^ S?iL \.ow? 1/ss nie LO^ FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre^ on Mam Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf CONCRETE BLOCKS lor build- j ing homes, stores, .yarns, ga- 1 rages or foundations. Sold at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hay^, below bridge in Franklin. Phone 903, Highlands, N. C. 6-21 tf The Truth About Catholics?Yoi should know the REAL FACTS Write for free information to: Box 305, Whiteville, N. C. June lO-Oct. 21 READY FOR SERVICE ? Reg istered Berkshire boar. O. E. Montaith, Maple Springs. No. 2tf WANTED ? Fresh Country Eggs and country hams. Park'Lunch Room, Sylva, N. C. No. 50 tf FOR SALE ? 3-piece living room suite, and Tappan gas stove, good condition. Mrs. T. M. Hen son, Sylva, N. C. 9-11* FOR RENT ? Rooms and apart ments. Apply at Sylva Hotel 7-10* LOST ? Saturday, July 18, be tween Ford Motor Co. and post office, Elbon 15 jewel yellow gold wrist watch. Reward. Mrs. C. H. Nicholson, Phone 231J. 10* WANTED ? White, middle aged woman for general house work Good wages. Call 0705, Sylva, N C. 10-11* FOR SALE ? 1937 Ford 60, good tires, radio, heater, in good con dition. $150.00. See T. K. Guthrie No. 10-11* FOR SALE?Pull Persian kittens 3 months old. If interested phone 256J2. " 10* Trailway House Trailer, fully equipped, to trade for piece of land on highway. John Chaney Parker and "Dalton Tourist Court Asheville Highway. 10* I EYES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted DR. ALDEN C. DOWNS will examine eyes and fit glasses in Sylva at the Carolina Hotel Friday, Aug. 13, from 9 o'clockj to 4 o'clock. If you have eye trouble or can't see well you should con sult Dr. Downs on above date. FOU SALE ? Late Model Furd -| Ftrgu-cn tractor and equipment , S.c W. F. Kn*kpalriek, at Beta. ID WAM ED?SCRAP IRON . . . Au-| tomubile body tin?All types! sheet iron?Metals. GLAZER STEEL CORPORATION 2100 AILOR AVENUE KNOXVILLE, TENN. TEL. 4-8601. We pay top cash prices. I FOR SALE ? STRUCTURAI STEEL ? ANGLES, BEAMS CHANNELS. We also carry ir stock a complete line of otnei structural shapes. We will fabri cate steel to your specifications. GLAZER STEEL CORPORATION '2100 AILOR AVENUE KNOXVILLE, TENN. TEL. 4-8601. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Frank M. Craw ford, deceased, late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed at Sylva, North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of July, 1949, or this notice will be plead ed in -bar of recovery thereon. All presons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 28th day of July, 1948. Edith S. Crawford, Executrix of the estate of Frank M. Crawford, deceased August 5, 12, 19, 26-Sept. 2, 9 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor or tne n-siaie of Rufus Danie . Phillips, late of Jackson County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against; said estate to present them to the undersigned at Cullowhee, North] Carolina, on or before the 15th day of July, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All person indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 15th day of July, 1948. Roy D. Phillips, Administrator of the Estate of Rufus Daniel Phil lips, deceased, of Jackson Coun ty, N. C. July 22-Aug 26 o ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the Estate of Sadie J. Long, late of Jackson County, North Car. olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed at Sylva, N. C., on or before July 17, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery there on. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 17th day of July, 1948. J. R. Long, Administrator of the Estate of Sadie J. Long, de ceased, of Jackson County, N. C. p|T "7 THEATRE |\ | | M WEEKLY PROGRAM Night Show*: 7:00 & 9:00 P. M.?Mat. Sat.?Late show Sat. 10:30 Adm.:Adults 35c tax incl.?Children under 12 yrs. 12c tax Ino. Saturday, August 7? OKLAHOMA BLUES WITH JIMMY WAKELY Owl Show SIGN OF THE WOLF MICHAEL WHALEN AND GRACE BRADLEY Sunday, August 8? 10TH AVENUE ANGEL MARGARET O'BRIEN AND GEORGE MURPHY Monday-Tuesday, August 9-10? THE SAINTED SISTERS VERONICA LAKE AND JOAN CAUFIELD Wednesday, August 11? BLONDIE'S REWARD ARTHUR LAKE AND PEGGY SINGLETON Thursday-Friday, August 12-13? TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE HUMPHREY BOGART AND WALTER HUSTON All Children not In irmi will have to purchase a ticket to eoter any performance at thl? Theatre. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified .?> llxccutrix >>i l.ic L.-taie o 1 Raccii S. Circe:'. UCCCa.>td, laic oi JalilMJtl C\'U!Uy. Xarth Carol.na, this is .