the party were: Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Ralph Sutton, Mrs. Keith Hinds, Mrs. T. N. Massie, Mrs. Philip Stovall, Mrs. Grover Wilkes, and .Mrs. E. L. McKee. |. # # * l Miss Wilson Entertains Bridge Club Thursday I Miss Agnes WUson was hostess for the regular meeting last week of the Thursday Nite bridge club at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Tweed. When the guests arrived^ two tables were arranged for play Adding of scores showed that Miss Nancy Allison had made high score and Mrs. Dan B. HoopejMiad made low score. Both were given awards. Others playing were Mrs. Rudy Hardy, Mrs. Henry Brady, Miss Lou Elsie Parker, Miss Lela Moore Hall, Miss Dorothy Sue Tallent, and Miss Mary Henson. The hostess served sandwiches, potato chips, and coca-colas. * * Mrs. Beck Honored On Her 81st Birthday Open house was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McClure of Addie Sunday afternoon, June 6 in honor of Mrs. McClure's moth er, Mrs. Cynthia Beck, who cele brated her 81st birthday anniver sary. Mrs. Beck remains very active despite her advanced age. She received many lovely gifts from approximately 50 persons who called during the afternoon, Mrs. McClure served cake and lemonade as refreshments. KEEP COOL SAVE FUEL johns-manvelle insulation Our Crew Working In Sytva This Week For Information An# Free Survey of Your Home Call Mrs. Nicholson SYLVA DAY 92-J ? NIGHT 153 I citizens transfer & coal co. Dial 2-2461 ASHEVILLE. N PERSONALS Mrs. M. C. Cunningham and daughter, Carol, returned home Tuesday from Fort Mill, S. C. where they had spent two weeks with her father, Mr. T. A. Mills. Her sister in-law, Mrs. K. F. Mills, and two children, Marjorie and K. F. Jr. accompanied them home for a visit. Mrs. Dan Tompkins went to Au gusta, Ga. Wednesday to attend the funeral of her cousin, Miss Bertha Nix, who was killed in an automobile accidents near Coving ton, Ga. Monday afternoon. Miss Betty Paxton has returned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don Ashe in Morganton. While there she spent sometime at Clear Water Beach. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Ashe and Dick Williams of Morganton, who re turned home the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkins of Asheville have returned to their home after visiting her brother, Andrew Queen, and family. Little Joan Smith accompanied them home for a visit. Morris "Moss" Chester, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. An drew Queen, and his brother, Law rence "Pug" Chester have gone to Detroit where both will be em ployed. Miss Mary Lou Rutledge of Flor ence, S. C. was the week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Slagle. Miss Rutledge, who worked here last summer with Dr. Slagle, is enroute to Philadelphia to receive her M.D. degree from Temple Un iversity Medical School. Miss Bobbie Nell Ensley has re turned from Asheville where she spent two weeks in Aston Park hospital and one week in the or thopedic home. After undergo ing an operation on her arm, she is much improved, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reynolds of Durham were guests the first of the week of his sister, Mrs. Mary R. Cowan. Miss Edith Alley has come from Alexandria to spend the summer months with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Bumgarner, and Mr. Bumgarner at Sunset Farm. Miss Mary Cecil Bryson has re turned from a several days' visit to friends in Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Armstrong and two children, Patsy and Jim mie, of Gray Court, S. C., are vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cordell at Qualla. Mrs. Andrew Queen of Ports mouth, Va., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Haskett. While here she will serve as maid of honor in the Bryson-Patterson wedding Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shelton and son, Randall Lee, spent Sunday in Asheville, visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Shelton and family. Miss Ida Smith and Mrs. Clara Wendtr and two children, Nancy and Freddy, have returned to Commerce, Ga., after visiting Mrs. Wendt's mother, Mrs. Nannie Mc Guire, and other relatives at Cul lowhee. Mr. J. L. Hair was here from Chattanooga last week,-spending a few days with his family. Mr. Bob Tallon of Charleston, S. C., and Mr. Mike Turner of Franklin, Va., arrived Wednesday and will be here the remainder of the week. They came to attend the Bryson-Patterson wedding Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs,- Ivan Poteet were guests this week of his brother, Mr. Roscoe Poteet, and family. They had spent their honeymoon in Florida and were enroute to their home in Dayton, Ohio. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garrett of Sylva and Louisville, Ky., an nounce the birth of a daughter, on Tuesday, June 15, at the Harris Community hospital. Mrs. Gar rett was before her marriage, the former Miss Joyce Chester, daugh ter of Mrs. Andy Queen and the late M. D. Chester of Sylva. Mr. Garrett is the son of the late Ruban Garrett of Sylva and Mrs. Rosie! Garrett of Waynesboro, Ga. Miss Pauline Ward of Washing ton, D. C., is spending this week visiting relatives and friends in Sylva. She came to be here for the Bryson-Patterson wedding on Saturday evening. Mr.' and Mrs. Frank P. Crawford and daughter, Betsy Jane, have re turned from Foley, Ala., where they visited Mrs. Crawford's sis ter and husband, Dr. and Mrs. Stanley. Mr. "and Mrs. Woody Hampton attended the funeral of Mr. Hamp. Webster W. S. C. S. Group Has Meeting The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service of the Webster Metho dist church met last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. S. G. Monteith with 12 members pres ent. The president, Mrs. D. D. Da vis, presided. Mrs. Banister Madison gave the devotional and was also in charge of the program, which dealt with the work of the Methodists ir^-Po land. The Study Course leader, Mrs Joe Rhinehart, gave