For The Women Society News and Club Activities Phone 110 Grady Wedding Solemnized At Beta Mr. Ray Frank Deitz and Miss Lure Grady, both of Ashevillg were united in marriage in a quiet' ceremony Wednesday, August 18 at Beta in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Thad P. Deitz, grandparents of the bride-groom, the Rev. Mr Deitz perfoming the ceremony. Immediately following the cere mony the young couple left for Prankl.n and Atlanta on a brief honeymoon. They will make their heme in Asheville where both are employed in the U. S. Postal Accounting of fice. * * * Glenville 0,E.S. Has Regular Meeting Glenville chapter, No. 222, Or der of the Eastern Star, held a regular meeting on Saturday eve ning with Mrs. Ellen Robinson, Worthy Matron. The Worthy Matron distributed the Year Books to the members and dedication of the Year's work was made to "Aunt Lula Franks/' the oldest member of the chapter wno is 85. Following the dedica tion the honoree 'was presented With Hpw_ers and gifts. During the social hour an ice course was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Emma Fowler, Mrs. Maxie .Freeman, and Mrs. Emma Lou Burrell. * * * Mrs. Jack Allison Honored At Shower On Friday evening Miss Nancy Allison, Mrs. Bailey Whitt of Ashe ville, and Mrs. J. L. Hooper of Waynesville entertained at the home of their mother, Mrs. J c Allison, with a bridge shower as a 'Courtesy for their sister-in-law, MrS. Jack Allison. The house, dec orated with arrangements of va ried colored dahlias, gladioli, and asUrs, formed a lovely setting for the affair. On arriva) the guests found three tables appointed for bridge in the living room,'; ^he^awar<f for high score went to Mrs. D. M. Hall. Jr., that for second high was won by the guest of honor, and Mrs. Rudy Hardy received the prize fop low score. Cards were removed and covers laid for a salad course which was served. The tables were cen tered with miniature shoes, lambs, and baby buggies holding "pink" .and blue asters. Mrs. Allison was then presented a shower of gifts. Guests playing were the honoree, Mrs. D. M. Hall, Jr., Mrs. Rudy Hardy, Mrs. Wayne Terrell, Mrs. Pan B. Hooper, Mrs. Woody Hampton, Mrs. Ned Morris, Mrs. Martin Cunningham, Mrs. Roger DiUard, Miss Mary Henson, Miss Rebecca Sue Cannon and Miss Lela Moore Hall. Other guests coming in for refreshments were Mrs. Frank Massie, Miss Anne Enloe, Miss Hattie Hilda Sutton J and Mrs. Fred Allison from Way nesville. I Enslev?Welch Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Lydia H. En aley to Mr. Wright M. Welch on Sunday, August 22, at Yongles Is land, S. C. The ceremony was performed by The Rev. Bass, pastor cf Calvary Baptist church. Mrs. Welch, formerly of Sylv~ has been employed by the Ameri can Tobacco Company in Charles ton, S. C. Mr. WBiclfc ^rrjftd three years with the U. S. Navy, and has for ; twelve years been connected with the Naval ammunition depot at Charleston. The ygung couple will make their home in Charleston. # ? * Mrs. C. R. Rowlson Honored. At Shower Another party7 honoring Mrs. Charles R, 'Rowlson, the former Miss Hannah Lou Brown of Cul lcwhee, recent birde, was the mis cellaneouf rslKower given on Wed nesday afternoon by Miss Caro yn Stillwell and Mrs. William Bryson in Moore parlors of West ern Caroina Teachers College. The reception room was decorated with mixed summer flowers and white iapers in silver candelabra. Appropriate games and contests provided th* afternoon's entertain ment. Jimmy Engman and Sue Ann Bryson, dressed as a bride and] groom in the dress suit Mad long) white sarin gown, entered to the! strains of the wedding march, went to the guest of hcnor and led her to the basket of gifts. The hostesses, assisted by Miss Helen Bird and Miss Martha Lou' Si HI well, served punch and sand vv iches. Mrs. Lloyd Engman play ed several musical selections dur ing the afternoon. * * * * E. L. McKees Honor Mr. and.^rs#JRpwlson Mr. and E. McKee were hosts at a dinner party on Monday evening of las* w^^k at High Hampton InTif honoring Mr. Mc Kee's nitto^rs. Chyles R. Rowl son, and IttoWlsbn, who were recently married in^fcocoa, Fla. Covers we? lakitffer the follow ing guests: Mr. an#t/frs. Rowlson, Mr and Mr, ?. jjtf&iall. Jr., of Sylva, Mrs. H. L.$McKee, Jr., of -AshevUle, and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Brown of Cullowhee. * * * T. C. Brysjnsi |Jr., Enter tain At SuridetVarm Mr.sand Mrs, T. ?. Bryson, Jr., entertained * tin Tuesday evening, August 17, with a small dinner party as a courtesy for their house guests, Mr* jjnd Mrs. L. H. Thurs ton, of Miami; Fla. It was also the birthday o| .Mrs^^urston. The t>t>le At wmcrfthe group was seated had a lovely arrangement of mixed su^ajvllowers for a centerj&ete. .