*> notify ;.ll( pcr>.T:s having claim- iga.nst said Estate t*> present t:.Lin to Stiii wcli & Siillwcll. Ait irncys i'c r the Estate ol Robert S. Green, at Syl-j va. North Carolina, on or before the 15th day ol July, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar u I any recovery thereon. All per sons indebted to said Estate will I please make immediate settlemcn 1 at trie above office. This the 8th day of July, 1948. FANNY GREEN YOST Executrix of the Estate of Robert S. Green% July 15-Aug 19 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina Jackson County Ben L. Mashburn vs. Eva Nell Franks Mashburn The defendant, Eva Nell Franks Mashburn, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute di vorce from the defendant, and said defendant will further take no tice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County in the Courthouse in Sylva, North Carolina, within twenty days after | the 20th day of August, 1948, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 21st day of July, 1948 John E. Henson, Clerk Superior Court, Jackson County, North Car olina. July 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12.MVH EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor o the estate of Joe C. Middleton, late of Jackson County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Tuckaseigee, North Carolina, on or before July 22, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 22th day of July, 1948. T. F. Middleton, Executor of the Estate of Joe C. Middleton, ^de ceased, of Jackson County, N. C July 22-Aug 26 Army Has Openings For Former Skilled T-Men Due to a shortage of trained per sonnel in Army Antiaircraft Artil lery units, former members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard, who held occupa tional skills in that or an allied; field and were honorably dis charged after May 11, 1945 may be enlisted in grades up to and including Technical Ser geant, according to a state ment issued today by T-Sgt i David R. Calhcun ,Jr., command^ ing officer of the Sylva Army and Air Force Recruiting Station. The sergeant stated that no man will be accepted for a grade higher than that which he held when he was separated from the service, however. This shortage of skilled personnel has been caused by the expansior of the Army and the increase ir number of antiaircraft artiller. units. Among the former Navy and Coast Guard men who are especial ly desired are those skilled as ra darmen, electricians mates, gun ners mates, and fire controlmen Several other allied skills in th Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines will be accepted as qualifying for non-commissioned officers grades in the Army. The Sergeant further stated that men enlisting under this directive will be enlisted for three, four five or six years in the Regulai Army unassigned. After ccmple tion of reception processing an * PADGETT'S Specializing In RADIATOR AND MOTOR SERVICE We Clean and Repair ! All Work Guaranteed i One Day Service Cullowhee Road Phone 254-Jl PERSONALS : \Y. C\ W.-.'iu'y, Jr., ol \Val:i. 11a. S. C\. ssent the week-end with hi :.u;:t anci uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Corbin. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burnelte and liltle daughter, Dorcthy, left Wed nesday of last week for a visit with Mr. Bu mettle's sister in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Mack White of Concord were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hooper, Jr. Mrs. Dillard Coward, who has been a patient in Mission hospital, Asheville, lor - several days, re turned to her home Monday. Mis. C. Buchanan, librarian at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege, President W. E. Bird, Miss Anne Albright, dean of women, and Dr. Carl Killian of the visual education department, are spend ing this week at Chapel Hill, at tending the Library Workshop in session at the University for li brarians and other educators from North Carolina, South ? Carolina, and Virginia. Mrs. W. H. Carter returned to Hendersonville Saturday after making a short visit with her sis ter, Mrs. J. R. Buchanan, and fam ily. Mrs. M. Buchanan, Sr., ac companied her to Hendersonville for a visit with her son, H. E. Buchanan, and family. Miss Lela Moore Hall will go to Franklin Monday where she has accepted work with the Welfare department. She will begin her duties Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. God dard and four children of Chatt anooga, Tenn., arrived last week end for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Buchanan. Mr. Goddard returned Sunday, bu Mrs. Goddard and the children will be here for some Sime. ^ Ramsey Buchanan, Jr., returnee Tuesday from Harriman, Tenn. where he has been visiting friends Mr. Samuel F. Mills, son of Mr and Mrs. C. W. Mills, spent two weeks vacation here. He is em ployed with the Ford Brake Lin ing Co., of Detroit, Mich. Mr. Chester Crawford and 6on, Billy, of Belton, S. C., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mills of Sylva. Lois and Ned Slagle returned the required training, they will bt initially assigned to an antiair craft artillery unit with duties con sistent with or related to the mil itary occupational skill unde which they were enlisted. Full