a report on the study on the United Nations which has been presented to the group the week before by Mrs. C.. C. Buchanan, librarian at Western Carolina Teachers College. The society, which always adopts one major project in connection with the church or parsonage as its work for the year, has decid ed to install a gas furnace in the church this year and plans for this .were discussed. A committee was named to make arrangements for the annual pot luck dinner to be held in July. Mrs. Ernest Penland and Mrs. Aliney Bryson will be hostesses at this time. The hostess served a sweet course. Mrs. George Lee Hostess For R. D. Circle Meeting On Thursday evening Mrs. Ge orge Lee was hostess for the June meeting of the Ruby Daniel cir cle of the Sylva Baptist church The president, Mrs. Lee Walker, presided over a routine business session. Mrs. Lawrence Monteith gave the devotional and Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Charlie Campbell were in charge of the Heck Jones mem orial program. The regular pro gram was presented by Mrs. W. T. Brown and Mrs. Cicero Bryson. The hostess served a sweet course. ? * * # Mrs. F. M. William Entertains Legion ~ \ Auxiliary Officers Mrs. Floyd Chad wick, depart ment president of the American Legion auxiliary and her son, Floyd Chadwick, Jr., of Morehead City, and Mrs. Dewey Clymer of Reids ville, department national defense chairman, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Williams while in Sylva to attend the district meeting of the 19th and 20th districts held ton's aunt, Mrs. U. K. Hyatt, in Hayesville, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Henson and son, Phil, of Corpus Christi, Texas, will leave to<Jay (Tnursday), after having spent since May 30 at Cul lowhee with his sisters, Misses Louise and Betty Henson, Another sister, Mrs. Claude Friend, and daughter, Peggy Louise, of Win ston-Salem, who have also been visiting the Misses Henson, ex pect to remain until about the 20th of the month. Mrs. J. R. Buchanan of Sylva and H. E. Buchanan left Wednes day for Danville, Ky., to be with the former's mother, Mrs. Sadie J. Long, who remains in a critical condition at a Danville hospital. Friends of Mr. W. C. Norton, who has been sick at his home at Cul lowhee for some time, will be glad to know that he is somewhat im proved. Calendar of Events Thursday, June 17?The Dillsboro Masonic Lodge will meet in the Masonic hall, Dillsboro, at 7:30 > p. m. Claude J. Cowan, W.M. Thursday, June 17?The Scotts Creek Missionary will meet with Mrs. B. S. Hensley at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Joe Sutton, president. Friday, June 18?The Woman's Society of Christian Service and the Wesleyan Service will have their joint monthly meeting in Allison building at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Harry Hastings, president. Monday, June 21?The Woodmen of the World will meet in the W.O.W. hall at 7:30 p. m. Jeff Hedden, council commander. Monday, June 21?The Sylva Fire men will meet at the city fire department at 6:45 p. m. Bart Cope, Chief. Tuesday, June 22?The Rotary club will have a dinner meeting at 7 p. m. Dr. D. D. Hooper, pres. Tuesday, June 22?The Camp Fire girls will meet in the Scout hall in the Methodist church at 7:30 p. m. Patsy Buckner, president. Wednesday, June 23?Oce Chap Gilbert Bess Observes His Ninth Birthday Gilbert Bess, son of Mrs. G. K. Bess, celebrated his ninth birth I day by inviting some of his young friends to come to the Sylva Phar macy to eat birthday cake and ice cream with, him on Friday eve ning, June 11. Friends enjoying the occasion were, Jerry Karp, Pete Dills and Douglas Campbell. Later the boys went to the Ritzs Theatre to see! the current show. at the Methodist church Monday. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Williams entertained with a supper in the rear garden of the Wil liams home. Other guests were Mrs. O. E. Monteith and her house guest, Miss Hinson of Stanley county, and Mrs. Dan Tompkins. DEALERS WANTED for "" IRON FIREMAN Automatic Heating Equipment f # Exceptional business and profit opportunities are now open in this area for Iron Fireman dealers. Iron Fireman automatic heat ing equipment is well known for its high quality and excel lent performance. There are hundreds of thousands of isfied users throughout the nation. Equipment is highly salable. Nationally advertised for 23 years, IRON FIRE MAN is an outstanding name in the heating field. Dealers selected will receive strong local backing, with merchandising and engineer ing assistance. Thorough sales training course available to dealers and their salesmen. For full information, write, telephone, or come in to see us. CITIZENS TRANSFER AND COAL CO. 18 Flat Iron Bldg. Asheville, N. C. Dial 2-2461 i ^ * m mm mmm mrnmmm?mmmm ter, No. 139, Order of the East- The Kinston Fat Stock Show thia ern Star will meet in the Masonic year was quite successful with hall, Dillsboro, at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. good exhibits of both beef cattla Hazel Carlson, Worthy Matron, and swine. PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORE Your Father's Day Headquarters "Remember DAD" *eJ Do you love Father or is he just the Family Cash Register? Express your love for him with a nice gift on June 20th, GIFTS FATHER WILL LIKE { If He Smokes RONSON Cigarette Lighters: $6.00 to $12.50 SCHICK, SUNBEAM, REMINGTON Electric Razors: $15.00 to $23.50 ELGIN & LONVILLE WATCHES: $24.50 to $55.00 THOUQHTPU uviijiM Someone you know will think more of you ? if you remember him with on appropriate card See our complete selection at Hallmark Cards for every occasion. The Book Store In The Herald Building A j jALLMARK Card will best expren your perfect taste ? your thoughtfulnesi. ^ If HE is a Camera Fan: CAMERAS, Still or Movie $3.49 to $98.00 HE will enjoy a box of CANDY from our re frigerated Candy case. PROFESSIONAL DRUG STOKE Phone 49 Your Walgreen Store Sylva, N. C.

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