^OQtn , enjoying the Brysons' hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. Felice <fVcyffV***r and Mr and FINE CANDIES Your Gift of Candy to wife, friend or sweetheart will be appreciated If it is one of our fresh, attractive boxes of . . . HOLLINGSWORTH SAMPLER or _ ft Fresh shipment WHITMAN'S SAMPLER S2 AND $4 ? ASSORTED SUMMER CANDIES ? Gales, Whitman's, Hollingsworth and Old Dominion SYLVA PHARMACY IN FEQUSON NEW BUILDING?MAIN STREET Mrs. J. C. Allison Entertains For Son Mrs. J. C. Allison was hostess cn Wednesday evening, August 18, to a small group of friends in ob servance of the birthdav of her son, Howard Allison. The living room was decorated with mixed summer flowers. Ice cream and th? birthday cake, which was cut and served by the guest of honor, were served in the living rocm. Following this several progressions of cards were played. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Ned Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allison, Mrs. Ogla Levine of Miami, Fla., Boyd Sossamon, Miss Nancy Allison, and Mrs. Bailey Whitt. * * * Misses Poteet Honor Miss Cooke, Bride-Elect k On Thursday evening at 8 o' clock about eighteen of the young er set gathered at the home of Misses Jean and Thelma Poteet when they entertained with amis cellaneous shower as a courtesy for Miss Barbara Jo Cooke of Ashe ville, who will be married on S.p tember 1 to John F. Corbin, ^Jr., of Sylva. | Several games oc Bingo were played. The prizes were kitchen utensils and the winners in turn' presented them to the honor guest. A salad course was served to ?he guests. Mrs. Z. L. Cooke of Asheville, the bride-elect's moth er and Mrs. J. F. Corbin, mother of the bride groom-elect, were among the number attending. The honoree was presented a number of beautifully wrapped packages which contained both beautiful and useful gifts. * * * Miss Tallent Is Hostess For Junior Woman's Club Miss Dcrothy Sue Taller.t was hostess for the August meeting of the Junior Woman's club on Wed nesday evening. August 18, with a large number of members attend ing. The meeting was held at the home of Miss Tallent's sister, Mrs. Clair Olson, at Cullowhee. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Dan B. Hooper presided over a lengthy business session. A number of matters were discussed and donations voted to be paid to some civic enterprises. The program was omitted and the members enjoyed a social hour, during which the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Olson, served a salad course. Lovefield H. D. Club Has Monthly Meet The Lovefeild Home Demon stration club met with Mrs. H. H. Ashe for the regular July meet ing. Mrs. Dennis Higdon, the presi dent, presided and opened the meeting in regular form. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, the roll called and dues paid. Due to the meeting in Asheville Miss Johnston was unable to meet with them. The subject for dis cussion was "Vegetable Canning/* Mrs. Higdon took charge of the discussjjm, giving the latest in formatiorr'^^SHUQer canning. The curb marlpt was discussed ??d suggesticn&Jhnade on how tc !'display their produce. ! A report on the Chest X-Ray mobile unit was given by Mrs. j : Higdon. She stressed the impor 1 tance of the club circulating the word in the community and urging every person to have a chest X Ray. Plans were made for the annual picnic, after which the hostess 'served refreshments, and a social hour was enjoyed. WATCH REPAIR Nicholson's Watch Repair Three Expert Repairmen ? at ? DEPENDABLE JEWELERS Mrs. Bryson Honored At Shower Monday Mrs. Clyde j Bryson entertained several friends at a miscellaneous shower at her home in Beta on Monday evening honoring Mrs. ?mma Bryson who will soon be leaving their ccmmunity to go to the Savannrh community of the county where she will serve on 'he school faculty as teacher of the fifth grade. After opening the gifts presented to Mrs. Bryson, the hostess served a sweet course to the following guests: Mrs. Bryson, Mrs. T. J. Murmillo, Mrs. Clyde Springer, Mrs. Rcbert Shuler, Mrs. Ernest Jones, Mrs. Lee Henson, Mrs. John Parr.s, Mrs. Allen Fisher, Miss Alice Snyder, Mrs. Frank Terrell, and Mrs. John Green. * * * Calendar of Events Friday, Aug. 27?The American Legion will meet in the