information on.this new and temporary offer m;iy be obtained by visiting the local Army and Air Force Recruiting Station at Sylva Radio & Electric Shop or by con tacting any Army and Air Force Recruiting Sergeant. Although no time limit has been set for accept ing enlistments under this pro gram, it is expected the authority will be withdrawn as scon as the antiaircraft personnel status is such j as to remove it from the critical] Mot. Rectal Soreness Get Relief New Easy Way ? Sit In Comfort rrolftrmon is a quick. dependable reliever of itching, painful rectal soreness-?symp toms which may also accompany piles and hemorrhoids. lJrings soothing sense of ~ comfort uron contact, forms protecting * film over sore area, helpi destroy infectious germs, aids Natrro heal up raw, broken tissues. No oil ? no grense to stain cloth ing. Sold on money back guarantee. p,0 sure to get this modern relief today . . . ask for ^ PROLARMON A PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORt GLENN FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 65 . . Sylva, N. C j 8:28tf | WOODMEN OF THE! j j WORLD Life Insurance Society j i . Fraternity Protection Service ? RITTON M. MOORI ?ytva R?or*tontitlv? ! Sylva* W. C. f:om Brevard Saturday where tnev h. vo spent t\vj monlh> in a sUTr.trier c. mp lor boy? and g;: !.?. Mr. ..rut Mrs. C. C. Hess ol' Or F.a. were Sylva gue-.:- i. -t >*.. ? ' M? s. i 1 e ?> - v. > i. r . i M - iV.r. a R y \v i.. l. \ ed v. :er t. or in Sylva Uv*? ? ri> in 1M. . . v.? M?-. Ft u \ lie.'ly '. i' e i Sand. ;* t ? fcir 1: m*.* in i . i". 1 ?M k . ii.. n. a. 1'- r \ : ?.".' ' . :? ,i r. :r,s. Mr. and .Mr -. i!v - ."amel Ashe. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. II.ill. .U r spending a month in .i c Ua.,c at Cull iwiiee, returned to their home ;n Ihit?esburg, Mississippi Satur day. While here they visited. taeir daughter, Mrs. Jack Allison, and; his mother, Mrs. Hannah Hall, and, otner relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gegan, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and1 i Mrs. D. M. Allison, returned to their home in Memphis, Tenn. Sat-! urday. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Buckner and children, Jack and Joy, of Indian-! apolis, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. P. D j T^jWeese, MVs. Robbie Phillips and Mrs. Grace White, all of Can ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Grady Clark of Mars Hill were guests Sunday of their brother, J. E. Buckner and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Edwards and family of Erastus were in Brevard Friday attending the birthday din- | ner of Mrs. Edwards' father, E. D., Moody, who recently returned to Brevard after spending three months in Longview, Wash, with his son, Lester, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs .Frank Sydnor and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson of Mt. Airy, N. C., who were vacationing at High Hampton Inn, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Terrell at their home in Dillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cannon had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Sr. of Montgom ery, Alabama, Lt. and Mrs. George Brown, Jr., of Blackstock, S. C. Mrs. Bess Barger of Washington D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Mrs. Rachel McClure and daughter, Kay, of Asheville. Mrs. Venoy Reed arrived last week-end from Rock Hill, S. C. where she has been for the past six weeks attending the summer session at Wint.horp College. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Cryder of Grand Rapids, Michigan, left Mon day after spending the week-end with Mrs. Ben Queen. Arrivi ngMonday, Mr. and Mrs S. A. Adkins and Mr.. P. R. Phenix of Charlotte are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Can *,n unci Mr. ar.cl Mrs.. .Wayne Ter ed. Mr. v r.d Mrs Floyd . nd >i:,,!( r, Doris, an ?? ed .\J iv, .! I -. 1 l.n y s uot <. . . 'V (Yeek, N C\ :? .. 1 i her <-ister. M.s t\ ! i. M: . C\ H Iia *. . S." a - t .O V. ?JV.l-V'Mi L.u ?' i lit.an'ater, Mis. Kenne'.n i'r?- a .i at t'ul 1> iwiiL'o. Colbert Smith and C'has. Gi:.m. <i)ii and Mrs. Wilson at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Snyder of Maple Springs, had as their guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Van Smathers and son, Ben Kay. of Hendersonville and Mrs. Mable Hair, u! Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Ai len Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sut ton, Billy Sutton and Mrs. Kate Henke. who is visiting her parent Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sutton. Suve Up To 50 per ct. AT ? May W am of Disordered Kidney Action Modern lift' with its hurry and worry, irregular habits, improper eating and drinking ? its risk of exposure and infec tion?throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to hlter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. Vi