Com munity House at 7:30 p. m. F. M. Williams, Commander. Mond y, Aug. 30?The Woodmen ol the World will meet in the WOW hall at 7:30 p. m. Jeff Hedden, council commander. Monday, Aug. 30?The Sylva Fire men will meet at the fire sta tion at 6:45 p. m. Bart Cope, chief. Tuesday, Aug. 31?The Rotary club will have a dinner meeting in Allison building at 7 p. m. J. C, Cannon, president. Wednesday, Sept. 1?The Halcyon club will have their annual pic nic at Cherokee at 7 p. m. Mrs. Roger Dillard, president. Thursday, Sept. 2?The B. H. Cath ey chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, will meet Mrs. A. J. Dills at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. J. A. Bryson, president. Thursday, Sept. 2?The Dillsboro Masonic lodge will meet in the M; sonic hall, Dillsboro at 7:30 p. m. Claude J. Cowan, W.M. ' HOSPITAL NEWS Mr. Paul West cf Franklin is improving following an operation^ Miss Dixie Coins is recovering from an operation. Miss Hester Owens of Whittier is receiving treatment. Mr. Zack Houston of Erastus, recovering from appendectomy. Mr. Fred Barron of Gay is re ceiving treatment. Master Robert Welch of Frank lin is receiving treatment. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Claude Campbell of Sylva have announced the birth of a son on Thursday, Aug. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Blazer of Beta have announced the birth of a son on August 20. The baby will bear his father's name. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis of Sylva a son on August 21. A son was born August 24 to Mr. ;nd Mrs. W. D, Deitz of Greeni PERSONALS Mr. ar.d Mrs. Frank Harper re turned to their home in Durham n Mo.iduy alter having spent t.-.L j wtek-end with Mr. crd Mrs. J../?<; s n Dunn. Mr. Harper i> a brot.. ?4r o. Mrs. Dunn. Mr. T. C. Bryson is reported to| U> ill at his home in Bet... Mises Opal ar.d Dorothy Broumr have returned to Brevard, where they are employed, after spending the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Broome of Argura. Mr. John Nicholson and family, Mansfield, Ohio, are spending t'ris week with his mother, Mrs. T. J. N cholson, and other relatives in Sylva. Mrs. Thad Russell is spending her two weeks vacation visiting in New York City, Buffalo, and Nia gra Falls. John McDuffie, who has been a patient for more than a year in a veteran's hospital in New Mexico, is cn a seventeen-day leave here with his wife, the former Miss Winnie Parris of Addie. Major and Mrs. W. S. Saunders of Fort Eustis, Va., spent the past week with Mrs. Saunders' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allman, at their home in Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Queen left to-day (Thursday) for their home in Peabcdy, Ky., after a two weeks' visit with his sister. Miss Sadie Queen, and his brother. Bill Queen. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McDowell, :>'ter a ten days' visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stall cup at Whittier, left Wedne>day to re'urn to their home in Auburn ialc, Fla. Rev. and Mrs. Clark W. Benson and son, Corky, of Charlotte are spending this week with Mrs. Ben em's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Meddcn. The Bensons spent last eek at Bethel visiting friends of is !o: mer pastorate, Bethel Meth odist church. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Long n-d twe children, Harry, Jr., and Howard, of Clyde, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allman at Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Aber nathv and children, Patsy and Sonny Boy, of Portsmouth, Va., were overnight guests, Tuesday, of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff He del en before joirg to Bryson City to visit Mrs. Abernathy's father, Mr. Bob- Pat terson. \ Mrs. H. Gibson and Mrs. How ard Hyatt of Waynesv.lle returned from Washington, D. C., Tuesday, where they had been called by the illness of Mrs. Gibson's daugh ter, Mrs. Edward J. Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Merle L. Moseman, Creek, I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Estes of Whit tier are the parents of a son born the 25th of August. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murphy of Cullowhee have announced the arrival of a daughter born Aug. 25. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Ray Bennett of Franklin have artnounced the birth of a daughter on Sunday, August 25, at Angel's hospital, Franklin. Mrs. Bennett was, before her mar ? ; ge. Miss Mary Vance of Sylva. REFLECT! OM... OF YOU Your gr*?tfng cards r?ft?ct your fast*... mirror your individuality. So rtmtfnbcr ? for ?v*ry occa sion choosa distinctly Hallmark Cards. THE BOOK STORE In The Herald Building Main Street Phone 110 Sylva, N. C. 4 Gay News Mi>. Duvid Lee Fox of Pied mont is her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Dry. r.t Browning. Mr. arid Mrs. Willie Burdgette :.d Miss Mary Woud..rd oi An v'iorson S. C.. are visiting Mr. and u: Speedwell, and Mrs. E. M. Mose nu.n, 01 Black Mountain, spent the week-end with their mother !;.u sjn. Mr. Edward Mu>ema:i, .n olonega, \'i.. Sol Schulman, of Schulman's department store, and his brother, Barney Schulman ot Canter., are in New York this week buying fall and winter merchandise for t n e i r s. ^ > r es. Boyd Sossamon, of Sossamon's Furniture company, was in Ashe ville Tuesday on business. Mr. Frank Jarrett, who was re- ? ported to be quite ill at his home in Dillsboro, is suffering from a very painful attack of lumbago'^ Mr. Jarrett is able to be up nnd ?s much more comfortable. . Dr. and Mrs. W. P. McGuire re turned Monday ?frcm Muri'rees ooro. Term., where they visited t: eir d. ughter, Mrs Robert Oa:rie weil, and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Holden of Albermrirle. and Miss ALIeen Wil urns of Wilmington left Wednes day alter a short visit with their . tiler. Mr. Bad Williams, at Last L;.Porte and his parents. Mr. and _^Ir>. R. L. Holden. at Speedwell. -"Mrs. Will am Reeves and son. Billy, of Leicester, 'have been vis iting Mrs. Reeves' mother. Mrs. E. H. S'illwell, ar.d her sisters. Misses Carolyn and Martha Lou Stillwell. at their home at Cullo whee. Dr. R. S. Morgan is spending a few days this week in Winston Salem on business. He will return to Svlva the latter part of the week. Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Slagle and children are spending this week in Connecticutt visiting Mrs. Sla gle's parents. They expect to re turn to Sylva Saturday. Mr. and Mr>. Snaler Gillev spent the week-end in Mountain City Tenn., having been called there .6 a'tend tl;e funeral of Mrs. Gil ley's nephew. P. A. Walker of Lake Wales, Fla., and J. L. Walker of Rnck mart, Ga., spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. C. B. Thomp son, and Mr. Thompson. .Vi! ?. rv*y rSec.'. Mr. a:*d Mrs. Walter Wilson wt.e t>.e guest? of Rev. and Mrs. George Woodard, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wocdard of Anderson, S. C., were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beck and other relatives. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rollins have announced the birth of a son on Wednesday, August 18. at a Char lotte hospital. Mrs. Rollins was, before her marriage. Miss Laura Browning. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bishop and son, Jehnny Bishop, motored to Asheville, Sunday, to see their daughter and sister, Arline Bishop, who was stricken with polio sev eral weeks ago. Mrs. Mann Woodard is on the sick list. Monroe L. Wilson, Dock Wilson, Arthur Browning, Clyde Woodard, and Grover Woodard motored to see the air show. The Community singing conven tion was held at the Zion Hill Baptist church, Sunday, with sev eral quartets and choirs present to take part. Everyone enjoyed it very much. * * * Tobacco importing countries of the world have a decided prefer ence for leaf grown in the United States. This preference was in creased during Word War II by the distribution abroad of American type cigarettes and other tobacco products containing United States le.if. ^ * * * The post-war growth of farm popuation in the United States came to a halt in 1947. WOODMEN OF THE? WORLD j Life Insurance Society j Fraternity Protection Service i BRITTON M. MOORE Sylva Representative Sylva, N. C. i BUILDING MATERIAL AND LUMBER DEPARTMENT BEFORE COED WEATHER^ Av STRIKES Let us insulate your attic with ROCK WOOL ... weather strip your windows and doors. ? 1-2 inch Insulation Board ? 9S7.SO per M. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A complete Hardware Store where you will v. find hundreds of items to fill your needs about the store, office, home and farm. LET US SAND YOUR WORN FLOORS ... our expert workmen will finish them like new. I Our paint department is well stocked with Pee Gee Paints and Varnishes. All paint 10% off for cash through September 4. SYLVA GOAL & LUMBER GO. A Complete Phone 71 Hardware Store Sylva, N. C.

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